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Darth Revan Vs Darth Marr


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1) The original question was about a 1v1 which was the thing I was focusing on. My mistake. I just find this a silly topic when the answer is clearly in game already


2) So what im lying? Why would I lie about that?


Maybe they nerfed it or something but the first few times I ran it at 10% Revan would throw out crazy firepower and kill at least one companion. Ive seen Satele die once, Marr die once, and the Wookie die twice. Now to be fair, I havnt seen it sense like 2 weeks after the event.


Hence how I know about Lana having the revive ability. I also had a friend who witnessed the wookie die once also.


Also I dont drink while playing games and I dont smoke anything so Im not miss remember.

He originally had some sort of quasi-enrage where he would fully channel the Dark Side, but I've not seen this used since December.

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1) - Agreed, silly topic to begin with.


2) - No, I didn't think so. I was expecting it to be a bug, but I had to list "all possiblities", most of them being there for the "fun of it", for as far as I've seen (I've done it a number of times, but only from after January) he was so simple to kill, that I actually was a bit shocked. It took a long time, sure, but he didn't pose a threat at all.

Guess they nerfed him way too much after he started out strong. I rarely bother to start new expansions etc at once, I find the overpopulated places on launch-day a bit annoying so it's probably my slow leveling that's the reason behind my lack of knowledge about his "enrage" state, I'd bet

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1) The original question was about a 1v1 which was the thing I was focusing on. My mistake. I just find this a silly topic when the answer is clearly in game already


2) So what im lying? Why would I lie about that?


Maybe they nerfed it or something but the first few times I ran it at 10% Revan would throw out crazy firepower and kill at least one companion. Ive seen Satele die once, Marr die once, and the Wookie die twice. Now to be fair, I havnt seen it sense like 2 weeks after the event.


Hence how I know about Lana having the revive ability. I also had a friend who witnessed the wookie die once also.


Also I dont drink while playing games and I dont smoke anything so Im not miss remember.



You Sir are totaly right.

It has happen to me. The reason is you have a timer to kill revan in. If you do not kill him in the time allowed he hits you with mass rage and poof you can and will die also. Meaning this.. next time try to take your time freeing everyone from the pillars and see what happens....lol

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I think you're mistaking mechanics for lore.


Marr is probably the one of the most powerful sith alive.


He is indeed. One of the things that pissed me off to no end is that with how they describe Marr, he is probably actually equal to Revan in terms of power when we look at what Revan was capable of prior. The problem is in order for Revan to be THE bad guy of the Expac they had to juice him up. They really should have come up with a different arch villain for the expac...unless the point of this was to simply close the book on Revan since the fanbois got all bent about his defeat at the Foundry.


This is actually my biggest beotch. Revan was defeated by us already. Now suddenly he is more powerful than our characters with Satele and Marr backing us up?!?!? Are u kidding me. Suspension of disbelief was pretty much killed imo.

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He is indeed. One of the things that pissed me off to no end is that with how they describe Marr, he is probably actually equal to Revan in terms of power when we look at what Revan was capable of prior. The problem is in order for Revan to be THE bad guy of the Expac they had to juice him up. They really should have come up with a different arch villain for the expac...unless the point of this was to simply close the book on Revan since the fanbois got all bent about his defeat at the Foundry.


This is actually my biggest beotch. Revan was defeated by us already. Now suddenly he is more powerful than our characters with Satele and Marr backing us up?!?!? Are u kidding me. Suspension of disbelief was pretty much killed imo.



Game mechanics should never be confused with lore, as so many fanboys do in a desperate attempt at some sort of twisted justification.

Also, yes, the entire point of bringing him back for this expac was to finally end his story after, what? 12 years??

Thank freaking God. Now they can finally move on and write some other character up and put forth a new story.

But seriously, since now the Emperor is back and looking to wreak havoc on the galaxy we'll be dealing with that for awhile. But it also makes me wonder what exactly is the goal of bringing the Emperor back now? Not saying it will definately happen, but what if....we actually do get to the Emperor sometime soon and fight/defeat him?? Seriously, what could come after that?! :eek: Kinda makes ya think don't it?

Well, it did me anyway..but I digress.

So no, there's got to be some other thing that's going to happen and the story goes off on some crazy tangent..we shall see.

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Game mechanics should never be confused with lore, as so many fanboys do in a desperate attempt at some sort of twisted justification.

Also, yes, the entire point of bringing him back for this expac was to finally end his story after, what? 12 years??

Thank freaking God. Now they can finally move on and write some other character up and put forth a new story.

