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How Is Sent for mostly story and Unranked pvp


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I just rolled a sent and am mostly going for story and unranked PvP. My Question is will I be ale to actually live through the content. I do have Treek & HK so I know that will help. In PvP I'm not looking to be the top of the board just competitive will be fine.

any advice would be helpful

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Story: Just fine, you shouldn't have any problems. If you were rolling a Mara though, the end of Tatoine would give you some trouble because of the solo fight against 2 jedi.


Unranked PvP Solo: Your gonna get demolished.


Unranked PvP Group: Your going to get demolished (Less)

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Don't listen to him. Marauders in regs are a lot of fun. True it's even better when you are group with a healer but still fun solo. I will say once you it lvl 30 it will get tough in mids. Tough it out. 60 PVP is a lot of fun.


I have several marauder videos on my YouTube from post 3.0. Lots of fun.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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60 PVP is a lot of fun.


If you like constantly being knocked back, rooted, stunned, knocked back then rooted into aoe again and again and again and again and again and again...


Maras/Sents spend more time than anyone else watching the action going on around them while they sit out of melee range of the fun either rooted or stunned.

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OK I am liking the game play so story don't seem to be a problem will try pvp soon and even if it's really bad I think I will stick with it. gotta get better right. so I guess the Question now is which Disc is good ... I am currently trying combat Edited by Ruju
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Regardeless what these Multiclass people say:


At the moment it is a waste of time to level a Marauder/Sentinel.


No Raidguild and no PvP Guild of a acceptable Niveau will want a Marauder/Sent over any other DPS.


Even myself beeing a Sent I will not recruit new Sents into the guild, since it is a waste of time teaching/equipping them when a random 12 year old Guardian does the job with half the gear and half the skill.

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They're fine. Especially if you're just intending on enjoying the story and doing a little pvp here and there.


The OP said nothing about progression raiding so I don't know why that was brought up.


They're a fun class to play. They're in a little bit of a rough spot right now in PVP but that changes all the time and may very well change dramatically by the time you reach lvl 60. My main is a Guardian and when I first started one, everyone was saying the same things about them that they're saying now about Sentinel. PVP wise, they went from being considered useless to everyone crying about how overpowered they are.


Point is, play the class if it's fun (which it is) and don't worry about PVP balance when trying out a new character as it changes too dynamically for you to be concerned about it.

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Ignore Atlantis.


If I had to pick between a Mando who levelled with Kuat Drive Yards and a Sentinel who leveled with his class story for my HM Raid team, I'd take the Sentinel every time. (Assuming both players are on their first toon with minimal MMO Experience)


Unless the mando is going for the heals spot.


The fact is as long as you listen to advice and follow strategies, Sents/Maras can currently get 9/10 in the new HM raids, and from what I've seen are getting close to being 10/10. And this is for the most melee unfriendly raids in history.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Ignore Atlantis.


If I had to pick between a Mando who levelled with Kuat Drive Yards and a Sentinel who leveled with his class story for my HM Raid team, I'd take the Sentinel every time. (Assuming both players are on their first toon with minimal MMO Experience)


Unless the mando is going for the heals spot.


The fact is as long as you listen to advice and follow strategies, Sents/Maras can currently get 9/10 in the new HM raids, and from what I've seen are getting close to being 10/10. And this is for the most melee unfriendly raids in history.


False, Sents are not fine look at the statistics LIARS^^

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thank you all for your posts. I can see there seems to be a bit of conflict but on the subject. I'm not worried about the raids too much or Ops, mostly story and some PvP. I have a 60 Jug and it was fun LvLing but I everything is so straight forward with the class I was looking for the flair that the Sent has. Got him to 16 now and loving the gameplay just haven't headed into PvP yet. will head that way around 20 or so once I have a good set of skills and a hand on a rotation
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Sentinels do just fine in the new HM content. They require a lot more raid awareness than other classes, but that's okay. It makes you a better player in the end :)


You take a Sent in HM if you have no other option in your guild, Sents are the least wanted Class in Raids. Look at the Top Tier Progression Groups. I think they are not wrong when they say "Sents are useless".

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You take a Sent in HM if you have no other option in your guild, Sents are the least wanted Class in Raids. Look at the Top Tier Progression Groups. I think they are not wrong when they say "Sents are useless".

No meelee is all that viable bar vgs/pt because of the way the content is designed... PVE its not a sentinel exclusive issue..


Not to say it can't be done its just alot more work than as a ranged..

Edited by AngusFTW
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thank you all for your posts. I can see there seems to be a bit of conflict but on the subject. I'm not worried about the raids too much or Ops, mostly story and some PvP. I have a 60 Jug and it was fun LvLing but I everything is so straight forward with the class I was looking for the flair that the Sent has. Got him to 16 now and loving the gameplay just haven't headed into PvP yet. will head that way around 20 or so once I have a good set of skills and a hand on a rotation


as long as you dont take things too seriously you will do fine.. broken as it is its is still alot of fun.

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