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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operations Forum - Speed Run Challenge

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Hey guys, I'm killing this contest.


I apologize, but the level of submissions is far too low for me to consider this worthwhile. Clearly the excitement from the first week died quickly, and my efforts to advertise haven't gotten anywhere.


I thank everyone who has participated. Unfortunately, it's just not happening.


I want to give a huge thanks to Oofalong who actually threw hypercrates in to help this get off the ground.


Unfortunately, since it didn't get anywhere, there's really no reason to keep pushing it.


Speed Run Challenge


Goal: Be the fastest guild to clear operations!


Super quick rules (see below for full detail):


All submission must include a a continuous full clear video with a visible, continuous UTC Clock visible (such as one here - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fullscreen.html?n=1440). Twitch highlights are the preferred mode of submission as they cannot be edited. Here is an example video that explains what your output should look like:


Each guild can submit multiple runs!


See the full submission reporting rules below for specific rules about how to do the operation.


Session #2: PreviousOperation - Dread Fortress

(From March 31, 2015 to April 14, 2015)


Currently in the 48-hour grace period. All runs submitted must show a time before server reset on March 31, 2015 (server reset is typically 12-noon UTC)


Session #3: Current Operation - Dread Fortress

(From March 31, 2015 to April 14, 2015)


Timer ends when Brontes health hits zero HP or when the combat indicator turns yellow. Whichever comes first.


Trash Rules:




Before Nefra - Timer starts when you pull Nefra, so no requirement


Before Draxus - You may clear the puzzle however you want. However, you must be out of combat BEFORE Draxus, meaning you must kill any trash you do encounter before pulling Draxus. No stealth CC's allowed.


Before Grob'thok - Large group of suberoths, and the hallway of exploding droids.


Before Corruptor Zero - The group of explodey droids.


Before Brontes - All trash between C-zero and Brontes




Overall Rules:


(for Speed Run Rules, as in how to speed run, see below)


1) I will pick 1 operation every two weeks. Guilds can speed run it for the fastest time on all difficulties (there will be separate times for each week). You can use either week 1 or week 2 time. At first, this challenge will ONLY be 8-man. If there is a large demand for it, I will do 16-man.


1.5) Operation Challenge submissions can only be submitted the week they are active. A world record submission can be any time AFTER the operation has been active at least once. (I.e., starting in two weeks, when TOS is active, you can still submit a RAV world record, but you cannnot submit a TOS world record until two weeks after it started).


2) This is NOT an elimantion tournament. Basically, since there are 9 operations in the game right now, each operation will come back up every 18 weeks. This mean each operation will be up roughly 3 times a year. Thus, if you "win" a week, you lock-up the leaderboard for that operation for 18 weeks. In the future, I may do "seasons" with prizes. For now, this is just for guild pride.


3) Operations will be run AS IS. Bugs and all. May the Force and RNGesus be with you.


4) Points will be assigned and an overall "Fastest Guild" leaderboard will be maintained. The Leaderboards for each op will have a top 5. 1st place each operation is worth 12 points, 2nd = 9 points, 3rd = 7, 4=6, 5=5. There is a seperate leaderboard for each difficulty. This means you could theoretically earn 36 points in an operation, with 12 in SM, HM, and NiM. When an operation comes up for a second time, all points are lost. Additionally, every team that submits a time not in the top 5 will receive 3 points. This is to encourage participation even when your guild may not be competitive (Note, the three point bonus will only be applied to SM for current tier HM content due to the very low clearance rate of that content. All other content will give 3 points for submissions at any difficulty level, allowing 9 participation points if all three tiers are completed).


5. Each guild CAN submit several runs. Only one will be on the leaderboard, however. If you submit a time earlier in the session, and beat it later, you can resubmit the shorter time.



Reporting Rules



0) All submissions should be submitted with the following information:

a) Operation Name and Difficulty

b) Guild Name (Optionally, you may also include a link to the website)

c) Faction

d) Server

e) Start Time (UTC) - must include both time and date

f) End Time (UTC) - must include both time and date

g) Video of the entire run with UTC clock visible that shows time and date

h) Group composition (example: 1 tank, 5 dps, 2 healers)


Submissions must show a UTC time that is during the kill window. You may submit a timed run within 3 days after the window ending, but it must have been recorded with a recognized UTC clock during the dates given.


0.5) The run must have at least 5/8 guild members. You are allowed two subs. This means the video must show guild tags on all friendly players. The guilds of the two subs will not be credited, however, with the time achieved.


