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Everything posted by ANDRESHG

  1. SWTOR is a game, intended to be played by you. Thats why you get powerful abilities for your character to make the playing experience interesting and rewarding. The game also has to provide powerful enemies so you get a sense of acomplishment when you defeat them. No one wants to play weak characters against weak bosses. Its not interesting. Key words: game mechanics. Also, swtor is NOT Canon. So if you are going to compare swtor characters/bosses/enemies to the movies era characters, you have to compare their non canon versions, with their non canon feats and powers (which are inmense and far superior to TOR in the case of people like Luke, Sidious and Yoda, for example). Non canon compares to non canon. Because if you use a canon vs canon criteria to compare, then the characters in SWTOR doesnt even exist, as this game is NOT canon. In summary: 1) Game mechanics give your playable character and your enemies/bosses inmense and exagerated powers so the playing experience is interesting and involving. 2) Comparing non canon SWTOR to non canon movie era: characters from the movies win. 3) Comparing canon SWTOR to canon movie era: Nothing is canon in SWTOR, so movie era wins by default. You can not compare canon vs non canon.

    Idea for Guard 5.0

    I think the solution is much, much more simple... just lower guard damage reduction from 50% to 40%... maybe even 30%. And nerf sorc healers a bit while slightly buffing the other 2 healing clases.
  3. Type - Warzones Name - Syphylis Class - Operative (concealment) Category - Damage per second - 3279.62 Link - http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1447823018_2015-11-18_01-16-14.jpg
  4. Type - Warzones Name - Syphylis Class - Operative (concealment) Category - Overal Damage - 2434273 Link - http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/pic_full/1446500534_wut.jpg Type - Warzones Name - Syphylis Class - Operative (concealment) Category - Damage per second - 2880.92 Link - http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/pic_full/1446500534_wut.jpg
  5. Yeah. I suggest this change for 4.1: Dark Devouring: When the sorcerer activates Force Barrier, all enemies within 100 meters begin to lose health every second at a constant rate, similar to the acid effect at the end of arena matches. If an enemy remains alive after the Force Barrier cast has ended, the dark side of the force will cause the earth crust to open below him and swallow him into the boiling magma, killing him instantly. This would help poor little sorcs who are so underpowered right now.
  6. Tbh I think AP PT needs Enraged defense and Undying rage, they are too squishy for a class that has minimal burst... And sins are too easy to kitte, so they need force pull for all specs... force speed, spammable 30 mt low slash, teleport and phase walk not enough!
  7. Game Type - Warzones Section - Damage per second (Operative/Scoundrel) Rank - 4 Name - Syphylis Record - 2015.95 LINK: http://i.imgur.com/O1nQ6RN.jpg
  8. Game Type - Warzones Section - Overall Damage (Operative/Scoundrel) Rank - 2 Name - Syphylis Record - 1830479 LINK: http://i.imgur.com/O1nQ6RN.jpg
  9. YES there is... Clicking works for PVE, no doubt... mobs and preprogramed enemies dont improvise.. but to be competitive in PVP you need to keybind... The big difference isnt related to the speed that you can activate your abilities, the BIG, and i mean BIG, advantage of keybindins is movement... being able to rotate really fast to get on somebody´s back and to avoid his attacks... There is also the benefit of being able to ratate the camera at will (and constantly) with the mouse, wich gives you way better situational awareness... You absolutly need to keybind to be competitive at PVP, or good operatives and sins will eat you alive...
  10. Clicking works for PVE, no doubt... mobs and preprogramed enemies dont improvise.. but to be competitive in PVP you need to keybind... The big difference isnt related to the speed that you can activate your abilities, the BIG, and i mean BIG, advantage of keybindins is movement... being able to rotate really fast to get on somebody´s back and to avoid his attacks... There is also the benefit of being able to ratate the camera at will (and constantly) with the mouse, wich gives you way better situational awareness... You absolutly need to keybind to be competitive at PVP, or good operatives and sins will eat you alive...
  11. Hello Brut!!! Havent seen when i go pubside...
  12. Lots and lots of lotsy work and real life stuff... u know real life kinda sucks... Ill get online in about 1.5 hours... only if u que with me!
  13. Come on, guys! Sometimes you really forget this is just a computer game and nothing more! Keep it fun!
  14. I think an AP powertech would be a good choice, because the class doenst relly on stuns to do their damage. The stun inmunity in deflection wouldn't have that much importance. Also the very heavy burst it has would be enough to melt through DCDs. And one of the main components of their damage, railshot , is not affected by force shroud.
  15. Awesome work of art, Monk. I sense great talent in you. You have power, you have taste, and you do use it... Please inmortalize me! :p:p:p x x x x
  16. What? We can haz grenades? xD
  17. Pretty sure he used OBFUSCATE before u tried to stun him. Thats a 90% accuracy debuff, leaving your electrocute a very small chance NOT to miss...
  18. Noooo Mala, dont go!!! I will miss u so much!
  19. LOLOLOLOL Lorhah, that was epic!!! u made me laugh out loud for real... Really a form of art... U, Sir, are a genious! /kiss kiss
  20. Yes, you can! Wont make a difference, trust me
  21. Legendz! i wont jump on you I agree100% this time And Stiffs! stop chasing around my poor inoffensive leukemia inside wzs with your shadow!
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