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The Great PvP War


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First off, Welcome back. Here's my detailed take on ranked 8v8s and 4v4s... For 1, premading is not a game mode, so I ultimately believe they should be solo Q only. Back in the day and today, when you know who is Queing before the Queue (which happens because no one Q's without knowing there are players Q'n) You know how to tailor your Ranked team for better efficiency to counter what the opposing team is bringing. So, fundamentals are not learned in a controlled environment. Magneto told Professor to shot him so he could stop the bullet (the controlled environment) but he already knew he could stop the bullet. So he wouldn't learn anything because stopping the bullet wouldn't be challenging. But if the ranked were only solo Q, with the randomness, competency of the players is tested and that's were fundamentals can be learned.


Lol, what? Premading isn't a game mode? So what the hell is a ranked team then?


Arenas are not controlled, the only thing you control at most is who your team is. Not who the enemy is, not what classes they play even. 4v4s create a wider array for people to succeed through skill in analyzing class balance and understanding what specs destroy others than 8s ever did. There is more room for error, more room for genius and more room for people to excel in areas that weren't tested before.


And at what price? None, the only ranked play that was sacrificed that showed any level of skill was ranked Huttball. Every other match was legitimately just a well placed, intense turtle match that people could see the outcome to in a matter of minutes.


If you seriously think that you don't learn anything in an environment where you compare your team to others, premade to premade, then there really isn't any hope for you. It would explain why Knights of Peace and yourself have maintained the same level of relevance in both eras of PvP though.


Let me also clarify why I brought up old names when it comes to PvP. Sycn wasn't just some regular Guardian, Tyrosine wasn't some regular Assassin, Kronn wasn't just some regular sniper, and so on... The mechanics of the match changes when the top of a class is on your opposing team. You know that your regular plan will not work against master players. That why I named them, not to show how 8V8s can develope a player into a better player.


Scyn? The same bad guardian that got farmed so hard in ranked arenas, he quit the ASB team and asked to join Currik's? The same one that also quit the game because he became irrelevant when his precious Smash spec became harder to play?


You're right about him at least: he's no regular guardian. He's honestly just a laughable joke, now that the game takes skill to survive and DPS isn't just about who can pump out the most numbers.


As for the other names you mentioned, they all quit before they had a chance to really see what they could do in the new era. Only one I'd bet on doing well is Tyro, since he's the only one I knew personality wise that could develop into a good player no matter what the game mode was.


But if the others are like Scyn, then they'd get stomped just as hard.


I admit that my OP was a bit of a comlaint but not in the way it was interpreted but that's my fault because I wasn't specific enough. My complaint is that players complain instead of getting better. It's the simple tweeaks the players can make to help get the win. Hell, Rescue/Extraction or Force Pull or Harpoon/Grapple can be used to help a teamate from dining. I see all these Sage/Sorcs around and they aren't Rescuing like they used to. I see all the Vanguard/Powertechs and they aren't pulling like they used to. Objectively those moves can help, especially in huttball. "Okay, I need to intercept Andreus and push him off the ramps before he can pull the ball carrier." "Okay, Wolfbane just used his grapple so I have to hurry and get this ball into the endzone before I'm grappled into Fire or Acid and get this ball stripped from me." That's a form of sense of ungency! I leveled characters back in those days, I had recruit geared toons against the top geared fully augmented. I know the hurt and pain, but I didn't cry about it. I didn't cry about it because I knew I'd get better and geared. All i want is for them to apply themselve instead of wanting things to be given to them. They don't know how better off they'd be if they just endured it and grew through it. All I want is some more effort and style to this PvP **** man, I love you guys.


And I agree. My point, however, is that the game is in a much better state to develop players than it ever has been in.


The population is just crap for it, they lack the right attitude to develop in the way that is needed to succeed in a competitive environment.

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Lol, what? Premading isn't a game mode? So what the hell is a ranked team then?


Arenas are not controlled, the only thing you control at most is who your team is. Not who the enemy is, not what classes they play even. 4v4s create a wider array for people to succeed through skill in analyzing class balance and understanding what specs destroy others than 8s ever did. There is more room for error, more room for genius and more room for people to excel in areas that weren't tested before.


And at what price? None, the only ranked play that was sacrificed that showed any level of skill was ranked Huttball. Every other match was legitimately just a well placed, intense turtle match that people could see the outcome to in a matter of minutes.

