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The Great PvP War


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3 years ago there was a war of epic proportions between the Republic and the Empire on Begeren Colony. Both factions had it's titans that stood on the frontlines of battle. Guilds rose to the top and egos were shattered. Victory was most prized over mindless performance. DPS who proved they had the potential to break 1 mill in dps in a WZ sacrificed pursuing such numbers for the sake of Victory. Winning was more important than enemy rivalries, however victory was the ultimate bragging right to hang over enemy heads.


Back then, Sages/Sorcerers knew how to use Rescue/Extraction in Huttball. Vanguards/Powertechs, Shadows/Assasins knew how to Harpoon/Grapple into the fire and acid, ripping the huttball from the enemy team. Harpooning/Grappling strong enemy healers to their deaths when the bridges extended in Voidstar. These work horses of the past were to busy on the frontlines of war, fighting to claim their right to have victory with the resources they had at hand. Not complaining about balance. These warriors knew not to be a commando trying to 1v1 every class in the game. Ranged knew their role on a team was to be in the fight and they knew to kill the marked enemies first before going on to other objectives such as settling old scores. They knew it was best to kill the enemy healer first because only a fool battles an opponent that's being healed with the chance of victory running away from them. Some didn't need to min/max or become elitest to achieve victory in Warzones but they had enough common sense to know how to play their class correctly.


Sadly, the quantity of these quality PvPers, bred in the fire of war, have dwindled down to a handful. Honor, Pride, Respect, and common sense are almost non existent in this new generation of PvPers. No drive or will to become better and reach a level of skill that will tip the balance of Victory back into the hands on their faction. They complain about class balance instead of trying to understand what their class can really do and knowing what their enemy can do. They have no sense of urgency or ability to predict their enemy, for if they successfully defend a cap point they all still remain to get the last kill, compromising their team at the other cap point that's surely under attack by all the respawns. Common sense, if there is more green than red, you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. If there are more of you than there is of them, then the rest of your team is in trouble. This new generation cry and complain instead of going to Ilum or Outlaws Den and practice dueling their friends who have opposite classes to learn what those classes can do so they and their mirror class can be predicted in battle. This new generation fail to predict that an enemy may be heading to the easier cap point in the beginning of the match to stop your team from getting it and they get upset and rage quit when the enemy takes it. They also complain about Players entering Warzones in PvE gear and then the one wearing PvE gear out performs them in the end. The PvPers before understood that if something goes wrong it's not the fault of 1 person for it takes a team to achieve Victory.


I don't know what the future holds from this current generation of PvPers. Maybe it's destined to be what they're already experiencing now, which is defeat. Defeat over and over again. The Devs can't make bad players better, no matter how much they change for the sake of the weak who don't want to do what needs to be done in order to grow and get better.

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You really want to talk about skill from back in the day whenever you may have been relevant? Remember how easy it was to tank? Remember how all you had to do was guard the healer? Can we also remember how easy it was to tunnel one target and that every single match was a *********** turtle fest? Let us not also forget how ridiculous the gear difference was back when war hero was around. Let us also remember how *********** easy smash was to play and how all the "good" 8v8 sentinels/marauders struggled to learn how to play a real spec once they got nerfed. Look, my point is that sometimes the game changes and you just gotta *********** deal with it. Whatever the strat may have been in 8v8, it doesn't matter. 4v4s are the new ranked. Sucks to suck. I feel sorry for players who come back to the game and can't play it, I really do, but that's the nature of the beast. As long as SWTOR has been alive and stays alive it's going to get updates and you can either complain about how bad this "new generation" of PvPers is, or you can adapt.
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You really want to talk about skill from back in the day whenever you may have been relevant?

That skill from back in the day keeps me at the top of my game today. I don't know how much you believe has changed about this game but I've been vigilance on my guardian since 1.6, when smash the more "Viable" spec, and I had no trouble being my best then and I'm even better now. There's 1 thing, only people who really know me from this game, can say about me and it's that my consistency in performance is constent and there is no spec on the Guardian I can't perform.


Remember how easy it was to tank? Remember how all you had to do was guard the healer?

No, I don't, especially if that's all you think there was to being a tank back in the day? Is that how you tanked? If so you were either being carried by a premade or the level of competition you went up against weren't challenging enough. The actual "Good" Tanks guard swapped to the guy who was being focus fired so the healers could get him back up. The actaul "Good" Tanks kept their taunts on CD. The actual "Good" Tanks kept the enemy team slowed, keeping the pace of battle to their teams advantage.


