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Conquest: Galactic Scheme's


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OOC: They're all one at a time (no two vs one matchups c'mon) and Mandalorians don't duel with swords :rolleyes: fists and armor is all a man (or woman) needs to beat each other senseless.


IC: "Impressive, you have a knack for beating drunk Mandalorians."


He placed his helmet on, obviously checking the operating systems.


"Kilo looked like he had you for a moment, I'm sure everyone" *gestures to the crowd in a sweeping motion "thought for sure Rennes or Seren (two of the Echani) would get-- "


And before he finished the phrase, as his sweeping gesture ended with his arm palm up directed at Kij, an small electro dart with a weak charge, shot from his wrist on a timer he'd set a moment prior. Reaver could not have planned such a lucky move, he'd expected it release a few seconds later, and so his aim was slightly off..


As the dart was fired, so too was his jetpack, and he rocked towards Kij. The dart struck Kij's upper right thigh, a meter from his intended target, and as Kij shifted to deal with the newly arrived pain in his leg, Reaver slammed into him at full tilt , helmet first, propelled by his jetpack with an immense force, sending Kij staggering backwards. A Keldabe Kiss they called it.


Reaver stood back from Kij, content to hold the ground he'd just gained for the moment. Leaving a few meters between them.


Through the filter of his mask: "Woof"


OOC: Now I don't usually RP fight scenes like this but I don't want to have a blow by blow, so to save time I took a little "creative licence" and hijacked your character for a scene. I apologize if I made him look weak, and feel free to have Kij beat up on Reaver, but I wanted Reaver to get at least one good shot in...


OOC: Understandable, but I guess Reaver's darts penetrate armor now. :eek: He must of gotten the 1/100 chance of a critical hit. :p


With a grin, Kij re-sheathed his sword, and actually crossed his arms with a big smirk across his face. That was when Reaver attempted to push the advantage again, which was met by the cybernetic arms of Kij. They managed to deflect Reaver's second charge and him to lose balance, he of course rolled with the fall to regain his footing quickly.


"I suppose I should of not let you monologue..."


Before Reaver could try it again, Kij took the initiative. As the Kalleesh was still rising the Duros was already upon him but instead of knocking him to the ground like most would, Kij used his mechanical arms to grab the back of Reaver's armor, hefting him to his feet.


Reaver attempted to sucker punch Kij, but found that It was blocked by one of Kij's organic arms.


"You certainly have a bite, but it still needs sharpening."


With that Kij tossed Reaver against a nearby crate. Hard. He was of course soon back on his feet but Kij was again there right as he stood. The Kalleesh ducked under a left jab of a mechanical arm, only to be led right into a right upper cut, making him bump into the crate behind him again.


"I do believe this match is over."


Kij casually turned and started walking back towards Leaping Gizka squad, but half way there he paused and glanced back. "With a little more experience in war, I dare say you might prove to be a rival. Until then..." Kij's mechanical arms smoothly fit themselves back into the grooves along the armor.


OOC: Sorry if some of that was a wee-bit rough to do to Reaver, that is just how Kij tends to fight when not using his weapons/gadgets. That said, Kij's martial skills DO completely eclipse Reavers. He has the physicality and mentality to do great in melee, but currently missing the skills.

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OOC: Understandable, but I guess Reaver's darts penetrate armor now. :eek: He must of gotten the 1/100 chance of a critical hit. :p


With a grin, Kij re-sheathed his sword, and actually crossed his arms with a big smirk across his face. That was when Reaver attempted to push the advantage again, which was met by the cybernetic arms of Kij. They managed to deflect Reaver's second charge and him to lose balance, he of course rolled with the fall to regain his footing quickly.


"I suppose I should of not let you monologue..."


Before Reaver could try it again, Kij took the initiative. As the Kalleesh was still rising the Duros was already upon him but instead of knocking him to the ground like most would, Kij used his mechanical arms to grab the back of Reaver's armor, hefting him to his feet.


Reaver attempted to sucker punch Kij, but found that It was blocked by one of Kij's organic arms.


"You certainly have a bite, but it still needs sharpening."


With that Kij tossed Reaver against a nearby crate. Hard. He was of course soon back on his feet but Kij was again there right as he stood. The Kalleesh ducked under a left jab of a mechanical arm, only to be led right into a right upper cut, making him bump into the crate behind him again.


"I do believe this match is over."


