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Darth Revan Vs Darth Marr


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Battle takes place in a large desolate barren field. Who wins and how does the fight play out?


This isnt a question. You can play this in game.



Long story short, Revan straight up kicks Marr's rear... and badly. Even with Satele's battle meditation and Lana healing Marr, Marr will can still die.

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This isnt a question. You can play this in game.



Long story short, Revan straight up kicks Marr's rear... and badly. Even with Satele's battle meditation and Lana healing Marr, Marr will can still die.


ACTUALLY, he can't kill Marr in the scenario you gave. I'm pretty certain that you can AFK the fight with Revan and still win it. I mean, it's never a risk to anyone. He got no chance, at all, not even a slight one. So no, Revan cannot kill Satele/Marr/Lana at the same time. It's just overwhelming odds against him, and it's not fair, no. But he stands no chance at all, he doesn't even hurt anyone during the solo encounter and we can therefore assume safely that it was way, way too much for him. Not saying that Revan ISN'T stronger, but he still has no chance at all to kill Marr if Marr brings enough capable backup.


That said, Revan is stronger than Marr and would of course defeat him 1v1. That's sort of the point, Revan is a 300 year super-force user with genocidal tendencies and a rather low intelligence for someone that has lived that long. So this post isn't really neccessary as it's shown in game that to take Revan down, one need a group of capable warriors.

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ACTUALLY, he can't kill Marr in the scenario you gave. I'm pretty certain that you can AFK the fight with Revan and still win it. I mean, it's never a risk to anyone. He got no chance, at all, not even a slight one. So no, Revan cannot kill Satele/Marr/Lana at the same time. It's just overwhelming odds against him, and it's not fair, no. But he stands no chance at all, he doesn't even hurt anyone during the solo encounter and we can therefore assume safely that it was way, way too much for him. Not saying that Revan ISN'T stronger, but he still has no chance at all to kill Marr if Marr brings enough capable backup.


That said, Revan is stronger than Marr and would of course defeat him 1v1. That's sort of the point, Revan is a 300 year super-force user with genocidal tendencies and a rather low intelligence for someone that has lived that long. So this post isn't really neccessary as it's shown in game that to take Revan down, one need a group of capable warriors.



Ive SEEN Marr died. The difference is Lana has Battle Revive and uses it instantly, and has no cooldown. (But she wont use it on you because **** you)


The question was can Marr defeat Revan one on one, The answer is an overwhelming no and we can see that in game. Thats it discussion is over



That said it is still impossible to lose this fight because You have Satele and Lana doing all the heavy lifting as everyone else just ***** around for ages until they kill Revan because if someone dies Lana just revives them.

Edited by Galdos
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Ive SEEN Marr died. The difference is Lana has Battle Revive and uses it instantly, and has no cooldown. (But she wont use it on you because **** you)


The question was can Marr defeat Revan one on one, The answer is an overwhelming no and we can see that in game. Thats it discussion is over



That said it is still impossible to lose this fight because You have Satele and Lana doing all the heavy lifting as everyone else just ***** around for ages until they kill Revan because if someone dies Lana just revives them.


a) I did state that Marr wouldn't win in 1v1.

b) I don't know how you managed to see him die. I have my doubts, the passive healing is too much. A sheep could tank Revan and make it, just saying. I'm sure most sheeps would. Maybe you did it once it was broken at first or something, if not then Idk what to tell you. Because the passive healing you get, which all people get, are too high. I am rather sure that you've either drank too much, smoked too much or you somehow sabotaged it. This is, unless it was when it was bugged or something. I'm pretty sure my level 30 Warrior would tank this fight and make it.

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The battle at Yavin 4 did prove that Revan was far from a chump like many Revan haters make him out to be.


Nope, he's still a chump. Bioware giving him the power of plot doesn't change that, and in fact now they've just added incompetent short-sighted *** who nearly got the entire galaxy exterminated to his list of character traits.

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Darth Marr studies the map of the Balmorra system as he ponders retaking that vital world when the his holo signals an incoming call. "Speak" he curtly says, not looking up from the map.


He then hears a voice that makes him turn to see the face of Revan. "So Marr, are you ready to die for you beloved Emperor?" Revan said.


"name the place" Marr responded. With that a data transition with coordinates was transmitted and the holo went blank.


On arrival in the system Marr looked to the Captain "scan the coordinates provided when we are in range and inform me of the findings Captain. I will be in my ready room."


A half hour later Marr's intercom chimed. "One life form my Lord, human, a Republic vessel, Defender class, is near by" the Capt. informed him.


Marr, without hesitation ordered, "Begin bombardment",


" Yes my Lord" the Captain responded in such a tone that one could hear he was standing at attention.


Revan yelled "Marr!!!!!!!! You COWARD!!!!!" As he sensed what was coming.


The barren field Revan was standining in was turned molten by the onslaught. Any sign that a man or ship was there was erased in a torrent of thousands of turbo laser blasts and fission warheads.


Marr, watching this scene from the screen in his ready room wondered if Revan appreciated his use of Nuclear devices as a tribute to his actions in the Mandalorian War those centuries ago.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Yeaaah, no. Revan's a chump. A chump who would likely lose to Marr and then try to nuke the planet they were on to try to get back at him. You can't change that. It's etched in stone now. ;)


Why bother breaking a sweat when you can blast him into the next Universe. I think Marr would do that just for that moment of satisfaction when he senses Revan's impotent rage lol.

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a) I did state that Marr wouldn't win in 1v1.

b) I don't know how you managed to see him die. I have my doubts, the passive healing is too much. A sheep could tank Revan and make it, just saying. I'm sure most sheeps would. Maybe you did it once it was broken at first or something, if not then Idk what to tell you. Because the passive healing you get, which all people get, are too high. I am rather sure that you've either drank too much, smoked too much or you somehow sabotaged it. This is, unless it was when it was bugged or something. I'm pretty sure my level 30 Warrior would tank this fight and make it.


1) The original question was about a 1v1 which was the thing I was focusing on. My mistake. I just find this a silly topic when the answer is clearly in game already


2) So what im lying? Why would I lie about that?


Maybe they nerfed it or something but the first few times I ran it at 10% Revan would throw out crazy firepower and kill at least one companion. Ive seen Satele die once, Marr die once, and the Wookie die twice. Now to be fair, I havnt seen it sense like 2 weeks after the event.


Hence how I know about Lana having the revive ability. I also had a friend who witnessed the wookie die once also.


Also I dont drink while playing games and I dont smoke anything so Im not miss remember.

Edited by Galdos
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