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I'd like to be a merc in pvp.


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So, i thought i'd roll a merc. Played mainly madness sorc and MM sniper in pvp, and i wanna try the merc. Im aware they are in a quite bad spot, they are not FOTM, but i wanna play it and put the effort into it, as i dont care what is FOTM and what is not. I guess healer is always an option in pvp, probably worse than sorc and op, but always an option.

However, i'd like to play dps merc. After reading some threads on this matter, it turns out there is no consensus about if arsenal is better than pyro, or the other way around. Some prefer arsenal, saying it has better dps overall, some prefer pyro saying the same thing. I dont have experience in pvp as merc, but my general experience in pvp tells me if you are a merc, you have two golden rules:

1- Be always running, kitting, and on the move. You cant be static.

2-LoS is your lifesaver.

So, considering these points, i have the feeling arsenal, as a more static spec, would be harder to play but would put bigger numbers as a whole. I have a fetish for the big numbers at the end of the warzone, i just enjoy to see i got big numbers. I play objectives, and get killing blows as well as solo kills, but the thing i enjoy most is to see i got a really nice dps number. (reason why i play madness sorc)

The problem is that, if im not wrong, arsenal put bigger numbers than pyro at the end, but has much less mobility. So, the question is:


What dps spec would you recommend and why? which can put bigger numbers, as well as allowing you to be constantly on the move, or almost constantly (besides some cast sometimes)? And do you have any advice for merc dps besides all the above? Thaks for reading and taking your time to answer.:)

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I enjoy both specs (pyro is my favorite) but I do considerable more damage with pyro, which I suppose is because of the dots and dot spreading with the two dots. For single target burst I may lean towards Arsenal, although Magshot + Powershot + Magshot hits pretty hard. Edited by Burrowa
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I was thinking of making one last night but as a healer and not DPS. I have had the pleasure of playing with them (the DPS ones) and regardless of what the people here state, they are pretty awesome in PvP. I've seen them tear people to pieces, keep enemies off of me, and held their own until I arrived to assist them (I'm a Sorceress healer).


The only suggestion I can give you is to purchase the Field Respecialization perk as soon as you can so you can freely switch depending on your mood. Lastly, the healers (Mercenary) are pretty good as well.

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Assuming your equally skilled in all 3 specs I rate all 3 specs like this:

Combat Medic/Bodyguard (best) > Arsenal/Gunnery (OK) > IO/Assault (worst)


But if you strictly want to DPS, I'd recommend Arsenal/Gunnery. It's still mobile, its going to be the only viable dps spec once they get their new ''5 stack absorb'' ability coming soon, and in the RARE event they leave you alone to free-cast, you can do a lot of focused burst damage.


IO/Assault is over-performing in PvE at the moment, but I just don't think is that viable for PvP unless you're doing team arenas and have support.


Unfrotunately with 3.0, the devs took away Merc/Commandos ability to off-heal and keep themselves alive as well as before. So both dps specs technically are even harder to play well in solo rateds, when typically its 4 dps tunneling you to death.

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Yeah i strictly want to dps. Btw i dont plan to do ranked, just regs, and i assume arsenal is more bursty, but i'd like to know if IO will in the end put bigger numbers and overall dps (just like it happened before 3.0 with lightning and madness sorcs).


EDIT: Also did anyone try missile blast as a finisher with IO? Im not sure but i think there is a talent it increases its damage by 75%, so would that be a good "takedown"?

Edited by DeVanagloris
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Yeah i strictly want to dps. Btw i dont plan to do ranked, just regs, and i assume arsenal is more bursty, but i'd like to know if IO will in the end put bigger numbers and overall dps (just like it happened before 3.0 with lightning and madness sorcs).


You will have no problem doing ridiculously good dps numbers if you play Arsenal/Gunnery well. It is a 100% viable spec for regular objective warzones. IO/Assault is also viable for regular warzones too though....but I still think Arsenal/Gunnery is the easier and better choice.


