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Wookiee as playable race


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1- subtitles with the wookie voice is already in game.

2- make them not avaiable...surely not hard to make someone not romanceable they already have it in game with jaesa (dark = y light = n)

3- ...if my memory serves correctly wookies didn't start hating all imperials until after the sacking of kashyyk after revenge of the sith (rise of darth vader by james luceno) ...i see no reason at this point that a wookie couldn't be a bounty hunters, smugglers or troopers...we already lock races out of certain classes anyway.[/b]

4- no armour just display weapons just like the companion.


your arguments are invalid and irrelevant. That list he gave you was BioWare's own words. So stop wasting your breath. Again, your responses are invalid and irrelevant.

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...and that never actually occurred now.

Actually SWTOR is heavily set in the Legends universe. It lives on it. Saying JA never happened is like saying Kotors never happened. SWTOR is Legends, period. Unless they announce news bluntly like "SWTOR is a part of the new canon", the game remains in Legends only.


I think that was the only instance where a Rodian spoke basic and Lucasarts has never officially endorsed it. Now it's "Legends" material at best, while SWTOR is continuing under the guidance of the Star Wars Story Group, who are creating the single continuity of the SW universe.

Eric Musco clearly said that the story group gave them a free hand. They just need to stick to "Star Warish" theme, so no flying unicorns should ever be added to the game.


The matter about SWTOR being canon or not was largely discussed in other threads. Not even a single time Bioware said bluntly that SWTOR is canon, they only used PR talk and beat around the bush saying what you posted above that they "co-operate with the Story Group". But what they actually said once was "SWTOR is noncanon" , however, later they changed their policy to PR talk and not to use "canon/noncanon" words at all.

Edited by PavSalco
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Wrong. There was a Wookiee padawan in the Clone Wars TV series.

Yeah I know.. there also was Lowbacca, a Jedi Knight.


Then however the midichlorians did see, what a terrible mistake it was, fled from the wookiee and made George Lucas install the "no wookiee jedi anymore" rule.

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Yeah I know.. there also was Lowbacca, a Jedi Knight.


Then however the midichlorians did see, what a terrible mistake it was, fled from the wookiee and made George Lucas install the "no wookiee jedi anymore" rule.

How so? A force-sensitive Wookiee from TCW was in Season 5 which aired 2012/2013. It's quite on the contrary what you said. George Lucas changed his mind about Wookiees and their relation to the Force. Anyway, Lucas used to change his mind every interview, so what he was saying wasn't that much important in the first place :D

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your arguments are invalid and irrelevant. That list he gave you was BioWare's own words. So stop wasting your breath. Again, your responses are invalid and irrelevant.


And more to the point:


Re-skins of existing models are easy and (relatively) fast. People can come up with any excuse for wookies and so on that they like, but the fact remains that they'll never make an alien race that isn't a human re-skin. Togruta, cathar, zabrak, mirialans, zeltron, cyborgs, true sith, chiss - all of them re-skins, all speak Basic as a 'first language', no real work to fit them into any cutscenes.


These are the criteria. They will not change.

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Okay, Lucas aside, it is still common sense that a brute mammal cannot become a playable species :D


ummm what.... Anyone who make a human character and choices nothing but the dark side choices has made a brute mammal...


Not saying Wookie as playable will ever happen, it won't, but your point here makes no sense and reeks of speciesism.

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  • 1 month later...
ok to rehash..


1) speak basic (fail)

2) romance must make sense (fail)

3) must work for both factions and all classes (fails, sage with a transdoshian companion...anything empire related)...

4) work with existing armor (fails, would not be customizable, OR require extensive rework of everything).


so if fails all 4 reasonable checks..hence not going to happen...EVER!



1, Speak basic, we already have sound files for Bowdarr, I don't mind reading text for my language.

2, Why can't a wookiee have romance?

3, The hunt master of the bounty hunters is a wookiee, so wookies are on both sides

4, All they have to do it make it like Bowdarr, Khem Val, and the armor doesn't really show on the toon

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1, Speak basic, we already have sound files for Bowdarr, I don't mind reading text for my language.

2, Why can't a wookiee have romance?

3, The hunt master of the bounty hunters is a wookiee, so wookies are on both sides

4, All they have to do it make it like Bowdarr, Khem Val, and the armor doesn't really show on the toon


Now simply explain how Wookies would work in all the existing cutscenes that are framed around the 8 existing body types. All the cutscenes in the game are set at specific X and Y values. If you replace the player character model with that of a Wookie who are significantly taller (then Body Type 3 even) it's going to cause a large number of instances where the Wookie's heads are cropped out of most of the games cutscenes.


Also explain how Wookies would work with all the existing mounts in the game, all of which are designed around the 8 body types meaning that a Wookie's arms and legs wouldn't be in the correct positions on mounts. They'd extend past the normal extensions.


While we're at it how about explaining how they go about easily mapping all the existing class animations to Wookie skeleton. You see Bowdarr, Khem, Quzen, and Broomark all share the same skeleton, and use all the same moves, however their skeletons don't have all the class animations mapped to them because they never needed them. There's no instance where one of them has to dual wield two weapons like a Sentinel/Marauder, or use a rifle, etc, so Bioware never gave their skeleton those animations.