Kij casually turned and started walking back towards Leaping Gizka squad, but half way there he paused and glanced back. "With a little more experience in war, I dare say you might prove to be a rival. Until then..." Kij's mechanical arms smoothly fit themselves back into the grooves along the armor.


OOC: Sorry if some of that was a wee-bit rough to do to Reaver, that is just how Kij tends to fight when not using his weapons/gadgets. That said, Kij's martial skills DO completely eclipse Reavers. He has the physicality and mentality to do great in melee, but currently missing the skills.

OOC: oh I am quite well aware of Reaver's limited combat ability hence why the only real blow he dealt was a shot from range (which he has some skill in). I did say upper-thigh, so we'll go with the idea that he managed to land the shot in one of the joint gaps in his armor at about waist-level :p


And Reaver isn't typically the monologue type, if Kij had known him better he'd not have been fooled. That said, I knew that unless I did it, Reaver wouldn't land a single blow. I had to do something against Kij...


IC: "Until then I'm your pet Bantha, Reginald. I understand, now do you care for that drink?"


*A he staggers forward and clasps the Duro's arm, a massive cheer rises from all the Mandalorians present. Followed by the thunderous drumming on helmets*


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OOC: oh I am quite well aware of Reaver's limited combat ability hence why the only real blow he dealt was a shot from range (which he has some skill in). I did say upper-thigh, so we'll go with the idea that he managed to land the shot in one of the joint gaps in his armor at about waist-level :p


And Reaver isn't typically the monologue type, if Kij had known him better he'd not have been fooled. That said, I knew that unless I did it, Reaver wouldn't land a single blow. I had to do something against Kij...


IC: "Until then I'm your pet Bantha, Reginald. I understand, now do you care for that drink?"


*A he staggers forward and clasps the Duro's arm, a massive cheer rises from all the Mandalorians present. Followed by the thunderous drumming on helmets*



OOC: Yeah yeah. :rolleyes: Though not sure what else to do in this meeting of Team B@ and MW other than get out of Roche unless they want to face the invaders that they fear. As for Reginald, gotta love how SW uses latin so much. :D That said, not much for Kij to do in response that would really warrant a post. Of course, I could make a disturbing/humorous post about Jox chasing after a female Mandalorian only for him to learn the hard way that Mandalorian Women are tougher than their men. :p Or Brasher doing... something... Or O'gis planning strategy. Though those are filler.

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OOC: Yeah yeah. :rolleyes: Though not sure what else to do in this meeting of Team B@ and MW other than get out of Roche unless they want to face the invaders that they fear. As for Reginald, gotta love how SW uses latin so much. :D That said, not much for Kij to do in response that would really warrant a post. Of course, I could make a disturbing/humorous post about Jox chasing after a female Mandalorian only for him to learn the hard way that Mandalorian Women are tougher than their men. :p Or Brasher doing... something... Or O'gis planning strategy. Though those are filler.


OOC: agreed, this has run its course... finally.


Learned a lot... played a bit... it was interesting.


Well it sucks that this portion of the galaxy is about to go to hell. But yes, the whole part where Endo walks out of the dinner is him leaving to talk to Dar'yaim. This needs to come directly from him if they are to withdraw. Suffice to say, the fleet will pull to the edge of the system in the meantime with the rest of the fleet.


There will soon be another series of chats in thread... and I think at least one faction will soon be seeing more of the MW than they'd like.


IC: when the Republic visitors had left, orders were sent out to change all security measures, update all software, inventory all items, and run a thorough sweep of all ships to identify tracking and listening devices or other potential threats to the ships' operation.


The Admiral storms onto the bridge, demanding an open channel to Dar'yaim.


Askar: "Sir, Void 7. They're coming."


Dar'yaim was seated, he rocked back further. It had been some time since the debacle that characterized his early career when he worked with and against the Vong. But he remembered the face of every man who died that day. Their deaths hung like a cloud over him.


"Admiral, get my fleet out of that region of space. And while you're at it, find something profitable to do with your time."


He terminated the connection. The Admiral was a competent man with an impeccable track record. And Reaver's loyalty was unquestioned. But their abilities were far from capable of facing down the Vong, even he could not manage such a feat. The Mando Werda had waited this long, they could wait a bit longer.


Now however, came the questions about how the enemy would reach Roche, and his gut turned icy while his spine tingled. He needed to make a call.


OOC: you don't need to respond to this at all.

