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3.1.1 - Bioware why?


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I was hoping, that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you had a lot more changes then what you had for PTS, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Im curious as to why? Why have you been so quiet with our community? We have so many people who are SPOON FEEDING YOU balance changes to help the state of our class for both PvE and PvP. We just want to know what you are doing for our class, if you are intending to do nothing, THEN TELL US YOURE NOT GOING TO ADRESS OUR ISSUES!!! I know im ranting, but honestly I feel that its justified. 4 seconds of 99% reduced damage on a 3 min CD which we can be stunned in and thus rendering its up time not as valuable? Camouflage change is so minor that were biding our time to be just stunned/root/knocked back again? our ranged root that was baseline pre 3.0 now is going to cost us utility slots that are better spent somewhere else? Im sorry, but this is just ridiculous. Now in PvE, we get screwed by mechanics, plain and simple, I will admit that yes, the camouflage change has some presence here, but its not enough, you designed all the fights with SO MANY unfriendly melee mechanics that its aggravating. Im 2/5 HM Ravagers and 4/5 HM ToS on my Marauder, although this may not be super impressive, the progression leading up to this point on my marauder has be far from pleasant. Bioware, when will you listen? When will you see that CHANGE NEEDS TO HAPPEN?! not 3.1.2, not 3.2, not 3.3, NOW! Because as of right now, Season 4 is going to continue being the most horrid unbalanced Season to date, as well as HM progression groups continuing to deny any marauder/sentinel a chance to HM progression because theyre easily out performed by the rest of the classes. Rant over... feel free to agree, disagree, or troll, or vent, because im done :rak_03:

P.S My apologies for grammar errors

-- Atrixx @ The Ebon Hawk -

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Because you're late to the party I'll give you this tidbit: we've pretty much come to the conclusion that this is bioware removing maras from the game. :p


LOLOLOLOL as sad as that sounds... i know its pretty much true xD haha marauders are now a base class in which from there you choose your juggy AC class :D

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I returned to the game last week after 2 years away.


I don't find my marauder any more difficult to play or less survivable than I remember it before.


Still fun. still the easiest to solo of my 5 chars.


Then you are clueless. I don't know what your five toons are, or what your playstyle is (pvp, etc) but if you have a veng jug, or sin, or powertech, or just about anything else, you just aren't getting it. I guess if all you did was solo pve and are still trying to level, you might not catch on, but, tbh, you should.

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Because you're late to the party I'll give you this tidbit: we've pretty much come to the conclusion that this is bioware removing maras from the game. :p


I have less than zero faith in the competency of this dev team. It is embarrassing.

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I was hoping, that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you had a lot more changes then what you had for PTS, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Im curious as to why? Why have you been so quiet with our community? We have so many people who are SPOON FEEDING YOU balance changes to help the state of our class for both PvE and PvP. We just want to know what you are doing for our class, if you are intending to do nothing, THEN TELL US YOURE NOT GOING TO ADRESS OUR ISSUES!!! I know im ranting, but honestly I feel that its justified. 4 seconds of 99% reduced damage on a 3 min CD which we can be stunned in and thus rendering its up time not as valuable? Camouflage change is so minor that were biding our time to be just stunned/root/knocked back again? our ranged root that was baseline pre 3.0 now is going to cost us utility slots that are better spent somewhere else? Im sorry, but this is just ridiculous. Now in PvE, we get screwed by mechanics, plain and simple, I will admit that yes, the camouflage change has some presence here, but its not enough, you designed all the fights with SO MANY unfriendly melee mechanics that its aggravating. Im 2/5 HM Ravagers and 4/5 HM ToS on my Marauder, although this may not be super impressive, the progression leading up to this point on my marauder has be far from pleasant. Bioware, when will you listen? When will you see that CHANGE NEEDS TO HAPPEN?! not 3.1.2, not 3.2, not 3.3, NOW! Because as of right now, Season 4 is going to continue being the most horrid unbalanced Season to date, as well as HM progression groups continuing to deny any marauder/sentinel a chance to HM progression because theyre easily out performed by the rest of the classes. Rant over... feel free to agree, disagree, or troll, or vent, because im done :rak_03:

P.S My apologies for grammar errors

-- Atrixx @ The Ebon Hawk -


Yes....give in to your anger.....

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Then you are clueless. I don't know what your five toons are, or what your playstyle is (pvp, etc) but if you have a veng jug, or sin, or powertech, or just about anything else, you just aren't getting it. I guess if all you did was solo pve and are still trying to level, you might not catch on, but, tbh, you should.


Waaaaaah! :')

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Yes....give in to your anger.....

More like frustration... :( I really do enjoy this class alot, and after seeing the Devs Buff Juggs for no reason... i just gave up hope... /sigh

All we need is Ravage on the move but lose the immobilize, along with Cloak of Pain and Saber Ward being reworked to:

Cloak of Pain

Cooldown: 30 secs

Have the damage reflected actually reflect %dmg done to us to where focusing us will result in backlash

Upon activation we are granted x secs of movement impairing immunity. This effect can only occur every x Seconds


Saber Ward

Cooldown: 1:30 - 2:00 min (utility based)

Upon activation you are immune to incapacitating effects for its full duration.




This will allow us to more reliably stay on target with our cooldowns actually helping us deal with the obscene amount of CC bioware put in this game.


Granted there would need to be some utility rework for our class to create synergy with these changes

but this something that would fix a good portion of mobility problem, which just leaves damage changes, which the devs will most likely ruin our specs more but one can always hope right?... nope....

If only bioware would read our feedback and cared about us marauders... :(

Oh well.. only time will tell...

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If you want changes, post in the PTS forum, because that's where they arguably looking the most at the moment. Request changes there. They don't read the class forums--at least not very frequently.


