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Jedi Marriage


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So this may have come up before, but I went four or five pages deep and didn't see anything and I'm bored at work, so here we are. :)


My Jedi Consular and my Jedi Knight both got married. For the consular, my fiance talks about how the jedi interviewed him / questioned him about his intentions toward me, what he thought about marriage, etc and he says that he realizes that maybe making him think about those questions is part of the 'approval' process to make sure he's serious about the commitment. There's even a line about having a big wedding celebration at the Jedi Temple on Tython. At no point did I incur any dark side points for following my passions.


My Jedi Knight, however, had to get married in secret, by a droid whose memory was erased (so is it even really binding / legal? I would think not)... and I took a dark side hit to get married.


WHY are the Jedi Knights treated differently than the Consulars? :p


I don't care about the dark side points (easily recovered) but the story behind the different treatments they receive.

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Best guess: probably each story had different writers and so you are seeing the writers' take on the whole "Jedi can't have relationships or get married" or stuff like that.


Personally, the whole rule forbidding relationships and marriage for the Jedi has always struck me as pretty LAME, and the concept that marital relationships contain the kind of love that will lead you to the Dark Side is just a product of Lucas' own personal issues with love and marriage.

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There's a line I dimly remember where someone (possibly my Sage) says something like, "Jedi are not taught to IGNORE their passions, but to CONTROL them"... perhaps the more contemplative nature of the Consular "path" leads the head-honcho Jedis to see them as being able to control their passions, whereas the more "warlike" Knights are too hot-headed to resist their passions.


The Sith Inquisitor (whom I play pure light side) has some great discussions with her padawan (ostensibly a Jedi) about how not all Sith are the same, they don't all follow the Emperor, aren't all evil... they just embrace their passions rather than try to hide from them.


The whole light side / dark side thing always annoyed me when it comes to passions. I mean, yes, one can easily see where passion could lead one to doing 'bad' things, especially if you consider 'bad' things to be things that benefit one person (the loved one) more than some nebulous 'greater good'. Nice that a game gets one thinking about such things, anyway. :)

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There's also the whom you choose to marry to consider:



The JK has Kira or Doc as romantic interests. The former, is a "child of the emperor" and therefore a risk to fall to the DS. The latter is a scoundrel and not entirely above board; again a risk.


OTOH the JC has Nadia or Irresso. The former, is a diplomat's daughter and force sensitive (whom you take under your wing and train). The latter is a soldier of the Republic. Both are generally good people. Less risk


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honestly marrying Nadia would be deemed as pretty unacceptable given the teacher/student relationship with her.



also keep in mind the JK storyline notes you WOULD be able to marry, but there are pretty strict restrictions. it's worth noting neither irresso or Nadia would qualify under those restructions

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I would think it could be the way the romance was written.


I met Doc on my sentinel on Balmorra and let's say his comments from the beginning was a bit much for my Jedi. (the one companion my boyfriend actually wanted to shoot ). This could be the very reason you get dark side points as Doc tends to come on very strong to the Jedi Knight.


Iresso to me was a gentleman and did not come across like Doc. Iresso seems to actually respect you as a person which is most likely the reason you would not get dark points with him.

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Didn't Revan and Bastila get married with a special agreement from the Council?


Also, slightly off topic but somewhat relevant to the discussion of Jedi marriage( Jedi Consular spoilers below):



After you leave Nar Shaddaa, you go to the Carida to rescue and shield the daughter of the Jedi you shielded on Nar Shaddaa. Not that it would matter to the plot much, but no one says a thing about him having a daughter( although it's possible he's a single father). In fact, one of your dialogue options after the fight is something along the lines of: "Master Fain is waiting for you to come home, Laranna. You don't want to let him down, do you?" Sounds a wee bit like attachment to me.



FWIW, I haven't decided on whether my lady Guardian will flirt with Doc, and seeing as I have a Shadow, she probably won't marry a fellow tank. I may change my mind.

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and the concept that marital relationships contain the kind of love that will lead you to the Dark Side is just a product of Lucas' own personal issues with love and marriage.


