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My secret to enjoying this game and the other MMO i play so much


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When companies start gouging and nickel and diming it's when they cross the line, so I'm not surprised that there are still many disgruntled players. At least for now, they are still supporting SWTOR, but that may change if EAware doesn't do anything enticing to keep them in longer.


Who said or implied they were running a charity? Certainly not me. We know they seek profits, but there's a fine line with that that they've been crossing and have been exploiting for a long time now.

If someone does not like the price of a leisure product or service, they are free to not pay it. That is why there is no such thing as price gouging regarding leisure products and services. "More than ColorfulCaiques wants to pay" != "price gouging."

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If someone does not like the price of a leisure product or service, they are free to not pay it. That is why there is no such thing as price gouging regarding leisure products and services. "More than ColorfulCaiques wants to pay" != "price gouging."

I still disagree, but when it comes to leisure products or services, in SWTOR, I try to use credits and my complimentary CC for Cartel Coin-related activities.

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I think a lot more people need to be more positive and take things for what they are instead of having very high expectations then "settling" then bashing a game they are paying for and continue to say negative things about it even though they are playing it.


Just enjoy yourself :)




Sorry Sarfux but that type of attitude is PROVEN to give developers a free pass and excuse to continue to make less then proper work.


I don't want people to be negative either mind you. A "THIS GAME SUCKS" serves no good and does no one any help.


I think players need to be more critical of the work, demand better when corners are cut and short cuts are done. Stop saying "its ok, they will do better" and hold these developers (all developers, not just EA) to the fire that sloppy work IS NOT acceptable.


To often we see the "oh shucks darn" attitude lead to ultra lazy coding and designing.


Its been slowly killing this industry for decades.


These companies make a ton of money off us, we should be able to expect complete, non buggy content.


I really think the player base needs to get more critical and start punishing developers financially for delivering less then complete content and products.


Personally after SoR I will not pre pay for a SW:TOR expansion again. That was the final nail in coffin for me with this game.


As for single player games, there is ONLY 2 companies I reward with me paying full price for their products. CDProjekt RED (The Wither series and upcoming Cyberpunk 2077) and the Deus Ex franchise. Rest of them simply have not lived up to their end of the bargin in delivering complete, functioning products (that also not designed to drain your wallet through DLCs after purchase).


Not saying I will not add more to the list but it requires the companies and developers to do better in all areas before I shell out the money they want.


Honestly I have EA (outside of SW:TOR) on a the $10.00 or less list for single player games. I can wait a year or even 2 to play a game because I know they design their games to nickel and dime players through DLCs.

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Sorry Sarfux but that type of attitude is PROVEN to give developers a free pass and excuse to continue to make less then proper work.

"Vote with your wallet" is all that matters.


I enjoy this game by making weird topics in fleet chat.

Ok just me then? I will see myself out........... /dropsmic

I guarantee you are not 1/10 as "weird" as you think you are.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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This from another gaming forum says it so beautifully.

are you going super fast all the time, rushing to get everything done and flying through content? I'm finding the game, and this kind of game (so other mmo's like swtor) a lot more fun by actually going slow and taking my time.


i get less fussed about everything, and far less of a problem waiting for fixes, changes and new things to come too. I find myself able to drink in and appreciate the whole zone, world a lot better too.


Right now, i'm lying down in bed (19:30 GMT here), and just relaxing, haven't been well, got no committments and it's my time to play a bit, I'm really enjoying the stuff I'm doing, I'm reading everything, looking at everything, even reading the quests and finding there is a lot more in the game than appears if you bother to take the time.


I'm wondering if a lot of the frustration I see being exhibited by players posting in the forums is because they're just rushing through everything and are getting over invested in this! - Remember, it's not even real ( just saw a topic about a guy who is telling us he got banned for using racist language b/c a loot grabbing raid leader was needing everything - i'm like "you got that angry over virtual stuff, enough to racially abuse someone?" /shakes head)


taking a step back, playing the game chilled is the best way to play it most of the time. Saying that, sometimes I am in a hurry, and need to rush to do things, I go very very fast, and accomplish things in a fraction of the time it takes in relax mode, but, I also skip a lot, e.g. i wouldn't loot kills, would vendor everything in my bag instead of store for professions or later use etc, won't read quests at all. Oh, I can go fast, done a server first in one of the previous expansions. And watch the speed crank up against an enemy player or in a BG/arena


Having other things in life to be your focus, getting fun from multiple sources will also help take the pressure off this game to be the best thing for you. When it's the only thing you have for pleasure, you're that much more keen and get anxious for it to fulfill your every desire, and honey, only God can do that, don't expect a video game to, you'd only get disappointed and frustrated -- which will in turn cause you to moan and complain. The more you moan and complain, the worse you will feel, the worse this game will look to you, and it will steal the majority of your pleasure from playing it. Get you irritable, irrational and really unsociable to be around. You'd start second guessing developers, insulting and criticizing unfairly, moaning at players, being a real jerk largely.


