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Bioware can program this, but not that?

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My group has been slowly progressing HM TR/ToS. We got stuck on Bulo for two weeks because of the RNG mess that fight is. But we did eventually get it down lol.


What happens quite frequently is people will get a Load Lifter (sometimes both), the Purple Circle and the Fire Barrel all at the same time. It's obviously a one shot.


So we started on Sword Squadron yesterday. I noticed people that have picked up a Bomb, have the Big White Circle or are currently kiting Rapid Fire don't get pulled in by the Gravity Missile.


So my rant is why can Bioware program the Sword Squadron fight so nicely and have certain mechanics ignore players that are affected by other mechanics,but have the Bulo fight a terrifying RNG nightmare where you're never quite sure if you'll get 1 shot.


Surely they can program it where if someone is being chased by a Load Lifter they won't get targeted by the Fire Barrel.


Or maybe we're doing something wrong?

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If people are getting one shot by load lifter + barrel they really don't know how to use defensive cooldowns. You should NEVER take damage from purple/blue circles as well. This is simply a L2P issue, there's no sense in complaining about your uncoordinated group. Healers need to respond quickly to damage and everyone needs to be able to predict damage. Know where the load lifters are going at all times, which tank has adds/carts, when scatter blaster is going to happen. The more you actually try to learn the mechanics and where and when damage comes from the better off you'll be.


For new groups you can also experiment with 3 heals to get a hang of all the damage, but 2 healers is more than enough if everyone is using cooldowns well.

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If people are getting one shot by load lifter + barrel they really don't know how to use defensive cooldowns. You should NEVER take damage from purple/blue circles as well. This is simply a L2P issue, there's no sense in complaining about your uncoordinated group. Healers need to respond quickly to damage and everyone needs to be able to predict damage. Know where the load lifters are going at all times, which tank has adds/carts, when scatter blaster is going to happen. The more you actually try to learn the mechanics and where and when damage comes from the better off you'll be.


For new groups you can also experiment with 3 heals to get a hang of all the damage, but 2 healers is more than enough if everyone is using cooldowns well.


While that is correct thing to do, there is no need to insult him or his group as it does seem frustrating at times and we have all been stuck in ruts before and not looking at it clear-headed.

OP: It takes a while to get used to these fights so I would reccomend recording some of your fights and watch them to see where things are happening as it can be hard to strategize in the heat of battle. That way you can take this knowledge into the fight and your group can prepare for the major health spikes. Best of luck and hope you continue your progression.

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I actually do record everything we do. Maybe I'll put a video up to show what I'm talking about.


Also. Premptively using defensive cooldowns, most of which that have a 2+ minute cooldown, on boss abilities that happen every 30 seconds, that may not even hit you is not how you deal with it.


We've beaten it. Others have beaten it. We know it can be done. But I have videos (yes plural) of people getting one shot from 80%+ health. I'll dig through and try to post them.

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You could only get 1 shot when you used to get 2 load lifters on 1 person, now you can only die to people taking unnecessary damage. I never feel like I can get one shot at any moment and I main a melee... my feelings are entirely opposite, I feel like I can't die :rak_03:
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The fire barrel comes every 10-15 seconds so if you get Load Lifters on you and you don't have an amazing defensive, you should probably kite the Load Lifters for a few seconds and watch the fire go out on someone else. That way, you have time to receive extra healing or hit a medpac if you did get the fire, but before any Load Lifters explode.
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The fire barrel comes every 10-15 seconds so if you get Load Lifters on you and you don't have an amazing defensive, you should probably kite the Load Lifters for a few seconds and watch the fire go out on someone else. That way, you have time to receive extra healing or hit a medpac if you did get the fire, but before any Load Lifters explode.


Um its RNG bro?

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There is literally sooooo much you can do to survive this fight. The only times I see people legit die is when they position themselves incorrectly and take unnecessary damage.


If you'd like to post your video you can...lol, just be ready for some insight and criticism. It'll probably help you and your team as long as you can take some pointers.

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There is literally sooooo much you can do to survive this fight. The only times I see people legit die is when they position themselves incorrectly and take unnecessary damage.

^This :)


There are a few things to know about the mechanics of Bulo:

1) Scatter Blast switches back and forth between to top 2 threat. So have your tanks taunt fluffing like noones business. Also, in order to not get hit by the Scatter Blast of the other tank, have them stand at a approx 90 degree to each other.

2) Adds can spawn on 3 different locations(middle up the ramp, left and right at the houses). On which one isn't random at all, they spawn at the position that is closest to the tank having threat(not completely sure about this, but seems the way it's working. If it's not this, then it's the closest to where the boss stands)

3) Barrel isn't a voidzone. It has one initial hit and that's it. No need to run out of it.

4)The violet circle that you can carry around for a bit and that then turns blue always lands on someone who is 10 or more meters away from the boss. It kills the pirates, as does the mass barrage.

5) Carts always go for the tank that has threat the moment they spawn.

6) Lifters are random. Completely. They can even go for the boss, pirates and even carts or other lifters. Be aware when this happens, as they aquire new targets once the old one is dead.


If you know this, you can work with it quite well. What my group does is(in 8m) have one tank start with both taunts, after ~10-12 sec grab a barrel(other tank taunts here) while the whole group stacks behind the boss within 10m, run up the ramp and kill the adds with the violet circle.

Immediatly click off the barrel and taunt the boss after first pirates are dead, since scatter blast will come directly after this.

Have the group spread out within 10m of the boss behind him, while the tanks occupy the space in front of him, ~90 degree away from each other for scatter blast, with one range dps or a healer standing on the position where the next pirates will spawn to drop the violet circles there, which will instantly kill them when they spawn(if done right^^). After boss leaps, reposition yourself in the same matter as fast as possible. This way you won't have any problems with the adds or lifter and barrelthrow hitting more than 1 person.

For 16m I'd simply recommend taking a 3rd tank who tanks the adds until mass barrage and spread the whole raid out all over the place and just don't stand in stupid.


I'm not saying this is the best method, but it's one that works for sure if anybody knows where he has to be.

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