Oh and if Wookies were playable people would want them to be customizable. Bioware would not be able to get away with a race that wasn't customizable, couldn't wear armor, etc, etc. Not enough people would buy it or care about it. It's one thing to have armor not show up on certain companions, it's a completely different situation when it comes to player(s)


Hey look at that, it would actually be an insanely long and difficult process to make Wookies playable, and even if they did go through the process of doing all that work there's no way they'd be able to turn a profit on the time, money, and resources spent to make Wookies a playable species.


Nice necro btw.

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I think people underestimate the importance of the customization aspect. It's a common cognitive bias. They say "Well, I'd be okay with it if they didn't allow them to be customizable" and think that either everyone agrees, or that the people who don't, don't matter.


The thing is, as we can see in the uproar over the "why can't weapons be part of the appearance designer" thing, players are always going to want more. So even if there's a contingent of people saying that they'd be okay with non-customizable wookies, you know that the instant they got released, the forums would be ablaze with 'Why can't I customize my wookie" complaints.

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the answer to all these things is to make the wookies human size the way they made the rancor mounts smaller than normal rancors, and speak basic, which is dumb but since they've already set a precedent why not?


I wouldnt play a short wookie but I bet some people would


also why all the romance hate on aliens and droids? havent you guys ever seen futurama? literally the only 'romance' we see in the movies is between 2 sets of humans (not counting married couples which raises that to 4?), jabba sexually harassing a human and a twieliek, and boba fett flirting with an alien


I bet wookie-human relations would be alot more 'normal' than hutt-twieliek, just sayin...

Edited by Monumenta
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Well, in SWG ... with their wookies, for instance, they had a height bar so you could make short Wookies. Making them human-sized wouldn't be game-breaking for me if that's how they had to go about it. Don't older Wookies shrink? Haha. The Wookies there also had very specific armor/clothing they could use -- so maybe SWTOR could do something like that. Could even make a pack out of it. The Forests of Kashyyyk Pack! Lol. It would probably make a lot of money.


I personally wouldn't care if I had a Wookie toon that roared and growled instead of speaking basic. Heck, half the people I know say that they read faster than the videos talk so they end up reading all the dialog then hit spacebar to get through the video faster while still experiencing the story. If many other players do something similar, then hearing a Wookie instead of a human speaking might not make too big of an impact. Quite a few races in various videos throughout the game don't speak basic, either.....and I generally sit through those without a problem. Except the Ughnaughts. I hate those little pig people.


As for romances, well......maybe they can release a romanceable Wookie companion like they did Treek?


I would love to play a Wookie! But I still doubt it'll ever happen.

Edited by blindxsecrets
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Well, in SWG ... with their wookies, for instance, they had a height bar so you could make short Wookies. Making them human-sized wouldn't be game-breaking for me if that's how they had to go about it. Don't older Wookies shrink? Haha. The Wookies there also had very specific armor/clothing they could use -- so maybe SWTOR could do something like that. Could even make a pack out of it. The Forests of Kashyyyk Pack! Lol. It would probably make a lot of money.


SWG didn't have hundreds of pre-scripted cutscenes framed around your character, thus there's no way that would work.


Games that let you adjust your height to any sort of significant degree aren't very cinematic and/or when they do feature cutscenes they're all far back wide shots like in Star Trek Online because that's the only way you can frame something to account for every possible shape and size.


I personally wouldn't care if I had a Wookie toon that roared and growled instead of speaking basic. Heck, half the people I know say that they read faster than the videos talk so they end up reading all the dialog then hit spacebar to get through the video faster while still experiencing the story. If many other players do something similar, then hearing a Wookie instead of a human speaking might not make too big of an impact. Quite a few races in various videos throughout the game don't speak basic, either.....and I generally sit through those without a problem. Except the Ughnaughts. I hate those little pig people.


The voice isn't the problem. It doesn't present any sort of technical challenge, however if an alien species doesn't use the 8 existing body types in the game they're never going to be playable because everything in the game was built around those 8 body types (cutscenes, mounts, animations, etc)


As for romances, well......maybe they can release a romanceable Wookie companion like they did Treek?


The Smuggler already has a Wookie companion and Treek has never been a romance.

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I think what most of you people saying it absolutly wont happen are forgetting is that money is a very powerful thing and if the devs thought they could get a substantial amount of money from makeing wookies playable you bet your hind end theyd find a way to make it happen these people are NOT incompetent fools who don't know the differance between a PC and a childs toy.
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I think what most of you people saying it absolutly wont happen are forgetting is that

money is a very powerful thing


Money that Bioware Austin doesn't have, and money that EA won't give them to develop things that people want to see.


if the devs thought they could get a substantial amount of money from makeing wookies playable you bet your hind end theyd find a way to make it happen these people


No, they wouldn't, because Bioware Austin isn't in charge of their development resources.


EA gives them an annual budget to work with. If the game is doing well, or okay EA will continue to give them that same annual budget year after year because from EA's point of view there's no reason to increase the annual budget if the game is doing good/okay at that annual budget.


If the game doesn't do well, EA isn't going to dump more money into to make it better.


Basically it's a no win scenario. There's no situation in which EA would actually give Bioware Austin the resources they need to make the game better at this point.

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