Unfortunately BW has removed marauder threads posted there since 3.1.2 doesn't concern us at all :(

Edited by OmegaStatuZ
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Unfortunately BW has removed marauder threads posted there since 3.1.2 doesn't concern us at all :(


Add that they tempbanned people for writing to community managers asking about the plans for the Sentinel/Marauder. Most people I know of are not as easy to enrage, but they are quit a lot right now.

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Add that they tempbanned people for writing to community managers asking about the plans for the Sentinel/Marauder. Most people I know of are not as easy to enrage, but they are quit a lot right now.


Are you saying the truth? They bann people for nothing wow. Lets hope after the Pax they got there Balls back and going to answer more threads

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Sents, Mara's and all mdps toons will be ignored until the dev's feel like throwing them a bone. Sure, Jugg/Guardian MDPS does okay, but it's not in the same league as RDPS. That's because the devs are, and will remain range dps-loving pvp monkeys. They fail to see the issues surrounding the class, and fail to see that they need to address it. They also refuse to listen to the community. I agree with the sentiment that they are going to remove the class from the game. They may as well........
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Sents, Mara's and all mdps toons will be ignored until the dev's feel like throwing them a bone. Sure, Jugg/Guardian MDPS does okay, but it's not in the same league as RDPS. That's because the devs are, and will remain range dps-loving pvp monkeys. They fail to see the issues surrounding the class, and fail to see that they need to address it. They also refuse to listen to the community. I agree with the sentiment that they are going to remove the class from the game. They may as well........


Biofail's first mistake was making this game f2p....if they remove the sent class they will take a BIG hit in pocket.

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Biofail's first mistake was making this game f2p....if they remove the sent class they will take a BIG hit in pocket.


It still looks like they are going to remove it. They obviously hate the mDPS classes.....For the amount of constant nerfage that the class has received over the past three or so years, it's obvious that they don't want it played at an end game level, and it's more obvious that the only class they want to succeed at pvp is a stealth toon.

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I have bought this game and played it ever since Beta. After a long break, it almost feels like I am playing a different game. Not only has warzone performance gone to ****, but class balance as well. I had re-subbed and even bought both expansions but all I actually got from logging in every single day was constant frustration. I am not going to pay for frustration any longer, you can find plenty of that in life free of charge. I cannot wait for Dice's Battlefront and I truly hope Bioware loses all their customers and money once it gets released. God knows they deserve it, after they way they butchered this game.
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I have bought this game and played it ever since Beta. After a long break, it almost feels like I am playing a different game. Not only has warzone performance gone to ****, but class balance as well. I had re-subbed and even bought both expansions but all I actually got from logging in every single day was constant frustration. I am not going to pay for frustration any longer, you can find plenty of that in life free of charge. I cannot wait for Dice's Battlefront and I truly hope Bioware loses all their customers and money once it gets released. God knows they deserve it, after they way they butchered this game.


GG Guys, after reading the official patch notes, looks like 3.1.1 is going to do nothing to address our issues and will stay that way until 4.0... and youre right they do deserve whats coming... but i was looking forward to our class being addressed but it wasnt... bioware has always hated marauders and they will continue to ignore us.. they stated in the past that they wanted groups to not bring only marauders just because of what we brought to the table as a class.. and now they've succeeded... time to under perform in HM progression and then delete my marauder when NiM hits live


Have fun other Maras because we are now the true meaning of suck



Edited by OmegaStatuZ
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If you want changes, post in the PTS forum, because that's where they arguably looking the most at the moment. Request changes there. They don't read the class forums--at least not very frequently.




Please ppl, it would be good to Have ur Say there in PTS, and try to Test things that Are wrong.

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already half retired from sent/mara in pvp. Not optimistic about pve as well...

Rerolled a merc and also began to level my old mando, much more fun to play. Granted, merc/mando is not OP and can have hard time, at least I have 30m range now...

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I was hoping, that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you had a lot more changes then what you had for PTS, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Im curious as to why? Why have you been so quiet with our community? We have so many people who are SPOON FEEDING YOU balance changes to help the state of our class for both PvE and PvP. We just want to know what you are doing for our class, if you are intending to do nothing, THEN TELL US YOURE NOT GOING TO ADRESS OUR ISSUES!!! I know im ranting, but honestly I feel that its justified. 4 seconds of 99% reduced damage on a 3 min CD which we can be stunned in and thus rendering its up time not as valuable? Camouflage change is so minor that were biding our time to be just stunned/root/knocked back again? our ranged root that was baseline pre 3.0 now is going to cost us utility slots that are better spent somewhere else? Im sorry, but this is just ridiculous. Now in PvE, we get screwed by mechanics, plain and simple, I will admit that yes, the camouflage change has some presence here, but its not enough, you designed all the fights with SO MANY unfriendly melee mechanics that its aggravating. Im 2/5 HM Ravagers and 4/5 HM ToS on my Marauder, although this may not be super impressive, the progression leading up to this point on my marauder has be far from pleasant. Bioware, when will you listen? When will you see that CHANGE NEEDS TO HAPPEN?! not 3.1.2, not 3.2, not 3.3, NOW! Because as of right now, Season 4 is going to continue being the most horrid unbalanced Season to date, as well as HM progression groups continuing to deny any marauder/sentinel a chance to HM progression because theyre easily out performed by the rest of the classes. Rant over... feel free to agree, disagree, or troll, or vent, because im done :rak_03:

P.S My apologies for grammar errors

-- Atrixx @ The Ebon Hawk -


I feel the pain as well...


First everyone thought me as crazy for being said that the utility skill for sent/mara is actually broken....and here we are again

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