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Oh how I'd love a new fleet/capital


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The galaxy is beginning to feel very small - and 4 three years, it's been planet --> fleet , now i go to fleet and actually it just feels depressing, a second orbital space station rather than just a revamp or even a capital would be kinda cool.


Another option is to make Capital worlds and fleet share a new global network channel, so people can look for groups and chat etc without having to e in either location, and give access to all the missions you can get on fleet from the Capital homeworld too... that way you can zap to either when you want. I'm even thinking it would be so cool to be able to go to DK/Coruscant instead of fleet for most things.


Or give a second capital entirely, that could be nice also. Whether a second orbital station with a different design to chill on, or the capitals accessing all the flashpoint/ops and vendors you can get on fleet or giving a new capital, i'd just love somewhere new to keep going back to, all that teleporting around fleet --> destination ---> fleet .. just makes the galaxy feel really really small now at least a capital world feels much bigger, and will give new players access to the advanced players.

Edited by Macetheace
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Combined? Both are hives of scum and villainy seperate but combined? I don't want people yelling to queue ranked mixed with LFG Friends of Old and Jawas. Ugh no no.


i just want some place different to be able to hang out , grab flashpoint missions/weeklies/vendor and still not miss out on groups forming.


just really tired of Carrick/Vaiken station's, need something new, something really pretty and amazing. wouldn't mind if i could do all the stuff i did on fleet on the capital worlds too, you know, more options than fleet. I wouldn't want the station changed, just a different or alternative location to go to.

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I've never been a fan of the layout for the stations. Too sterile, too artificially designed, too fake looking. It's a space station that a robot would design. That said, I like the *idea* of having a space station as the capital since we don't see many of 'em in the game.


That said, I dunno if doing some major revamp on them would be worth the time it'd take. I'd be cool with adding the vendors and stuff to Coruscant/Dromund Kaas for those that want the option to hang out there, though. Mind you, they'd probably never match the fleet stations due to the sheer amount of stuff that they have.

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Also just a note, gold sellers would loooove to combine General chat for the stations and capital worlds :-)


maybe, but don't give them more power by altering design decisions just because of their activities.


A nicer place or nicer alternative to fleet would be very very welcome - and i know a lot of people like fleet, and it';s pretty cool when you first start playing the game too, which is why i'm in favour of providing an alternative second destination and incorporating the capitals

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It's pretty sad how tiny and cramped the 'fleet' seems. Hell, adding a dueling area (with observation lounges) and a huttball arena would be pretty nice, and people have been asking for it since before launch. Make the VIP lounge actually have a point...oh well, until they figure out how to monetize it nothing will happen.
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