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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is the game already dead? Can it be saved?

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Since the launch of this game, the quality of content has been dropping at a steady pace. The development team that created Starwars vanilla are largely gone. The epic feel of Jedi vs Sith with iconic characters seems to be gone. The game has slowly received some quality of life enhancements, but has also become more generic. The narrative of the new content is very poor. Ravagers is a jumbled mess of space pirates and stupid characters. WE ARE FIGHTING AN ALIEN PARROT AS A BOSS, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! The grand final boss of ravagers has us fighting a freaking parrot and a bounty hunter, who I have no idea who he is. LAME!


The sense of epic starwars encounters is completely lost in Ravagers, I mean stealing booze from pirates on Bulo, this game is not meant to be a comedy. Now the mechanics are kinda fun, but the context is rediculous and If all you care about is good mechanics, then Wildstar and WOW have that for sure. The reason I stay here is because sure I love endgame content, but I also love Starwars. Temple of sacrifice is a bit better in terms of narrative, but very anti-climatic. The level of story telling is so poor in the new expansions, that most players do not even bother to try to understand the incoherent mess that the new narrative is.


This is all painfully apparent compared with the relatively brlliant stories at launch. Ok, so you can not do eight distinct stories, but can you do one intelligent, coherent one? It is so obvious the brilliance of Bioware on this project has gone and we have the second string team working on swtor. Where are all the good story tellers?, Masseffect 4? Has this game devolved to such a point that we have the bottom of the barrel working on this game now?


The horrible, current narrative, the very unbalanced approach to endgame operation sm's and hm fps, poor loot you get from comms, all scream one thing. BIOWARE does not have enough resources or competent staff to keep this game properly funded with new regular content or decent story telling. They are petrified that the players will burn though the content, because they only plan on releasing two average OP's a year. The team must be tiny at this point if they can only produce a limited amount of content, and that shows me that EA and Bioware no longer view this game as a priority. If the people in-charge of funding development, do not view this game as a priority, should we be wasting our time here hoping for things to get better. This game really does not feel like starwars any more. The only slight win is progression raiders got harder HM raids, yeah so now the game is saved, we got harder hms thats all that was needed. Wrong, harder HM's wont help the game, if the rest of the content is a joke.

Edited by Island_Jedi
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I honestly enjoyed the break from the cliche of Jedi vs Sith. Actually Save 1 all of the ops so far before the expac was us vs the Dread Masters (KP ending ties into it). As for comedic I love a good laugh in an operation, Star Wars is a Space Opera which contains elements of humor. Besides that I like to think of Ravagers as a lighthearted jab at the seriousness of Ops players. (Also I see Revanite Commanders as a joke at the haminess of typical bosses). And Master and Blaster I view as a counterpart to the Jarg Sorno fight in funny lines.


Also I disagree with your hyperbole, as everyone has been proclaiming the death of SWTOR since launch. Yet people still play. I love the new ops. IMHO, They are fun and challenging but fun at the same time. It's when people expect their fun to come from facerolling content (which will make you even more bored in the long run) that are going to be dissappinted. And why can't we play SWTOR for fun mechanics?


But that's just my opinion and my opinion isn't a objective declaration of truth . Considering this is like your third thread complaining about the ops whether difficulty or now story telling with the death of SWTOR hysteria thrown in, it seems that you don't really enjoy the current content. If it's not your cup of tea I suggest finding a new game and I am being serious as I wouldn't play this game if I didn't like the current round of content. But that's just our opinion and we shouldn't make claims that it is a objective statement as it's not. After all it's just a game and our fun experience will vary.

Edited by FerkWork
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people said of another game that pandas meant death. i like the ''tech'' feeling of ravagers, mando habitats of blood hunt. it's a nice change imo, also because yes the old republic has tons of jedi compared to movies saga, but the galaxy is pretty big and also planetary missions have different ''topics''. also a lot of the best bosses around all the ops are not jedi and still epic.
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Of all the legitimate criticism of the new operations, your post has nearly none of it.

but honestly can you explain ravagers, it seems like a jumbled mess and a forced attempt at putting pirates in the game, from a narrative standpoint.

Edited by Island_Jedi
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I honestly enjoyed the break from the cliche of Jedi vs Sith. Actually Save 1 all of the ops so far before the expac was us vs the Dread Masters (KP ending ties into it).


Well the new content is about Revan and he is kind of like a jedi...so....

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when will u stop dude your threads are so wrong on so many levels i mean why even make all these threads why dont you just quit already and leave us alone


A post based on preference can not be wrong or right, especially in this instance. Its simply an opinion, as your response is simply an opinion.