Actually, no it is not. It actually has a basis in the real world tradition known as Asceticism. Asceticism is essentially a lifestyle that is characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures. In the real world this is often done for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. The most well known practitioners of this in the modern world are the Tibetan Buddhist Monks of which the 14th Dalai Lama is the current leader.


It was in fact partially upon the Tibetan Buddhist Monks and other Monastic Traditions that the Jedi Order itself was actually based. So it is not all that unreasonable to conclude that the Jedi Order follows the traditions of Asceticism, just like the real world Monastic Orders it is based on.



That said, I don't plan on having my female Consular get married, because I am dead set on finishing the romance with Theran, just because I want to see Holiday getting mad at me :D


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There is a different take on Ascetism, which is often overlooked, or forcefiully ignored :

If you stay away from "worldly pleasures", then those "worldly pleasures" you are actually living - once in a while - give so much more impact to an ascetic person ... Ascetism is in general a solution, a way, to experience small details everyone would otherwise overlook so much more. A tiny flower can become the greatest flower in the world - because Ascetism trained your senses to look at it so much deeper, so much more intense than without Ascetism. A cup of tea becomes so much more tasty because your senses are trained to cope without any taste, so to say. ;) This is about RL.


Related to SWTOR and to Star Wars in general : And that's why Jedi are able to sense emotions of others, for example. The Jedi Council could sense galactic dangers - simply because they were trained to focus their senses, because their senses were trained to be much better at focusing little details others would overlook. Obi-Wan said to Luke Skywalker that he (Luke) should bury his feelings deep inside of him, his knowledge about his family - because the Emperor would be able to exploit them. And, indeed, he was able to sense a *lot* in Luke ... Darth Vader, on the other hand, could sense his son in the Force - but the Emperor could not. A strange (F)Luke.


Me, I'm (in RL) active in the HSP community, and it is a trait of these "highly sensitive people" that they are not able to block out so easily what their senses show them - which leads to them generally being able to sense details - like tiny flowers, for example, most people overlook. If you happen to see a person cherishing tiny flowers or tiny insects (for example), then it is probly such an "highly sensitive person".


And because of that, "normal" people often cannot understand why highly sensitive people "make such a fuzz over nothing", because their ways to experience the world are quite different from one another.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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There is a different take on Ascetism, which is often overlooked, or forcefiully ignored :

If you stay away from "worldly pleasures", then those "worldly pleasures" you are actually living - once in a while - give so much more impact to an ascetic person ... Ascetism is in general a solution, a way, to experience small details everyone would otherwise overlook so much more. A tiny flower can become the greatest flower in the world - because Ascetism trained your senses to look at it so much deeper, so much more intense than without Ascetism. A cup of tea becomes so much more tasty because your senses are trained to cope without any taste, so to say. ;) This is about RL.


Related to SWTOR and to Star Wars in general : And that's why Jedi are able to sense emotions of others, for example. The Jedi Council could sense galactic dangers - simply because they were trained to focus their senses, because their senses were trained to be much better at focusing little details others would overlook. Obi-Wan said to Luke Skywalker that he (Luke) should bury his feelings deep inside of him, his knowledge about his family - because the Emperor would be able to exploit them. And, indeed, he was able to sense a *lot* in Luke ... Darth Vader, on the other hand, could sense his son in the Force - but the Emperor could not. A strange (F)Luke.


Me, I'm (in RL) active in the HSP community, and it is a trait of these "highly sensitive people" that they are not able to block out so easily what their senses show them - which leads to them generally being able to sense details - like tiny flowers, for example, most people overlook. If you happen to see a person cherishing tiny flowers or tiny insects (for example), then it is probly such an "highly sensitive person".


And because of that, "normal" people often cannot understand why highly sensitive people "make such a fuzz over nothing", because their ways to experience the world are quite different from one another.


Wow, I never even thought of it like that before. Kind of puts a whole new perspective on those practicing the Theravada path of Buddhism where killing even just insects is highly frowned upon...

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