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Server Pops Too Low - Remove Shards


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It IS a shame when you feel like the planets are empty.


You land on a planet like Nar Shadar that you expect to be bustling and busy...and you are aware there are "contested zones" so you are excited as you leave your ship - you are expecting lots of people running around, and you are expecting danger....


but instead you see only NPC's whom you (mostly) cannot interact with.


I'm a Level 23 Imperial Operative - I've not seen any human enemies. That's not really good enough to be honest. I'm going to give it a month or two and if my experience of this game is still the same I'd be looking to cancel.

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I think when BW feels what will the populations will be...I think it will than be fair to say that they will be removed....this also has been stated by the DEVs.



sadly we can say this has been taken a bit too far...

Edited by windzro
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I think when BW feels what will the populations will be...I think it will than be fair to say that they will be removed....this also has been stated by the DEVs.



sadly we can say this has been taken a bit too far...


If it was stated by the Devs... Especially Stephen Reid... Then there's about a 99% chance it's a lie.


If they are saying sharding is temporary you can bet on it being permanent.

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It's christmas though, population will be generally lower now.


But i did see a few yellow posts saying it was for the first days/weeks of launch that there is sharding, ofcourse that can all change cause we've seen that before :p

Edited by Leadslinger
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I play on the Trayus Academy(EU) server and the thing is the first few starting areas are full, when i was leveling up any place after nar shaddaa was dead but now i see more and more people, so I just think It's a leveling issue. I have only seen 1 lvl 50 and Im 48.
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i was just coming to make a post on this. I have the same experiences as the OP.


Every planet is way too underpopulated, there is never anybody there. The planets are huge too, so that really makes running into another player a super rare occurrence. Its awful. SWTOR is an MMO, but it really feels way too much like a single player game, right down to the lack of other players.


Something needs to be done to bring the populations up, it was fine in beta when there were 500 people on the planets and people were everywhere. It was great then, it felt like an MMO. Now in live I'll rarely see anybody, and it feels like a dead game. I don't want to play by myself, I want to play with other people, but there is so much prohibiting me from doing that its ridiculous.


Also, why are there multiple instances for every planet? That isn't helping the situation at all, its in fact discouraging group play and forcing single player on us.


Bring the multiplayer back into MMO please. I don't want to be all alone.

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Personally, I like it as it is. Story areas should not be overcrowded. It takes away from the RP aspect of "inflitrating" (as most set up the story). And there's nothing as immersion breaking as standing around waiting for respawns of the key quest items.


If I could instance myself as I enter a quest area, I'd do it....


If you're on a depopulating shard, just move yourself to another.

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All I know is if they worlds are still empty when my free time runs out I'm cancelling.


the majority isn't even lvl 30 yet. just saying...



I agree with this, I was hoping for this to be a huge game just like WoW


you mean like the huge sit in the capital waiting for the queue to pop wow?

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If there were 200 people in Instance 1 and the system created Instance 2 to add in another 150, if instance 1 drops to 75, the only way people from 2 will be moved to 1 is if they zone out and come back or switch themselves. The system isn't going to forcibly move them but instead allow more people into 1.


It's a challenge for BioWare with a million+ subs. It takes time to figure out what balance works best. Try figuring out how many people can reasonably be in one zone without #1) overcrowding and #2) without degrading system performance then analyzing what can be done on the hardware side to allow for the max number of people before the system needs to create an instance.

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Hrmmm, on Tatooine just yesterday I had to actually camp spawn points for several different quests because there were just too many people doing them at the same time. Anchorhead, at least, is far from underpopulated and/or having any issues with sharding. Its been like that since the 16th or so.


Heh, sitting on a spawn point without moving for 30 minutes, just to get a lousy quest drop...reminded me of the worst of EQ.

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Tatooine is just sand and mobs.


well, it's a desert. I expect it to be empty.


but I don't need a lot of people around me anyway. I know there are people somewhere else on the shard and enough I can run a flashpoint if I want to. If I wanted to gank the other faction I could easily go over their quest areas and mess with them.


stuff will be more than crowded in 3-5 weeks when the majority is 50 anyway.

Edited by Graburr
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And what about the people who don't want a dozen other people competing to complete quests in the same small room? I already have problems with people taking kills and quest objectives that I need, and this is when I rarely come across other people.


I understand this.


It makes sense. My first choice would be to remove instances all together. But if that's not possible, then make one permanent personal shard for single player players to have a choice to go to.


But make one or more big shards (high pop counts) be the default so that they always have a lot of people in them and players that don't like M(assively)M(ultiplayer)O's in the strictest sense can go play the single player version they long for.


Problem solved.

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Don't get the wrong idea. I like the mmo aspect of the game, and enjoy grouping when i choose to do so. The rest of the time, though, i'd prefer to interact with y'all in small doses and get on with enjoying MY saga. :-)


Small doses would be nice, but I'm really talking about are non-existent populations. No one is around.

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It's set at a number low enough that you shouldn't have to worry about overpopulation. The game's zones are "small" because they're not designed to accommodate hundreds of players.


If sharding worked as you listed above, doing it at 500, you'd have 500 people running around in a zone and you'd have an extremely hard time to do any questing without basically being forced to party with people.


Ding dang dong. MMO. Ring any bells?

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It makes sense. My first choice would be to remove instances all together. But if that's not possible,


it's not possible.

there is no tech that allows a server to have every player in the same spot. it's unlikely it will happen, but without instances it's possible and id it does it might affect the server (and other people).


just ask one of the wow players who witnessed the opening of the AQ gates. or who witnessed people protesting in ironforge.



25 people on Tatooine on my "Very Heavy" population server. :confused:


check the low lvl areas. they're probably packed.

Edited by Graburr
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