But seriously, since now the Emperor is back and looking to wreak havoc on the galaxy we'll be dealing with that for awhile. But it also makes me wonder what exactly is the goal of bringing the Emperor back now? Not saying it will definately happen, but what if....we actually do get to the Emperor sometime soon and fight/defeat him?? Seriously, what could come after that?! :eek: Kinda makes ya think don't it?

Well, it did me anyway..but I digress.

So no, there's got to be some other thing that's going to happen and the story goes off on some crazy tangent..we shall see.


Well the rishi inquisitor quest hints at an active rakata presence in the rishi maze, they could use celestials, the geno harden and chancellor, manado ore been silent for a while as has darth Jadus. So I think they have stuff to work with

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Well the rishi inquisitor quest hints at an active rakata presence in the rishi maze, they could use celestials, the geno harden and chancellor, manado ore been silent for a while as has darth Jadus. So I think they have stuff to work with


Right yeah.

Celestials? Have to admit I haven't a clue about that, so I'll have to go look it up.

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I think you're mistaking mechanics for lore.


Marr is probably the one of the most powerful sith alive.


So one of the most powerful Sith alive knew he couldnt take on Revan by himself and reached for help. Which is exactly what makes Marr a powerful Sith, he knows when to reach out, when he is out of his league.


He knew he would lose and decided to reach out and work with allies and enemies to form a force that would win the day.


I understand mechanics =/= lore, I have mentioned a few times that just because you defeat Jadus in Act 1 that doesnt mean Jadus was weak because there are Jedi Padawans stronger then him on Corellia because the game levels are just an abstract thing.. (we defeat HK like 3 times in this game and I think we all agree that he isnt getting stronger between each fight)



Its a whole other thing if you straight up see Revan defeat Marr even while Marr is being healed and has Battle Meditation.



That doesnt mean Marr is weak, or a bad Sith, it just means Revan, "Dark Lord of the Sith/Prodigal Knight" defeated an extremely powerful opponent when that opponent had assistance in game so its unlikely that the that Revan would have lost in a solo battle.




Discussion on Revan vs Malgus or Satele vs Marr is one thing but in this case I believe that we can use the game to help guide the discussion. Otherwise, Marr could have just gone with himself, maybe just him and Lana if he wanted an extra assurance. Instead he takes with him literally all of the most powerful people that are in the area just in case.

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1) - Agreed, silly topic to begin with.


2) - No, I didn't think so. I was expecting it to be a bug, but I had to list "all possiblities", most of them being there for the "fun of it", for as far as I've seen (I've done it a number of times, but only from after January) he was so simple to kill, that I actually was a bit shocked. It took a long time, sure, but he didn't pose a threat at all.

Guess they nerfed him way too much after he started out strong. I rarely bother to start new expansions etc at once, I find the overpopulated places on launch-day a bit annoying so it's probably my slow leveling that's the reason behind my lack of knowledge about his "enrage" state, I'd bet


Also sorry if im coming off as an ***. Im posting these replies after a 12hour weekend - night shift with our department understaffed so Im still a little stress.


I do not mean to come off negatively

Edited by Galdos
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So one of the most powerful Sith alive knew he couldnt take on Revan by himself and reached for help. Which is exactly what makes Marr a powerful Sith, he knows when to reach out, when he is out of his league.


He knew he would lose and decided to reach out and work with allies and enemies to form a force that would win the day.



But that makes NO SENSE since we beet Revan when we as characters were FAR less Powerful than Marr.


This is the problem. It makes no sense that a Sith that could crush us 1v1, and with only 3 of our buddies years ago beat Revan, would feel he couldn't take him. It makes no sense and fails the "suspension of disbelief" test.

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But that makes NO SENSE since we beet Revan when we as characters were FAR less Powerful than Marr.


This is the problem. It makes no sense that a Sith that could crush us 1v1, and with only 3 of our buddies years ago beat Revan, would feel he couldn't take him. It makes no sense and fails the "suspension of disbelief" test.

There are theories on this that make sense, you know.


1) Revan was not at full power during the Foundry battle after his three centuries of imprisonment.


2) Revan on Yavin is unleashing his full Dark Side potential, giving him greater fighting power (but also blinding him to a more sensible approach as said by his good half).


Oh and the reason that he reached out to allies is, of course, that even if he could theoretically beat Revan 1v1, he'd never get there without the Republic forces anyway because of the Revanites and Massassi and all that.

(we defeat HK like 3 times in this game and I think we all agree that he isnt getting stronger between each fight)

He got upgraded in between every fight, I don't see why he wouldn't be stronger/more efficient.

