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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So....about GTM prices


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I understand people get different results for running through dailies.

I was basing from what I could post based on memory, which probably isn't 100% accurate.


However, I was also listing times based on someone new to those zones, not someone who has a route/routine and has done it dozens of times.


Obviously different players are going to get different results.


And I wasn't counting cashing in loot drops for any of them.

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Honestly, I'm one to usually think some things on the GTN have some crazy prices but in the case of 37 mods and such I don't actually agree that they're ridiculous. The fact that you have to RE to get those schematics and it's not a guaranteed schematic drop is enough to make it worth the credits they go for considering the trouble that goes into just getting the mod/hilt or whatever in the first place. That's not even considering the mats it takes to make the items, which are expensive.
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Honestly, I'm one to usually think some things on the GTN have some crazy prices but in the case of 37 mods and such I don't actually agree that they're ridiculous. The fact that you have to RE to get those schematics and it's not a guaranteed schematic drop is enough to make it worth the credits they go for considering the trouble that goes into just getting the mod/hilt or whatever in the first place. That's not even considering the mats it takes to make the items, which are expensive.


I agree. Every time I look at the GTN I can't even find any of the rare mats to craft them.

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Outrageous, ridiculous prices on a lot of things. No matter how you want to spin it.


So obtain the items being sold and list them for prices you deem reasonable.


Just don't be upset when someone buys your item and relists at twice the price... And sells it there...

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So obtain the items being sold and list them for prices you deem reasonable.


Just don't be upset when someone buys your item and relists at twice the price... And sells it there...


I'd love to see items bought on GTN default to Bound to Legacy for 30 days after purchase...

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I'd love to see items bought on GTN default to Bound to Legacy for 30 days after purchase...

Is this a serious suggestion? I'd rather not have my ability to buy cool stuff for friends and guildies taken away because some people don't like how the market works.

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I'd love to see items bought on GTN default to Bound to Legacy for 30 days after purchase...


You would? That economic theory has failed, in case you haven't been paying attention to the world.


What you would "like", and what works, aren't always the same thing. But while we are wishing for things... I'd like rainbows and unicorns please...

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It's not a market, and this isn't an economy.


It's a game, and despite what some people think, there's no winning condition for "finishes with the most credits".


Funny how whenever things someone doesn't care about are taken away because someone else abuses them, they point and laugh at anyone who does care, and say "That's the price of making the game better, suck it up or quite, but shut up about it, loser"... but when something that someone does care about might come under fire because of abuse, all of a sudden it's "That's a terrible idea!"


How do you suggest putting a lid on speculators driving prices up for their own gain, if it's not making them store the items for a month before selling them?


And before you make real-life comparisons -- this isn't an economy, and it's not a market, it's a game. The only reason to have a GTN or in-person trading is to get the tools of the game to people who need them -- this isn't Market Simulator 2015.


Maybe BW should set a price range for all items in the game, perhaps based on multiples of the vendor price...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It's not a market, and this isn't an economy.


It's a game, and despite what some people think, there's no winning condition for "finishes with the most credits".


Funny how whenever things someone doesn't care about are taken away because someone else abuses them, they point and laugh at anyone who does care, and say "That's the price of making the game better, suck it up or quite, but shut up about it, loser"... but when something that someone does care about might come under fire because of abuse, all of a sudden it's "That's a terrible idea!"


How do you suggest putting a lid on speculators driving prices up for their own gain, if it's not making them store the items for a month before selling them?


And before you make real-life comparisons -- this isn't an economy, and it's not a market, it's a game.


There is no need to "put a lid on speculators", that is your false premise right there. It shows your colors, that you don't believe in capitalism. It is the same thinking behind posts that say, "There should be a max price on the GTN". Such thinking is misguided.


If you could somehow limit such items to say 200k or whatever, then they would simply not be listed on the GTN, people would sell them via trade chat or give them to guildies. The time and effort to obtain them is worth far more than a few hundred thousand credits.

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Maybe BW should set a price range for all items in the game, perhaps based on multiples of the vendor price...


And it still has a market and a economy, you just do not like it. Even so it is a quit friendly market, nearly everything is open to everyone in the game.

Edited by Neglience
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There is no need to "put a lid on speculators", that is your false premise right there. It shows your colors, that you don't believe in capitalism. .


This isn't real life, it's not a market, it's not an economy, and what one "believes" about capitalism is irrelevant.


(Never mind that "believing" in capitalism or communism or any other economic system as if it were a religion or a divine force of nature is silly in the extreme.)

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And before you make real-life comparisons -- this isn't an economy, and it's not a market, it's a game. The only reason to have a GTN or in-person trading is to get the tools of the game to people who need them -- this isn't Market Simulator 2015.