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Bacta The Drawing Board


It has recently been discovered that the newest batches of bacta produced on Thyferra have been contaminated with a hallucinogenic toxin that is absorbed through the skin. It is unclear how far back the contagion has been present in the bacta supply, but due to this catastrophe, all current batches have had to be scrapped and started anew after severe equipment and facility sweeps. Bacta currently on the front line has been disposed of as well, which has already caused Republic casualties to rise to an all time high. At this time officials are unsure who the culprit responsible is, but one this is for sure, the Galactic Empire has begun to capitalize on the advantage.

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Bacta The Drawing Board


It has recently been discovered that the newest batches of bacta produced on Thyferra have been contaminated with a hallucinogenic toxin that is absorbed through the skin. It is unclear how far back the contagion has been present in the bacta supply, but due to this catastrophe, all current batches have had to be scrapped and started anew after severe equipment and facility sweeps. Bacta currently on the front line has been disposed of as well, which has already caused Republic casualties to rise to an all time high. At this time officials are unsure who the culprit responsible is, but one this is for sure, the Galactic Empire has begun to capitalize on the advantage.


OOC: Damn, one more week... just one more week...


*mutters incoherently*

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If only I knew what Plan Calrisian was... :rolleyes: That said, I already give out waaaaay too many spoilers, so if that obvious tip wasn't enough, so be it!


That's fine I am the only one who knows. You know some of the steps to it, since every step taken is towards this ultimate goal. But the final goal is my own... you will see when it comes....

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Battle of Charros IV


Hutt Forces


10 Ajurr Cruisers

5,000 Z-95

100 Freighters




- Each Ajurr has a heavy rail gun, the ones that used to crack planets in their glory days

- Armor and shielding drastically improved on Ajurr cruisers

- Freighters are all armed adequately with illegal tech (think falcon, karde, and such)

- The Z-95's are standard except they have had slight improvements to weaponry/shields

- Reason for so many Z-95's is due to recent movement of other assets, and being used to cover





Mando Werda


**Kandosii-Type: 1 (Admiral Endo Askar aboard the Runi)

Jehavey'ir-type: 10

Action VI Transports: 1

Skipray Blastboats: 200

X-83's: 1000

Crusader-class: 12

*Kyramud-type: 3


Boarding forces:

YVH droids: 10,000

Basilisk War Droids: 10,000

Mandalorian Cabure: 10,000

Cabure Marines: 5,000





*Kyramud-type upgrades

-Upgraded Sensors (5 levels)

-Upgraded Communications (5 levels)

-Upgraded Shields (5 levels)

-Upgraded Armor (5 levels)

-Upgraded targeting computers (10 levels)


**Kandosii-type upgrades

-Upgraded Sensors (5)

-Upgraded Communications (5)

-Upgraded Shields (5)

-Upgraded Armor (5)




Battle Plan


The MW will enter the system and immediately the three Kyramud-types will unload a missile salvo of baradium warheads at the Ajurrs while the corvettes are held in reserve and the Jehavey'ir-types screen the Kyramuds. The Runi will direct its warheads planetside, targeting major industrial facilities on the planet's surface with the first and second salvos.


As enemy freighters come to the support (inevitably mixed in with the normal traffic) the Skiprays will be in position to shower them with missile salvo after salvo to thin the ranks and the Jehavey'irs will move to intercept while the three Kyramuds and Kandosii finish off the remaining Ajurr.


150 X-83's and the Crusaders will be on crowd control, herding the non-aggressive freighters together for the Action VI to begin pillaging.


Jehavey'irs will attempt to board any large freighters or hidden Ajurrs that come late to the fight.


The War Marshall will remain with the Admiral on the Runi for this fight, no ground forces will be deployed.


The whole operation should be quick


Bonus objectives:

Capture an Ajurr, the MW wants to see what upgrades the Hutts have been making.

Eliminate the Factories, cut into Hutt military production on this world by blowing the factories from orbit. Avoiding civilian population centers.






- 20 Ajurr with identical upgrades can arrive within an hour of first contact from Ultaar

- 10 Ajurr were planet side getting upgrades beyond the others, but only slightly stronger weapons so far

- There are two surface to space turbolasers on the ground

- Planetary shield generator activated once MW fleet jumps in-system (It is a border world and been preparing)

- Hutt's have a signal scrambler on the planet which will interfere with MW communications

- Stronger than usual or not, the Hutt's people are still mercs




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I lol'd, we're not over Bimmisaari (ah you edited it, I see that :p)


This... is... Charros IV!!! Home of the freaking vulture droid... can anyone blame me for wanting to blow this place up?