In-game, you will end up just going through the motions for the sake of it unable to let go or stop, because you have already over invested too much of your time in it, and now don't want to let go. you no longer play for fun, but out of compulsion, you have become a slave to the game. You are on the slippery slope.




RELAX !! -


gain some perspective, find additional things that bring you a lot of pleasure, more than just this,


Then come back, and this time go slow. You'll have so much more fun. And at all costs,



You'll enjoy this a whole lot more.



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I *want* to love this game more - but after 2 years and having tried the various classes/factions, achievement chasing, etc. - I am hitting the dreaded "wall of boredom".


Yea, the game kind of bores me now. As a diehard Star Wars fan...that's just sad to me.


Gonna log in today to see how the new patch worked, but I'm guessing I'll just log in, shuffle around some GTN sales and log back out to play something else unless my guild is doing something noteworthy.


My love of the game has waned quite steadily since SoR came out. 3 + months of egregious bugs, crap response from the folks who run the game, etc. - even the Cartel Packs have been less and less appealing. When their bread and butter revenue generator starts becoming "meh", that's probably not a good sign.


I'm subbed for the next few months...and will not unsub right away, but I'll definitely be spending a lot less time logged in until (more like "if") something exciting actually happens with the game.


Till then, I'm just waiting for the new Battlefront.

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why use to be? it is still well done, it may not be as extensive as previously, or much less than before, but the Revan story is really good and it is continuing the main theme,


besides after SWTOR, no mmo so far quite tells the story in such a nice way, everytime i jumped on ESO, i was missing the convo style, close ups etc of this game, WoW ofc has no such thing, altho in their WoD


Can`t agree with you at all.

Its not about there being less but on so many turns you constantly had questions "Why was this happening? What didn`t he just do this?" with the new expansion story. Rishi was incredibly dull and boring. The reason for Revas doings still up to today isn`t well told. Things were too rushed.


I have to agree, the story used to be a strong point. Its really not anymore.

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This from another gaming forum says it so beautifully.





I did that, guess what I am bored and sick of the dev team.


I watched all cut-scene played both light and dark side for all 8 classes. I've done both PvE and PvP. SoR is one rose to stop and smell, with only handful of lines that respond to your class or even the choice you make when there is one. Most cut scenes you don't have any choice in what you say. If SoR is the type of content they are going to continue to release from here on out the game not worth logging in as F2P.


The aspect of mmo I enjoy is HM FP and PvP. I can't get a queue to pop as tanks or healers. I've got my old desktop working and ran my inactive account on it and couldn't get a tact FP to pop in 30 min. Yet the dev team is doing nothing to address this issue. The "better than cross-server" for PvP? They were suppose to tell us about it before end of last year and here we are in March and we know nothing about it.


I love this game, one of the best design mmo I've played and I would keep an active sub if I knew the dev's were doing anything. But I don't think they have a clue. When addressing issue with the game dev teams handling can be summed up as too little too late. I've canceled my sub almost 2 weeks ago and you can't have my create-o-matic. I haven't logged in to the game in about a week (trying to say goodbye to friends) and don't plan on ever logging in again. The only reason I've stopped by the forums is out of hope that the dev team pulls their heads out of the bantha backside and start communicating. Giving me something to look forwarded too. But that will never happen.

Edited by Warrgames
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I did that, guess what I am bored and sick of the dev team.


I watched all cut-scene played both light and dark side for all 8 classes. I've done both PvE and PvP. SoR is one rose to stop and smell, with only handful of lines that respond to your class or even the choice you make when there is one. Most cut scenes you don't have any choice in what you say. If SoR is the type of content they are going to continue to release from here on out the game not worth logging in as F2P.


The aspect of mmo I enjoy is HM FP and PvP. I can't get a queue to pop as tanks or healers. I've got my old desktop working and ran my inactive account on it and couldn't get a tact FP to pop in 30 min. Yet the dev team is doing nothing to address this issue. The "better than cross-server" for PvP? They were suppose to tell us about it before end of last year and here we are in March and we know nothing about it.