People I play with regularly can do 1500-2k dps with Arsenal/Gunnery in reg warzones and often have big hits of 12-15k in the matches. It's a very viable spec.

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EDIT: Also did anyone try missile blast as a finisher with IO? Im not sure but i think there is a talent it increases its damage by 75%, so would that be a good "takedown"?


Yes that spec has that increased ability. But IO/assault relies on setting up all your dots and continuing a rotation on a target. Which is why it's more difficult to play in PvP, where everything is moving non stop....but over performing in static PvE against 1 boss for several minutes.

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Your previous classes will help you here.. if you like the Madness Sorc in PVP you may like I/O, if you like MM better Arsenal would be a better choice. In simplest terms, I/O is more DOTs/pressure whereas Arsenal is pew pew. My perspective is from Arsenal as I do not really enjoy the DOT play style.


Damage/DPS is not a problem, though in PVP you wont top the damage meters most of the time as those spots are generally taken by the FOTMs, but you'll be up there near the top and can beat them on occasion if you are worried about damage over actually playing the maps and winning.


Here is the BIG caveat though... right now our Achilles Heel is our defensing cooldowns. What we have is basically light beer versions of other classes skills. In short, once focused you will die, and you will die quicker than other classes no matter your skill level, it is simply unavoidable.


I stay with it because i simply like the class, and i love a good challenge. Any fool can play the FOTM, not anyone can make the lesser classes a threat.

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Assuming your equally skilled in all 3 specs I rate all 3 specs like this:

Combat Medic/Bodyguard (best) > Arsenal/Gunnery (OK) > IO/Assault (worst)


But if you strictly want to DPS, I'd recommend Arsenal/Gunnery. It's still mobile, its going to be the only viable dps spec once they get their new ''5 stack absorb'' ability coming soon, and in the RARE event they leave you alone to free-cast, you can do a lot of focused burst damage.


IO/Assault is over-performing in PvE at the moment, but I just don't think is that viable for PvP unless you're doing team arenas and have support.


Unfrotunately with 3.0, the devs took away Merc/Commandos ability to off-heal and keep themselves alive as well as before. So both dps specs technically are even harder to play well in solo rateds, when typically its 4 dps tunneling you to death.


IO will be completely irrelevant when the new dcds are introduced (5 guaranteed absorbs > 35% chance for 6s). but I find IO to be considerably more mobile. if played properly, the only thing you'll ever hard cast is a heal (which is on a 13s cd at the most frequent - luls). its real problem (compared to gunnery for me) is that it loses the advantage of some of merc CC abils cuz of the dots. if I could concussion someone and then heal...wow. that'd bde amazing. but my dots break it before the first cast f inishes.

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So, i thought i'd roll a merc. Played mainly madness sorc and MM sniper in pvp, and i wanna try the merc. Im aware they are in a quite bad spot, they are not FOTM, but i wanna play it and put the effort into it, as i dont care what is FOTM and what is not. I guess healer is always an option in pvp, probably worse than sorc and op, but always an option.

However, i'd like to play dps merc. After reading some threads on this matter, it turns out there is no consensus about if arsenal is better than pyro, or the other way around. Some prefer arsenal, saying it has better dps overall, some prefer pyro saying the same thing. I dont have experience in pvp as merc, but my general experience in pvp tells me if you are a merc, you have two golden rules:

1- Be always running, kitting, and on the move. You cant be static.

2-LoS is your lifesaver.

