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*OOC: Do not count your eggs before they hatch with this one Star. :D*


*The Jedi mockingly put his hand on the givin's shoulder*


"Anything you have to say to him, you can say to me. As for the swearing, nothing terribly specific in our code on it. Not to say it is not frowned upon. After my years in the war, I tend to take it more as a guide line than a rule book."


*Using the force, the Jedi drew up a stool, but instead of sitting on it, he rested a foot on it, leaning forward towards the Mando's. He turned his head to the side slightly, his zabrakian facial tatoes obvious.*


"I wonder how many battle droids each of you are worth... Good droids! Not these scraps that the Confederacy use."



The Echani Mandalorian looked at the Givin representative, intentionally ignoring the Jedi as though he was merely a child tugging on his pant leg while the grown-ups talked.


"Well now, I was under the impression the spike head here was just out babysitter. It appears the Republic really doesn't trust your people."


He stared at the Jedi as he finished the thought


"perhaps that's why they've been so lax with your security, and perhaps the reason they've ignored your remarkable engineering skills."


It was well known that Fondor and Bothawui were armed to the teeth and well defended with their own fleets. A single Venator was on station to defend Yag'Dhul. His attention returned to the Givin.


"I offer contracts for shipbuilding and a boost to your security, in return we'd like a place to rest our heads and repair as we prepare for our next assignment."


and again, the only attention he payed the Jedi, was a glance in his direction as he finished the thought.


"assignments spike head's superiors will be supplying."


OOC: Also, when will we get the results for Mechis III? That battle will decide how this goes down. Sorta... ish.

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The Echani Mandalorian looked at the Givin representative, intentionally ignoring the Jedi as though he was merely a child tugging on his pant leg while the grown-ups talked.


"Well now, I was under the impression the spike head here was just out babysitter. It appears the Republic really doesn't trust your people."


He stared at the Jedi as he finished the thought


"perhaps that's why they've been so lax with your security, and perhaps the reason they've ignored your remarkable engineering skills."


It was well known that Fondor and Bothawui were armed to the teeth and well defended with their own fleets. A single Venator was on station to defend Yag'Dhul. His attention returned to the Givin.


"I offer contracts for shipbuilding and a boost to your security, in return we'd like a place to rest our heads and repair as we prepare for our next assignment."


and again, the only attention he payed the Jedi, was a glance in his direction as he finished the thought.


"assignments spike head's superiors will be supplying."


OOC: Also, when will we get the results for Mechis III? That battle will decide how this goes down. Sorta... ish.


*The zabrak nodded*


"Very well, Mando. I had wished these negotiations had gone better... But what can you expect from war mongers?"


*He turned to the Givin*


"Come, apprentice, it is time to resume your real duties."


*With that, the Jedi tossed the Givin a lightsaber, which he caught deftly, as if it was a practiced maneuver. With that, they strode towards the door, motioning for the Republic Soldiers to show the Mando's to their ships*


*Before the door closed though, the Zabrak glanced back, almost seeming to chuckle at the Mando leader* "Its a shame, I had a well paying assignment lined up for you that one with your skills would be simple."


*With that, the door thundered shut again, as the Republic Soldiers opened the door nearest their guests and prepared to lead them to their ships*


*OOC: You didn't think that they Jedi would give them an actual chance to defect, did you? :rolleyes: And yes, that was all pre-planned. :D As for Mechis III out come, tomorrow morning. As to why, as I am sure you are wondering... They essentially were testing the waters before allowing you to meet with the real Givin diplomats. Givin, being skinless and all... are quite hard to read.*

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*The zabrak nodded*


"Very well, Mando. I had wished these negotiations had gone better... But what can you expect from war mongers?"


*He turned to the Givin*


"Come, apprentice, it is time to resume your real duties."


*With that, the Jedi tossed the Givin a lightsaber, which he caught deftly, as if it was a practiced maneuver. With that, they strode towards the door, motioning for the Republic Soldiers to show the Mando's to their ships*


*Before the door closed though, the Zabrak glanced back, almost seeming to chuckle at the Mando leader* "Its a shame, I had a well paying assignment lined up for you that one with your skills would be simple."


