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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So....about GTM prices


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So I think you should recognize that it is OKAY that there are things that are hard to do (or obtain) in this game. Don't just sit there sneering at how much "it's just a game".

It is just a game and I found your anecdotes of the time you spent "practicing" to get better at killing computer monsters kind of sad.


But, since it is just a game, we all have fun playing it in different ways

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It is just a game and I found your anecdotes of the time you spent "practicing" to get better at killing computer monsters kind of sad.

See, this is interesting to me.


I don't have any issue with the fact that you don't find it fun. Each person gets something different out of the game.


I do think it's weird how judgmental you are about the fact that I found it fun.


Edit: And to be clear, the part that I found fun was having improved markedly as a member of my team, and finally defeating the boss after many failures.

Edited by Khevar
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Agree on that but i m crafting items. And lets start from basics.

You want to take the advantage and take money out as this is what you want from the game.

Keep in mind that cost is equal to lvl so equal to money in that lvl too.

Lets craft something for lvl 7(starting level minimum artifice). For taking basic craft materials you need either to collect them around story line or to pay for sending your companions to a mission.Archaeology mission will cost you 95-135 crts and crafting will cost you nothing.Depends on what you ll get from mission you ll either get fortitude crystal materials or hilt materials. Assuming you get 2 materials for a fortitude crystal. You will craft it and you re done. Replay that and in 5 missions you ll have everything you need to craft even more than 8 products including hilts.

I saw fortitude crystals at 5000 crts while 800 is already too much but achievable. If you get them on gtm for 5000 you may get some cash instantly but you ll never be competitive as you don't have the patience to make money.

I have 300k only only from that ,(didn't know about dailies and heroics and yes i m stupid a little on that point), while i m under 100 artifice and selling fortitude crystals and might hilts for starting levels to a price that is affortable by starting lvl players(hilt 200 crystal 500).

Now if you want to take them to another level you need to reverse them to get a higher product and so on to end up in 37. My huge mistake as i said was that i change skill when i was artifice around 400 for slicing and then go back to artifice so i know about crafting. I also have treasure hunting which makes some profit.


Conclusion by my side:

Ppl that sell too high is because they already have crts and really don't care if someone buy it or not(take it or leave it).

If you want to really make money from the game you have to be competitive and think as a player in the level that your item is. It has to be affordable for the player to be able to buy it and then many players will buy it. This is a market law inside and outside of the game. Lambo sells expensive cars for few because the company itself have money. SWTOR have the affordable cost to play to be able to attract you and be sure you ll have the money to spend to it as if it was lets say 300/month you ll not even bother to look at it.

That is the main reason and is not really complaining. For sure everyone have its own type of gaming but if you think it better, that way leads new crafters to same way as when you re ready to sell an item, you first look at the minimum price of it inside gtm so you put it in that price too as it is very attractive to get more profit at once.....with one word......greed...


I just had to quote this...


It is... one of the most twisted, strangest posts I've seen in awhile. If you had a point, it was lost in your poor English.


Which might not be your fault, but it comes across really poorly when you don't know the language very well.

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I just had to quote this...


It is... one of the most twisted, strangest posts I've seen in awhile. If you had a point, it was lost in your poor English.


Which might not be your fault, but it comes across really poorly when you don't know the language very well.


It is not my mother language anyway and hope that you can understand what i want to say...

Fair enough..

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It is not my mother language anyway and hope that you can understand what i want to say...

Fair enough..


It was not meant to be an attack, so please don't take it personally. It was clear that English is not your native language (mother language as you put it, we call that native instead). It just came across as funny and weird, I thought it quote worthy. Nothing more or less.


And no, I didn't understand at all what you were trying to say. There was clearly a message in there, but I have no honest idea what it was.

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It was not meant to be an attack, so please don't take it personally. It was clear that English is not your native language (mother language as you put it, we call that native instead). It just came across as funny and weird, I thought it quote worthy. Nothing more or less.


And no, I didn't understand at all what you were trying to say. There was clearly a message in there, but I have no honest idea what it was.


I'm not this kind of person (take it personally) so i don't feel this as an attack but as a clear and correct point and thank you for that.


About the above post of mine, my point is that many people are greedy(producing goods with low cost and selling them at high cost), thinking that is the best way to make money fast(but very few actually buy them at those prices), while they can sell them at a reasonable price and attract even more people to buy them.

Hope that makes sense..

