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How to WIN in 8vs8 easily.


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This will be a guide for 4 of 5 warzones. I will explain them shortly and then the basics to win it. Many people will now what they have to do, or when they have to react. But the community of swtor is still growing and often newbies are met in lowy pvp. to prevent such noobs growing up with 0 knowledge i try to help them with these thread. if you have anything to add don't care and write it.


What have all warzones in common??

You want to win them - as a team. You cannot win as a single person, but as a team.

-> Therefore you need a tactic.

They have boosts:

Red: dmg increase and reduction

Green: Heal up to ~80%

Grey/Green: Speed boost (~20% i think)


General information regarding behaviour in a warzone:

Call for help when you defend an outpost/base of your team.

How call for help correctly: inc where??? how many??

always use the minimap as a compass for saying where the inc is!!!


inc western 1+ (+ stands for invisible additional enemies)

inc eastern 2

inc middle 5

of course you can shorten them up if you just see them coming from stealth

inc w/o/m [number+]


if you are a class that can give team buffs/team shields/team absorbs than skill that **** and use it in wz's. for pve most things are useless - pvp is different, but a skill built which supports your team is better than egoism, right??

so to all assas/pt's/juggs (and reps) abuse your taunt buttons, but never ever taunt a heal. 0 outcome :p moreover some classes have support def cds for a whole group you should use them if a lot of people drop below 60-50% life.


how to cc correctly


Have a GUI that shows Information Text in you target, in your own char window and in the group bar. its helpfull...


Use the chat in beginning to ask for a tank (if u are heal) or if you are tank ask for heal (to know where your guard is needed most, but never forget guard switch) or to create a tactic and to say who defs.


Never ever leave the basement to fight. always def near it, that you can interrupt potential tapper in a few secs.


How do i DEFEND with my team correctly?

If you own 1 basement - 1 deffer in the outside

If you own 2 basements - 2 deffer in the basement where incs are less common. if you lost one split up again, or ask for help in the middle to avoid the loose of one basement.


Novare Coast:


It's all about the middle basement. Who got that one first usually wins the game. You have to constantly pressure the enemie. Focus his/her heals down and then go for dps. you need to be fast, respawn is not long and the way back to the basement is even shorter.


As a healer never paddle back, but turn around and go kiting. as a tank never run into the enemys, just taunt from behind and try to stay between meelys and ranges to switch your guard perfectly and to everybody in range. as a dd try to find a place where you cant be line of sited but where you can constantly aoe into the basement. meelies should go for heals/tanks.


How to tap the basement correctly?

look on the ground. there is a half circle drawn on the bottom. if you want to tap stand on the line and use the 18m range you have. its important and you can tap with more people at the same time!!! ALWAYS try to tap. if you dont your team will loose.


If you defend the eastern or western basement and you are an operative/scoundrel or assa/shadow go permanently for the other basement. i would prefer assa/shadow going for basements because they can use their phasewalk to jump 60m instantly back to their base. if they go incing and at the same time one person taps the base they should def just run back and port the 60m. and always go for inc. every minute run for them and pull 1-3 from the middle away. it awesome and helps your team to create intense pressure in the middle. if you want to go ganking with friends just be 3 assassins and you can rotate in the western/eastern basement (if lvl51+). the enemies are ****ed up and will go for the outside in every case.



Civil War on Alderaan


This map is tower def based. Again it is all about the middle. BUT the team with the first turret starts to destroy your ship. If you are range dps you can hide in the middle behind the stairs or "pylons" or even upstairs. (there you can find dmg boosts) as a heal go kiting around the stairs, but evoide getting stunned behind them. can cause your death. You wish to win the game therefore you have to know the map (linked in the headline).

the turret on the left side (spawnpoint is fix point) has the shortest way for your team, enemies have to go a longer way. you should aim that one first. often one def is enough, so use the chat to find out who wants to def.

the middle is your aim, if you get it you have to fight for the outside turrets. the right turret is about 200m away and reached only with rofl operatives or speed assas. (they have the advantage of invisibility)


possible tactics:

1-5-2 (nice move to pressure outside

2-0-6 you can loose the left side.

1-6-1 just keep them away of tapping on the right side.


there is a tunnel under the turret in the middle. so if you fight in the middle you can write easily really early the incomincs in the chat, that your team has enough time to shift perfectly against the enemies. you need total overview!!



Ancient Hypergates


Everybody loves this map, because you are totally random dependent.