Can we also remember how easy it was to tunnel one target and that every single match was a *********** turtle fest? Let us not also forget how ridiculous the gear difference was back when war hero was around.

No, I don't remember how easy it was to tunnel. The actual "Good" Ranged had sense enough to focus fire and not turtle with everyone.


Let us also remember how *********** easy smash was to play and how all the "good" 8v8 sentinels/marauders struggled to learn how to play a real spec once they got nerfed.

What "Good" Sentinel/Marauders that you know of that struggle to be effecient with the other specs other than smash? Neo? Youngster? Tughazi? Aroca? Feken? Orazio? Those I just named with many other unamed were masters at either Watchmen or Combat. The only "Good" Marauder that has had trouble with the other Specs was Wrecks (no offense to the guy he does smash justice)


Look, my point is that sometimes the game changes and you just gotta *********** deal with it. Whatever the strat may have been in 8v8, it doesn't matter. 4v4s are the new ranked. Sucks to suck. I feel sorry for players who come back to the game and can't play it, I really do, but that's the nature of the beast. As long as SWTOR has been alive and stays alive it's going to get updates and you can either complain about how bad this "new generation" of PvPers is, or you can adapt.

Who said anything about this post being about 8v8s and 4v4s? Who came back to this game and can't play it? Not I, I've been on Prophecy of the Five for the passed 4 weeks. From the looks of it, you don't know what you're talking about and made assumptions about my intent of this post. I'm not complaining, I feel bad. I feel bad that I come from PoT5 to play some regs on BC just to see that regs is terribly 1 sided and it seems to me that you guys are okay with that. I'm not, BC is my 2nd home after Lord Ieldis server. That leads me to ask *** happened to the will of the PvPers on this server? The Best PvPers from BC went on to PvP servers and showed that we're just as good as their best. I lost a 4v4 arena and both rounds I had to get 3 killing blows to try to win the match for my team and they were in PvP gear. There's no need for me to be trying to adapt to anything, i'm at the top of my game. But I can't win WZs for 7 other players.

Edited by RayGonJinn
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That skill from back in the day keeps me at the top of my game today. I don't know how much you believe has changed about this game but I've been vigilance on my guardian since 1.6, when smash the more "Viable" spec, and I had no trouble being my best then and I'm even better now. There's 1 thing, only people who really know me from this game, can say about me and it's that my consistency in performance is constent and there is no spec on the Guardian I can't perform.



No, I don't, especially if that's all you think there was to being a tank back in the day? Is that how you tanked? If so you were either being carried by a premade or the level of competition you went up against weren't challenging enough. The actual "Good" Tanks guard swapped to the guy who was being focus fired so the healers could get him back up. The actaul "Good" Tanks kept their taunts on CD. The actual "Good" Tanks kept the enemy team slowed, keeping the pace of battle to their teams advantage.



No, I don't remember how easy it was to tunnel. The actual "Good" Ranged had sense enough to focus fire and not turtle with everyone.



What "Good" Sentinel/Marauders that you know of that struggle to be effecient with the other specs other than smash? Neo? Youngster? Tughazi? Aroca? Feken? Orazio? Those I just named with many other unamed were masters at either Watchmen or Combat. The only "Good" Marauder that has had trouble with the other Specs was Wrecks (no offense to the guy he does smash justice)



Who said anything about this post being about 8v8s and 4v4s? Who came back to this game and can't play it? Not I, I've been on Prophecy of the Five for the passed 4 weeks. From the looks of it, you don't know what you're talking about and made assumptions about my intent of this post. I'm not complaining, I feel bad. I feel bad that I come from PoT5 to play some regs on BC just to see that regs is terribly 1 sided and it seems to me that you guys are okay with that. I'm not, BC is my 2nd home after Lord Ieldis server. That leads me to ask *** happened to the will of the PvPers on this server? The Best PvPers from BC went on to PvP servers and showed that we're just as good as their best. I lost a 4v4 arena and both rounds I had to get 3 killing blows to try to win the match for my team and they were in PvP gear. There's no need for me to be trying to adapt to anything, i'm at the top of my game. But I can't win WZs for 7 other players.