1) All submissions must come with a full video run of the kill. Twitch Streams and Youtube are acceptable, but it must be a full clear. If there is ANY sign of editting to make the kill look shorter, your guild will have all submissions submitted for review and could lose points. A Twitch highlight is the most preferred method of submission. The video MUST BE CONTINUOUS


2) If your team takes breaks, or takes more than one night to clear the content, that counts towards your time. Wipes count towards your time. You may swap people in and out, but THAT counts towards your time.


3) The video must be one single video stream that goes from start to finish. This means the person recording must be in for all boss kills, and must have a clock up the whole time, even when swapping characters if they plan to do so (see rule 5)


3) The "timer" starts when the combat icon on boss 1 turns red. This means the combat state must be clearly visible in the video. Additionally, trash leading up to the first boss is irrelevant.


4) The timer ends either when the combat state changes to yellow or blank after final boss dies or when the purple loot beam of light is visible on the final boss (whichever comes first). Special cases include:

The Ravagers - Timer ends when the screen "cuts to black" at the end of fighting Ruugar (I do the "start" of the black screen, since I don't want to give advantage to people with faster load times)

Terror From Beyond - The second the Terror's "getting sucked in" animation appears



5) All videos must have a UTC Time Clock visible AT ALL TIMES on the video. You may use this link: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fullscreen.html?n=1440 (Note: you may use any UTC Clock tool you wish, but it must be on UTC time, not local time) The Pop-out MUST be visible in the video. This is to ensure no cheating or editting occurs. This is also used to calculate your speed time. Addtionally, the UTC clock must NOT cover up the in-game clock.


6) You CANNOT skip any boss. Every boss must die for your run to count. You may skip trash only under the following conditions:

a) The trash can be skipped WITHOUT stealth or stealth CC's (I.e, you can't CC one group and walk past)

b) The trash is a patrol that can be avoided by simply staying away from it

c) The trash is NOT in the path to the next boss.

d) Leashing trash (running away so it resets) is NOT allowed. You pull it: You kill it.


You CAN skip trash by walking around it (example is the trash between Garj and Puzzle Pillars in Eternity Vault). However, Stealth CC's cannot be used. Bonus bosses that drop crafting loot (such as in TFB and S&V) are skippable.


7) If any of the above rules are violated, your time will not count or be recorded. If proof of editting or cheating is shown, your guild made be banned from the leaderboards.


8) Each guild can submit multiple times (for instance, on Wednesday you beat your Tuesday time) but each guild can ONLY be on the leaderboard once.


9) Please do not override the audio of your video with music. This won't get your post DQ'd, but it will make me secretly hate you. If I can hear the audio call-outs, I can review videos while working on other things. Your music isn't important to me.


10) Videos must be submitted with 72 hours of being recorded or within 48 hours of the end of the session, whichever comes FIRST. If you submit a video more than 72 hours after it was recorded, it will not count.


11) Any timed run where the raid has the Nightmare Pilgrim buff will not be considered leaderboard legal. However, that run can still count towards world record speed runs (same as stealth CCing adds). See Q&A for reasoning.



Final rule: Please keep forum topic clear of chatter, trash talk, etc. If I'm going to do this, limit how much I need to read. Above all else, be nice and have fun!




Can we use a stealth CC on just one enemy to sneak past (For example, skipping trash in Tyrans hallway in Dread Palace)?


No, you cannot. The reason for this is if you give a mouse a cookie, he'll CC everything and get an unfair advantage over everyone else by bringing nothing but assassins and operatives. Or something like that. Basically, if I allow stealth CC on one enemy, I have to allow it on another. The rules get blurry. People riot. Bad things happen.


Do you need people to review videos to ensure they follow the rules?


Short answer, yes. Basically, I have X hours in a day, and I cannot do >X hours worth of activities. As such, while I will watch as many videos as I can, I will appreciate anyone helping me. Basically, if you feel a time is suspicious, or watch a video and notice something strange, let me know in a private message so I can review it. Full disclosure, my guild is <The Drunk Tanks>, so please feel free to be suspicious of me and review my videos closely to ensure I obey my own rules. I'm far more interested in fairness. Additionally, I will personally review the full videos of all Top 5 teams at the end of each week to ensure no cheating is afoot.


Why must I show a UTC clock on my video?


This is mainly a cheating prevention measure, but even without cheating it's important. Different codecs compress files differently, basically meaning two people can record the same thing and be two seconds off each other over the course of just a few minutes. Having a UTC clock ensures a standard across the board. Additionally, it can be used to detect editting (read cheating) to make someone's kill shorter.