So, considering these points, i have the feeling arsenal, as a more static spec, would be harder to play but would put bigger numbers as a whole. I have a fetish for the big numbers at the end of the warzone, i just enjoy to see i got big numbers. I play objectives, and get killing blows as well as solo kills, but the thing i enjoy most is to see i got a really nice dps number. (reason why i play madness sorc)

The problem is that, if im not wrong, arsenal put bigger numbers than pyro at the end, but has much less mobility. So, the question is:


What dps spec would you recommend and why? which can put bigger numbers, as well as allowing you to be constantly on the move, or almost constantly (besides some cast sometimes)? And do you have any advice for merc dps besides all the above? Thaks for reading and taking your time to answer.:)


Arsenal is very mobile now... I rarely stop moving and incorporate a lot of the same strategies I use on my Sorc... The only thing is they aren't as survivable... Hopefully with some of the buffs coming will balance this a bit better


I'm enjoying my Merc in LVL 60 regs... Even reg arena isn't too bad... Just don't try ranked yet...

In regs I can nearly always get near the top in damage out put... 800k-1.2 mil... Just remember to LOS hard and stay near your healer

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BS....If you know how to move, use your teammates (i.e. melee teammates) as a wall in reg WZ's you can put out insane numbers as arsenal merc..but you got to know when to fight and when to run and when to pillar hop...especially when fighting sniper/GS. I find it hilarious when people complain about certain specs when it's the player that's the problem. Pvp is about movement and staying alive, stop trying to be the hero and play defensively. Know your surroundings and where the enemy reinforcements will be coming from, but most importantly...move and keep moving. It's a lot harder to focus a movuing target especially if your LOSing them.
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Thanks all for the replies, definitely ill be going arsenal. However, as i am completely new to the class, i got a couple of questions more:

1- there is this ability that makes your next ability cost no heat (cant remember name sorry), so what should i use it with?

2- also, which utilities you recommend for pvp? Should i invest a point in the utility that gives an additional charge on tech override so i can instacast 2 tracer missiles instead of 1 on the move?


Thanks for the input i appreciate it:)

Edited by DeVanagloris
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BS....If you know how to move, use your teammates (i.e. melee teammates) as a wall in reg WZ's you can put out insane numbers as arsenal merc..but you got to know when to fight and when to run and when to pillar hop...especially when fighting sniper/GS. I find it hilarious when people complain about certain specs when it's the player that's the problem. Pvp is about movement and staying alive, stop trying to be the hero and play defensively. Know your surroundings and where the enemy reinforcements will be coming from, but most importantly...move and keep moving. It's a lot harder to focus a movuing target especially if your LOSing them.


Good to see another person who gets it :)

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Thanks all for the replies, definitely ill be going arsenal. However, as i am completely new to the class, i got a couple of questions more:

1- there is this ability that makes your next ability cost no heat (cant remember name sorry), so what should i use it with?

2- also, which utilities you recommend for pvp? Should i invest a point in the utility that gives an additional charge on tech override so i can instacast 2 tracer missiles instead of 1 on the move?


Thanks for the input i appreciate it:)


If you are using your rotation/priorities correctly... You will very rarely even need to use vent heat... Most rotation guides are PVE based... But they are good to read to get an understanding on what your priority casts should be and how to proc crits, instant casts or extra damage... Have a read of some of them... I usually start with Dulfy


With utilies you want to be able to spec to instant cast... But also for survivability...

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Thanks all for the replies, definitely ill be going arsenal. However, as i am completely new to the class, i got a couple of questions more:

1- there is this ability that makes your next ability cost no heat (cant remember name sorry), so what should i use it with?

As has already been said, that ability you really don't need to worry about in PvP. Very rarely have I built up so much heat that I've had to use that ability.

2- also, which utilities you recommend for pvp? Should i invest a point in the utility that gives an additional charge on tech override so i can instacast 2 tracer missiles instead of 1 on the move?


Thanks for the input i appreciate it:)


The following are the skills that I've chosen and work well for me. Others, and yourself, might choose differently.



Jet Escape

Custom Enviro Suit




Suit FOE

Torque Boosters



Thrill of the Hunt

Stabilized Armor

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Rolling up a merc with a deliberate focus on pvp sounds like a good sequel to Fiffty Shades of Gray. The BDSM stuff, anyways.