2 things, #1 I think you're getting off track a bit. Premading 4v4s ranked arenas is not much of a game mode, let alone a game mode that has fundamentals to be learned. Premading 4v4s is controlled for the teams are adjusted to who you know you're going to be facing. I don't care if 4 premades are running ranked, they all will have the same components one way or another because of FOTM classes and balance to counter such classes. You're know damn well you're not going to Que ranked without knowing who's Q'n and when you find out who's Q'n you know exactly how to build your counter team before you even step foot into the WZ. That's controlled, plain and simple. Also, we need to remember that we're talking about the benefits a rookie player can have doing 4v4s over 8v8s. That's the whole point of this thread. The PvP community does not want rookies Q'n without the proper gear, which a rookie player won't have, let alone Q'n as a rookie all together. Solo ranked is the only way a rookie may be able to learn any kind of fundamentals. If people would stop trying to Q sync and a **** load of everything else deceitful, and let Solo Q have it's randomness, a rookie would be forced to think about what he's going to do. If they suceed then they learned something. It seems we're destined to always disagree Zu so it's whatever.


If you seriously think that you don't learn anything in an environment where you compare your team to others, premade to premade, then there really isn't any hope for you. It would explain why Knights of Peace and yourself have maintained the same level of relevance in both eras of PvP though.

#2 Zu you are really rusty man because you have officially just attacked an innocent guild that I've never been apart of lmao. I would like to apologize to KoP on the behalf of Zu, for he know not what what he do :( Zu you tripping hahaha





Scyn? The same bad guardian that got farmed so hard in ranked arenas, he quit the ASB team and asked to join Currik's? The same one that also quit the game because he became irrelevant when his precious Smash spec became harder to play?


You're right about him at least: he's no regular guardian. He's honestly just a laughable joke, now that the game takes skill to survive and DPS isn't just about who can pump out the most numbers.


As for the other names you mentioned, they all quit before they had a chance to really see what they could do in the new era. Only one I'd bet on doing well is Tyro, since he's the only one I knew personality wise that could develop into a good player no matter what the game mode was.


But if the others are like Scyn, then they'd get stomped just as hard.

Relevancy, what's up with all this relevance talk. See there's a reason why I don't talk about another man's relevance. The universal law of oneness says that everyone and everything is connected. All thought, words, and actions has it's influence in the universe. No matter how much I could try to talk about another man's relevancy, it won't make me look better and I can't take away his accomplishments. Another mans accomplishments have been writen in history, which make the truth, and truth is good to the universe, not matter what no matter what another may think (so it's wise to be careful of what you believe is true.) and you're "But if the others are like Scyn, then they'd get stomped just as hard."... Assumptions is a dangerous tool to use. No matter what you think or believe, you can't measure the potential of men based of one man. If anything, you've managed to make yourself look very egotistical and full of yourself upon your return but I still love you anyway my brotha.

Edited by RayGonJinn
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Faction imbalance.....lol.Imperial 2-3 player base advantage......Its a huge diffrence....Cant blame them really, shoot awesome lightning...or pebbles.lol..Way to make decision easy for astetics EA...Pebble Spam....fck me dev who thought this up needs kick to the nads.Everyone choses lightning hell fire over your mirror class dirt attack .FACEPALM.
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Faction imbalance.....lol.Imperial 2-3 player base advantage......Its a huge diffrence....Cant blame them really, shoot awesome lightning...or pebbles.lol..Way to make decision easy for astetics EA...Pebble Spam....fck me dev who thought this up needs kick to the nads.Everyone choses lightning hell fire over your mirror class dirt attack .FACEPALM.



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Probably true lightning parade is overwhelmig 24-7 infinity..Just pray EA never does a balancing act.God forbid u have to roll another fotm.But hey heal to full monkey heal to full...Everyone else is..


I have to ask... *** are you talking about? Your mindless rantings remind me of eelum

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2 things, #1 I think you're getting off track a bit. Premading 4v4s ranked arenas is not much of a game mode, let alone a game mode that has fundamentals to be learned. Premading 4v4s is controlled for the teams are adjusted to who you know you're going to be facing. I don't care if 4 premades are running ranked, they all will have the same components one way or another because of FOTM classes and balance to counter such classes. You're know damn well you're not going to Que ranked without knowing who's Q'n and when you find out who's Q'n you know exactly how to build your counter team before you even step foot into the WZ. That's controlled, plain and simple. Also, we need to remember that we're talking about the benefits a rookie player can have doing 4v4s over 8v8s. That's the whole point of this thread. The PvP community does not want rookies Q'n without the proper gear, which a rookie player won't have, let alone Q'n as a rookie all together. Solo ranked is the only way a rookie may be able to learn any kind of fundamentals. If people would stop trying to Q sync and a **** load of everything else deceitful, and let Solo Q have it's randomness, a rookie would be forced to think about what he's going to do. If they suceed then they learned something. It seems we're destined to always disagree Zu so it's whatever.