First of all, I mainly come to these forums looking for either drama or entertainment, so I made some assumptions and misconceptions to keep myself entertained. Secondly, yeah the PvP environment is *********** awful and non competitive on BC. Why you may ask is it this way so recently? For one, conquest. Most of the ******* conquest players come from RP guilds to get their points. They don't care about PvP or knowing how to play, they just want conquest points for their guild. Secondly, of the PvPers who are still on this server? I know I speak for most if not all of STI when I say that regs are a time to completely **** around and let off steam from group ranked or solo queues on server. As for the guilds and individuals that don't do ranked? I don't know if you play on pub side or imp side, but imp side has it's fair share of colorful characters like eelum who would rather spend all day making stupid excuses, chat PvPing, and challenging people to 1v1s, because apparently 1v1s prove skill in team games. You want my advice? Stay on pot5.

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The thread title should be renamed as: "The Great Forum PvP War" :D


What "Good" Sentinel/Marauders that you know of that struggle to be effecient with the other specs other than smash? Neo? Youngster? Tughazi? Aroca? Feken? Orazio? Those I just named with many other unamed were masters at either Watchmen or Combat. The only "Good" Marauder that has had trouble with the other Specs was Wrecks (no offense to the guy he does smash justice)


This much is true, not only do most of the mentioned above sents are actually proficient at sentinels, most of them also excel at other roles.


As for Wrecks, I've actually seen him play other specs in WZs, though not as much, maybe 1 out of 100 matches. Still, it takes practice to be good. Even after all these years of playing commandos I'm still terrible at gunnery spec :o

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This thread is majority true. Most of the competitiveness on this Server went off to different servers because they got bored. Ever since the influx of new players wanting to do ranked that haven't been there/active during 8v8s sh*t went down on this Server. Now, I can only think of a few players that're actually objective-oriented and have been around for a bit (Cavy, Lemuel sometimes, Dawt, Dredd, a few other Infamous players & GD & Exiles players. Point is, there aren't that many now and most of these people don't do 4v4 ranked).


Nowadays on this Server the most competitive aspect in Player vs Player are f*cking PvP-Chat wars between dumb sh*ts like Okiko & Eelum. The amount of PvPers leaving the Server compared to the amount entering the Server is unhealthy for the balance, and the majority of the active PvP Community now are extremely old players who've been here too long that they don't want to leave and newer players or PvPers who weren't active much for the 8v8 ranked days. There're only very very very very very few matches in regs nowadays that I actually enjoy, and that's around 1/100 chance that it can happen where two objective/winning oriented premades go against one another. This used to be a case with regs "back in the days". I remember those 6-5 Huttballs that happened more frequently or those 3-3 Huttballs that was determined by the ball carrier & the way the carrier would die with only 2 seconds left on the timer. Those Voidstars where both teams defended each and every doorway heavily and until the death, where it wasn't just complete annihilation of the first team and an easy cap. When there were Civil Wars which every second counts when both teams are under 100. Those Novare Coasts where objectives turn Purple & Yellow constantly and the percentages seem to go down slowly but surely. Those were fun days, nowadays, I can't say the same thing with complete honesty.

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The only thing people remember about you is that lazy eye...


Imagine a world filled with non-cleansable lead corruption, where our children now live with lead poisoning and had their IQ reduced to nothing less than a microbe, yikes! (Exaggeration at work)


Dr. Patterson fought against the rotten corporatism and its fervent quest on making money out of leaded gasoline. Without him and his hard work at proving the unnatural level of lead rising through the globe due to leaded gas, we would live in a lead poisoned world.


He had a lazy eye, and yet he was not remembered for such a trivial defect, but as a savior of humanity. (again, exaggeration at work)


Our OP here will be remembered as an artist in the art of WZ PvP... maybe also the instigator of forum wars :p

Edited by LaniAkavir
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Okay first of all, 4v4 ranked does not create idiot PvPers. If anything, it teaches people how to use their class to the fullest rather than rely on getting carried by seven objective players. Honestly, it doesn't even come as a shock that transfers happen. BC has never been super competitive in PvP or PvE. No one got 5/5 on either of the dread ops pre nerf and I'm fairly certain that the last legitimate nightmare kill at gear level was epic with NM TFB. Obviously, this thread isn't about PvE, but it's just an example. BC has never been very competitive in ranked either. Not shockingly, many of the competitive PvPers are no longer around. Why you may ask? Well for one, many of them quit the PvP scene or the game entirely when 8v8s went away, or they were most likely disappointed with the shockingly low ranked pops on BC and decided to move servers. BC is one of the lowest population servers and it has been getting lower for a while. If you really want good regs just move to bastion, pot5, or harbinger if you play pub.
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Okay first of all, 4v4 ranked does not create idiot PvPers. If anything, it teaches people how to use their class to the fullest rather than rely on getting carried by seven objective players.