Why doesn't trash up to the first boss count?


The reason is simply that it's the easiest checkpoint to start. Loading into an operation depends on a number of factors, including individual computers. Starting with the start of combat at the first boss (which is what the nightmare timers do anyways) is the easiest way to do it.


Can I do ________ in an operation?


I want to avoid shady ground. If it looks like an exploit and quacks like an exploit, I don't want to see it. If you have to ask, ask me in a private message.


Having two weeks means with lockouts we only get two chances at an operation with mains. Can we have more weeks?


This is by design. I list the operations you will see next well ahead of time. You should treat the lead-up as practice. Having two weeks allows for a few things. For instance, the first week, you can try to be conservative and get a solid starting time, and then use week 2 to try a super aggressive strategy (8 dps, for example). With 9 operations, each week dramatically increase the duration between cycles. If I did 3 weeks, you would only see an operation twice a year! That's no fun!


Why can't we use the Nightmare Pilgrim stats buff in our leaderboard legal runs?


The reason is that this gives an unfair advantage to smaller servers with less competition over Nightmare Pilgrim. The roughly 2 hour cooldown on his spawn means that servers with large participation in this topic (so far Red Eclipse, Shadowlands, and Jedi Covenant) could see competition. I want this to be a fun, quick and dirty thing a guild can do in a week. I don't want guilds to have to put a large level of planning into it, given that there are not prizes to fit such a cost.


Edited by Death_By_Smiley
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Top Posters In This Topic

Current Operation - Dread Fortress


Last Updated: 4/4/2015 11:55p.m. UTC


Story Mode

1. We Got This -

- Jedi Covenant






Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode








World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -


Server Bests (Only Leaderboard Legal times)


Server bests will only be preserved during the session for guild bragging rights. I will not keep long term record on the forums.


North America

The Bastion [PVP West] -

Begeren Colony [RP-PVE West] -

The Harbinger [PVE West] -

The Shadowlands [PVE East] -

Jung Ma [RP-PVP East] -

Ebon Hawk [RP-PVE East] -

Prophecy of the Five [PVP East] -

Jedi Covenant [PVE East] -



Tomb of Freedon Nadd [PVP English] -

The Progenitor [RP-PVE English] -

The Red Eclipse [PVE English] -

T3-M4 [PVE German] -

Jar'kai Sword [PVP German] -

Vanjervalis Chain [RP-PVE German] -

Darth Nihilus [PVP French] -

Battle Mediation [RP-PVE French] -

Mantle of the Force [PVE French] -


Season 1 Leaderboard

Sessions 3 through 11



Overall Team Leaderboards


1. Knights of Havoc - Jedi Covenant: 18

2. T H U N D E R - Red Eclipse: 16

3. The Chandrian - The Shadowlands: 12

4. Jawa Rights Activists - Prophecy Of The Five: 10

5 (tied).

The Grey - The Shadowlands: 9

IX Korhota - Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 9

7. Triumph - The Shadowlands: 5

8 (tied).

Working as Intended - Jedi Covenant: 3

Cryogenic - Red Eclipse: 3

The Circle - Red Eclipse: 3

Sanctuary for Old Souls - The Shadowlands: 3

Hail Skroob - Jedi Covenant: 3

The Drunk Tanks - The Shadowlands: 3

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Operations Leaderboards:


The Ravagers

Last Run: 3/3/2015 - 3/17/2015

Next Run: 7/7/2015 - 7/21/2015



Story Mode

1. The Chandrian -

- The Shadowlands

2. The Grey -

- The Shadowlands

3. T H U N D E R -

- Red Eclipse

4. Knights of Havoc - 22min 29sec - Jedi Covenant

5. Triumph - 24min 52sec - The Shadowlands


Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode




World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM - The Chandrian -

- The Shadowlands

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM - The Chandrian -

- The Shadowlands

HM -

NM -




Temple of Sacrifice

Last Run: 3/17/2015 - 3/31/2015

Next Run: 7/21/2015- 8/4/2015



Story Mode

1. Knights of Havoc - 25min 28sec - Jedi Covenant

2. T H U N D E R -

- Red Eclipse

3. Jawa Rights Activists -

- Prophecy of the Five

4. IX Kohorta - 47min 16sec - Tomb of Freedon Nadd



Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode




World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM - Knights of Havoc - 25min 28sec - Jedi Covenant

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -Knights of Havoc - 25min 28sec - Jedi Covenant

HM -

NM -




Dread Fortress

Last Run:

Next Run: 3/31/2015 - 4/14/2015



Story Mode








Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode








World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -





Dread Palace

Last Run:

Next Run: 4/14/2015 - 4/28/2015



Story Mode








Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode




World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -



Edited by Death_By_Smiley
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Scum and Villainy

Last Run:

Next Run: 4/28/2015 - 5/12/2015



Story Mode








Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode








World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -





Terror From Beyond

Last Run:

Next Run: 5/12/2015 - 5/26/2015 - Special Note: Updates around this time will be delayed due to work responsibilities.