Edited by Sotmax
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And no, I didn't understand at all what you were trying to say. There was clearly a message in there, but I have no honest idea what it was.

It sounded to me like a convoluted take on "Know your market" and "Don't be greedy." Naturally, crafted items should be priced at what your target market can afford; however, when discussing high-end products like 37 hilts -- which are geared toward level 60s -- what the market can afford becomes much less clear.


High-level characters have a guaranteed source of income, should they choose to use it. Pricing items for sale then becomes a question of whether to make things easily affordable for consumers or merely "affordable, with effort." Crafters pondering these issues are also likely to take into account the actual acquisition costs of materials as well as the opportunity cost of running ops repeatedly for a shot at a rare schematic or material rather than engaging in other income-generating activities.


It seems that some potential consumers look only at the actual credit cost of materials used to make a particular item in order to determine whether said item is "overpriced."

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It sounded to me like a convoluted take on "Know your market" and "Don't be greedy." Naturally, crafted items should be priced at what your target market can afford; however, when discussing high-end products like 37 hilts -- which are geared toward level 60s -- what the market can afford becomes much less clear.


High-level characters have a guaranteed source of income, should they choose to use it. Pricing items for sale then becomes a question of whether to make things easily affordable for consumers or merely "affordable, with effort." Crafters pondering these issues are also likely to take into account the actual acquisition costs of materials as well as the opportunity cost of running ops repeatedly for a shot at a rare schematic or material rather than engaging in other income-generating activities.


It seems that some potential consumers look only at the actual credit cost of materials used to make a particular item in order to determine whether said item is "overpriced."


I'm not a master in English language(my smartphone didn't help me at all lol),but you catch the point.

Actually the ratio is almost identical, it's just different level of item(same time different level of money) that makes the difference.

And yes i can understand that you have to work hard to get crafting materials and of course to reverse engineer them.

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I hit 60 last week and thought that i need to upgrade gear to be competitive(and better ops role).

Are there serious inside gtm ? 1.5-3m for a 37 hilt and mod?

Who have all those $ and where to get some for myself? I have about one million and ok there are not much but i can move around and buy/sell some stuff.

What do you think of that? How is it possible for someone that is a newcomer to reach that level of $? Dont need it but i m curious about it....

I even pass 2k in my sentinel which is 18lvl and stil he is not able to reach a big amount of $.


Do dailies as well... SecX dailies can be done in less than 16mins and net about 300k... Black Hole can be done in 10mins and will net you about 150k... They are the quickest to do...

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I do love it how you insult people who take their car to Jiffy Lube to change their oil.


and it can take a lot longer then a run or two unless you are 1. very lucky with rolls and/or no one else in your group needs it and rolls on it. learning a recipe takes a lot longer than that because it takes even bigger luck to RE learn it. you are likely going to need a month + just to get enough main hands to even have a modicum of chance o learning the recipe. sometimes you get lucky and it only takes a couple. and sometimes, you RE a dozen and get no recipe. but got forbid we pay a convenience fee to someone who did all the heavy lifting, removing RNG out of equation for the people buying stuff they make.


Well look at the pot calling the kettle black...you insult ME for saying those prices are too high IN MY OPINION, then you insult me again by saying that "I must be one of those people who shop at Wal-Mart" because I'm not paying some greedy little neckbeard crafter extra for his purple mods.


Yet you defend people who take their cars to Jiffy Lube to get oil changed. Cuz that makes a ton of sense and those two things aren't totally 100% similar situations...one person buying cheap items because of the price and convenience, and one person getting their oil done BECAUSE OF PRICE AND CONVENIENCE.


So, aside from just arguing because you're one of those "I think I'm too cool for school MMO kids", got any other crap opinions to share? Did I say anyone shouldn't be allowed to sell their stuff at those prices? No. Am I asking for price caps? NO. I simply said *I* would not pay those prices and *I* think the people charging them are greedy. If you wanna go blow your creds like that in game, feel free. I'd rather blow my in-game creds on Mounts and things, not stuff I can eventually get through my own efforts.

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Lets pretend there were no rewards for end game content. Simply the satisfaction of having beat it. And perhaps a fancy title.


What happens when you finally beat it? Move on to another game? Complain how there's nothing to do on the forums? Level your 15th alt while desperately hoping for new flashpoints and operations?


I'm still here despite doing 99.whatever % solo content... what do you think?

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