*With that, the door thundered shut again, as the Republic Soldiers opened the door nearest their guests and prepared to lead them to their ships*


*OOC: You didn't think that they Jedi would give them an actual chance to defect, did you? :rolleyes: And yes, that was all pre-planned. :D As for Mechis III out come, tomorrow morning. As to why, as I am sure you are wondering... They essentially were testing the waters before allowing you to meet with the real Givin diplomats. Givin, being skinless and all... are quite hard to read.*

OOC: Did you wonder where Dar'yaim was? Or why they agreed so quickly? Or why the Mandos sent an Echani to negotiate? :D This is awesome!


"They bought it sir"


The transmission was garbled and weak, but the encryption was heavy and it'd take a week for even the best Republic slicers to decypher. Fortunately they only needed it to hold up for a few days, if that.


"Very good. Stall, we are nearly there and the preparations have already begun."


Dar'yaim cut the feed to his agent and motioned for an update.


"Sir, our strike team is in position on the station but reports that the Jedi are trying to send them away earlier than planned."


"Very well, we must push up the timetable. Is our contact in position?"




"Then we go"


And with that Dar'yaim marched down the ramp of the shuttle, no pomp or circumstance, with a team of his best warriors and they headed straight for the Body Calculus's main chambers only a short walk away.


The Jedi think themselves so smooth. The ploy, with the Givin diplomat or rather Jedi, was well played. But while a Givin Jedi was certainly not anticipated, Dar'yaim hardly expected to get anywhere with the Republic breathing down his neck and so the solution was quite simple. Cut out the middleman, contact a Givin politician they 'knew' to provide access, and address the Givin without Republic interference.


It also helped that he had a holo of the Republic's little Jedi stunt along for the trip, and the Jedi themselves had been revealed without much effort.

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*Xist leans back, swirling the wine in his glass as he ponders a difficult subject. After a few more moments of thought, he leans forward and motions to his servants to bring forth the next batch of delicacies.*


"You are, and always have been, some what of an enigma Adrian..."


*He shifts his weight side to side, as if nervous*


"You see, no one leaves Black sun, yet you live. Nor does anyone try to sway a Black Sun Vigo against Lord Xizor..."


*He abruptly stands*


"Out of our past comrady I must order you to leave." *He raises his hand to silence the response* "It is both my duty and obligation to kill you where you stand, Adrian. As an old friend, leave in peace."


*He took his chair again, finally able to sit still, though his right hand seemed to rest on his thigh, as if ready to draw a blaster that wasn't there...*


'Adrian grins' He always was a fool. " You are correct I left the suns and yet I live and That must mean something.I have to asked did you hear about what happened to Cash Cash Garrulan he was a retired Vigo hunted down by the Imperials Xizor,his allies if am not mistaken.I wonder how long it takes for the same thing to happened to You Xist. Think about it.


'Adrian signals his guards it was time to leave'

"Thank you for your time lord Xist I had a wonderful time me and my men will leave you to finished your celebration but Xist never forgot I was always one Xizor favorite for a reason but I'll be seeing you have a nice night.


Adrian signal his Shuttle and head back to his ship and tell the evac teams to come home.He Order his Fleet to Plot a course for the Zhar system.

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*They are given clearance to land in the Governor's personal hanger bay, attached to his Manor. There, the Governor meets them as they descend the ramp of the shuttle.*


Aliria descended the ramp of the shuttle her honor guard at attention below lining a pathway for her to walk. "Governor," she said pleasantly, "It was so kind of you to arrange for a meeting so quickly."

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*A week has passed...*




The Farewell Coalition has arrived in the Zhar System, with the negotiations with Lord Xist proving unfruitful.


The Galactic Inquisition's business on Ord Mantell has hit a few snags, delaying action.


Mando Werda is preparing to make its move on Yag'Dhul, hoping to catch the Republic unprepared.


Salty's fleet has dispersed, carrying out various orders, and the meeting with the Council has its effect.




The Zhar System is currently deserted, with only the Farewell Coalition present.


On Ord Mantell, the Governor is acting fishy, and an unusual number of guards have joined his staff.


Over Yag'Dhul a small fleet has arrived for refuel, rearment and R&R. 1 Venator, 2 Acclamator, 4 CR90's.


Salty has received a message, that is from the Council. It must be important...