Story Mode








Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode








World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -





Explosive Conflict

Last Run:

Next Run: 5/26/2015 - 6/9/2015



Story Mode








Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode








World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -





Karagga's Palace

Last Run:

Next Run: 6/9/2015 - 6/23/2015



Story Mode








Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode








World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -






Eternity Vault

Last Run:

Next Run: 6/23/2015 - 7/7/2015



Story Mode








Hard Mode








Nightmare Mode








World Records


Leaderboard Legal times (no stealth CCs or trash skipping)

SM -

HM -

NM -


With Stealth (note, Stealth to skip trash is allowed here, but the runs will not count towards leaderboard times)

SM -

HM -

NM -



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I was super interested in this, then I stopped being interested in this when you said that trash can be skipped.


GG full stealth team or a team with an operative.


The issue is if I say trash isn't skippable, then I have to get into which groups of trash you have to kill. For example, in Dread Palace, you can, without stealth, move past the groups near the entrance. If I say you HAVE to kill that group, does that mean you have to kill both groups? Do you have to kill the trash at the end of the main hall that disappears when you kill Raptus? What determines whether you HAVE to kill a trash group or not? It's too much of a gray area for me to try to police.


Now, I WOULD be willing to consider a "You can't stealth past trash rule", but even that gets into a gray area. Would it be okay to CC the one mob that guards the narrow safe side along the wall?


Honestly, I don't ask these questions rhetorically. If you have a good answer, let me know. But I'm not going to make a checklist of which trash is skippable and which isn't for your run to count.

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Everything must be killed by the players unless it can be removed from play by the mechanics of the Operation (avoiding patrols in the direct path and mobs not in the direct path to the next boss would fall into this as well).
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Everything must be killed by the players unless it can be removed from play by the mechanics of the Operation (avoiding patrols in the direct path and mobs not in the direct path to the next boss would fall into this as well).


That's really not a black and white rule, but I do see what your getting at. I am thinking about this. I will decide by server reset.


Thank you very much for your input.

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The issue is if I say trash isn't skippable, then I have to get into which groups of trash you have to kill. For example, in Dread Palace, you can, without stealth, move past the groups near the entrance. If I say you HAVE to kill that group, does that mean you have to kill both groups? Do you have to kill the trash at the end of the main hall that disappears when you kill Raptus? What determines whether you HAVE to kill a trash group or not? It's too much of a gray area for me to try to police.


Now, I WOULD be willing to consider a "You can't stealth past trash rule", but even that gets into a gray area. Would it be okay to CC the one mob that guards the narrow safe side along the wall?


H``onestly, I don't ask these questions rhetorically. If you have a good answer, let me know. But I'm not going to make a checklist of which trash is skippable and which isn't for your run to count.


You could go through the op(s) and take a screenshot of each map. Mark the locations where mobs appear or just state how many groups there are per map so people know what they need to kill.

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I've put in some rules in place. Since we're doing Ravagers next, I'll list the trash that must be killed:


Before Sparky


No trash


Before Bulo

Trash at the top of the slope leaving Sparky

Trash group on the bridges and walkways that spawns in front of and behind you

Trash at the top of the ramp with the 3 explodey droids

Trash near the canyon at the top of the bridge

Trash standing outside the bar (with the sniper to the far left)

Trash inside the bar


Before Torque

2 groups of trash on the docks leading to the ship

1 group of trash on the ship before Torque


Before M/B

No trash



You must kill all groups of trash that you have to walk by or past. No stealthing. (I honestly don't remember how many pulls this is).

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Ultimately it is up to you and what you define as in the spirit of competition.


My definition doesn't involve skipping everything.


I would not like to see other comps not be viable because the fastest group brought all stealth. I could be totally wrong though, so maybe it is best we try it out and see if one method blows the other away.

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Ultimately it is up to you and what you define as in the spirit of competition.


My definition doesn't involve skipping everything.