You have to go for 600 points. I won't be able to explain how they calculate the points but you have a multiplicator (it works like: kill 1 point/ orb 2 points) that increases in every round by one. You need at least one pylon to get points. You have 3 options to gether those points:


1. gather orbs in the middle and run to your pylon. NEVER use stealth, you will loose your orb immediatly.

2. Kill people inside the middle and on your half of the map (if you have a pylon)

3. Kill people on the enemies side of the map and you get doubled points.


One round lasts for 2:30Min and ends in a big exploison at the end which kills everybody who is hit by it. You have to run into the middle or under the too spawn (there you can find a speed boost). in these areas you are save and can avoid the deadly exploison.


Meelys likely zerg on the side of the enemies and will die easily because they often break the l-o-s of heals. heals have to know that. ranges can stand in the heal cluster.


If you want to take the enemies pylon over, aim it for the second round in the last minute. you should be operative or even assa with instant whirlwind. but care for powertechs/vanguards shoulder missles.





This game is capture the flag based. You have 2 different maps, Quesh and NarShaddaa, i prefer NarShadaa because its less buggy. You have to pick up the ball in the middle but care for the traps. Your aim: Enemies spawn and cross the line to score the point. With 6 points you win.



Fire: Deals unavoidable dmg ~5-10k

Poison: Deals dot dmg and slows ~1-3k

Airteleport: Pushes you in the air, "flight" is random



Stun the ball carrier in fire or root them in poison. To avoid such stuns in the fire activate stun imunity (merc/mando utilty power shield // assa/shadow resilience) or hava a backhand heal cleansing mezz/flashbang stuns. If you don't have a backhand heal try to rush with resolve bar full through the fire traps between mid and endzone.


Taktics as a defender:

- pull the ball carrier into fire

- push him/her into fire/poison or the pit

- stun/root in traps

- focus down

- look for possible ballcarrier and attack them/push them away


Taktics as attacker

- ball carrier should be tank specct/geared

- use Throw the Huttball to reach the endzone really easy

- abuse the Extrication/Rescue to get out of fire/into the endzone (sorc/sage is needed)

- cleanse stuns from the ballcarrier (ts nice for that or reaction)

- let a jugg carry the ball and intervene a stealth in the endzone

- have the middle secure. if you have the middle you have the balls



The mentioned tactics are basic and should explain the easy idea of the wwarzons, but of course you should react to the game and invent new tactics or do something that isnt the most expected actions. When you have participated a lot in pvp you will see that these tactics are the easiest ones and you will get used to improvisation at some point to get your objectives. I can say from my experience that sticking for few weeks to specific ideas and also queing in groups with nice and good players will always improve your style. When I meet people who have in my opinion some potencial, i tell them what they coud improve and so on. if you ask people who have a rating 100 or a pvp common guild tag ask them they probably will help you.


There are many more for people to learn... Sometimes it is better for people to have an open mind to what other tactics people suggest in a WZ

Always remember the enemy know these tactics too... So they are expecting them... Surprising them with other tactics can throw them into disarray...

Edited by Dypraxy
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People that don't care won't come even if you call properly. Played CW yesterday. I was top dps, but team left me at the turret (the only one we got) and they went for pewpew. I called for inc 4 times. Killed 3 people 1v1 and finally was lol-mezzed by 3 stealthers. Ofc team blamed me. Edited by DerSchneider
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The problem with warzones usually isn't tactics. The problem with warzones (at least for the Repubs) is gear and having a full team. On PoT5, you queue as a Repub in the morning and you will almost universally be a player short. It doesn't matter if we are talking 4 man or 8 man warzone. The population simply isn't there except on weekends, and after the afternoon EST. Anytime I queue in the morning, I go in expecting to lose.


But there is one warzone where tactics are an issue. Alderaan warzone. I have seen more matches lost simply because the Repubs split up three ways. One person takes grass, 2 stealthers head for snow, and the rest hit mid. This is failure before it even starts. The mid can't hold against 7 players. Too many stuns in play and too many healers / tanks in full PVP gear on the Imps side. Mid is usually lost before snow fight is even resolved.


At that point the two at snow are about to get clobbered by the survivors from mid.


And the Repubs will never get the advantage back at that point. Alderaan is probably the only map I have played where a losing team literally gets farm killed at their rez point once they lose control of the map. Usually once there is a 150 point margin between the scores, the losing team simply gives up.