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first you cry about the ops being to hard then you say the flash points are dead now you are saying the game is dead you sound like a person who just wants stuff handed to you on a silver plate based on your other posts join a good guild and get into the hm scene and quit trying to make it sound like the game is going down because you cant clear content
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first you cry about the ops being to hard then you say the flash points are dead now you are saying the game is dead you sound like a person who just wants stuff handed to you on a silver plate based on your other posts join a good guild and get into the hm scene and quit trying to make it sound like the game is going down because you cant clear content


First of all, if you read the posts in the other threads. I actually farm the SM's, so your actually wrong there completely. The flashpoints offer garbage loot, the challenge of it is fine, almost too easy actually. Only battle of Rishi or Bloodhunt offer challenge. My problem is the content is not tuned right, some is too easy, some is too hard in all the wrong places. Revan should be much harder on SM actually.


If your going to respond then at least know who your talking to. I can not clear SM's QQ, as if. Its not about me though, its about the community and the funding of the game, DUH! Hey man keep the comments about the challenge of the OP's in the other thread. This one is about narrative, not challenge.

Edited by Island_Jedi
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First of all, if you read the posts in the other threads. I actually farm the SM's, so your actually wrong there completely. The flashpoints offer garbage loot, the challenge of it is fine, almost too easy actually. Only battle of Rishi or Bloodhunt offer challenge. My problem is the content is not tuned right, some is too easy, some is too hard in all the wrong places. Revan should be much harder on SM actually.


If your going to respond then at least know who your talking to. I can not clear SM's QQ, as if. Its not about me though, its about the community and the funding of the game, DUH! Hey man keep the comments about the challenge of the OP's in the other thread. This one is about narrative, not challenge.


Island I know your threads well. I've posted on em probably way too much. For those that don't know Island's stance:


He's talking mostly in larger terms than is this stuff too hard, too easy, yada yada. So Island I'd prefer if you stuck around. Keep the posts coming.


Coming back to the post and just as a frame of reference:


The ops generally correspond to planets. Oricon --> Dread Masters --> Dread Fortress and Dread Palace

Rishi (pirate hang out) --> Ravagers (pirate operation)

Yavin --> Revan.


From a narrative stand point I don't think the two new ops are out of their elements.

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I totally agree. Dont listen to the appologists. Ravagers is a disgusting insult. A parrot? And the lame, poorly acted dialog? **** this cannot be real... But it is. This game is a joke. Everytime I try to play outside of set guild raids I am reminded how bad it has become.
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Yet somehow, you guys continue to log into game or site's forums...........:(


People have been saying (hoping) the game would die (or was dead) the moment the initial subs of X months started running out after release.


It's as if they want some attention as they leave the game from active players to justify their decision.

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first you cry about the ops being to hard then you say the flash points are dead now you are saying the game is dead you sound like a person who just wants stuff handed to you on a silver plate based on your other posts join a good guild and get into the hm scene and quit trying to make it sound like the game is going down because you cant clear content


Kinda this..^

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but honestly can you explain ravagers, it seems like a jumbled mess and a forced attempt at putting pirates in the game, from a narrative standpoint.


All of the SoR story (and most of the expansion) is a jumbled mess. The few parts I liked about the expansion are not directly related to SoR main story (Raider's cove and its intro mission line; class-specific missions). Revan and emperor and the rest of the steaming pile of manure they call story I would retcon immediately if I had the power.


ps. FYI: I am not a subscriber. I have activated the 7-day promo to check out tomorrows update and whether it might actually be a positive change to marauders.

Edited by Karkais
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but honestly can you explain ravagers, it seems like a jumbled mess and a forced attempt at putting pirates in the game, from a narrative standpoint.


The story is quite simple. Because of your reputation you built as a pirate lord on Rishi Ruuger seeks you out and helping him get his ship and the ravagers back from Cora. Because he offers to assist in helping your faction with smuggled goods, you agree to help him out. Start off by infiltrating a pirate haven on Rishi then sneak aboard a ship to hop onto the Ravager ship and gain control. HOwever in the process Ruuger, as pirates usually do, betrays you and leaves you to die but you and your ops team escape and hunt him down.


The Ravagers is by far imo one of the most light harded and fun operations we have had since Karagga's Palace. Which is a great change after coming from the Dread Storyline (which ironically was started in Karragga's Palace)

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He is the Security Chief or so from the Republic. You fight against him. I think it was in the planetary story on Belsavis.


So wait, he isn't some totally random character? But what will the whiners whine about now?


But seriously, the Ravagers were the Revanite weapon suppliers iirc. So, before you hit Revan you hit the suppliers.

Edited by Jojomagro
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