That said, I'll add a few more details that I forgot to mention or mentioned vaguely.


All the MW fighters are State of the Art. The Kyramuds have Long-range Super-heavy Diamond boron missiles that they're firing on the Ajurr-class ships. And they have 10 of these launchers each. That means 30 unstoppable, super heavy missiles slamming into their ships with pinpoint accuracy at long-range. That reduces their railguns to dust in a single salvo, their bridges in two.


Also note that even with enhancements, all my ships are specifically designed as military vessels.

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Battle of Charros IV


Hutt Forces


10 Ajurr Cruisers

5,000 Z-95

100 Freighters




- Each Ajurr has a heavy rail gun, the ones that used to crack planets in their glory days

- Armor and shielding drastically improved on Ajurr cruisers

- Freighters are all armed adequately with illegal tech (think falcon, karde, and such)

- The Z-95's are standard except they have had slight improvements to weaponry/shields

- Reason for so many Z-95's is due to recent movement of other assets, and being used to cover





Mando Werda


**Kandosii-Type: 1 (Admiral Endo Askar aboard the Runi)

Jehavey'ir-type: 10

Action VI Transports: 1

Skipray Blastboats: 200

X-83's: 1000

Crusader-class: 12

*Kyramud-type: 3


Boarding forces:

YVH droids: 10,000

Basilisk War Droids: 10,000

Mandalorian Cabure: 10,000

Cabure Marines: 5,000





*Kyramud-type upgrades

-Upgraded Sensors (5 levels)

-Upgraded Communications (5 levels)

-Upgraded Shields (5 levels)

-Upgraded Armor (5 levels)

-Upgraded targeting computers (10 levels)


**Kandosii-type upgrades

-Upgraded Sensors (5)

-Upgraded Communications (5)

-Upgraded Shields (5)

-Upgraded Armor (5)




Battle Plan


The MW will enter the system and immediately the three Kyramud-types will unload a missile salvo of baradium warheads at the Ajurrs while the corvettes are held in reserve and the Jehavey'ir-types screen the Kyramuds. The Runi will direct its warheads planetside, targeting major industrial facilities on the planet's surface with the first and second salvos.


As enemy freighters come to the support (inevitably mixed in with the normal traffic) the Skiprays will be in position to shower them with missile salvo after salvo to thin the ranks and the Jehavey'irs will move to intercept while the three Kyramuds and Kandosii finish off the remaining Ajurr.


150 X-83's and the Crusaders will be on crowd control, herding the non-aggressive freighters together for the Action VI to begin pillaging.


Jehavey'irs will attempt to board any large freighters or hidden Ajurrs that come late to the fight.


The War Marshall will remain with the Admiral on the Runi for this fight, no ground forces will be deployed.


The whole operation should be quick


Bonus objectives:

Capture an Ajurr, the MW wants to see what upgrades the Hutts have been making.

Eliminate the Factories, cut into Hutt military production on this world by blowing the factories from orbit. Avoiding civilian population centers.






- 20 Ajurr with identical upgrades can arrive within an hour of first contact from Ultaar

- 10 Ajurr were planet side getting upgrades beyond the others, but only slightly stronger weapons so far

- There are two surface to space turbolasers on the ground

- Planetary shield generator activated once MW fleet jumps in-system (It is a border world and been preparing)

- Hutt's have a signal scrambler on the planet which will interfere with MW communications

- Stronger than usual or not, the Hutt's people are still mercs





So...I think the MW probably will win, but take fairly significant casualties on their large ships, will probably capture an Ajuur, but won't complete their planetside agenda.

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So...I think the MW probably will win, but take fairly significant casualties on their large ships, will probably capture an Ajuur, but won't complete their planetside agenda.


I think it is worth noting that the more coordinated MW fleet can obliterate the enemy's anti-capital ship weapons at a massive range... Also note the rank on the targeting computers and the quality of the missiles I'm firing.


Also: Sil I'd like a more detailed stats on the Ajuur. Its wiki doesn't even list a size much less armaments. Plus, how "upgraded" are their shields and armor relative to my own? I mean it is was a transport cruiser to begin with anyway so even highly upgraded is relatively bringing into line with a decent quality military vessel...