Battle Outcome:



Venator crippled and captured by boarders

8 Corvettes destroyed, 2 escaped

3 Acclamator's destroyed, 1 captured

3 Strike cruisers destroyed

4 Jehavey'ir-type cripplingly damaged

2 Jehavey'ir-type destroyed

1 Strike cruiser damaged

100 X-83's lost

75 Skiprays damaged

10 skiprays destroyed

Venator fighters destroyed


Details: Due to those special upgrades on those Interceptor frigates, they were able to execute the first stages of the plan wonderfully, with the ground force making land fall and the second group being able to strike against the Venator. Despite this, the Republic crew would not go down easily. The acclamator crew's panicked, with two colliding near the end of the battle in a rush to escape. The Corvettes were able to dodge and weave between the enemy ships and deal quite a bit of damage to those start of the art star fighters before the skiprays managed to deal much damage to them. When their numbers dwindled, the last 2 corvettes put power to engines and slipped away.Due to the opening ruse working, the Interceptors were also able to off load their troops in one of the Acclamator's as well as the Venator. Despite the early damage and advantage taken by the Mando Werda, the Republic ships were still able to coordinate a defense which managed to destroy and cripple many of the invading forces. As soon as the Venator was taken however, their morale was shattered.


Victory goes to the Mando Werda.

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*A week has passed...*





The Galactic Inquisition's business on Ord Mantell has hit a few snags, delaying action.






On Ord Mantell, the Governor is acting fishy, and an unusual number of guards have joined his staff.


The business on Ord Mantell was taking longer than expected. It was time to speed things up a bit. She sent a member of her staff to tell the governor she wished to speak with him over lunch. Then commed the fleet and ordered the landing of the 1st specialist Infantry Regiment--along with 1000 speeder bikes and 10 AT-STs (With appropriate crews as well).

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From a Difficult to trace location, a Ship from "Salty's" Freighters and Soldiers company contacts a Rebel Base.



"Hello, my employer, "Salty's" Freighters and Soldiers Co. would like to speak to you about a potential business proposition" The man says.


"If you would like we would be happy to meet at your convienance."


"he is currently on other business, and can be reached in a few hours, but if you wish to meet him in person, he may take some time to get here" He finishes.

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*A week has passed...*




The Farewell Coalition has arrived in the Zhar System, with the negotiations with Lord Xist proving unfruitful.



The Zhar System is currently deserted, with only the Farewell Coalition present.


"Sir we have reached the Zhar system their doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary as of yet."


"Very Good now head to the moon Gall and get me into contact with its Governor.


"Yes Sir"

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*Nearly forgot about the Presents!*


Skill Points Earned:


Salty: +5 (For display of force, politics, and scouting)


Aliria Teshavin: +2 (For intelligence being gathered)


Adrian Farewell: +1 (For the courtly dinner and adapting)


Dar'yaim of Clan Awaud: +10 (For orchestrating a multi-pronged plan and executing it fairly successfully in most stages)

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"Sir we have reached the Zhar system their doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary as of yet."


"Very Good now head to the moon Gall and get me into contact with its Governor.


"Yes Sir"



*Governor invites Adrian down for a peaceful meeting*

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From a Difficult to trace location, a Ship from "Salty's" Freighters and Soldiers company contacts a Rebel Base.



"Hello, my employer, "Salty's" Freighters and Soldiers Co. would like to speak to you about a potential business proposition" The man says.


"If you would like we would be happy to meet at your convienance."


"he is currently on other business, and can be reached in a few hours, but if you wish to meet him in person, he may take some time to get here" He finishes.


*The Rebels, being as accepting as they are, agree to meet him about his services*


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Saltik contacts the Benstaar refueling station.



"This is Saltik of "Salty's" Freighter and Soldiers Company a registered Transport and security company, I am close to the system, I am requesting permission to dock and refuel." Saltik says over the Comms.

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Saltik contacts the Benstaar refueling station.



"This is Saltik of "Salty's" Freighter and Soldiers Company a registered Transport and security company, I am close to the system, I am requesting permission to dock and refuel." Saltik says over the Comms.


*Flight Control*


"We copy Saltik, make your way to refueling station B-17."

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*Flight Control*


"We copy Saltik, make your way to refueling station B-17."


"Roger that" Saltik Acknowledges


"Also if it isnt to much trouble, I would like to set up a meeting with a Republic official, I am hoping to expand my business, and I have a proposition for them"

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The business on Ord Mantell was taking longer than expected. It was time to speed things up a bit. She sent a member of her staff to tell the governor she wished to speak with him over lunch. Then commed the fleet and ordered the landing of the 1st specialist Infantry Regiment--along with 1000 speeder bikes and 10 AT-STs (With appropriate crews as well).