Who lied to you? Who told you 4v4 teaches people how to use their class to the fullest? Practice teaches a person how to use their class to the fullest. Doing 1v1 duels against other players of different classes, who are the top of their food chain, teaches a person how to use their class to the best of their ability. Playing other classes, knowing what they can do teaches a person how to use their main class to their fullest. 4v4's are mostly about burst in the opening so if anything it teaches burst and focus fire, but that's easy against 4 people and all you have to do is kill. Back in the day 8v8 ranked against two great teams, it would take the whole 5 mins of the first round of your 4v4 just to get a tilt in any favor.


If you really want good regs just move to bastion, pot5, or harbinger if you play pub.
Already on PoT5


You want my advice? Stay on pot5.

No, I don't want your advice but heres some for you, becareful who you cause karma with. I know STI, fought their premades many times, they're not impressive they just have numbers. I'm also not some featherweight PvPer either, there's not a STI player that can run through me like those other scrub players you're accustomed to running through. Many times I've taken out players on an STI premade 1 by 1 until they started focus firing me. I get my self noticed. If I want to run through you to show you, your inferiority, no one in your guild can stop me from sending you to the medbay and that's a fact, please be an atheist about it and doubt it.


As for Wrecks, I've actually seen him play other specs in WZs, though not as much, maybe 1 out of 100 matches. Still, it takes practice to be good. Even after all these years of playing commandos I'm still terrible at gunnery spec :o

He did back in the day when you could change your spec in the middle of a WZ, he use to run carnage for the predation speedboats in huttball. Wrecks can be smash without me complaining, He uses it better than most so he shoould play the spec without criticism.


The only thing people remember about you is that lazy eye...

There's a reason why your the commander of the infamous B team, you're a B player and always have been and never been anything more, sometimes a little less but I'm not keeping track.

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I know STI, fought their premades many times, they're not impressive they just have numbers.


I usually do not get involved in forum wars but I had to respond to this ripe little "fact" Ray-Gon threw in there.

STI is like half the size of Infamous and probably a third of the size of Company. We have like 25 different qualifying accounts. We are not a big guild, finding that quality over quantity is better for a PvP guild. That is all. Go back to your forum war. ;)

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Who lied to you? Who told you 4v4 teaches people how to use their class to the fullest? Practice teaches a person how to use their class to the fullest. Doing 1v1 duels against other players of different classes, who are the top of their food chain, teaches a person how to use their class to the best of their ability. Playing other classes, knowing what they can do teaches a person how to use their main class to their fullest. 4v4's are mostly about burst in the opening so if anything it teaches burst and focus fire, but that's easy against 4 people and all you have to do is kill. Back in the day 8v8 ranked against two great teams, it would take the whole 5 mins of the first round of your 4v4 just to get a tilt in any favor.


Already on PoT5



No, I don't want your advice but heres some for you, becareful who you cause karma with. I know STI, fought their premades many times, they're not impressive they just have numbers. I'm also not some featherweight PvPer either, there's not a STI player that can run through me like those other scrub players you're accustomed to running through. Many times I've taken out players on an STI premade 1 by 1 until they started focus firing me. I get my self noticed. If I want to run through you to show you, your inferiority, no one in your guild can stop me from sending you to the medbay and that's a fact, please be an atheist about it and doubt it.



He did back in the day when you could change your spec in the middle of a WZ, he use to run carnage for the predation speedboats in huttball. Wrecks can be smash without me complaining, He uses it better than most so he shoould play the spec without criticism.



There's a reason why your the commander of the infamous B team, you're a B player and always have been and never been anything more, sometimes a little less but I'm not keeping track.


