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Healers in Solo Ranked


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Im just coming back to the game, I havent played since a few months after release. Came back to give arenas a shot since thats all that I did in wow. I rolled a Sage healer and my friends are all dps. We have our exhumed sets complete and now were starting to take a shot at ranked games.


When our fourth arena partner wasnt on we decided we would all do solo ranked games. I qued first and both my friends que popped before mine, I thought it was weird but whatever. I guess not a lot of people were queing so they were teamed against each other. Once that match finished their que popped again and they were excited that we all may end up on the same team or fighting one another. To my surprise...my que still didnt pop! This happened for several more games and I was in que for almost 45 minutes. I left that que and requed and still cant get in a game, while my friends whom are queing as dps, keep getting in solo ranked.


So my question....can healers not join solo ranked games? Are healers used in group ranked games either? Should i drop healing and start a dps sage? Any help appreciated, thanks.

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4 dps games are much more common than having a healer + 3 dps or healer/tank + 2 dps game.


This is simply because there are always more dps qing than healers or tanks. The only way you will get a game q'd as heals is if there is another healer in the q to be placed on the other team. If you want to play tons of games dps spec is usually the way to go. In peak hours, you might get consistent pops as a healer.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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In solo ranked, you're not supposed to get a game unless the matchmaker can match two teams with the same roles against each other. So if you're a healer, you can only get matched against teams that include a healer. If you are the only healer in queue you can not play and if there is an odd number of healers in queue you will get fewer pops than DPS.


On the upside for healers, if there are exactly 2 healers in queue they will get back to back pops against each other while DPS may have to sit out. Generally speaking, both tanks and healers get fewer solo queue games than DPS, though.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Ah okay, I guess that makes sense. Sucks to be me i guess. Friends have gotten a ton of ranked commendations while I have nothing now. I know I could spec dps, but having bought the mystics set for healing I would probably get flamed for attempting to solo que with that.


As for group ranked games, is it still usually 4dps vs 4dps or is it beneficial to have heals/tank. Not sure what is a good team composition for swtor arenas. Thanks guys.

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Ah okay, I guess that makes sense. Sucks to be me i guess. Friends have gotten a ton of ranked commendations while I have nothing now. I know I could spec dps, but having bought the mystics set for healing I would probably get flamed for attempting to solo que with that.


As for group ranked games, is it still usually 4dps vs 4dps or is it beneficial to have heals/tank. Not sure what is a good team composition for swtor arenas. Thanks guys.

I wouldn't worry about the mystic set. Just go dps. The dps set bonus for a sage/sorc isn't that great anyway.


I've never done group ranked, but I've seen plenty of streams. It seems like most go 2 dps, 1 healer, 1 tank. There may be some interesting other compositions that can work in 3.0, but don't ask me.

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To the OP, mind me asking which server you are playing on?


I only ask because most servers the Repubs seem like the minority. So I would think that as a Repub healer, your queue times would be considerably shorter because other Imp healers are waiting on the Repub side to queue.

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Just go DPS. Because of the population, broken ELO and poor matchmaking, average healers and tanks get matched up against good ones and its GG. Very frustrating.


Without tank, 4 DPS games are more fair. If you can't keep yourself up in solo, if you can't carry, please don't heal. Go Dps. More fun for everyone.

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Ah okay, I guess that makes sense. Sucks to be me i guess.


You think it's bad on a Healer? Try queuing as a Tank. My Guardian has gotten one Ranked queue pop in a week of trying.


Now farming DPS gear...

Edited by DarthOvertone
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You think it's bad on a Healer? Try queuing as a Tank. My Guardian has gotten one Ranked queue pop in a week of trying.


Now farming DPS gear...


it's the most difficult role. can ferret out a weak tank very quickly. I'm kinda glad. less tank roulette. s'funny. you'd think it would be healers that are exposed more quickly, but it doesn't see that way in my experience. pretty clearly tank > heal > dps.



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