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What is the Commando good at?


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So came back to try the free 7 day thing and there have been a LOT of changes since I left, and I am wondering...what is the Commando good at? I have not seen many people playing Commandos so I thought I would ask.


I had been a healer previously but it seems like the Operative/Smuggler WAY out heals a Commando. It may be my gear is not so great, and I'm only level 55, but which way is the most effective for PvP with a Commando?



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So came back to try the free 7 day thing and there have been a LOT of changes since I left, and I am wondering...what is the Commando good at? I have not seen many people playing Commandos so I thought I would ask.


I had been a healer previously but it seems like the Operative/Smuggler WAY out heals a Commando. It may be my gear is not so great, and I'm only level 55, but which way is the most effective for PvP with a Commando?




I mean, nobody's keeping you from playing as a pref. I am using these 7days only to post few critical stuff and to help as much people as I can. Onto the topic:


Commando/Merc is currently quite a good class outside PvP. But then again this whole game is good outside of PvP. Commando healing is the largest provided you use it right. Assa.Spec is the largest dps spec, but it's mostly single target and not so easy to grasp. It could easily pull up to 5,5k which is HUGE. The only one lacking is Gunnery. Imo, if they changed Curtain of Fire to go back/forth with seperate 9s ICDs between Hail of Bolts buffing Full Auto/Full Auto buffing Hail of Bolts, it'd be in its right place. At least PvE wise. It'd be even more of a leveling spec and would even get used in high end where currently it hasn't really got presence.


It's a very good AC...

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Alpha-strike of the Gods, baby!


I haven't played Pyro --or whatever the Republic mirror is called now-- since 3.0 dropped, but I've heard little good about it from others.


The healer: Single-target nuke-healing specialist, just like always, but with some badly-needed mobility improvements.


Still no real survivability boosts, still no "escape," our DCDs are still a pathetic joke, and the dev who clearly hates our class still hasn't gotten over whatever trauma caused him/her to do so in the first place. (Just show us on the doll where the nasty-icky-bad Mercenary/Commando touched you...)


Really, not much has changed, there's a few different guitar-solos and drum-fills, but the song is the same as it ever was.


Pays your money, takes your choice.


Gunny/Arsen alpha'ing someone back to re-spawn before they even know what's hit them still makes me giggle, though :)

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Oh for PvP. Commando isn't really that great in PvP. If I had to choose a discipline for PvP, I'd choose Gunnery. Other two are rather PvE-centric. Inn.Ord takes too long to setup for PvP with very few Defensive benefits while healer...is just a healer. Not sure about the ranking of healers in PvP, sorry!


I'd even be as bold as to say that Commando as a whole is a PvE class. There are definitely better PvP classes.

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Alpha-strike of the Gods, baby!


I haven't played Pyro --or whatever the Republic mirror is called now-- since 3.0 dropped, but I've heard little good about it from others.


The healer: Single-target nuke-healing specialist, just like always, but with some badly-needed mobility improvements.


Still no real survivability boosts, still no "escape," our DCDs are still a pathetic joke, and the dev who clearly hates our class still hasn't gotten over whatever trauma caused him/her to do so in the first place. (Just show us on the doll where the nasty-icky-bad Mercenary/Commando touched you...)


Really, not much has changed, there's a few different guitar-solos and drum-fills, but the song is the same as it ever was.


Pays your money, takes your choice.


Gunny/Arsen alpha'ing someone back to re-spawn before they even know what's hit them still makes me giggle, though :)


I can kill someone VERY quick with assault specialist commando. Except sorcerers, they are the bane of my existence. With their ridiculous self heals.

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People saying that Mercs/Mandos aren't good for PvP should really specify they aren't good for ranked arenas. They do just fine for regs which is honestly what most of the people who are even asking in the first place are going to be playing. Also anyone saying that IO/Assault is not good for PvP frankly doesn't know how to play the spec then. Both IO/Assualt and Arsenal/Gunnery are very viable in 8 man regs. You don't have the survivability of some of the other classes, but you can put out as much DPS output as any class so the trade off in regs is not so bad.
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Out of arenas where you're obviously spotted before the fight, and in solo node guard, you'll just do fine, even more if you know where to stand and try to keep freecasting. You can dish nice dmg, heal a bit here and there, and still have some nice tools to get those nasty sins/ops out of darkness.
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People saying that Mercs/Mandos aren't good for PvP should really specify they aren't good for ranked arenas. They do just fine for regs which is honestly what most of the people who are even asking in the first place are going to be playing. Also anyone saying that IO/Assault is not good for PvP frankly doesn't know how to play the spec then. Both IO/Assualt and Arsenal/Gunnery are very viable in 8 man regs. You don't have the survivability of some of the other classes, but you can put out as much DPS output as any class so the trade off in regs is not so bad.


I disagree with you to a certain degree. Merc / Mandos aren't good at all to bring into arenas - regs or rank.


They lack any true survivability and they need outside help to survive a initial focus. They have no focus break and no escape. So even if they survive the initial double stun focus attack, they don't have enough life left to pose a threat to anyone.


The "decoy" change will help, but it still is not what this class needs to be viable in arenas. They need a better shield or a way to escape. Right now, they have neither and are a glutton for punishment.


In reg arenas they get clobbered. In rank, they get annihilated.

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Out of arenas where you're obviously spotted before the fight, and in solo node guard, you'll just do fine, even more if you know where to stand and try to keep freecasting. You can dish nice dmg, heal a bit here and there, and still have some nice tools to get those nasty sins/ops out of darkness.


Agreed. If you play 8 man pvp with a Merc / Mando, I would recommend avoiding single mode defense. You can't see the stealth coming and they see you a mile away. By the time you are stunned, it is already too late for your team to come save the day. Merc / Mandos are a range DPS class. As soon as things get up close and personal, you have already lost the inititive.

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Arsenal/Gunnery has incredibly good AoE and is still decent at single target dps in PvE, and is pretty easy to play and easy on heat management. It is also super ez-mode for solo play.


While I have yet to try it myself supposedly IO/Assault is the best single target PvE dps in the game currently though is a bit trickier to play than Arsenal/Gunnery.


Merc/Mando healers are supposed to be pretty good right now too, at least outside of PvP.

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Merc/Mando healers are supposed to be pretty good right now too, at least outside of PvP.

We're loved and desired in PVE now, basically ever since they changed Trauma Probe to multiple targets a year ago and additional changes and improvements in 3.0 only made the class better in healing. There's a lot new stuff to check for returning players but mano/merc PVE healing is great now.

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Arsenal/Gunnery has incredibly good AoE and is still decent at single target dps in PvE, and is pretty easy to play and easy on heat management. It is also super ez-mode for solo play.


While I have yet to try it myself supposedly IO/Assault is the best single target PvE dps in the game currently though is a bit trickier to play than Arsenal/Gunnery.


Merc/Mando healers are supposed to be pretty good right now too, at least outside of PvP.


Incredibly good AOE? You have good aoe for a short time until you overheat, after that you can enjoy your coffee while you watch your ops team kill off the trash packs

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