Oh no, I'm so scared of who I "cause karma with". I wouldn't want a mighty herd of regstars focusing me down in the regs that I queue for EVER so often. Obviously, you must be somewhat enlightened to at least make the judgement that STI is only numbers, nobody in STI cares about regs and nobody in STI cares about objectives. Congratulations, you can get a few kills on an STI premade, would you like a participation ribbon and a cooler of gatorade because that's about all you'll get for it. Go ahead and run right through all of us, no one cares as long as it's regs. Also, who told you 4s are about opening burst? 4s are about precision and coordination. Do you even queue fours? I searched your name on the leaderboards and all I could find was a ****** guardian with 1071 which leads me to believe you're just another washed up has-been like flux who won't queue fours because they're too blissfully stuck in the time period when 8v8s were ranked. Here's the thing, pal, 8v8s aren't ranked anymore and your regs will never be competitive or fulfilling.

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Okay first of all, 4v4 ranked does not create idiot PvPers. If anything, it teaches people how to use their class to the fullest rather than rely on getting carried by seven objective players. Honestly, it doesn't even come as a shock that transfers happen. BC has never been super competitive in PvP or PvE. No one got 5/5 on either of the dread ops pre nerf and I'm fairly certain that the last legitimate nightmare kill at gear level was epic with NM TFB. Obviously, this thread isn't about PvE, but it's just an example. BC has never been very competitive in ranked either. Not shockingly, many of the competitive PvPers are no longer around. Why you may ask? Well for one, many of them quit the PvP scene or the game entirely when 8v8s went away, or they were most likely disappointed with the shockingly low ranked pops on BC and decided to move servers. BC is one of the lowest population servers and it has been getting lower for a while. If you really want good regs just move to bastion, pot5, or harbinger if you play pub.


No it doesnt, it teaches people that if you aren't playing one of the ACs that happens to be good in a 4v4 arena format that it isn't even worth queuing up. Also BC had a lot of good pvpers on it in the 8v8 ranked days, players who went to bastion and made other guilds ragequit and duck queue because their grasp on the CC and stall aspect of objective play regularly trumped their "i can do X damage and lolburst 4v4 arena" playstyle. Yes they left but the prime reason they aren't around anymore at all is the conversion to 4v4 ranked. That format was a poison to the pvp community for reasons I laid out months before it even got rolled out.

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No it doesnt, it teaches people that if you aren't playing one of the ACs that happens to be good in a 4v4 arena format that it isn't even worth queuing up. Also BC had a lot of good pvpers on it in the 8v8 ranked days, players who went to bastion and made other guilds ragequit and duck queue because their grasp on the CC and stall aspect of objective play regularly trumped their "i can do X damage and lolburst 4v4 arena" playstyle. Yes they left but the prime reason they aren't around anymore at all is the conversion to 4v4 ranked. That format was a poison to the pvp community for reasons I laid out months before it even got rolled out.


I will agree with you that solo ranked is all about fotm classes, but group ranked? Every class has a place in group ranked right now. Solo ranked is not a competitive outlet and should not be treated as such.

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I usually do not get involved in forum wars but I had to respond to this ripe little "fact" Ray-Gon threw in there.

STI is like half the size of Infamous and probably a third of the size of Company. We have like 25 different qualifying accounts. We are not a big guild, finding that quality over quantity is better for a PvP guild. That is all. Go back to your forum war. ;)

You know Currik, I've Raided with you, Queued WZs with you, you're a decent kid in PvP just like your father Fernopatrix. Out of my respect for your father I'm not going to share much words with you. So, to your reply about numbers , it doesn't need to be a guild for 40 people Currik, all it takes is a guild queing two 4man premdades to have numbers in a Warzone. You know where I come from Currik, don't pretend. Calm your guildy down before he starts something I'd love to finish and shatter his will to PvP.


Oh no, I'm so scared of who I "cause karma with". I wouldn't want a mighty herd of regstars focusing me down in the regs that I queue for EVER so often. Obviously, you must be somewhat enlightened to at least make the judgement that STI is only numbers, nobody in STI cares about regs and nobody in STI cares about objectives. Congratulations, you can get a few kills on an STI premade, would you like a participation ribbon and a cooler of gatorade because that's about all you'll get for it. Go ahead and run right through all of us, no one cares as long as it's regs. Also, who told you 4s are about opening burst? 4s are about precision and coordination. Do you even queue fours? I searched your name on the leaderboards and all I could find was a ****** guardian with 1071 which leads me to believe you're just another washed up has-been like flux who won't queue fours because they're too blissfully stuck in the time period when 8v8s were ranked. Here's the thing, pal, 8v8s aren't ranked anymore and your regs will never be competitive or fulfilling.

