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Huttball - 1 essential change needed.


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Huttball. Where the fine athletes compete for glory and whatever.

As it is now, you can goalpoach with a steath class and it's quite boring. Doesn't take much teamplay really.

We need an offside rule to make the Huttball matches interesting.

Implement this and then we have ourselves a proper game!

People are bored of Huttball as it stands now. Listen to the community and give us what we want.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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Huttball. Where the fine athletes compete for glory and whatever.

As it is now, you can goalpoach with a steath class and it's quite boring. Doesn't take much teamplay really.

We need an offside rule to make the Huttball matches interesting.

Implement this and then we have ourselves a proper game!

People are bored of Huttball as it stand now. Listen to the community and give us what we want.


Not sure if trolling or serious, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's just another bad trolling attempt.

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this may actually be an interesting idea. to avoid having one team camping in the goal line area, make it so a player begins losing health after being in that zone for more than 1 minute. having a stacking debuff that continues to tick away health and call it STD, short for Sneaky Tard Disease. Then it only goes away after visiting with a physician located at the middle of the map. :o
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Or or, use what's already in the game and knock him off the ledge. And if the enemy is too dumb to do that, well that's their problem. Honestly Huttball is just perfect the way it is. I just want 2 things.


1.) For it to pop more often. (I swear I get like 50 Novare and denova a day, and maybe one Hutt ball)

2.) More maps. Even if it's a reskin of pve existing Ones.

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this may actually be an interesting idea. to avoid having one team camping in the goal line area, make it so a player begins losing health after being in that zone for more than 1 minute. having a stacking debuff that continues to tick away health and call it STD, short for Sneaky Tard Disease. Then it only goes away after visiting with a physician located at the middle of the map. :o


I like this idea better than the OPs which I think would be very technically challenging. This is a much simpler solution that would attempt to fix the observed problem. However, it wouldn't stop the stealther from just standing near the zone, but it would be easier for players spawning to see them as they run past on those narrow catwalks.

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I get the idea but wouldn't want to see it implemented.


If there's a stealth camping the EZ they're 1 shorter than your team for ball running and defense.


Even if they've got a nice organized relay plan to take advantage of the stealth you're still 1 teammate up on them to deal with it.


if they're so well organized that their relay keeps getting the ball to the stealth, and your team can't deal with it and outscore them, your team is outplayed/outclassed and wouldn't win anyway; even with an offsides rule.

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tactics is made of passing to a good ball carrier(shadows, vg and even scoundrels or sages), using controls, don't whitebar the enemy and use utilities like guardian leaps, rescues, wise use of mezz and dcds. offside is not going to change a 6-0 match. a stealther on the line is a weak tactic against a team with a good scoring potential..they can do it off once or twice, but they are not controlling mid and that's where you are going to score
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An offside rule would require each team to actually use some sort of tactic.


Sorc relays, Sin or PT DCD runs, Ops rolling/dodging, guardian leap>leap>push>leap>score... Those don't leave a team practically down a player and are as easy to score quick with.


The only difference I see with the EZ stealthing tactic is it "feels" cheesy and causes RL rage face memes because of stealth. A team that can keep using it is controlling the match, which is a bigger problem than their sin loafing in the EZ. I sage pull ball carriers from the pit or catwalks to the EZ platform all the time, or across the EZ line. That's even cheesier than stealthing.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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An offside rule would require each team to actually use some sort of tactic.


No... Because, as others have pointed out, the old stealther-in-the-endzone is a weak tactic. It backfires just as often as it succeeds.


It's far more successful to have your stealther waiting on the catwalks while the ball makes its way in. Defenders will rush to the ball and the stealther can move to a strategic location, unstealth, and receive the pass. From there, Force Speed or Scamper will take you most of the way to the goal. The main point here is that you have a much better chance to score if your stealther catches the ball some distance from the goal, because it makes for a faster scoring attack.


So... I don't see why we need to create some strange referee-rule to prevent a tactic that is only marginally successful and generally only works against teams that are being steamrolled anyway.


I have bigger problems with the distance Scoundrel/Ops can cover with a pair of Scampers. Together with any other class with strong movement capabilities (leading with a Vanguard/PT, or Guard/Jugg, or getting a pull from a Sage/Sorc), a team can organize a nearly unstoppable score from the acid pits. Of course, considering that Scoundrels/Ops are squishy, melee-ranged, and lack any sort of closer, I suppose its nice that they have some powerful utility in HB.

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Seems like the communityt wants an offside rule to be implemented. Or at least some sort of offside rule.


By community you mean you, right?


Show me in this doll where the bad pvper's touched you with the Huttball.

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Seems like the communityt wants an offside rule to be implemented. Or at least some sort of offside rule.




You posted an idea, got zero responses saying that they agreed with you, and your conclusion is that the community is agreed that you're right.



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Seems like the communityt wants an offside rule to be implemented. Or at least some sort of offside rule.


Here is 5 credits. Go buy a clue cause you obviously don't have one. No one in the thread is agreeing with you. Hence we are the community and we don't want this change.

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