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So looking at the railguns, it appears they function by accelerating asteroids and other cosmic debris to speeds fast enough to do damage. However, I find it highly unlikely that such a device would work against a warship, else why would they have abandoned using them early in the OR era?
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So looking at the railguns, it appears they function by accelerating asteroids and other cosmic debris to speeds fast enough to do damage. However, I find it highly unlikely that such a device would work against a warship, else why would they have abandoned using them early in the OR era?


So pretty much a mass-driver cannon.

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So pretty much a mass-driver cannon.


Only they're firing much bigger projectiles at slower speeds. Unless the Mass Driver Cannons are being used to blow up planets now?


You can't avoid a missile like mine in a big ship, but if you can see a guy loading a big rock in one end of a gun, and see it accelerate out the front, you easily have time to move out of the way... It isn't as though railguns meant to hit a planet have targeting computers and fine-tuned aiming mechanisms... its a point and pray weapon. When you shoot at a planet it is fine, at a ship? Not so much...


I'm taking Karadron's idea now... I'll make a fleet of small freighters, each with a single MDC and just go planet to planet blowing them all up :D trust me guys it'll be great

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Only they're firing much bigger projectiles at slower speeds. Unless the Mass Driver Cannons are being used to blow up planets now?


You can't avoid a missile like mine in a big ship, but if you can see a guy loading a big rock in one end of a gun, and see it accelerate out the front, you easily have time to move out of the way... It isn't as though railguns meant to hit a planet have targeting computers and fine-tuned aiming mechanisms... its a point and pray weapon. When you shoot at a planet it is fine, at a ship? Not so much...


They operate on the same principles and the projectile will be flying at ridiculously high speeds. (Actually I think they're better than Mass Drivers). Now loading may be an issue if the projectiles used are tractor-beamed in space, but if it's loaded like a missile than I'd say the two would be on equal footing missile-wise.

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Only they're firing much bigger projectiles at slower speeds. Unless the Mass Driver Cannons are being used to blow up planets now?


You can't avoid a missile like mine in a big ship, but if you can see a guy loading a big rock in one end of a gun, and see it accelerate out the front, you easily have time to move out of the way... It isn't as though railguns meant to hit a planet have targeting computers and fine-tuned aiming mechanisms... its a point and pray weapon. When you shoot at a planet it is fine, at a ship? Not so much...


I'm taking Karadron's idea now... I'll make a fleet of small freighters, each with a single MDC and just go planet to planet blowing them all up :D trust me guys it'll be great


While that is exactly how they were in the old glory days, I would wager that in these times they would have much better targeting systems... That said, it is likely that they have large rounds aboard in suc an instance that they do not have asteroids to fire. The reason they were discontinued was due to plantery shields. Ship shields? Not so much.


As for the size of Ajurr, they would be around 500-600. Heavy missiles or note, I do not see all of them dying in a single volley. After all, in order to have great effect with such a jump and quick scope tactic your tacticians would require more points in the 'exotic' tactic category. If you merely mean they jump into system and take up a position to start bombarding them from, the issue with that being that with the amount of weaponry the Hutts have they can likely shoot down the majority of them.


Rail Gun = / = mass driver.

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They operate on the same principles and the projectile will be flying at ridiculously high speeds. (Actually I think they're better than Mass Drivers). Now loading may be an issue if the projectiles used are tractor-beamed in space, but if it's loaded like a missile than I'd say the two would be on equal footing missile-wise.


Then why the hell have missiles? No they're really not. There is no proper targeting systems for a railgun of that size, it points and shoots and prays to god it hits something.


Seriously. That's like saying "well the Death Star laser and a laser cannon would both be on equal footing when you try to hit a starfighter with it them..." They're not even in the same ballpark.


I'm not denying that the railgun is massively more effective, but it is meant to break planets, not ships. It won't be effective. Not to mention my point of the missiles would eliminate the railgun before it could fire anyways.

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While that is exactly how they were in the old glory days, I would wager that in these times they would have much better targeting systems... That said, it is likely that they have large rounds aboard in suc an instance that they do not have asteroids to fire. The reason they were discontinued was due to plantery shields. Ship shields? Not so much.


As for the size of Ajurr, they would be around 500-600. Heavy missiles or note, I do not see all of them dying in a single volley. After all, in order to have great effect with such a jump and quick scope tactic your tacticians would require more points in the 'exotic' tactic category. If you merely mean they jump into system and take up a position to start bombarding them from, the issue with that being that with the amount of weaponry the Hutts have they can likely shoot down the majority of them.