The only time I have seen a three way split pay off on Alderaan is when you are in lowbie or mid pvp or the Imps try it against an undergeared or undermanned Repub team. I have never seen a Repub team pull it off in 60 bracket. They simply don't have the gear or the healers and tanks to hold mid while two players attempt to take snow. But sadly the Repubs keep trying this silly move. I can't do nothing but shake my head at this continued foolishness.

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Novare Coast...Mid should ALWAYs be the default starting point unless you are stealth.


Too many times i see ranged not even going into mid, they just sit outside and wait for enemy melee to come to them...

Gigantic mistake. Pressuring enemy mid force out of mid is the only way to take it. I always go in and go up a ramp either left or right, and start boomin. As melee I try not to pass the middle square until I have a healer just behind me...

As heals, get The F in there, heal your melee first, your ranged can and should be able to take care of themselves.

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How to WIN in 8vs8 easily.



Play objectives and kill the healers. Use taunts.





EDIT: I'd like to point out that the people in need of a bible like this don't frequent the PvP forum.

Edited by Exosasa
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of course some of the mentioned taktics are Team based and of course if you dont have the gear to go 1-5-2 you shouldnt... and if you play rep its your fault :) the stories told us that they are loosers... lookt at the knight storyline :p and then at the warrior Story



this should also be a thread for complete newbies to explain pvp at whole, if you perfect pro do Not need it then keep out of here... instead of saying what they do, my aim is to explain why they should do it like this...

Edited by Dypraxy
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I got a little chuckle out of the 1+ (indicating stealth). I've used "911" before when opened on by 2-3 stealth while guarding an off node. "3e" followed by a "911". Then someone will post "911 ??". If I had the time I'd post: "yeah 911, this is a *********** emergency! Now get the **** over here11!!11!" hehe


+1 for your efforts but as said; those that need this probably don't lurk/post here and there is a sticky at the top of this forum for basic map strats.

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Novare Coast...Mid should ALWAYs be the default starting point unless you are stealth.


Too many times i see ranged not even going into mid, they just sit outside and wait for enemy melee to come to them...

Gigantic mistake. Pressuring enemy mid force out of mid is the only way to take it. I always go in and go up a ramp either left or right, and start boomin. As melee I try not to pass the middle square until I have a healer just behind me...

As heals, get The F in there, heal your melee first, your ranged can and should be able to take care of themselves.


Playing Repub, having range charge in is usually a mistake. I have been stun killed more times doing that then I care to think about. Instead, I still hit mid, but I delay charging in for a second or two. Give the opposing team's melee a chance to burn their CC on somebody other than me with my limited focus break options. I can then focus on somebody already being attacked and depending on how good their healer(s) are get at least one opposing player dead before their melee realizes I have been free casting and get the focus. And by that 2 second delay, I can save my CC for when I do become the focus and can use it for self preservation when the odds of a stun lock death are dramatically decreased due to most still being on CD.


I have people tell me my mando is a beast in pvp. But that only is the case if I get a chance to actually do some damage. Charge in too quickly and you only end up dead because I have no effective way to break the focus.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Pfff wall of text. I've got easier idea:

1. Make a premade - tank + heal + 2 hatred sins or 2 lightning sorcs/ 1 heal + 3 hatred sins or 3 lightning sorcs

2. Crush everything what you've seen

3. ??????

4 . Profit

Edited by helpmewin
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I got a little chuckle out of the 1+ (indicating stealth). I've used "911" before when opened on by 2-3 stealth while guarding an off node. "3e" followed by a "911". Then someone will post "911 ??". If I had the time I'd post: "yeah 911, this is a *********** emergency! Now get the **** over here11!!11!" hehe


+1 for your efforts but as said; those that need this probably don't lurk/post here and there is a sticky at the top of this forum for basic map strats.


In 60 bracket, I have said less is better. The more typing you do the less defending you are doing. If people can't get a clue that 3g means "three incoming grass" or "three at grass" than I don't know what to tell you. They need to learn common shorthand or stay out of warzones.


Same goes with voidstar or novare coast. 2w or 4e should be enough to say "two west" or "four east". You shouldn't have to write a book.


But one problem I have seen is people in premades using voice communciation. They tell their buddies when they are in trouble but forget to type so the rest of us have a clue. Their buddies may be occupied or dead and can't help. This usually leads to somebody asking "where's the heads up?" Only to get nothing but silence from the defending player.