Again with your assumptions, I have 16 tons across 2 servers and you looked up the 1 single toon I tried Ranked out with on BC when Ranked Arenas first jumped on the scene. And you think that's enough research to make the judgement call on me being washed up. From your previous posts about tanking and how "Easy" it used to be :p You'd would have been lucky to have been 1/4 the tank Flux was, is , and will be. Throw out a guard on the healer and that's it huh? :rolleyes: I'm done talking to you man, **** my thread lmao

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You know Currik, I've Raided with you, Queued WZs with you, you're a decent kid in PvP just like your father Fernopatrix. Out of my respect for your father I'm not going to share much words with you. So, to your reply about numbers , it doesn't need to be a guild for 40 people Currik, all it takes is a guild queing two 4man premdades to have numbers in a Warzone. You know where I come from Currik, don't pretend. Calm your guildy down before he starts something I'd love to finish and shatter his will to PvP.



Again with your assumptions, I have 16 tons across 2 servers and you looked up the 1 single toon I tried Ranked out with on BC when Ranked Arenas first jumped on the scene. And you think that's enough research to make the judgement call on me being washed up. From your previous posts about tanking and how "Easy" it used to be :p You'd would have been lucky to have been 1/4 the tank Flux was, is , and will be. Throw out a guard on the healer and that's it huh? :rolleyes: I'm done talking to you man, **** my thread lmao


Shatter my will to PvP? No regstar will ever shatter my will to PvP so long as I play. And you think flux is still a good tank? Without his pet urshanabi and 8v8s his guard swaps are SLOW. Keep queueing regs bud, see how long it takes to "shatter my will to PvP'. What are you gonna do? Come to my house? Break my computer? I'll be PvPing as long as the *********** game exists. Tanking must have been sooooo hard when all you had to do was guard the healer, interrupt the other healer, and spam *********** chilling scream.

Edited by Mevarek
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My turn...even though I probably shouldn't.


First off, 1 v 1 duels CAN help you improve that can't be denied. It helps you think through multiple scenarios and better yourself against most other classes. HOWEVER, since I mostly play concealment, I will tell you this; Dueling against specific classes, does NOT teach MUCH anymore simply because of the overwhelming set bonuses and tree aspects. I ain't bashing, I am simply stating it. What in the actual **** are YOU going to learn from dueling a concealment operative for hours on end? How the hell are you going to figure out how to get past the most BROKEN ability in the game "Scamper / Exfiltrate"? If you can HONESTLY THINK that you will figure out how to counter 2 rolls that resist EVERYTHING simply by dueling for hours on end, then you are hallucinating.


Secondly, in a way 4 v 4 makes you think of your class in a different way compared to 8 v 8s. Sure 4 v 4 is basically, go in and kill ****, but there was always that part in 8 v 8s. 8 v 8s required a mix of DPS players that can kill **** THROUGH their healers and objective players to run off the fight and do their job as well. THOSE ASPECTS NEVER LEFT RANKED, THEY JUST SLIGHTLY CHANGED. 4 v 4s the tank plays more OBJECTIVELY (CCing and controlling the tank so he can't guard swap) to allow the DPS (those that can burst or kill through heals) to do their job all the while putting out their taunts and guard to whoever needs it. DPS, Healers, and opposing team members = Tanks objectives. As for the DPS they go in and coordinate who they are going to **** up the quickest and make sure to get what is called a "hard swap" (stun the tank or somehow control him and swap to the unguarded DPS), therefore the DPS objective = the opposing teams DPS and Healer. As for your teams healer THEIR objective is to make sure that red bars don't become black and 0d out.


Follow me so far? I sure as hell hope so.


Thirdly, and lastly. If you honestly mean to "ruin his will to PvP" then you have another thing coming. The MAIN reason being you seem to key in at 1 v 1ing him which tbh, you simply are threatening to ruin a sniper's or marauder's will to PvP. Ranked in GENERAL already has ruined that because they are so damn squish. Leave one alone and they will do some damn damage but most don't because they can get nuked so easily.


