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This may be a dumb question(s)

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Ok so I want a Dreadmaster Mask, but i dont need the fancypants one. How difficult is Dreadtooth at this point? Does he still Drop the Mask? How many people should it take to kill him?


I know these are probably dumb questions, but there is no other way to get an answer other than to ask. Thanks.

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Ok so I want a Dreadmaster Mask, but i dont need the fancypants one. How difficult is Dreadtooth at this point? Does he still Drop the Mask? How many people should it take to kill him?


I know these are probably dumb questions, but there is no other way to get an answer other than to ask. Thanks.


It's actually a Dread Guard Mask but I'm just being nit picky :p Very easy. Yes. 2 people is sufficient.


The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked. That implies we don't have dumb questions from time to time :)

Edited by FerkWork
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Even if im in PvP gear? I dont normally pve, thats why im asking.


At 60 you will reflect most damage so no need to bring a healer. Full reaver it's doable with 2 and Exhumed but you can bring a third to be sure. Anything over 3 is overkill

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tried 2 days ago solo with massassi dps set, reached to 40% and died coz of companion died right after we start.

ask a help from guild nd kill it 2 ppl, me a dps and 1 tank

mask is 100% drop each time from when section x went live.

Edited by Kissakias
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You can actually solo it, but it'll take a while. PM me for more info as I don't know this behavior is WAI.

Should be WAI. Cause at level 60 he won't hit you, it's a simple game mechanic. Iirc you need around 5k dps to down him before the debuff you receive expires and he oneshots you, so soloing should be possible if you can pull this kind of dps on your own.

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Should be WAI.

No, it's not WAI; there is a way to get around the enrage timer and fight Dreadtooth for as long as you want, that's all I'm going to say about it.

I'm not sure if they care enough for this world boss that they'd fix it, but given how they fixed the D7 exploit yesterday, they may fix this one as well.


In any case, yes you can kill him even within the enrage timer, Aelunae has done it a few weeks ago but any other Dreadtooth soloing videos I've seen were using the exploit and not doing it correctly.

Edited by Jerba
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There are people who need to exploit this trashmob?:eek:

Seriously, this' the first time I even hear about this.


What I meant is: IF you are able to pull the neccessary dps numbers all by yourself at 60 to kill him within the debuff timer, this is WAI.

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There are people who need to exploit this trashmob?:eek:

Seriously, this' the first time I even hear about this.


What I meant is: IF you are able to pull the neccessary dps numbers all by yourself at 60 to kill him within the debuff timer, this is WAI.

Well, most players are doing all the Section X quests by themselves and only group up for the Heroic 4. Since Dreadtooth respawns fairly quickly (30 minutes), he is nearly always up and I'm sure quite a few players would take the 6-7 minutes to kill him since he does give around 30k credits plus an essense if they can solo him, but they'd never put in the effort to create a group for it or advertise it in general chat.

Edited by Jerba
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