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In 60 bracket, I have said less is better. The more typing you do the less defending you are doing. If people can't get a clue that 3g means "three incoming grass" or "three at grass" than I don't know what to tell you. They need to learn common shorthand or stay out of warzones.


Same goes with voidstar or novare coast. 2w or 4e should be enough to say "two west" or "four east". You shouldn't have to write a book.


But one problem I have seen is people in premades using voice communciation. They tell their buddies when they are in trouble but forget to type so the rest of us have a clue. Their buddies may be occupied or dead and can't help. This usually leads to somebody asking "where's the heads up?" Only to get nothing but silence from the defending player.


Oh I agree, I always just use one number and one letter indicating direction (E, W, M, P -pylon). He just said something about a potential stealther in the area as well; with the the + symbol. I was just saying I tried out something fun/funny with the "911". Like the universal language for "this is an emergency, not just 3 enemies lazily strolling my way and you have 10+ seconds to respond. I need you here NAOW, getting ganked from stealth!".

Edited by Ridickilis
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The stickied "How to be a Contender" and its supplemental post go into nice detail on maps and tactics for each Warzone; I simply direct new players there as that's how I learned.


General behaviors that work in any WZ:

- As a non-stealth, never solo Leeroy an objective but rather play with the team.

- If you're responding to a node threat, call it so your team doesn't over-commit and lose something else.

- Always fight near or on the objective

- When guarding an objective...

  • Call location and number of incoming enemy
  • Call clear when the threat is dealt with
  • Never fight with your back to the objective or chase a kill away from the objective as it will be ninjad from under you
  • If you're not being attacked, call the location of enemy players and/or movements i.e. standing on West but see 3 headed from East to South, warn South
  • Don't necessarily try to win a 1v2 or 1v1 but rather stall and survive long enough for a teammate to assist and to deprive the enemy of those precious seconds owning that objective.

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The stickied "How to be a Contender" and its supplemental post go into nice detail on maps and tactics for each Warzone; I simply direct new players there as that's how I learned.


General behaviors that work in any WZ:

- As a non-stealth, never solo Leeroy an objective but rather play with the team.

- If you're responding to a node threat, call it so your team doesn't over-commit and lose something else.

- Always fight near or on the objective

- When guarding an objective...

  • Call location and number of incoming enemy
  • Call clear when the threat is dealt with
  • Never fight with your back to the objective or chase a kill away from the objective as it will be ninjad from under you
  • If you're not being attacked, call the location of enemy players and/or movements i.e. standing on West but see 3 headed from East to South, warn South
  • Don't necessarily try to win a 1v2 or 1v1 but rather stall and survive long enough for a teammate to assist and to deprive the enemy of those precious seconds owning that objective.


Rarely have I seen players type anything when they are respondign to a threat. I'm as guilty of that as everybody else. What I do is if I see people pealing off to deal with the threat I give it about 10 secs before typing "need additional help?"


At that point all somebody has to type is "y' or "no" and you know whether to haul #@$.


And if you are defending two nodes, then by design if you aren't fighting at your location, your team is fighting at theirs regardless of announcements. People should be constantly traveling back and fourth to help cover distance when the battle location changes. Having multiple people sit on each node is a good way to lose one or the other.

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This will be a guide for 4 of 5 warzones. I will explain them shortly and then the basics to win it. Many people will now what they have to do, or when they have to react. But the community of swtor is still growing and often newbies are met in lowy pvp. to prevent such noobs growing up with 0 knowledge i try to help them with these thread. if you have anything to add don't care and write it.


What have all warzones in common??

You want to win them - as a team. You cannot win as a single person, but as a team.

-> Therefore you need a tactic.

They have boosts:

Red: dmg increase and reduction

Green: Heal up to ~80%

Grey/Green: Speed boost (~20% i think)


General information regarding behaviour in a warzone:

Call for help when you defend an outpost/base of your team.

How call for help correctly: inc where??? how many??

always use the minimap as a compass for saying where the inc is!!!


inc western 1+ (+ stands for invisible additional enemies)

inc eastern 2

inc middle 5

of course you can shorten them up if you just see them coming from stealth

inc w/o/m [number+]


if you are a class that can give team buffs/team shields/team absorbs than skill that **** and use it in wz's. for pve most things are useless - pvp is different, but a skill built which supports your team is better than egoism, right??

so to all assas/pt's/juggs (and reps) abuse your taunt buttons, but never ever taunt a heal. 0 outcome :p moreover some classes have support def cds for a whole group you should use them if a lot of people drop below 60-50% life.