You may say, im a dreamer... but im not the only one :p


EDIT: Oh and btw, is there any chance i get to use missile blast and flamethrower optimally as arsenal? Its just from a pure lorewise point of view, as those are two classic attacks from bounty hunters on movies, and they are actually quite cool. It's dissapointing if you cant use them at endgame because they are trash. Oh well, i guess i can always use them a bit while doing pve dailies...

Edited by DeVanagloris
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You may say, im a dreamer... but im not the only one :p


EDIT: Oh and btw, is there any chance i get to use missile blast and flamethrower optimally as arsenal? Its just from a pure lorewise point of view, as those are two classic attacks from bounty hunters on movies, and they are actually quite cool. It's dissapointing if you cant use them at endgame because they are trash. Oh well, i guess i can always use them a bit while doing pve dailies...


No to flame thrower... Yes to missile blast

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No to flame thrower... Yes to missile blast


funny thing about missile blast in IO: volatile warhead turns it into an execute (75% dmg increase) on targets under 30%. ok. no big deal. it procs to tell you this on the bar. the funny thing: it stays lit if you don't use it or change targets.

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Mercenary pvp isnt bad, it is an art form. You have pretenders or people who dabble in it. But mercenary is not a class you dabble in. You must live it, be the mercenary. You have to completely merge yourself with the class, learn every trick, every little defensive pop you have in each spec. But once you finally reach mercenary enlightenment, few can stop you.


In all seriousness its a good class but a lot of people dont play it right. It has no "oh ****" button for ranked, but in regs you can actually do quite well. Arsenal is burst damage, and it is extremely good at it. It is great for precision strikes against targets like marauders/sins/sorcs/snipers because of the immense kinetic damage it puts out. It is also great for crowd control because this spec has no dots so it is fine for using moves like concussion missile. But, as a burst class you wont get those higher numbers.


As a IO mercenary (which is what I like) i feel it is great against tanks/healers/ and heavier dps like PTs and juggs. Despite not technically being a burst class this class have surprisingly good burst once you get the hang of it as the dots hit regularly for 2.5-3k. It has DoT spreading which I think this is the best class to dot spread in, because though it takes 2 moves to spread the Dots if you get the dots on 3-4 people then use supercharged gas and then use Death from above to apply supercharged burn to everyone near it by inflicting damage on a target with your dots, well, you can actually burn down those 3-4 people in pvp like a trash mob, the damage is insane. It also does not rely as much on unload so i find it has better survivability because i dont have to opt for Thrill of the Hunt and therefore get our 2 most important masterful defensive utilities Stabilized Armor and Energy Rebounders. High versatility, high single target damage and extremely high multiple target damage, though it takes a bit longer than arsenal to ramp up.



All in all, I say its a fraw between the two, but in regs I actually think mercenary is one of the strongest classes. When played right.

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Assuming your equally skilled in all 3 specs I rate all 3 specs like this:

Combat Medic/Bodyguard (best) > Arsenal/Gunnery (OK) > IO/Assault (worst)


But if you strictly want to DPS, I'd recommend Arsenal/Gunnery. It's still mobile, its going to be the only viable dps spec once they get their new ''5 stack absorb'' ability coming soon, and in the RARE event they leave you alone to free-cast, you can do a lot of focused burst damage.


IO/Assault is over-performing in PvE at the moment, but I just don't think is that viable for PvP unless you're doing team arenas and have support.


Unfrotunately with 3.0, the devs took away Merc/Commandos ability to off-heal and keep themselves alive as well as before. So both dps specs technically are even harder to play well in solo rateds, when typically its 4 dps tunneling you to death.


I agree with alot being said here.


You will find no pleasure in 4 v 4 on a Merc or Mando.


You simply are too easy a target and everybody knows it. You can expect a sudden death in pretty much every match you play in unless you have some outside support (healer or tank). In rank, you are dead plane and simply. Far too many teams are made up of FOTM and this puts alot of stealth into play. One second you are good, the next second you are stunned and have 4 players wailing on you. Four seconds later you are dead.

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