Rail Gun = / = mass driver.


Quick scope? Nope, they drop in system at range and use their heavily upgraded targeting computers to place one shot on top of the other perfectly set to penetrate shields. The shields themselves might hold to a few missiles hitting them over the face of the ship, but three missiles at the same point consecutively? Nope. no way.


And this is hardly an exotic tactic... dear god concentrating fire is a age-old tactic for pete's sake. I'll also throw in the fact that I have tech 4 for my ship's crew training.


Yeah I'm facing Hutts using ancient tech. Also, are you making this weapon up? I thought we had to stay with stuff that at least existed at some point... I mean, you can't just completely change the capabilities of a weapon to suit your needs... At that point we're not talking about something that can be debated and this whole discussion part becomes pointless...


I'll also note that they've been getting telemetry and targeting data from stealthed fighters up to this point before even arriving in-system... The Hutts still have to react while the MW then has time to enter, target, and fire before the Ajuurs can even be brought around enough to consider firing.

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Quick scope? Nope, they drop in system at range and use their heavily upgraded targeting computers to place one shot on top of the other perfectly set to penetrate shields. The shields themselves might hold to a few missiles hitting them over the face of the ship, but three missiles at the same point consecutively? Nope. no way.


And this is hardly an exotic tactic... dear god concentrating fire is a age-old tactic for pete's sake. I'll also throw in the fact that I have tech 4 for my ship's crew training.


Yeah I'm facing Hutts using ancient tech. Also, are you making this weapon up? I thought we had to stay with stuff that at least existed at some point... I mean, you can't just completely change the capabilities of a weapon to suit your needs... At that point we're not talking about something that can be debated and this whole discussion part becomes pointless...


I'll also note that they've been getting telemetry and targeting data from stealthed fighters up to this point before even arriving in-system... The Hutts still have to react while the MW then has time to enter, target, and fire before the Ajuurs can even be brought around enough to consider firing.


I meant if they jumped in system and fired less than 10 seconds later for the exotic tactic thing Star, since that would be too fast to acquire targets and such, and without the skills it would likely encounter errors.


If it is merely jumping in and starting a bombardment as I later said, that is fine, as I had said...


As for ancient tech, if you had attacked a month ago perhaps. The reason the Hutt's haven't launched a full out attack even after it was well known they were having a build up was due to the universal upgrading of their tech. As for making it up, I most certainly am not making the rail gun used by the Hutts up. It was a very common weapon used by the Hutt Empire days to crack/destroy planets which fell out of use due to the development of planetary shields. It hadn't been used since


As far as the Rail Guns themselves, they are essentially over-sized mass drivers with super and long ranged... This is because of what we know of them, albeit less accurate than most long ranged weaponry. The thing that killed them, back when they were in use other than planetary shields, was the tech of the day which is not really an issue here. Not to mention after that the Hutts focused more on credits and underworld control than Empirical rule which meant they had no use for Rail Guns since it would then cut into their profit. Here that is not the case.


Then why the hell have missiles? No they're really not. There is no proper targeting systems for a railgun of that size, it points and shoots and prays to god it hits something.


Seriously. That's like saying "well the Death Star laser and a laser cannon would both be on equal footing when you try to hit a starfighter with it them..." They're not even in the same ballpark.


I'm not denying that the railgun is massively more effective, but it is meant to break planets, not ships. It won't be effective. Not to mention my point of the missiles would eliminate the railgun before it could fire anyways.


Missiles have a much higher explosive yield, built in targeting systems, self propulsion... The list goes on and on. They are also not exactly the size of a death star super laser Star... Nor is pointing and praying a common thing in space weapons unless it is flak.


The thing here is that these rail guns are mounted on cruisers intended to fight other ships, or bombard planets if need be, which is by no means different from most heavy ship to ship weaponry. I mean, the MW ships are not exactly all fighter sized either. :p


As for the missile speed, I would have to check on their defenses and such... (Do keep in mind boron/baradium are expensive as hell to replace...)