Have a GUI that shows Information Text in you target, in your own char window and in the group bar. its helpfull...


Use the chat in beginning to ask for a tank (if u are heal) or if you are tank ask for heal (to know where your guard is needed most, but never forget guard switch) or to create a tactic and to say who defs.


Never ever leave the basement to fight. always def near it, that you can interrupt potential tapper in a few secs.


How do i DEFEND with my team correctly?

If you own 1 basement - 1 deffer in the outside

If you own 2 basements - 2 deffer in the basement where incs are less common. if you lost one split up again, or ask for help in the middle to avoid the loose of one basement.


Novare Coast:


It's all about the middle basement. Who got that one first usually wins the game. You have to constantly pressure the enemie. Focus his/her heals down and then go for dps. you need to be fast, respawn is not long and the way back to the basement is even shorter.


As a healer never paddle back, but turn around and go kiting. as a tank never run into the enemys, just taunt from behind and try to stay between meelys and ranges to switch your guard perfectly and to everybody in range. as a dd try to find a place where you cant be line of sited but where you can constantly aoe into the basement. meelies should go for heals/tanks.


How to tap the basement correctly?

look on the ground. there is a half circle drawn on the bottom. if you want to tap stand on the line and use the 18m range you have. its important and you can tap with more people at the same time!!! ALWAYS try to tap. if you dont your team will loose. therefore its important how to cc correctly


If you defend the eastern or western basement and you are an operative/scoundrel or assa/shadow go permanently for the other basement. i would prefer assa/shadow going for basements because they can use their phasewalk to jump 60m instantly back to their base. if they go incing and at the same time one person taps the base they should def just run back and port the 60m. and always go for inc. every minute run for them and pull 1-3 from the middle away. it awesome and helps your team to create intense pressure in the middle. if you want to go ganking with friends just be 3 assassins and you can rotate in the western/eastern basement (if lvl51+). the enemies are ****ed up and will go for the outside in every case.



Civil War on Alderaan


This map is tower def based. Again it is all about the middle. BUT the team with the first turret starts to destroy your ship. If you are range dps you can hide in the middle behind the stairs or "pylons" or even upstairs. (there you can find dmg boosts) as a heal go kiting around the stairs, but evoide getting stunned behind them. can cause your death. You wish to win the game therefore you have to know the map (linked in the headline).

the turret on the left side (spawnpoint is fix point) has the shortest way for your team, enemies have to go a longer way. you should aim that one first. often one def is enough, so use the chat to find out who wants to def.

the middle is your aim, if you get it you have to fight for the outside turrets. the right turret is about 200m away and reached only with rofl operatives or speed assas. (they have the advantage of invisibility)


possible tactics:

1-5-2 (nice move to pressure outside

2-0-6 you can loose the left side.

1-6-1 just keep them away of tapping on the right side.


there is a tunnel under the turret in the middle. so if you fight in the middle you can write easily really early the incomincs in the chat, that your team has enough time to shift perfectly against the enemies. you need total overview!!



Ancient Hypergates


Everybody loves this map, because you are totally random dependent.

You have to go for 600 points. I won't be able to explain how they calculate the points but you have a multiplicator (it works like: kill 1 point/ orb 2 points) that increases in every round by one. You need at least one pylon to get points. You have 3 options to gether those points:


1. gather orbs in the middle and run to your pylon. NEVER use stealth, you will loose your orb immediatly.

2. Kill people inside the middle and on your half of the map (if you have a pylon)

3. Kill people on the enemies side of the map and you get doubled points.


One round lasts for 2:30Min and ends in a big exploison at the end which kills everybody who is hit by it. You have to run into the middle or under the too spawn (there you can find a speed boost). in these areas you are save and can avoid the deadly exploison.


Meelys likely zerg on the side of the enemies and will die easily because they often break the l-o-s of heals. heals have to know that. ranges can stand in the heal cluster.


If you want to take the enemies pylon over, aim it for the second round in the last minute. you should be operative or even assa with instant whirlwind. but care for powertechs/vanguards shoulder missles.





This game is capture the flag based. You have 2 different maps, Quesh and NarShaddaa, i prefer NarShadaa because its less buggy. You have to pick up the ball in the middle but care for the traps. Your aim: Enemies spawn and cross the line to score the point. With 6 points you win.



