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Pts - get posting


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Alright all of you lovely people.


PTS threads are back up, now is the time to not be whiners or complainers and just be positive and give all of your best advice in a nice and organized manner....



Good luck to you alllllllll, hopefully the future looks bright for mercs/mandos!

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for christs sake how the hades can they possibly be nerfing anything on a merc right now and still ignoring the pvp issues... this is absurd, literlally


Hate to break it to you, but PVP balance is not, nor has it ever been a consideration in class balance changes. And rightfully so.

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Okay cool, two useless posts in the thread already. Thanks mates.


I don't have enough knowledge nor time to sift through some of the GREAT posts that have been posted in this thread about what changes should be made or I would post them there.


Could someone man up and post something *********** useful for the dev team to read in the PTS merc/mando forum instead of more *********** whining? A lot of people in this forum have been asking for the dev team to make changes...


THEY ARE ASKING FOR YOUR THOUGHTS NOW, i dont understand this community sometimes.


"I want the devs to pay attention to what im saying"


*PTS goes up specifically stating incoming changes/working on merc/mando specs*


"FU bioware, you nerfed us right away, no point in saying anything to you...wahhhh"


Post something useful or don't post at all ffs.

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Hate to break it to you, but PVP balance is not, nor has it ever been a consideration in class balance changes. And rightfully so.
Lol, class balance does not matter nearly as much in pve as it does in pvp. IF one class has slightly more survivability in pve, its not big deal, if one class has a bit more dps in pve, its no big deal, IT IS A HUGE deal for pvp though. Get off your high horse.
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For those wondering, the nerf on IO/AS accounts for about 1% total DPS loss.

This is based on simulations in min/max gear doing about 5070 DPS prior to the adjustment and about 5007 DPS after.


Well that's reassuring. Although if they are going to scale back sustained, it would be nice to get a smaller % put on volatile warhead (think biggest hit with it so far is around 8500)...but that's just a little icing.


Like most have posted it's the survivability issue, and a fix is needed not just for arsenal/gunnery (I know, 16k HS RAWWR), but also for IO.....maybe to a lesser extent Bodyguard which I think may be the issue- How do we make both DPS specs more viable in ranked w/o making Bodyguard overpowered?


Whatever idea or combination of ideas ( tons suggested in class forums ) is used it needs to force that hard switch.


Other things that would be nice?

1. Not a 2 second cast on concussion missle ( I hate the choice b/t saving power surge for a no cast Healing Scan or Concussion missle...which I guess ties into number 4)

2. total CC immunity on HO (no speed increase)

3. Scale back the useless utilities like; Jet Rebounder, Kolto Jets, Infrared Sensors

4. Remove CD or halve CD of Healing Scan


Here's to Mercenary / Commando and may they not screw it up.

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Well that's reassuring. Although if they are going to scale back sustained, it would be nice to get a smaller % put on volatile warhead (think biggest hit with it so far is around 8500)...but that's just a little icing.


Like most have posted it's the survivability issue, and a fix is needed not just for arsenal/gunnery (I know, 16k HS RAWWR), but also for IO.....maybe to a lesser extent Bodyguard which I think may be the issue- How do we make both DPS specs more viable in ranked w/o making Bodyguard overpowered?


Whatever idea or combination of ideas ( tons suggested in class forums ) is used it needs to force that hard switch.


Other things that would be nice?

1. Not a 2 second cast on concussion missle ( I hate the choice b/t saving power surge for a no cast Healing Scan or Concussion missle...which I guess ties into number 4)

2. total CC immunity on HO (no speed increase)

3. Scale back the useless utilities like; Jet Rebounder, Kolto Jets, Infrared Sensors

4. Remove CD or halve CD of Healing Scan


Here's to Mercenary / Commando and may they not screw it up.


Nightvision scope and infrared sensors should be a baseline passive for MAndo and Merc

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These changes do not affect strongly PVE part but strongly helpfull with survivality in PVP (in ranked especialy)


1. Increase speed with the HO on (30%?)

2. Give us Kolto shell in Arsenal and IO like an Operatives have kolto probes in any spec

3. We need oh """" button. Maybe make Kolto Overload mechanic like Enrage Defence?

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These changes do not affect strongly PVE part but strongly helpfull with survivality in PVP (in ranked especialy)


1. Increase speed with the HO on (30%?)

2. Give us Kolto shell in Arsenal and IO like an Operatives have kolto probes in any spec

3. We need oh """" button. Maybe make Kolto Overload mechanic like Enrage Defence?


Number 3 would be amazing. Post it in the pts thread!

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Lets just try and stay relatively positive and see what happens.


Was fairly positive as a thread until KBN decided to stick his oar in as usual and derail the thread.


He is probably the last player we need to see sticking his nose in on a class he doesn't main. Think closed beta for 3.0, think Merc / Mando heals being nerfed, thank him for that. So the Merc / Mando healers are still the worst, because of his whining to the devs, because he failed to look at the larger picture and only his precious PvE operations (scripted ****).

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He is probably the last player we need to see sticking his nose in on a class he doesn't main. Think closed beta for 3.0, think Merc / Mando heals being nerfed, thank him for that. So the Merc / Mando healers are still the worst, because of his whining to the devs, because he failed to look at the larger picture and only his precious PvE operations (scripted ****).


Merc heals were about to be nerfed either way. KBN (with Orderken iirc) just made suggestions to not break the class in the process.

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Merc heals were about to be nerfed either way. KBN (with Orderken iirc) just made suggestions to not break the class in the process.


This is the problem though, PvE I actually don't have an issue with where my Merc is. PvP wise I really do. I'm not so sure a simple tweak to Kolto / Adrenal is going to fix the problem of surviving either.


What I don't want to see is purely Kolto being buffed, so you end up with un-killable healers all over again. Certainly lift the cap of 35% so it heals for the full duration, as well as raise the limit of where it triggers (so it actually works without being killed in 2 GCDs with crits).


It really needs to be something in the disciplines so that is avoided, otherwise we'll simply end up with it being nerfed, and the DPS get handed the nerf bat in the process. There are other defensive abilities available, minor tweaks to those would help (or simply moving some of the utilities to baseline would be a big improvement).


What I'd hate to see though, is a DPS nerf for IO in PvP where it really doesn't perform well due to ramp up time (does well in regs though, dots :p). Especially when Arsenal could do with a tweak on DPS to bring it on par with other classes. The point is on the DPS side of things though, how do we know where the devs actually intend the DPS to be? Is it a case of bringing the other classes up to par, or is IO actually not where they intended it?

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Nothing is. They said afaik that every spec should be around 4k.


Then Arsenal needs to be raised a little bit then, either through the damage priming shot gives or through tracer missile (not through unload / bb or hsm though). From where I'm playing it, it's still fairly rng dependent on getting near that 4k.

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The dev team has actually responded to people asking for a response....


IN THE MERC/MANDO thread. Things are looking better folks...!


To the people that are ************ in that thread instead of giving good ideas, just stop please...its embarrassing for yourself. To the people giving good feedback, thank you for doing something useful!


"I just want a response to prove they aren't just showing us fluff PTS posts about mercs and mandos"


So help me god if i see a post that says..."Jan only responded to keep us at bay, just another fluff post" I will have a ****in jammer.

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