I love this game, one of the best design mmo I've played and I would keep an active sub if I knew the dev's were doing anything. But I don't think they have a clue. When addressing issue with the game dev teams handling can be summed up as too little too late. I've canceled my sub almost 2 weeks ago and you can't have my create-o-matic. I haven't logged in to the game in about a week (trying to say goodbye to friends) and don't plan on ever logging in again. The only reason I've stopped by the forums is out of hope that the dev team pulls their heads out of the bantha backside and start communicating. Giving me something to look forwarded too. But that will never happen.

ai, it is a good game.


but it's okay to take a break. Truth is, i have yet to see an mmo where the developers have been able to match the voracious appetite of their player base. The better the game, the more the fans, the greater the addicts, the more of everything they want. Till that day comes when either they can make vast amounts of new stuff at a click of a button or they can hire an entire country of developers to create enough of a continuous stream of content to feed those ravenous players - one of these two thing s must happen



1. You play slower .. don't spend so much time on the stuff


2, you take a breaks from the game.


Impulse and lack of control demands you play more, must have more!! but you must not give in, you must master it and know it is important to do so, and a good lesson to learn in life. We're not taught this much anymore, so everyone expects their appetites fed instantly, and b/c they pay for it, they feel entitled for it to come at the pace they want it, no matter how unfeasible and undoable that is, therefore when you fail to satisfy the crave, or feed the appetite as a developer, you and your product are bashed relentlessly, the frustration vented on you.


Controlling yourself will be better for YOU. It will help YOU alot. Less agitated, less frustrated, , less irritable, and it will free you to enjoy what you have available a lot more... all for the small price of controlling yourself. Just cos it's there doesn't mean you have to finish all of it straightaway. DO you do that with the box of choclates? or the cookies? Same thing, sure you can rail at mum for not having more , or cry for more - but you're better off grabbing a hold of yourslef, letting it go, and doing something else. So no, don't sacrifice your sleep, or school work, or duties and vital activities you need to do for living a good life just to satisfy your craving.. nor should you always sacrifice other social and fun activities all the time for this.


Eliminate the things that are making you feel like you have to rush and you have to be there all the time because that will consume you, and it will stop being fun, and take up your life for something that is not worth that level of devotion - i mean it's a video game not saving the planet and self indulgent to boot. It may be a lot of fun to just throw yourself into it and not do anything else, but that's the worse thing you could do. Make sure you do have pauses to do other things, make sure you don't neglect real things, important things and make sure you have other things and other people to bring you happiness so this doesn't become an idol to you. You want to be the master, not the slave, controlling the passions and not having it controlling you.

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Very good reply, Macetheace. Highly recommended.


If it feels like pain - like Zynga's "fun pain" concept, for example - then stay away from it.


If you stick to what makes you feel hurt,

then it will rather make the wound even deeper than closing it.


So, staying away from everything that hurts might not be that good in terms of training - but it might be good in tems of "self-hygiene".


For example : I always felt hurt by playing PvP. Since I stay away from it, SWTOR has become an much more enjoyable experience for me.

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You can enjoy something and still find faults and things to criticize. Good with the bad.


For example. I enjoy Star Wars, but not everything Star Wars is great and awesome. There is some really crappy things with the Star Wars logo on it. There is some really bad things in parts of the movies. I absolutely hate the dye system in this game and think it is crap compared to other MMO's. Etc, etc.


If you are going to set looking with "rose colored glasses" then you are lying to yourself and not living in reality. It's the same thing with people who say one console or PC is better than the other, etc, etc. And then fight and argue like 2 yr olds over it when the reality is they ALL have good and bad thing's about them. None is better than the other.


Without criticism and critique things do not improve and get better. If no one ever said what they dislike and made threads about it, Bioware wouldn't get any feedback. That is why I cant STAND people who call it "whining" when people post ideas and concerns about a product they pay for monthly. People really need to grow up a bit and realize everyone has a right to their opinion and feedback. What someone says doesn't effect you, so move on and let them have their say. Not troll it and say they are "whining".

Edited by DarthVengeant
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You can enjoy something and still find faults and things to criticize. Good with the bad.


For example. I enjoy Star Wars, but not everything Star Wars is great and awesome. There is some really crappy things with the Star Wars logo on it. There is some really bad things in parts of the movies. I absolutely hate the dye system in this game and think it is crap compared to other MMO's. Etc, etc.