Lol, except you don't? You know the players queuing and what guild they are in: that's it. There's this fantastic little thing called having alts that completely ruins your theory.


Secondly, random arenas and random 8v8s are both ruined by premading when it comes down to pug competition, yet 4v4s actually reinforce a negative to your inability to understand class balance/how to win while 8v8s dilute it through less individual responsibility with more players to cover for you and less importance on spec and class. They don't show true skill in the slightest but can easily give you the means to determine class balance if you actually know what the hell is going on in there. Rookies get stomped, that's a fact. The problem is that the care bear casuals don't want to get stomped and that when they do, they retreat into their little ego therapy centers of "I don't care, it's just a game" rather than learn from the negative reinforcement. Problem isn't in the teaching, it's in the students choosing to avoid the lessons.


The only argument here that you make that has any sort of positive to your argument is the fact that there aren't a lot of teams queuing. Why?


I don't really know for certain, but if I were to compare you to the rest of the server with your random arrogant boasting yet never playing in the ranked queue, I would say it's because you know your place.



#2 Zu you are really rusty man because you have officially just attacked an innocent guild that I've never been apart of lmao. I would like to apologize to KoP on the behalf of Zu, for he know not what what he do :( Zu you tripping hahaha


Lol, this is a good joke.


You weren't in KoP back before 2.0? Well, I guess you can fool all of the people here that weren't around when 50 was the cap.


Did you also forget about that noob Madness Assassin in tank charge that farmed you?


Relevancy, what's up with all this relevance talk. See there's a reason why I don't talk about another man's relevance. The universal law of oneness says that everyone and everything is connected. All thought, words, and actions has it's influence in the universe. No matter how much I could try to talk about another man's relevancy, it won't make me look better and I can't take away his accomplishments. Another mans accomplishments have been writen in history, which make the truth, and truth is good to the universe, not matter what no matter what another may think (so it's wise to be careful of what you believe is true.) and you're "But if the others are like Scyn, then they'd get stomped just as hard."... Assumptions is a dangerous tool to use. No matter what you think or believe, you can't measure the potential of men based of one man. If anything, you've managed to make yourself look very egotistical and full of yourself upon your return but I still love you anyway my brotha.


Your irrelevance is clear because you have yet to name a measurable accomplishment.


All of your boasting and the accomplishments you demand respect for have yet to even be detailed, let alone have any impact to the argument. You don't hold some DPS record, nor do you have any sort of ranking on the leaderboards for just your own servers.


Where's your Giradda Rancor? Where's your Baron Deathmark helmet? Where's your Victorious or Furious Armor/Weapons? Crystals? Any single reward that you get from ranked arena play for just having a rating?


Personally, I don't really care if I look egotistical. I'll back up my boastful comments with measurable success, such as offering you a ride on the season 3 mount I got in competition with STI and Infamoose themselves.


The difference between us is simple: I can back my points up. You, on the other hand, only make ignorant posts that reflect your own inexperience and lack of knowledge over the game, crying hard because it's not as simple as it used to be back when 50 was the cap.


PS: If you accept my offer, don't scratch the flame decal. That **** looks too good for some peasant like you to muck up boyo.

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but if I were to compare you to the rest of the server with your random arrogant boasting yet never playing in the ranked queue, I would say it's because you know your place.

I found this to be pretty cute :p it warmed my heart a little with the love I have for you. It's not a fact of me knowing my place at all. It's a matter of RL circumstances. I just haven't been able to play like I used to. I'm a married man now with a 4 1/2 month old son who requires attention and I have my responsiblities to take care of. When I do get that small window of opportunity to play uninterrupted, I have to level my key characters to 60 and I have to do it across two servers, so it takes me some time to get anything done. Hell, I still in full 180 gear atm. I don't do ranked because I don't have the gear for it yet and it will hapen in due time. I'm on my own schedule, not yours. I'm satisfying my own will when it comes to this game, not yours. I still love you though.


Hmm, I'm a little rustier at this than I thought because Mk'dermott was the one who made the ignorant 4v4 comment, not you.

I'm going to stay true to the intent of my OP which wasn't on the matter of ranked and it's pros and cons. Not going to continue this derailment in a useless battle of negativity (leads to the darkside) in a battle I never intended to fight. I recall saying we're destined to always disagree, so with that said let's just agree to disagree. Forum war with Mk'dermott about the subject ;)



Lol, this is a good joke.


