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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What Are Your Expectations for Ziost?


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Per the 2015 roadmap provided by Bruce McLean:



Ziost is a planetary addition that is coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic tenatively on April 28th (per the below link):



*Edit: For those who don't know what the planet is, check out this informative Wikia article, which can give you a good idea of what might be coming for SWTOR:



After exploring many forms here on the site and elsewhere I have noticed a lot of criticism regarding how new planets or daily areas are implemented within SWTOR. Specifically Manaan is viewed as a fairly empty planet with only aesthetic and nostalgic value. Makeb was a mixed bag at its implementation with difficult mobs; Yavin and Rishi have been loved and hated from both sides for various form or size factors (and bugs :rolleyes:). Then there are additions like CZ-198 which are exclusively smaller in dimesnion to act for daily quest lines. Oricon on the other hand I have not seen as much criticism for as it added a daily area, interesting storylines, and two Operations.


That all being said. What are your expectations for Ziost to be a sucessful and meaningful addition to SWTOR? From what I gather Ziost's importance in the Old Republic timeline is somewhere on par with Drommund Kass as the Imperial capital. How can Bioware construct this planet in a creative, innovative manner that is not merely re-skinned and truly brings a fresh and dynamic experience for your SWTOR spring and summer?


What are some suggestions and solutions you have going forward to make planetary additions in SWTOR purposeful?

Edited by ObsidianVashti
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I expect there will be a small side-thing that will be totally unbalanced, prompting 60 threads about it on the forums.


This is just my sampling bias from the slot machine and GTN 'scam' thing, though.

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Per the 2015 roadmap provided by Bruce McLean:



Ziost is a planetary addition that is coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic tenatively on April 28th (per the below link):



After exploring many forms here on the site and elsewhere I have noticed a lot of criticism regarding how new planets or daily areas are implemented within SWTOR. Specifically Manaan is viewed as a fairly empty planet with only aesthetic and nostalgic value. Makeb is mixed bag at its implementation with difficult mobs; Yavin and Rishi have been loved and hated from both sides for various form or size factors (and bugs :rolleyes:). Then there are additions like CZ-198 which are exclusively smaller in dimesnion to act for daily quest lines. Oricon on the other hand I have not seen as much criticism for as it added a daily area, interesting storylines, and two Operations.


That all being said. What are your expectations for Ziost to be a sucessful and meaningful addition to SWTOR? From what I gather Ziost's importance in the Old Republic timeline is somewhere on par with Drommund Kass as the Imperial capital. How can Bioware construct this planet in a creative, innovative manner that is not merely re-skinned and truly brings a fresh and dynamic experience for your SWTOR spring and summer?


What are some suggestions and solutions you have going forward to make planetary additions in SWTOR purposeful?


I see a new stronghold maybe being build around ziost .daily area and world boss and 2 FP and main story for the new raids coming end of year.


At this point am playing just to see story , killed pug runs for me a while back

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Honestly I've learned to set my expectations as low as possible that way I can't be disapointed when all we get is another FP/OP or two.


Playable Togruta – I kind of let the Cathar out of the bag on this one last year at the New York Cantina, but now it’s in writing!


This is the only thing that has really gotten my attention and I wish we had a hard date for release as I've been wanting to play as a togruta from day one.

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my expectations?


im expecting 1 hours worth of bugged content

horrible lag and performance

lots of carebear rage over pvp


that's about it tbh


Damn and I thought I was a cynical person. I bow to a true master. :p

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*Puts on tinfoil hat*

The Emperor has turned into a giant casino with slot machines everywhere with a giant dance floor where you have to do a cross or die. Also there will be an exploit where you can get a free Kephess mount. :p

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Tactical FP.

Lore scattered about the "entrance" ala Manaan.



Stronghold won't be on Ziost.

7+ Dailies, 1 Weekly. (though this would seem redundant given Rishi / Yavin)

Edited by Kremsau
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Expecting: Tactical FP

Small planet

Token dailies

A weekly

+1 Operation most likely, which I expect to be bugged and stay bugged.


And a one-time pop in from the devs to tell us it's out, then silence again for weeks.

Edited by Prototypemind
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Im hoping for an amazing planet thats huge in size and scope and rich with story


Im expecting CZ or Oricon however


I would LOVE to be surprised and amazed by EA and see them take the larger road

but I just do not think they put that much effort into the updates anymore

Just short and fast thats ate up and spit out in a day or 2

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I've never even heard of Ziost. Is there reference to it in the game? I expect a Pazaak mini game :D


Regarding Ziost, here is an outside link regarding the planet's ties to the Old Republic storyline and its significance within the Star Wars universe:



I myself have only finished four of the eight class lines, so I am not entirely sure if the planet has ever been alluded to in the story lines of the game itself yet.

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