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They might have some sort of plans for arenas later. It's way too early to tell though.


Dude MMO Devs have things planned out months/years in advance. It is very difficult to have things like this dropped into the game if it's not something they already have announced plans for. The pvp in this game is what it is, and it is not going to drastically change. As more pvp players leave for other more well done and competitive pvp environments they will focus less and less on pvp in SWTOR.

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Arenas fail. Blizzard admitted so. Arenas are unpopular. Every poll has shown such. WoW and MW3 are available for play.


Arenas Fail?

When implemented incorrectly sure I can see that.


Blizzard Admitted so?

Well that's debatable. They said it was a mistake because they did not plan to have them from start, they did not say the concept is bad.


Arenas are unpopular?

Where did you get that from? Care to elaborate, oh yeah you can't.


Every Poll? Yes on this website not on many others. People don't want to see copy of WoW Arena and I can understand that, but they are not a bad concept. Your argument is flawed.

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So why they want arena everywhere they go? There is one place with it, stick to it perhaps if you love it so much?


Yeah, but some people would like to do small 2v2 matches with a focus on combat rather than 8v8 objective based matches. It does not hurt to have variety.

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Yeah, but some people would like to do small 2v2 matches with a focus on combat rather than 8v8 objective based matches. It does not hurt to have variety.


Yes, but you didn't answered by question.


I'll rephrase it:


There are two games, game X and game Y. That games are different from each other.


Why players from game X want to make game Y a clone of game X when they can just play game X?


Look at warhammer online, it had pretty much fail start as it was launched greatly unfinished and rough, but now its slowly growing and expanding. And it does not even have duel option while being pvp/rvr focused game. Do people whine for arenas there? No. And there are just scenarios and open pvp and game manages just fine.


I'd like to see TOR go in WHO direction and stay away from WoW as far as possible.


And please, don't give me crap that WoW did things right. If you'd played more MMOs then just it you'd knew that every original invention that worked really well in other mmos was implemented into WoW asap.

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The only ones complaining about Arena are those who suck at it.


Arena is a way to judge an individuals skill level by the rating his team has. Those that are opposed to it have the intelligence of Swiss Cheese and would prefer not to be judged on their 1100 ratings.


THey would prefer hiding in an unrated warzone, where they can have the feeling of being good (When they actually are not).


If you don't like Arena don't do it, but don't sit there and say it shouldn't be in the game for those who DO like it. If you are one of those people that are opposed, you fall into the category of Swiss Cheese idiots mentioned above.

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Arena ruins MMO PvP. Please no. It becomes a game of stunlocks and trinkets. If it isn't, everyone will whine about imbalance till it is. It's not fun and not fun to watch. Lets concentrate on making better BGs and more same faction BGs like Huttball to help with imbalanced servers.


At most the devs should allow a "party dual" system. Where a party can request a dual with another. But nothing official. Arenas only work in a game that is built from the ground up as a PvP game only. You can't have a PvE MMO with the same abilities and shoe-horn it into a fair competitive PvP system. If you do you get the PvP train wreck that is WoW.


Larger scale Battleground PvP matches are ok because the larger teams water down any specific class and mechanical imbalances. The focus is them more on objectives and less on picking the top 3v3 comp and auto-winning until they nerf that flavor of the month.

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Yes, but you didn't answered by question.


I'll rephrase it:


There are two games, game X and game Y. That games are different from each other.


Why players from game X want to make game Y a clone of game X when they can just play game X?


Look at warhammer online, it had pretty much fail start as it was launched greatly unfinished and rough, but now its slowly growing and expanding. And it does not even have duel option while being pvp/rvr focused game. Do people whine for arenas there? No. And there are just scenarios and open pvp and game manages just fine.


I'd like to see TOR go in WHO direction and stay away from WoW as far as possible.


And please, don't give me crap that WoW did things right. If you'd played more MMOs then just it you'd knew that every original invention that worked really well in other mmos was implemented into WoW asap.