If you think I am bashing you ray, then re-read this. I've known you since KoT and a friend is a friend. But I also defend my own friends even if one of my other friends attacks them. I ain't gonna sit back and watch some lies come spewing out without correction. There are truths in what both you (Ray) and what mev said. I ain't denying that, I am simply stating some slight "flaws" in what I just read. 4 v 4s have their advantages to teaching people their class and same with 8 v 8s. THE NEW PvP GENERATION ENJOYS TDM, hince the different style change for most players going to the "kill everything in sight" mode instead of holding onto the "I'm gonna play this game to win it by pissing them off with objectives, IE; constantly run the huttball (or be a ***** like myself and hide with it xD, as a stealther go to off nodes every time possible, or go to the other door and solo the person there and hope you can cap it before respawn).


In the long run objective play and players never went away, it just simply CHANGES STYLE as to what was needed between ranked games. 4 v 4s are objectively played but in a different definition than 8 v 8s.

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Objective players and play never went away?


Dude I like you canin but are you on something? How much of ITK still pvps seriously on tor, what % of the guilds they went to bastion to face are still there? Hows ascension doing? By population BC had like 3-4X the participation in 8v8 team ranked as they seem to in 4v4 arena.


Everything in 4v4 was also in 8v8 only you had to also move a huttball or watch/take a node. The idea that the objective style of play wasn't gutted as far as ranked is concerned is just polishing a turd. You even admit yourself that there are classes that are nearly a waste of time to enter ranked as. Wasn't the case for 8v8, underperforming classes still had a role, could guard nodes, take nodes, run the huttball.

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If you think I am bashing you ray, then re-read this. I've known you since KoT and a friend is a friend. But I also defend my own friends even if one of my other friends attacks them. I ain't gonna sit back and watch some lies come spewing out without correction. There are truths in what both you (Ray) and what mev said. I ain't denying that, I am simply stating some slight "flaws" in what I just read. 4 v 4s have their advantages to teaching people their class and same with 8 v 8s. THE NEW PvP GENERATION ENJOYS TDM, hince the different style change for most players going to the "kill everything in sight" mode instead of holding onto the "I'm gonna play this game to win it by pissing them off with objectives, IE; constantly run the huttball (or be a ***** like myself and hide with it xD, as a stealther go to off nodes every time possible, or go to the other door and solo the person there and hope you can cap it before respawn).

Canin I respect that you'll defend a friend from anyone including another friend but you should have stayed neutral. Your friend Mev responded to my original post with negative intent from the start Canin. You've known me in this game for how many years? You know people get my attention 1 of 2 ways, I'm a Leo and when I like someone I love them, but when someone grabs my attention the negative way, my saber get raised into my enemy's face. He attacked me first in his responses and then when I push back you come to his rescue like he did nothing wrong.

First of all, I mainly come to these forums looking for either drama or entertainment, so I made some assumptions and misconceptions to keep myself entertained.

He knew exactly what he was trying to do when he started making his replies. You're blind Canin. You write a 4 paragraph letter to me for not backing down to his negative intent against me but you say nothing to the one who started this negativity. I have nothing against you Canin even though you're standing up for someone who thinks they can start drama where they wish with who they wish and have no consequences. He chose the wrong one. It's not about 1v1, I didn't offer such a challenge to him, I'm glad he isn't scared and I'm glad he has You, Currik, and STI backing him up. Protecting him from the "Big Bad Controversial Rayon" He created his bad karma and the universe always, one way or another, sets it right. One day it may be Me vs a Premade and they may get me in a rush of stunlocks and burst but its won't be until after I cut his head off with my saber. In the end, when the medbay repsawn or that med probe revive happens for him, he will say what many have said. "Damn Rayon got my ***..." He did this to himself and you can't help him because he's the one in the wrong. No man or group can overcome justice, it always wins.

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Canin I respect that you'll defend a friend from anyone including another friend but you should have stayed neutral. Your friend Mev responded to my original post with negative intent from the start Canin. You've known me in this game for how many years? You know people get my attention 1 of 2 ways, I'm a Leo and when I like someone I love them, but when someone grabs my attention the negative way, my saber get raised into my enemy's face. He attacked me first in his responses and then when I push back you come to his rescue like he did nothing wrong.


