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Stock Evening on POT5 March 14th


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Stock Evening

DATE: March 14th

TIME: 9-12 EST





All ships allowed provided they have stock components and crew. You may swap copilot.


If you are interested, please reply to this forum with your player name for the event. It would be nice if people made a new alt with the word stock in it so everyone knows you're in the stock night. For example, my alt will be named Yallia-stock. Also, if you reply to this thread with your stock names, you will be entered into a sweepstakes for a cartel market ship. I'll randomly pick a winner and that person can pick any cartel ship of their choice. You can pick what toon you want the ship sent to--doesn't have to be a POT5 toon.

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Thanks for putting another of these on -the last was great fun and I've been looking forward to another stock night ever since the last one (My first)!

I will definitely be there barring any unforeseen RL complications. I might not be able to fly the whole night but should be around for an hour or two at the very least.

I'll be flying on Impstocksback unless the pubs need more pilots in which case I'd be happy to roll a toon on that side.

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Thanks again for arranging this event. Even though I wasn't able to fly until about an hour into the event the 5 or so matches I had were fun (although I do suspect I probably missed the better matches).

I'll be looking forward to the next one :)

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