*Instead of treating their esteemed guest to a tour of his Manor and fine cosine there, he scheduled a reservation at one of the fancier restaurants in the city. It was said they had dishes that could make a Hutt salivate in envy...*

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"Roger that" Saltik Acknowledges


"Also if it isnt to much trouble, I would like to set up a meeting with a Republic official, I am hoping to expand my business, and I have a proposition for them"


*A slight pause*


"Roger that Saltik, a representative will be waiting in the landing bay. Control, out."

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*A slight pause*


"Roger that Saltik, a representative will be waiting in the landing bay. Control, out."


Saltik's CR90 Corvette pulls into the station. He walks down the ramp a precession of his men gaurding him.



"Hello representitive, my name Is Saltik, I am most pleased your men have had excellent manners and response time" He says smiling at the man.


"what is your name if I may ask." He says.

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*Governor invites Adrian down for a peaceful meeting*


"Adrian finishes his Holorecording and Give it to his subordinate"


"Do you remember your Orders"


"Yes SIr give this to your contact then report in"


"That's correct take a escort with you just in case"


'Adrian starts to prepare for his meeting with the Governor'


"Captain I want you to have a YZ land in the canyon and await further orders"


"Yes Sir"


'Adrian and his Guards leave to meet with the Governor'

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Saltik's CR90 Corvette pulls into the station. He walks down the ramp a precession of his men gaurding him.



"Hello representitive, my name Is Saltik, I am most pleased your men have had excellent response time" He says smiling at the man.


"what is your name if I may ask." He says.


*Before Saltik was a abnormally tall Duro's, and despite the clear diplomat emblem on his torso, he looked more like one of the grittier members of Saltik's crew than a Negotiator. His battle armor only added to the effect.*


"Pleeeasure to meet you, Captain Saltik. Your reputation proceeeds you."


*The Duro's gave a courtesy bow, which seemed completely out of place regarding his wardrobe*


"My name, is Kij."

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The business on Ord Mantell was taking longer than expected. It was time to speed things up a bit. She sent a member of her staff to tell the governor she wished to speak with him over lunch. Then commed the fleet and ordered the landing of the 1st specialist Infantry Regiment--along with 1000 speeder bikes and 10 AT-STs (With appropriate crews as well).



*At the restaurant*


"Aaah! Inquisitor! Glad you could come! Glad you come come! Please, sit! Sit! We have much to discuss, you and I!"


*In all honesty, the food most Hutt's wouldn't even eat, but Balgruf ate it vigorously*


*As far as humans go, Adam Balgruf was on the large side, but not in the good way... His eating habits were terrible, but his manners themselves were decent enough. Though, he seemed quite nervous about the Inquisitor.*

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*Before Saltik was a abnormally tall Duro's, and despite the clear diplomat emblem on his torso, he looked more like one of the grittier members of Saltik's crew than a Negotiator. His battle armor only added to the effect.*


"Pleeeasure to meet you, Captain Saltik. Your reputation proceeeds you."


*The Duro's gave a courtesy bow, which seemed completely out of place regarding his wardrobe*


"My name, is Kij."


"Well Kij, it is a true pleasure to meet your aquaintance." He says, bowing couteously low mimicing the Duro. Not phased at all by this man, having his own well armed gaurds behind him.


"If you would please follow me to my ships conferance room and we can get some drinks and refreshments brought up and begin our negotiations, trust me we have some fine wines that are truly spectacular to taste, you must try some" He says gesturing to the inside of his ship.

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"Well Kij, it is a true pleasure to meet your aquaintance." He says, bowing couteously low mimicing the Duro.


"If you would please follow me to my ships conferance room and we can get some drinks and refreshments brought up and begin our negotiations, trust me we have some fine wines that are truly spectacular to taste, you must try some" He says gesturing to the inside of his ship.


*Two republic soldiers make to follow, but Kij motions for them to stay put*


"Of course, Captain. We have much to discuss afteeer all..."


*He follows Saltik up the ramp, seeming perfectly at home boarding an unknown ship*

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*At the restaurant*


"Aaah! Inquisitor! Glad you could come! Glad you come come! Please, sit! Sit! We have much to discuss, you and I!"


*In all honesty, the food most Hutt's wouldn't even eat, but Balgruf ate it vigorously*


*As far as humans go, Adam Balgruf was on the large side, but not in the good way... His eating habits were terrible, but his manners themselves were decent enough. Though, he seemed quite nervous about the Inquisitor.*

Ummm Wrong quote Sil

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