He knew exactly what he was trying to do when he started making his replies. You're blind Canin. You write a 4 paragraph letter to me for not backing down to his negative intent against me but you say nothing to the one who started this negativity. I have nothing against you Canin even though you're standing up for someone who thinks they can start drama where they wish with who they wish and have no consequences. He chose the wrong one. It's not about 1v1, I didn't offer such a challenge to him, I'm glad he isn't scared and I'm glad he has You, Currik, and STI backing him up. Protecting him from the "Big Bad Controversial Rayon" He created his bad karma and the universe always, one way or another, sets it right. One day it may be Me vs a Premade and they may get me in a rush of stunlocks and burst but its won't be until after I cut his head off with my saber. In the end, when the medbay repsawn or that med probe revive happens for him, he will say what many have said. "Damn Rayon got my ***..." He did this to himself and you can't help him because he's the one in the wrong. No man or group can overcome justice, it always wins.


Are you RPing or PvPing? If you're too busy cutting my head off in /e then I'm not really concerned about your petty threats to "shatter my will to pvp". You really think something as insignificant as this has "consequences"? Maybe I'll get tunneled and maybe I'll take more damage, but you really think that's significant? I'm so scared. Just so you know, I told no one to reply to this thread. They all came on their own. I'm really scared of your regstar justice and the "controversial raygon". If it really means that much to you and you won't go to sleep at night until "justice" is served, then I'll stand still saying nasty things in chat while you kill me in the den or a reg. That is how scared I am of your consequences and your justice.

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Objective players and play never went away?


Dude I like you canin but are you on something? How much of ITK still pvps seriously on tor, what % of the guilds they went to bastion to face are still there? Hows ascension doing? By population BC had like 3-4X the participation in 8v8 team ranked as they seem to in 4v4 arena.


Everything in 4v4 was also in 8v8 only you had to also move a huttball or watch/take a node. The idea that the objective style of play wasn't gutted as far as ranked is concerned is just polishing a turd. You even admit yourself that there are classes that are nearly a waste of time to enter ranked as. Wasn't the case for 8v8, underperforming classes still had a role, could guard nodes, take nodes, run the huttball.


No I am not on anything, if so I would be shareing ;). My point behind saying "Objective players and play never went away" was not to address those that moved off server or quit the game. It was addressing the term "objective players" and "objective play" as a whole. Yes SPECIFIC people quit the game and transferred off. I understand that and am still wishing they would return, but sadly know it won't happen. My point behind putting it the way I did is that even though a good chunk of those amazing people quit or left, there still lingers AN ASPECT of them to those that played with them ALONG with a different generation of objective players.


My objective play on my operative changed from trying to pop into a fight, kill a few people, and pop back out changed to pure "off node hero". All I spend my time doing in warzones now is capping the enemy's node. That is it. I rarely go for damage or kills. If I get a kill it is from their node, nowhere else.


The other aspect of the way it changed in my comparison between 4s and 8s wasn't taken the right way either. Both have their different objectives but in the same way they are still objectives. I see where my understanding might've gone wrong, but read it in a different light and between the lines. You'll see the 2ndary point I put forth. Lastly, IN MY OPINION YES there are weaker classes to put into ranked. You typically won't see marauders or DPS operatives or DPS mercs in ranked anymore. Because even though they have advantages here and there they just aren't "cut out" for it. I have recently run double concealment in 4s and even though the healing was rough on our amazing healer, it still worked in the long run. ANY comp can work as long as you have the coordination to pull it off. If you don't have coordination or any form of sync then it wont work at all. I stand by my point that some classes are weaker in ranked, that can't be denied, but in GROUP ranked where you are all in voice and can coordinate it is different.


Back to Raygon, I never claimed to be for either side. I am still neutral in this. Never picked a side, and simply came here to defend a friend from lies. No more and no less. Some of what you say is true ray, but same goes with mev.

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No, I don't want your advice but heres some for you, becareful who you cause karma with. I know STI, fought their premades many times, they're not impressive they just have numbers. I'm also not some featherweight PvPer either, there's not a STI player that can run through me like those other scrub players you're accustomed to running through. Many times I've taken out players on an STI premade 1 by 1 until they started focus firing me. I get my self noticed. If I want to run through you to show you, your inferiority, no one in your guild can stop me from sending you to the medbay and that's a fact, please be an atheist about it and doubt it.


lol who are you?

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