You weren't in KoP back before 2.0? Well, I guess you can fool all of the people here that weren't around when 50 was the cap.

*Giggles* Zu when I say I love you, I mean it. I love you enough to overlook your flaws and see the spirit within you, for within every man lies a spirit that has the potential to do/be good. I was never in KoP. I was in KoT, Knights of Tython. Zu, KNIGHTS OF TYTHON! Confirm this information with Currik, Feken, Rava-lynn (You know who Rava is, I know you do :p) You're rusty, your "Facts" are screwed up, you're making assumptions. In the word's of the Infamous, "STAHP!" Knights of Tython, with Helorn, Tughazi, Ogclutchbossman, Arcae, Dlan, Tywind, Torrhen, Lowebrutus (I can keep going) Knights. Of. Tython.


Did you also forget about that noob Madness Assassin in tank charge that farmed you?
Oh Tyrosine? The man was good man, you said it yourself. I mean I did name him my nemesis thread I created back in the day (a thread you once brought back from the dead ;))



Your irrelevance is clear because you have yet to name a measurable accomplishment.


All of your boasting and the accomplishments you demand respect for have yet to even be detailed, let alone have any impact to the argument. You don't hold some DPS record, nor do you have any sort of ranking on the leaderboards for just your own servers.


Where's your Giradda Rancor? Where's your Baron Deathmark helmet? Where's your Victorious or Furious Armor/Weapons? Crystals? Any single reward that you get from ranked arena play for just having a rating?


Personally, I don't really care if I look egotistical. I'll back up my boastful comments with measurable success, such as offering you a ride on the season 3 mount I got in competition with STI and Infamoose themselves.


The difference between us is simple: I can back my points up. You, on the other hand, only make ignorant posts that reflect your own inexperience and lack of knowledge over the game, crying hard because it's not as simple as it used to be back when 50 was the cap.


PS: If you accept my offer, don't scratch the flame decal. That **** looks too good for some peasant like you to muck up boyo.

And again it comes back to my RL circumstances influencing my playing availability. I can't do ranked and couldn't do it for the passed 6 months or so because of what? RL circumstances. I would also like to add that my OP was not about ranked at all so these accomplishments you want, you can't have because that's not my focus atm. I don't want to ride or have a Rancor mount, I don't want that hideous helmet, I don't care about the records thread. You know how many of those record threads this server has had over the 3 yrs? Not once did I ever attempt to participate. Staying true to who I am and what I stand for in PvP, I'm against the records thread. It takes the focus winning the match and puts focus on breaking records that are meaningless.

For Example, the "Biggest Hit" category. People have been allowed to post any big hit. Players get those big hits off hitting another player who was unequal to them. Potentially, a poorly geared or PvE wearer with little to no expertise that had the bolster system against them (because bolster doesn't really bolster high level PvE gear). Now if the hit had to beeen proved on someone with equal expertise, gear, and gear type. Then and only then should the hit be a record. Its easy for the medium armor sniper to hit the light armor sage for a high amount of hp. That's nothing to brag or boast about and is ultimately meaningless. Now have a class hit it's equal (Expertise, gear, and gear type included) and hit that big hit, then that's impressive and worth making a record of and boasting about. The submission system is screwed up and it has no standard, so I refuse to participate in it.

You are the one who have these blind PvPers fooled, for they buy into you're "PvP God" persona. I also wouldn't be trying to grant me irrelevance due to my inactivity in the PvP records thread. They don't know the real you that's hidden behind your facade. I remember you attempted to take one of those threads by deciet once before by running a controlled ranked 8v8, which you guys prolonged for high numbers at the end, so you could post them on the records thread. Neo and Myrm called you out on it and the PvP community refused to accept your screen shot for the records thread. Oh, look, what's that over there?.. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=564301&page=22 :eek: You say I'm boastful and I may be that, but not once have I tried to prove to be something I'm not with actual documentation. They say if you could make God bleed, then people would cease to believe in him. *Hands Zu a hanky* Wipe yourself off man, you're bleeding.


Lastly, please guote the times I've been boastful about my self (I've read my replies and know when I intentionally were being boastful) so that I can clear them up, that's the type of Jedi I am. I love you Zu and look forward to your reply.:D

Edited by RayGonJinn
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Don't mock our lord baby Jesus.


"What do you call a Nun in a Wheelchair?" lmao Mallo... where do you find these senseless videos? and did you spend 16 mins of your time watching that? you know you're never getting that time bacl :p That's a close WZ right there...

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