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None of those make sense. First after being freed he would have spent A LOT of time on Tython. He went there to be debriefed and 300 years of being mind linked to the emperor and the events that led to that? Yeah a lot of time.


It is complete ******** that being full darkside means you are a better fighter and since he was literally half the man he was he should be weaker...


What he found force steroids?


No. This was pure and simple them wanting to get Revan out of the game without repeating the complete QQ from the fanbois that was spawned when the greatest heroes of this generation beat him. I never ilunderstood that either tbh because in "our" generation the Jedi Knight beats the guy, solo, he couldn't with back up. In essence every one of our characters in this game is > than Revan but because Revan is just so cool heaven forbid we beat him? ****.


It was a bad story designed to placate an overly rabid fan base hoping that people wouldn't apply critical thinking to the storyline. This way he goes off into the sunset... Fork in him done. They should have never introduced him in this game in the first place...some codex entry about him falling in battle and leave it at that.

Edited by Ghisallo
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It was a bad story designed to placate an overly rabid fan base hoping that people wouldn't apply critical thinking to the storyline. This way he goes off into the sunset... Fork in him done. They should have never introduced him in this game in the first place...some codex entry about him falling in battle and leave it at that.


It would've been more than enough. Maybe we could've had quests to find his secrets about the Emperor or something, at most. Something he added after breaking free, but before the Jedi wiped his mind. Some information that might've been well, good.


Other than that, Revan shouldn't even have been given those 4 flashpoints. As you said, a codex entry would be enough. If they "had" to make him, the least they could do is make him "well". Like Malgus, the Emperor, Baras, Thanaton, the First Son, Hunter, etc. These "bosses" are actually extremely well made, something Revan is not in this game. His first "death" was annoying and weird, and then he returned for some reason and was "more powerful than ever" and the entire scenario with Lana and Theron not involving trustworthy Sith/Jedi like Marr or Satele is just well, weird.

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None of those make sense. First after being freed he would have spent A LOT of time on Tython. He went there to be debriefed and 300 years of being mind linked to the emperor and the events that led to that? Yeah a lot of time.


It is complete ******** that being full darkside means you are a better fighter and since he was literally half the man he was he should be weaker...


What he found force steroids?


No. This was pure and simple them wanting to get Revan out of the game without repeating the complete QQ from the fanbois that was spawned when the greatest heroes of this generation beat him. I never ilunderstood that either tbh because in "our" generation the Jedi Knight beats the guy, solo, he couldn't with back up. In essence every one of our characters in this game is > than Revan but because Revan is just so cool heaven forbid we beat him? ****.


It was a bad story designed to placate an overly rabid fan base hoping that people wouldn't apply critical thinking to the storyline. This way he goes off into the sunset... Fork in him done. They should have never introduced him in this game in the first place...some codex entry about him falling in battle and leave it at that.


Ghisallo. I can explain where your thinking is flawed. Revan is a Saiyan and if you watch DBZ you'd know that when Saiyans are defeated they double in power. I'm kidding I actually agree with you. The developers would probably argue there is no good holding him back from being as destructive as possible. So the dark side controlling his body made him destruction incarnate.


He wouldn't be weaker because his body is intact he still has his medichlorians. He is only weaker mentally which is why he ends up cornered and his entire operation falling apart so easily. He wanted to defeat the emperor and both the republic/empire. This fails as he's soundly defeated by both sides without severe everlasting damage.


I never felt some urgency when he was winning. Also since he was dark side incarnate (pure darkside his light was separated) this would give him an insane power boost being on one the largest dark side nexuses in the galaxy. I will admit this is the "lore explanation" but I still think it's a very poor one but it is what they were going for.

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Revan, I'm not even a fanboy of the **** they've done to this toon. Quite frankly bioware destroyed anything cool about him by bringing him into this game in any way, shape, or form.


With that said Revan still wins


Marr is a sad old lonely man who doesn't get laid very often and is dying- he has to wear a suit because he doesn't have enough blood pressure to maintain an erection, meanwhile Revan banged Bastila so....ya, you do the math

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Never saw that movie. Then again, I was a fan of DBZ in the early- to mid-90's or so.


Been a while. :p

It came out 2 years ago and was majorly influenced by the original writer of Dragonball and DBZ (as opposed to all other movies before it and Dragonball GT).

Edited by Darkelefantos
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It came out 2 years ago and was majorly influenced by the original writer of Dragonball and DBZ (as opposed to all other movies before it and Dragonball GT).


It's also considered canon. Same with the new one coming out. It's not just heavily influenced by it was written by. Which is why it ignores GT entirely.

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