First off, don't talk to me like your opinion matters more than mine. Secondly, there are many people that love arenas and would love to play arenas in TOR rather than WoW. Just because game X has one thing doesn't mean that game Y should not have it. It's not about being a clone at all, it's about catering to the fans that enjoy the games, and if people want arenas, than why not add that system to the game? Both MW3 and BF3 have TDM, and I see no problem there. It's about giving players more to do in the game. If you don't like arenas, the simplest solution would be to not play arenas, right?


But I don't really care if BioWare decides to add them or not. I just think it's something cool they can add for more PvP variety. Maybe they'll add there own thing that no other MMO has. Who knows?

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The act of saying, "I think SWTOR should have arenas because WOW has them." Is the equivalent of saying, "I think Battlefield 3 should have zombies because COD has 'them."



If there is a game out that has what you want, then go play it. There's a reason why certain games have things that other games don't. Otherwise we would all only own one game.

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The only ones complaining about Arena are those who suck at it.


Arena is a way to judge an individuals skill level by the rating his team has. Those that are opposed to it have the intelligence of Swiss Cheese and would prefer not to be judged on their 1100 ratings.


THey would prefer hiding in an unrated warzone, where they can have the feeling of being good (When they actually are not).


If you don't like Arena don't do it, but don't sit there and say it shouldn't be in the game for those who DO like it. If you are one of those people that are opposed, you fall into the category of Swiss Cheese idiots mentioned above.


Partly true, but Arena is usually about team comp more then individual/team skills.


However, the game has only offically launched five days ago. There are pockets of 50's here and there, but not enough for everyone to get a true flavor of the game. So many QQ posts about this class or that class, I'd rather the game settle down and everyone adjust to their 50 skills before trying to balance Arenas.

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The act of saying, "I think SWTOR should have arenas because WOW has them." Is the equivalent of saying, "I think Battlefield 3 should have zombies because COD has 'them."



If there is a game out that has what you want, then go play it. There's a reason why certain games have things that other games don't. Otherwise we would all only own one game.


MMO's in the past few years haven't been about innovation. They have become a lot like the service industry where it's more important to give players what they want rather than try something new. When an MMO leaves out options provided by other MMO's they lose players. It's all about options. SWTOR does a lot of things well there is no denying that, and I have had a lot of fun in this game, but that fact remains that with SWTOR there are very few options when it comes to pvp.


Battlefield should have zombies so players that want them don't spend money on other games... BF3 provides a different service than MW games, but at the same time is trying to take them over and emulate their success.


Not including arena in SWTOR is just throwing money away, and forcing pvp players who enjoy arena to find other games.

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Bioware should stay clear of Arena's. It will only cause the 'Flavor of the Month' that has and is still plaguing WoW.


Why should my PvE be nerfed and tossed around just to Balance a system that will may never be balanced? Arena's are just a bad idea.


I want Bioware to implement their game systems, their way. If they have plans for Arena, than it better be planned very well. Be done properly, and first and foremost, not cause problems for PvE, open pvp, and warzones.

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MMO's in the past few years haven't been about innovation. They have become a lot like the service industry where it's more important to give players what they want rather than try something new. When an MMO leaves out options provided by other MMO's they lose players. It's all about options. SWTOR does a lot of things well there is no denying that, and I have had a lot of fun in this game, but that fact remains that with SWTOR there are very few options when it comes to pvp.


Battlefield should have zombies so players that want them don't spend money on other games... BF3 provides a different service than MW games, but at the same time is trying to take them over and emulate their success.


Not including arena in SWTOR is just throwing money away, and forcing pvp players who enjoy arena to find other games.


True enough.


But there is still always a sort off "trademark" that sets one game apart from another:



SWG had a 250 point skill system.


COD has zombies.


Rift has souls that you can swap in and out at your discretion.


WOW has arenas.


SWTOR has British-voiced Imperials.



Edited by KismetTKM
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