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Good God, use Voicechat already!


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Good God people, buy a cheap microphone and download Teamspeak 3, Ventrilo, or Mumble. They are all excellent (I prefer TS3), free, and allow you to actually tactically communicate with others in PvP, AND PvE to better and more quickly react to things. You can also tell jokes, talk to people, etc. And yes, I agree it should have been integrated into the game.


Even if you don't have a microphone or if you have some weird syndrome that makes you afraid to talk anonymously over a microphone (Glossophobia-fear of public speaking, Thanks BING!) you can still listen to what people are saying, and react to it.


So download one or all of those programs, folks. They won't slow down your system, aren't hard to set up, and will increase your enjoyment of the game.


Some of them (TS3) have the ability for you to share a simple url that automatically connects you to the guild or kinship's voice server. This spares you from having to type in IP addresses and passwords.


It's the internet, guys and gals. We can't see you, you'll be okay. Relax and Game ON, with voice!

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Whilst I would agree the issue is that if you happen to hop in to a pug of any kind you would need to ensure everyone had the same version of the application you wanted to use, then get them access to the server, etc. You make it sound easy, but it really isn't as easy as it should be.
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It is so simple in Germany. There is only one voice chat program, Teamspeak, and you don't have to install all the other programs depending on which program is preferred by the current raid leader.

90% of all level 60 players have Teamspeak installed, some may not have a microphone and can only listen in, but even for a simple run like TFB 16-man SM or a world boss kill, you'd have players joining Teamspeak.

Of course, there are always bad examples and the recent SoR expansion that drew in lots of solo players has decreased this a little bit, we also for some reason got some non-German players on our server now, but in general I would say the German servers are in a good position when it comes to voice chat.


I'm not sure why the situation on other servers differs so much. On European servers, I can understand the language barrier. Not everyone speaks English well here, so communicating via voice-over is even more difficult than via chat.

On U.S. servers though, it shouldn't be a problem since pretty much everyone is a native speaker. I guess it is both the cultural difference and the multitude of programs you need to have versus the monopolized market in Germany.


But to the OP, your request is in vain. You just can't change players. If they are not comfortable talking to other players, they won't do it, you can't force them to do it no matter how hard you try, they won't believe that it's easier to run ops with voice chat. But of course, you're free to only join raids that enforce voice chat. In fact, when I do any more difficult raid, I give every player without voice chat a choice: Install Teamspeak now or be kicked from the group. I have no interest in having to type everything in chat just because one out of 16 players does not want to join voice chat.

Edited by Jerba
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I wouldn't use it for a pug. I'm not against using it for guild stuff, but frankly, sitting there with a headset on isn't my idea of a fun time gaming. Headsets are annoying and they make my ears itch. Besides, usually, I'm doing something that makes the use of a headset impractical, like watching TV while I game.


Mostly I stay away from situations where such fine-tuned communication and coordination are necessary. If I have to be that synchronized with the people I'm grouped with in order to succeed, I'm obviously doing something that's way too much work and effort for me. That said, I type at 120 wpm, so typing was never a big issue for me anyway.


I don't treat gaming as this big srs bsns thing. It's a video game. It's not a military manoeuvre.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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<insert joke about credibility and using bing>


that being said, unless in a guild and doing progression, expecting pugs to have access to voice chat is asinine. I would need to have all 3 installed, and constantly update the server names/passwords for every new group. Not to mention that most guilds dont' always want to give out their passwords to random pugs.


i rarely use voice chat for anything out side of progression raiding since it is usually unnecessary.

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I second Jerba. I have all 3 major ones (Teamspeak, Vent, and Mumble) installed just in case. Outside of guild run, I will get in if they request it. It's not just an elitist thing though, as many new guilds pug a spot or two and want people to be in to have everyone on the same page. Several times you end up being the one explaining to them over voice boss strats. For most pug runs of SM outside of the new ops on JC there isn't voice. And less are using it for the new ones as people memorize the mechanics.


On a similar note, I really wished that this game had a built in voice chat as I do find it annoying sometimes to find the voice program they use and type in the info.


Random note: I remember being explained all 9 waves of Draxus HM over TS. It took longer than the fight :p . Imagine if it was typed lol nope.



Slightly off topic: I'm curious about the TS Monopoly thing in Germany. Is it just because preference or something else why only TS is preferred?

