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Quitters in WZ's


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People also need to get it through their heads that it isnt about winning and losing. I've quit rounds where we were winning before because of bads on my team. It just the other team had worse bads. I didn't want to get stuck in a queue rotation with them.


Exactly, I quit a warzone today cause we were winning so bad, as a healer I had literally NOTHING to do, I had no interesting in healing nothing for the full duration of voidstar. So I left, my team wasn't going to get a loss, if anything I gave a random some free comms.

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At L60, there should NEVER be a situation like you describe, people learning pvp, do not belong in the bracket.


There is a reason lowbies and midbies exist and that is to learn your class, to collect comms to gear up sufficiently to play effectively at 60 and to actually learn how to play warzones.


Same applies in PVE, those people do low level flashpoints, HM FPs, SM Ops, nightmare etc and learn how to play as they progress, PVP should be no different.


Unfortunately we do not have the gear gate luxury the PVErs have, so leaving a warzone and getting into a different pop rotation, when I am subjected to the selfish people who want to learn PVP at L60, is a far more efficient use of my leisure time.


Tbh I find midbies more refreshing than lvl 60 bracket.


A. New players don't always mean bad and they end up in this bracket far more often and you make new and interesting friends and also odds are different.


B. At lvl 60 I keep running into the same synched premades, massive sorc and sin population that also team up, and the same troll 5 warzones in a row. I honestly get tired of seeing the same players...and cause of that 60's can be pretty lame. I have nothing wrong with premades but I have literally ran into guilds where its premade fotm classes or nothing. You never run into a lone wolf from that guild.


Pvp is pvp no matter the bracket, I don't care about when you try to learn, as long as you DO learn, DO adapt to changing scenarios, and you DO listen to advice. You can pvp all day long get to 60 and if you haven't learned how to work as a team, haven't learned how to realize rushing at the same door in voidstar has failed you for 7 minutes straight, or listen to "Hey guard the healer tank..." and so on then you need to just stop playing.

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There are similarities, but also dissimilarities. A glaring difference between the two is that you can easily kick a person from a flashpoint and it is basically impossible to do so from a warzone. How would you like to queue up for a flashpoint only to be stuck a team with 2 others that seem to only know how to pull aggro off every single mob in the area and then not know how to do any damage, and 1 who has an idea. Wipe after wipe after wipe after wipe. You try to help them out and give them pointers...and they say "I like fighting big mobs." You tell them to heal up before pulling another mob and they either ignore you or say "You are operative you heal." You tell them you are dps, but they proceed to pull everything and wipe again. You mark the mezz target and tell them to not attack it...and you make sure to mez the one they arent attacking, but as soon as they see that its mezzed they switch long enough to break the mez and then go back to ignoring it. So you mez again...same thing happens. Tell me you aren't going to kick the two idiots...but wait...if this were like pvp you would not be able to. You would be forced to quit the flashpoint and then have a penalty because of the bads. That is how pvp is. If I could easily kick the bads I wouldn't care so much about a penalty, but that isn't how it is.


Exactly. No one listens to anything you say, in fact it seems whatever advice you offer them they do the opposite. It drives me insane when someone is an obvious noob so you go out of your way to be kind, and explain something that will help them..(Put a second offhand lightsaber on your mara instead of pretending to be a jugg) and then they get pissy with you and A. Don't do it. B. Pretend they knew it, C. Just ignore you. I think 5 votes should remove a player from a warzone. That's the vast Majority of the team, and prevents a premade from getting rid of it, and of course the potential of that bad having a friend or people who dont even listen. Honestly getting 5 people to vote would be hard, but it would be a nice feature for the overly bad.

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It's too easy to quit and no penalty for completely destroying the queue for everyone.


If you want better teammates then group with friends, screwing up the queue for everyone else because you have too much epeen to take a loss tells all of us everything we need to know about you.


first offense should be 5 min lockout, second should be 15 min lockout, third should be a daily lockout.


Then give people a 5-15-daily lockout for ruining the queue for everyone else by deathmatching instead of playing objectives. Playing like a turd does more to guarantee a loss than leaving a match that you know you can't carry in spite of your best efforts, after all.


Should probably disallow queuing ranked without 2018 expertise while we're at it, how that isn't a thing yet is beyond me.


I mean, leaving isn't always the right solution or the best solution or anything, but acting all righteous about the subject is silly considering WHY people leave...