Fire: Deals unavoidable dmg ~5-10k

Poison: Deals dot dmg and slows ~1-3k

Airteleport: Pushes you in the air, "flight" is random



Stun the ball carrier in fire or root them in poison. To avoid such stuns in the fire activate stun imunity (merc/mando utilty power shield // assa/shadow resilience) or hava a backhand heal cleansing mezz/flashbang stuns. If you don't have a backhand heal try to rush with resolve bar full through the fire traps between mid and endzone.


Taktics as a defender:

- pull the ball carrier into fire

- push him/her into fire/poison or the pit

- stun/root in traps

- focus down

- look for possible ballcarrier and attack them/push them away


Taktics as attacker

- ball carrier should be tank specct/geared

- use Throw the Huttball to reach the endzone really easy

- abuse the Extrication/Rescue to get out of fire/into the endzone (sorc/sage is needed)

- cleanse stuns from the ballcarrier (ts nice for that or reaction)

- let a jugg carry the ball and intervene a stealth in the endzone

- have the middle secure. if you have the middle you have the balls


While your tactics have merit... They aren't the only tactics and should not be made to sound like they are the holy grail to winning... I do like your explanations and you have included a lot of things that are essential... Maybe re-word some of your statements to say there are other tactics that can work just as well


You keep saying mid is the most important in Nova and Civil... But they aren't as essential as you make out... What is essential is guarding and calling incs to what you have... Communication and situational awareness is paramount

So many times we have the other 2 nodes, only to have people keep running mid because of advice like yours... You should say it is a viable tactic that is the most basic to follow... But if you have both of the other nodes you should be defending them instead of running mid


Your Hutt Ball tactics are great for beginners... And some are essential like holding mid... But having the Jugg or tank always carry isn't always the best... Especially as the other team also knows this tactic

The most basic of all tactics in Hutt Ball is team work, passing the ball, supporting the ball carrier, focusing their ball carrier and lastly watching who they maybe going to pass too

Also remember that the system doesn't balance teams... So you should always be flexible with strategy... I find the teams that work together and don't death match will nearly always win


With Pylons you don't always need orbs to win... Deaths are more important and you can win or lose a match because of them...

Do's and dont's in pylons are... Don't suicide into mid or even a group of them, They get points for your death...

Protect your healer and keep them away from them, it's not only the tanks job ;)

Learn when to retreat so you don't die, if you find yourself in mid by yourself and multiple enemies you need to regroup with your team...

If your team gets both pylons, you need to leave mid to defend them, respond to inc calls as well even if you just have one...

You need to focus or put pressure on their healer so your team can kill the rest of them, focus and burn one person at a time is the most effective

If you need both pylons to win... Your non stealth players should lure any of their pylon defenders away from their pylon, making them face mid... The further away you can make them chase you... The more likely your stealth can ninja theirs...

If you ever see one of your stealths heading to the pylon... Don't follow... This goes for nearly any enemy captured node in any map... All you do is draw the rest of their team... Only when trying to lure them away, should a non stealth head towards an enemy captured node/door if you have one of your stealths heading there... Then you should retreat to make the enemy follow you

Another tactic is to prevent them capping at all... But only If you feel your team can hold them from capping while you have enough people gaurding yours... This can be successful, but is higher risk because if they get it, you have all usually died and they get all your death points


Void Star is another that needs flexible tactics and lots of situational awareness and communication... Team work is paramount in this map... It is nearly impossible to win if you don't have it... There are so many tactics and counters to them that I can't be bothered to list them... People just need to not be so rigid in their approach


As with any node objectives... If you can't see the whole node "capping" area, you will have some sneaky stealth ninja it from you... Nova is a prime example... If you can't see both corners of the inside of the building, then you can't defend a cap... Fighting from the side is pointless... They will either push you back and you can't cap or they will steal it from you


Lastly, your tactics are solid... But you have not included any flexability in them... There are many more for people to learn... Sometimes it is better for people to have an open mind to what other tactics people suggest in a WZ

Always remember the enemy know these tactics too... So they are expecting them... Surprising them with other tactics can throw them into disarray...

Your post is a good start for people learning objectives... Nicely done :)

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Based on my experience 6 at the contested objective and 2 at the guarded objective at all times is the safest option. 7-1 still works but is definitely more risky unless lone guard knows what he's doing.


In node-based games it's better to ask one or two to be a designated guard at the start, otherwise everyone will just assume the other guys will do it.

Edited by GARhenus
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