I would not like to see other comps not be viable because the fastest group brought all stealth. I could be totally wrong though, so maybe it is best we try it out and see if one method blows the other away.


I just updated the rules. Do you feel this is sufficient? This isn't, nor should it be, just up to me. I want this to be a community thing that everyone can enjoy. I do agree that some regulations to ensure parity need to exist.


The other skip that this should take care of is the TFB "Every leave, I spawn the monster spawners, /stuck, and then we skip" exploit.


Also, I assume people are okay with skipping bonus bosses (such as the 3 in TFB that are skippable, the 2 in S&V, etc)

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I was looking forward to seeing how fast an all stealth, all trash skipped run could be. Maybe you could add sub-categories for 100% clear and ANY% runs, like speed-run communities for other games do. As it is, the requirement to kill all trash favors sustained AoE compositions (hello, Force Storm!)
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I was looking forward to seeing how fast an all stealth, all trash skipped run could be. Maybe you could add sub-categories for 100% clear and ANY% runs, like speed-run communities for other games do. As it is, the requirement to kill all trash favors sustained AoE compositions (hello, Force Storm!)


Given the MMO nature of the game, and that exploits are fundamentally punishable here in a way they aren't in single player games, I don't see doing an ANY% run anytime soon. The trash rule is still being discussed. Make your case if you would like to see it changed.


Also, keep in mind, the world record numbers are SEPERATE from the competition. I.e., you can submit a world record attempt whenever, but you can only submit a leaderboard attempt WHILE the leaderboard is up.


I could do this for world record then (where there is an any% world record), but for the leaderboards, it will only be with trash kills, I'm thinking.

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I could do this for world record then (where there is an any% world record), but for the leaderboards, it will only be with trash kills, I'm thinking.


That would satisfy me. I find vanilla clears of SM boring; it's the interesting mix-ups that are worth watching, like the all Marauder EV clear.

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I love this idea but have one issue. The issue which I have is and what I had with the original is the Coritanni bugs especially the the pod invincible bug. Since resetting the door by one exiting and entering instance always fixes it I have a suggestion which could be to be made. Have the run up to Coritanni. Then have timeout for Coritanni/Ruuger to reset phase where teams have up to 5 minutes to reset phase which won't count until boss is pulled or time runs out to account for bugs. The time can they be determined by subtracting the time out. Just my 2 cents as to eliminate the rng element. Take them as is.


That would satisfy me. I find vanilla clears of SM boring; it's the interesting mix-ups that are worth watching, like the all Marauder EV clear.


16m Carnage Maruaders vs Draxus is still the best.

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I love this idea but have one issue. The issue which I have is and what I had with the original is the Coritanni bugs especially the the pod invincible bug. Since resetting the door by one exiting and entering instance always fixes it I have a suggestion which could be to be made. Have the run up to Coritanni. Then have timeout for Coritanni/Ruuger to reset phase where teams have up to 5 minutes to reset phase which won't count until boss is pulled or time runs out to account for bugs. The time can they be determined by subtracting the time out. Just my 2 cents as to eliminate the rng element. Take them as is.




16m Carnage Maruaders vs Draxus is still the best.


Very good point. I would love to have this discussion with other input, as my experience isn't everyone else's.


In my experience, if after M/B dies, one person leaves the instance and reenters, it will refire the "close door" trigger that seems to not be working, then the door will be closed and the boss won't bug. You don't need a full reset in my experience. If this is incorrect, please let me know now.


My issue with allowing a time-out is a combination of slippery slope and a difficulty in consistency. I will, however, make these issues clear in the initial post. Will this be acceptable?

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Very good point. I would love to have this discussion with other input, as my experience isn't everyone else's.


In my experience, if after M/B dies, one person leaves the instance and reenters, it will refire the "close door" trigger that seems to not be working, then the door will be closed and the boss won't bug. You don't need a full reset in my experience. If this is incorrect, please let me know now.


My issue with allowing a time-out is a combination of slippery slope and a difficulty in consistency. I will, however, make these issues clear in the initial post. Will this be acceptable?


Ah sorry for the confusion, we usually have the person leave at the door and thus "resetting it". I was hesitant to post it as your correct a slippery sloop. Having those addressing would be very beneficial to all. Thank you.

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I was really looking forward to the speed run tournament and I am dissapointed to see it cancelled. We wouldn't have attended, but to see the best times would have been really interesting.


With that being said a big thumbs up for your effort! I hope this gets some traction and we see a lot of participation here and amazing times. Also looking forward to learn new tactics from these vids.

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