Edited by Vashir
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Bioware needs to establish some thresholds to get any rewards at all (xp/creds/valor/comms) before taking away my right to ditch games where people are trolling, afk, or playing terribly.


They can be low to start and tweaked later, but I'm thinking 200-360k dmg/heals and 5-6 medals @60 to get anything at all.


THe problem with that it's going to encourage even more medal farming over actually trying to do the Objectives.

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At L60, there should NEVER be a situation like you describe, people learning pvp, do not belong in the bracket.


There is a reason lowbies and midbies exist and that is to learn your class, to collect comms to gear up sufficiently to play effectively at 60 and to actually learn how to play warzones.


Same applies in PVE, those people do low level flashpoints, HM FPs, SM Ops, nightmare etc and learn how to play as they progress, PVP should be no different.


Unfortunately we do not have the gear gate luxury the PVErs have, so leaving a warzone and getting into a different pop rotation, when I am subjected to the selfish people who want to learn PVP at L60, is a far more efficient use of my leisure time.


I didn't start PVP until I was at max level. Actually I didn't even know how to queue for it until a friend told me.


A lot of people get curious as their guildies start doing PVP and so on. Your expectation that people should have learned in lowbie PVP is unrealistic and doesn't account for other people's scenarios. I'd agree with you if you were talking about ranked, but you aren't.


PVE is the same thing. Some people might never try flash points until they get to max level. The way the game is setup for solo leveling, it shouldn't be shocking that you'd find a lot of players not even trying group content until there is no more story content for them to do.


In essence there are and will continue to be scenarios that I described in my first post. The only way to avoid that is to group a premade, and I'm sure you wouldn't complain about the other team having "bads" as you faceroll with a premade. :rolleyes:

Edited by Papazmurf
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Exactly, I quit a warzone today cause we were winning so bad, as a healer I had literally NOTHING to do, I had no interesting in healing nothing for the full duration of voidstar. So I left, my team wasn't going to get a loss, if anything I gave a random some free comms.


I never thought about it like that. I've always wondered why people quit a game when our team was definitely going to win. While I'm not for quitting warzones, when you put it like that it almost seems honorable.

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I never thought about it like that. I've always wondered why people quit a game when our team was definitely going to win. While I'm not for quitting warzones, when you put it like that it almost seems honorable.


Yes! I did it for the people! :D

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At L60, there should NEVER be a situation like you describe, people learning pvp, do not belong in the bracket.


There is a reason lowbies and midbies exist and that is to learn your class, to collect comms to gear up sufficiently to play effectively at 60 and to actually learn how to play warzones.


Same applies in PVE, those people do low level flashpoints, HM FPs, SM Ops, nightmare etc and learn how to play as they progress, PVP should be no different.


Unfortunately we do not have the gear gate luxury the PVErs have, so leaving a warzone and getting into a different pop rotation, when I am subjected to the selfish people who want to learn PVP at L60, is a far more efficient use of my leisure time.


yet there is.


Just a basic interesting thought then. How about some simple pre-requistes for wz's, at any level.


For example, since bolster exists, maybe use valor as a partial guide. Say, valor 1-10 must be in lowbie unless grouped. 11-30 valor must be in midbies unless grouped. And in terms of grouped, maybe take an average of the group to determine, thus if all are new, they'd be stuck at lowbie.


And while some might think bolster matters, the higher the level, and the better the pve gear, the worse they will be in wzs.

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yet there is.


Just a basic interesting thought then. How about some simple pre-requistes for wz's, at any level.


For example, since bolster exists, maybe use valor as a partial guide. Say, valor 1-10 must be in lowbie unless grouped. 11-30 valor must be in midbies unless grouped. And in terms of grouped, maybe take an average of the group to determine, thus if all are new, they'd be stuck at lowbie.


And while some might think bolster matters, the higher the level, and the better the pve gear, the worse they will be in wzs.


Splitting it up by valor level is a bad idea. Case in point...I leveled up a new scoundrel and operative during 12x xp and did no pvp during that time on those toons. So I had 0 valor level as a 55 concealment op...something I am very experienced with. You put that toon in lowbies and I'd tear everything apart with that. To have it make any sort of sense it valor would have to be legacy wide, and even then its still not a good idea. Valor means next to nothing and does not indicate skill in the least.

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