Edited by FerkWork
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I wouldn't use it for a pug. I'm not against using it for guild stuff, but frankly, sitting there with a headset on isn't my idea of a fun time gaming. Headsets are annoying and they make my ears itch. Besides, usually, I'm doing something that makes the use of a headset impractical, like watching TV while I game.




I got a mic that clips to the collar of my shirt. Works great and I don't have to be bothered with something on my head. Only problem is if I have to get up for something. Got to remember to take it off, just like a headset.


As for using TS3, r other voice chat, I will use it for guild stuff. Or if am hanging out with my guildmembers. For pugs, no thanks.

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I dunno - I mean I use vent with my guild sometimes - but i'm a husband/father, etc - so i'd rather not have to burden my guild with a conversation if my wife or daughter comes down. So far, no issues just listening, but overall, it's not as easy to do for some people.
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Good God people, buy a cheap microphone and download Teamspeak 3, Ventrilo, or Mumble. They are all excellent (I prefer TS3), free, and allow you to actually tactically communicate with others in PvP, AND PvE to better and more quickly react to things. You can also tell jokes, talk to people, etc. And yes, I agree it should have been integrated into the game.


Even if you don't have a microphone or if you have some weird syndrome that makes you afraid to talk anonymously over a microphone (Glossophobia-fear of public speaking, Thanks BING!) you can still listen to what people are saying, and react to it.


So download one or all of those programs, folks. They won't slow down your system, aren't hard to set up, and will increase your enjoyment of the game.


Some of them (TS3) have the ability for you to share a simple url that automatically connects you to the guild or kinship's voice server. This spares you from having to type in IP addresses and passwords.


It's the internet, guys and gals. We can't see you, you'll be okay. Relax and Game ON, with voice!


good, cause Im just wearing socks

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I dunno - I mean I use vent with my guild sometimes - but i'm a husband/father, etc - so i'd rather not have to burden my guild with a conversation if my wife or daughter comes down. So far, no issues just listening, but overall, it's not as easy to do for some people.


You don't broadcast all the time...only when you press a key.


In response to the rest of the thread, if not for voice chat most raids/ops/big things would never be figured out. I know there is no way I would have ever stayed in MMOs as long as I have if not for the ability to actually hear teammates.


I can understand if all a person did was planetary stuff or even flashpoints, but for what gamers do at end game, what the MMO industry calls end game, coordination is a must. Since seconds matter, voice chat is necessary.

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No. Not for PUGs. Never. My Guild uses Mumble, and I'm set up to listen, but not talk. That's as much as I'm willing to do. If not using voicechat renders me unworthy to play reindeer games in the eyes of some people, so be it.


Jeez, I never said it made you unworthy! It just makes things easier, and MORE SOCIAL! I'd still play with you, unless you're this sensitive all the time!

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Slightly off topic: I'm curious about the TS Monopoly thing in Germany. Is it just because preference or something else why only TS is preferred?

Honestly, I don't even know. I never used Teamspeak prior to SWTOR but I believe it is due to historical reasons. First of all, Teamspeak was created by a German company. There must have been a time where Teamspeak was the only program one could use, and now it is very hard for a new competitor to enter the market since everyone only has Teamspeak installed.


There are minor differences between the voice chat programs of course, but in general I don't see how other programs like Mumble, Ventrilo or Raidcall offer anything important Teamspeak doesn't have, so there's no point switching to a different service anyway.

Edited by Jerba
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I will agree with the OP on most everything..

I use it "TS" for my guild, and I often offer PUGs to use it when we do special things....


Not everyone in my guild uses it even tho it is there for all.

I most of the time unless doing group events will I use it.


Still it is a way to get the job done better and faster... some folks type 4 wpm with 3 mistaces.:p

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I don't think voicechat would help. Problem is that I don't know how to handle aggro. Today I had two runs on my Sage and aggro was all on me. I can't lose it. In the first run we had 3 healers so it was fine. I didn't die.


In the second run Guardian said I'm "whiny brat".

Edited by Halinalle
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I don't think voicechat would help. Problem is that I don't know how to handle aggro. Today I had two runs on my Sage and aggro was all on me. I can't lose it. In the first run we had 3 healers so it was fine. I didn't die.


In the second run Guardian said I'm "whiny brat".

Yeah, but if you used voicechat, you could have heard the scorn and derision dripping from his words when he said it. ;)
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