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12 x XP for class-missions


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So, we should spoon feed someone who has access to all the pertinent information, but refuses to avail themselves of said access?




The old saying that if you give a man a fish he eats today, but if you teach him to fish he will never go hungry again is true.


Simply answering that player's question would be giving that player a fish and it will also reinforce the behavior of depending on others for the answers. "Google" or "Google is your friend" would be letting that player know where he can find the answers he seeks, or teaching that player how to fish.


Learning a game from veteran players while you play is a natural and fun way to learn, and it's how you build up the game's community and make it welcoming to new players. It can also be fun for the veteran player and a way to make new in-game friendships and/or find new players to recruit for your guild.


I'm not saying new players should never read up some strategies on the web, but when you're presented with an opportunity to help new players it wouldn't kill you to help them instead of just dismissing them as "bads" and kicking them from your group or shooing them away to Google. When people do that it's a sure sign of a toxic game community which ultimately drives people away from the game until there's nobody left to keep up a healthy endgame.

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Learning a game from veteran players while you play is a natural and fun way to learn, and it's how you build up the game's community and make it welcoming to new players. It can also be fun for the veteran player and a way to make new in-game friendships and/or find new players to recruit for your guild.

I enjoy helping new players (I keep DK chat open for this purpose, despite the applicability of Sturgeon's Law). I don't, however, enjoy helping new players who take it for granted that other players are (or should be) willing to drop whatever they're doing in order to cater exclusively to those new players' wants and needs.

I'm not saying new players should never read up some strategies on the web, but when you're presented with an opportunity to help new players it wouldn't kill you to help them instead of just dismissing them as "bads" and kicking them from your group or shooing them away to Google. When people do that it's a sure sign of a toxic game community which ultimately drives people away from the game until there's nobody left to keep up a healthy endgame.

In general, I find inconsiderate and self-absorbed players to be toxic to the community. That includes both overly rude, abrasive vets and new players for whom others are simply NPCs to be utilized as resources.


There's a middle ground between satisfying one's own desires and wasting other people's time in the process.

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I enjoyed reading some posts but had to stop reading most of it.


I am a new player to SWTOR, about two months tops. I joined because of hearing about this boost. I didnt really care to play this game cause beforehand for personal reasons I wont get into. Dont need to listen to people debating against what I prefer in my own story. Bioware is my favorite company that allows what I like, except TOR and will leave it at that.


I am enjoying story missions alot and sub'd for the 12x boost. After its over, I wont need to be sub'd for that fast pace story lines. I like the fact I dont have to go through every mission, which is happening cause first time through is enjoyable. Second time through only cause different angle with a friend who is going through it all with me and seen how a light vs dark random turns out. :) Its fun. Now, there is two that will not be going through all those missions tediously which is actually nice not having to worry about being short or what not. I plan on running couple more alts through and avoiding world missions for 3rd and 4th times.


Now, the argument about... oh! they level too fast and dont know their characters (me specifically falls into this category of players since I am new and finally got a 50.) Me and my friend duo yellow heroic 4+'s with great successes, one flashpoint orange duo'd with just us two successful. So, just saying every new player will drive to 50 and not know what to do when they get there is a bit harsh and commit to loosing players. But remembering that online, there tends to be this sillyness that goes on and will continue going on. If they dont know, try suggesting friendly advice to them so they will know.


I want the 12x xp to continue, since they have a way of shutting it off, it shouldnt ever go away now. That is my opinion and honestly, no one will change it.


Also, if they added what I want to the stories, you bet, I will stay sub'd and go through every story class there is more than once. If a bioware employee happens to be reading this post....

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  • 4 months later...
Gonna go ahead and leave this here, this was with a good 30 minutes or so afk, talking to the A/C guy when he showed up.


Also forgot to let the final makeb missions sit at 54, which would of brought me up to level 57 when I turned them in.

So you can pull your character to level 57 in around 6 hours.




Why did you revive a topic that was 4 months old?

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