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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Working 3.2 boss fight strategies

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I have been given the semi-official ok from the devs to release the boss strategies from the two flashpoints coming in 3.2. I can't say anything about the story, or release the class boss strategies until 4/4. Please note that these are not the final fight strats. Anything could change between now and the PTS.


Remnants of Antiquity


Quick facts


Required Level: 60

Recommended gear: Full Aug'd 178 or Full Un-aug'd 186

Recommended players: 4


FIRST BOSS: Lord Myrissa

<Guardian of the Palace>


Level 60 Sith Vanguard


HP: 787k (787455)


This fight is a gear and DPS check, although it is nowhere near as difficult as Kyramla HM. She should not be charged at the beginning of the fight, as she will leap backward from her initial position. The main mechanic here is an ability called Lightning Bomb, which explodes and deals ~17k damage to those in the vicinity. Thus, players should spread out when she casts it It is a 3-second activated cast. The other mechanic, which makes this a DPS check, is the hard enrage timer at around ~3:30


SECOND BOSS: Sergeant Hoff

<Elite Riot Trooper>


Level 60 Imperial Guard Officer


HP: 1.05 mil (1048576)


If you've played Wildstar, this fight should be easy. If no tanks are present, the group should assign a player to "tank" the boss in the front. Everybody else either stays at range or behind him. All his attacks are telegraphed, which Wildstar players will find familiar.


FINAL BOSS: Darth Solus

<Archaeological Team Leader>


Level 60 Boss


HP: 1.29 mil (1291828)


This fight's main mechanic is similar to the Titan 6 boss fight in SnV. At 75%, 50%, and 25%, the boss will cast Ravaging Blasts, an 8-second activated ability immediately followed by a 15-second channeled ability of the same name. During the first cast, the players need to get under the shields marked by blue circles. The only other mechanic is a 20% damage increase when the boss hits 10%.





Quick Facts:


Required level: 60

Recommended gear: Full aug'd 178, or full Un-aug'd 186

Recommended players: 4


FIRST BOSS: Commandant Xerid

<Dark Side Sorcerer>


Level 60 Arcanist


HP: 981k (981379)


This is another DPS check. Every 30 seconds, the boss will cast Singularity, a white GTAoE. Players need to stay out of the circles at all costs. If you go into them, you will be cc'd for the rest of the fight, unless you either use your stunbreaker, a healer cleanses the cc, or a heal station is used. After the cc is cleansed or broken, you will get a buff that makes you immune to Singularity for 20 seconds. The boss must be killed before the room is filled with the circles.


SECOND BOSS: Opticron Commanders Delta & Theta

<Opticron Defender>


Level 60 Boss


HP: 809k each (809213)


Each of the bosses has a circle around them, similar to ToS first boss. These circles need to be kept from overlapping.


FINAL BOSS: The Shadow Forge

<Infernal Machine>


Level 62 Ranged (not a typo)


HP: 2.1 mil (2097152) (actually classified as an ops boss)


This boss SHOULD NOT BE ATTACKED DIRECTLY! It has way too much health, and the adds damage add up each wave, and after wave 4, they will start taking off sizable chunks of your health. Instead, the group needs to kill the adds, one of which will drop a number of grenades equal to the number of human controlled characters. Each grenade will be assigned to a different player. The players then need to target the boss, then click on the grenade's icon in the mission tracker. This will damage the boss significantly. Rinse and repeat until it is dead.


Both flashpoints drop purple 186 on all bosses

Both are available in solo mode for the story quests

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Is this what the internet is turning into? People demanding pictures whenever a rumor comes up? Regular forums are already devolving into neckbeards posting pictures of unrealistically revealing Jedi cosplayers, to which other neckbeards yell "sauce!". 4chan needs to go before everything is ruined.
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Is this what the internet is turning into? People demanding pictures whenever a rumor comes up? Regular forums are already devolving into neckbeards posting pictures of unrealistically revealing Jedi cosplayers, to which other neckbeards yell "sauce!". 4chan needs to go before everything is ruined.


OP is mad because he wrote an essay no one believes

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