If you are going to set looking with "rose colored glasses" then you are lying to yourself and not living in reality. It's the same thing with people who say one console or PC is better than the other, etc, etc. And then fight and argue like 2 yr olds over it when the reality is they ALL have good and bad thing's about them. None is better than the other.


Without criticism and critique things do not improve and get better. If no one ever said what they dislike and made threads about it, Bioware wouldn't get any feedback. That is why I cant STAND people who call it "whining" when people post ideas and concerns about a product they pay for monthly. People really need to grow up a bit and realize everyone has a right to their opinion and feedback. What someone says doesn't effect you, so move on and let them have their say. Not troll it and say they are "whining".

i see what you're saying, i'm just really trying to help people enjoy things a lot more. perhaps how /why i enjoy the game would help too?


i've been agitated, angry, frustrated before too, been over invested etc, not seen clearly, irrational, i've also had fun. I notice a lot of negativity, it's not good for anyone, not for the moaners and complainers, not for the people who have laboured intensely on something they love and are sharing it with you, and just because you pay for it doesn't mean that statement isn't true.


foul moods are contagious, but a lot of these feelings can be traced back to lacking patience, self control etc, i'm sure peopel have issues in their lives, but fun activities help lighten some of your burden, you don't then want to foul one of your relief outlets right? And your stink is never self contained, it affects others too. Negative posts, super criticism, bad mouthing actually make me not want to play when i read the stuff, where otherwise i would have been fine.


and while this is not just for my peace of mind, maybe I can help bring some peace to the most agitated with sharing my experience... or is the forum the wrong place for me to do this? i'm seriously questioning that now.


atm, i'm just inclined to just abandon it, stop reporting bugs, stop feedback, stop encouragement, stop talking about the things i like, if both moderators and players don't think it's appropriate, since they use these as well, it is not achieving my intention, I should discontinue.

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i see what you're saying, i'm just really trying to help people enjoy things a lot more. perhaps how /why i enjoy the game would help too?


i've been agitated, angry, frustrated before too, been over invested etc, not seen clearly, irrational, i've also had fun. I notice a lot of negativity, it's not good for anyone, not for the moaners and complainers, not for the people who have laboured intensely on something they love and are sharing it with you, and just because you pay for it doesn't mean that statement isn't true.


foul moods are contagious, but a lot of these feelings can be traced back to lacking patience, self control etc, i'm sure peopel have issues in their lives, but fun activities help lighten some of your burden, you don't then want to foul one of your relief outlets right? And your stink is never self contained, it affects others too. Negative posts, super criticism, bad mouthing actually make me not want to play when i read the stuff, where otherwise i would have been fine.


and while this is not just for my peace of mind, maybe I can help bring some peace to the most agitated with sharing my experience... or is the forum the wrong place for me to do this? i'm seriously questioning that now.


atm, i'm just inclined to just abandon it, stop reporting bugs, stop feedback, stop encouragement, stop talking about the things i like, if both moderators and players don't think it's appropriate, since they use these as well, it is not achieving my intention, I should discontinue.


I'll give you an example of a problem I see all the time:


One guy in gen chat simply MENTIONS something he dislikes or thinks needs improving about the game, and you get 10 people jumping down his throat saying he is "whining" or "unsub then" etc. I see this happen ALL the time, and it has happened to me. It is ridiculous. It isn't "negative" or a bad attitude to voice your opinion. However, it IS a bad attitude and negative to jump down the guys throat for simply saying his valid opinion. The "foul moods" I see are the ones who don't like hearing other peoples opinion about the game and have rose colored glasses on about it.


The game isn't all roses and happy perfection. It needs criticism. It needs opinions. I welcome it. People who sub have right to discuss things they dislike or think needs improving.

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I *want* to love this game more - but ...

Then do so. That's on you, not on BWEA.


If the game bores you, take a break. Continuing to engage in a leisure activity you claim to find boring is totally nonsensical.


I'm subbed for the next few months...and will not unsub right away, but I'll definitely be spending a lot less time logged in until (more like "if") something exciting actually happens with the game


What kind of person pays for a leisure product or service he or she does not find enjoyable? A sucker. BWEA doesn't care if you "love" the game, like the game, feel indifferent about the game or hate the game, if you are paying for the game. But, those of us who do like the game appreciate that those who don't continue to pay for it. Keep up the good work, suckers.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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