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As for ancient tech, if you had attacked a month ago perhaps. The reason the Hutt's haven't launched a full out attack even after it was well known they were having a build up was due to the universal upgrading of their tech. As for making it up, I most certainly am not making the rail gun used by the Hutts up. It was a very common weapon used by the Hutt Empire days to crack/destroy planets which fell out of use due to the development of planetary shields. It hadn't been used since



Missiles have a much higher explosive yield, built in targeting systems, self propulsion... The list goes on and on. They are also not exactly the size of a death star super laser Star... Nor is pointing and praying a common thing in space weapons unless it is flak.


The thing here is that these rail guns are mounted on cruisers intended to fight other ships, or bombard planets if need be, which is by no means different from most heavy ship to ship weaponry. I mean, the MW ships are not exactly all fighter sized either. :p


As for the missile speed, I would have to check on their defenses and such... (Do keep in mind boron/baradium are expensive as hell to replace...)


I guess my point here is that an outdated and fragile weapon system like this (even upgraded as you seem to say it is) is still more suited to firing at/bombarding larger targets, so the chances of taking out even one of the few MW capital ship before the MW ships do their own damage is highly unlikely


Also, let's comment on the fact that the Hutts have no leader to speak of (thus virtually no tactical skill comparatively) so even if they did manage to use the railguns against the MW fleet, the MW fleet's positioning and movements would be carefully calculated to make it as difficult as possible for them. Fact is, Askar can fly circles around the Hutt fleet.


And I'll comment on fighters here as well. I have 1,000 State of the Art X-83's which have nearly unmatched speed, maneuverability, and survivability along with an impressive arsenal. This easily outclasses the Z-95. Now on their own, I wouldn't say they're invincible, but they also have 12 Crusader-class Corvettes to support them and the tactical prowess to position them best. And the Kyramud-class ships each have 12 point defence octo-cannons as well. The Z-95's, despite the numbers advantage, are at a disadvantage here. Let's also throw in the better fighter tactics on Askar in there to tip the scales a bit more.


As for the Freighters, I have 200 Skiprays (that's 2 per freighter, more than enough in most cases) to deal with them, but on top of that are the Jehavey'ir-type ships that go along with them.


And we can also factor in:


Faction Trait 1: Dar'yaim's influence and reputation strikes terror in the hearts of his foes. His soldiers all bear his mark painted on their craft and equipment giving them a sense of unity and purpose while striking fear in their enemies. Improves Morale and Intimidation


Faction Trait 2: Mandalorians are some of the greatest warriors the galaxy has ever seen. As the embodiment of the perfect soldiers they are held to the utmost standards of discipline and conduct. Improves Efficiency and Discipline.



Tactical Training: This man has had formal training from an Academy concerning tactics in space which means that he can switch between formations that he and his fleet are using due to their familiarity with such.


Veteran Commander: having seen combat before, he is not easily rattled by surprises and knows the importance to sticking to his plans/objectives and can adjust to suit them within his abilities without a panic. Increases Steadiness and Focus.


And so that too plays into the idea that if the Kyramud's take their first salvo of 30 missiles, distribute them 5 per ship and blast the bridges off 6 of the 10 Ajuur's it might convince them to break and run... or panic and run into one another... etc... In fact I'm fairly convinced that with the MW's recent exploits in Hutt space, their pre-game reputation, and the power they'll display in the opening blows will cause utter panic among the Hutts.


Also I am aware of the costs, but you should also take a look again at my crystal stockpile and see if I'm worried :p


Needless to say, I am impressed with the Hutts. They show some strength, the planetary shield is something I wasn't anticipating. That is actually my primary concern currently.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Needless to say, I am impressed with the Hutts. They show some strength, the planetary shield is something I wasn't anticipating. That is actually my primary concern currently.


If only you attacked next week or the week before this one... Either one would of spelled obliteration for a fleet such as yours. :mad: That said, I am unsure if you can break the shield before reinforcements arrive to drive off the MW fleet.


Just saying though, Mon Cal vessels used be only transports and could go toe to toe with ISD's after their refit, Ajurrs since they have had more than half a year to gear up for war, would no doubt be similar to other cruisers of its size in effectiveness. Not saying great or such, just that after converting to full on military vessel as was the plan, they wouldn't be at too much of a disadvantage if at all. I mean, after double checking the wiki they are actually classified as heavy cruisers.


Heavy Cruisers: 600 - 1,000


Even going on low end estimates on their weapons and durability, they shouldn't be one shot by similar sized vessels.


Side Note: Wait, when again did you upgrade them to Boron/Baradium? Wiki says concussion... (Goes off to check data sheets)

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