Maybe BW should set a price range for all items in the game, perhaps based on multiples of the vendor price...


Ha, you edited your post and made it WORSE! :rolleyes:


The point you completely fail to understand is that the suppliers of these hilts and barrels are only making them because of the credits. If you could somehow magically cap their value to some low number, even via trades, then they would simply stop being crafted outside of personal or guild use.


Your thinking is why grocery store shelves in East Germany in the 80s were mostly empty and in West Germany they were full to the brim. I know, I went to Berlin in 1989 when the wall came down, I went over to East Berlin and the difference in supply of things to the West was stark. I think a lot of East Berliners were shocked to travel to the west and see the abundance of supply that existed. I specifically recall a group of East Berliners standing in front of a store window just staring at everything, most of them had never seen so much stuff in their life.


Now you say this isn't a market or economy. Fine, then your solution would be to have vendors sell 192 hilts and barrels for 500 credits then? Then what is the point of playing the game? You won't get people to craft stuff and sell stuff if you limit their price, they'll just stop and do something else.


Same thing with CM items sold on the GTN, if you limit their price, you limit the interest in CM packs in general and lower real life sales of those items.


Your ideas sound great in your hear, but they do not work.

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This isn't real life, it's not a market, it's not an economy, and what one "believes" about capitalism is irrelevant.


(Never mind that "believing" in capitalism or communism or any other economic system as if it were a religion or a divine force of nature is silly in the extreme.)


I don't believe in capitalism, I know it works, it doesn't require believing.


Now communism, that requires faith and belief, since it doesn't work.


Humans are not robots, they don't obey central command, they do whatever is in their own best interest. If you want to control the price of items, you might as well remove the GTN completely from the game and remove all trading abilities.

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It's not a market, and this isn't an economy.


It's a game, and despite what some people think, there's no winning condition for "finishes with the most credits".


Funny how whenever things someone doesn't care about are taken away because someone else abuses them, they point and laugh at anyone who does care, and say "That's the price of making the game better, suck it up or quite, but shut up about it, loser"... but when something that someone does care about might come under fire because of abuse, all of a sudden it's "That's a terrible idea!"


How do you suggest putting a lid on speculators driving prices up for their own gain, if it's not making them store the items for a month before selling them?


And before you make real-life comparisons -- this isn't an economy, and it's not a market, it's a game. The only reason to have a GTN or in-person trading is to get the tools of the game to people who need them -- this isn't Market Simulator 2015.


Maybe BW should set a price range for all items in the game, perhaps based on multiples of the vendor price...


It's not for BW to set the market, buyers and sellers set the market. Ok ok, so not a real market, an in game market, but same principle though. I don't believe BW should be involved in price fixing at any level for any item

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Now you say this isn't a market or economy. Fine, then your solution would be to have vendors sell 192 hilts and barrels for 500 credits then? Then what is the point of playing the game?


The point of the game is to enjoy playing the game. Gear, mods, mounts, etc, are all just tools for playing the game.


If the only reason to play the content is to get stuff out of it, then the problem is the content itself.

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And it still has a market and a economy, you just do not like it. Even so it is a quit friendly market, nearly everything is open to everyone in the game.


My 9 year old son often says to me, "Dad, why can't eveything just be free?".


Or he'll ask, "Dad, why don't people with lots of stuff share it with people who don't have anything?"


To the former, I'll point out that he doesn't have to current work for anything, so he doesn't quite get the concept of time, labor, and capital.


To the latter, I simply asked him if he was ok if we gave away his PS3 and all his games, since he has so much stuff.". He liked the ide a lot less at that point.




To the guy posting in this thread, he'll either grow up and learn about why capitalism works and communism doesn't, or he'll be forever poor and blaming rich people for his lot in life. I've met many of them, they have no idea how much worse off they would be if the middle and upper class didn't exist.

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I don't believe in capitalism, I know it works, it doesn't require believing.




There is no need to "put a lid on speculators", that is your false premise right there. It shows your colors, that you don't believe in capitalism. .


So which is it?


To the guy posting in this thread, he'll either grow up and learn about why capitalism works and communism doesn't, or he'll be forever poor and blaming rich people for his lot in life. I've met many of them, they have no idea how much worse off they would be if the middle and upper class didn't exist.


Stop confusing this with a discussion about the real life, and stop presuming that one's opinion of the inner workings of a game played for fun reflect one's views about the real world.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The point of the game is to enjoy playing the game. Gear, mods, mounts, etc, are all just tools for playing the game.


If the only reason to play the content is to get stuff out of it, then the problem is the content itself.


So should everyone just get a free set of BiS gear at lvl 60?


Or should all RE of end game gear be ended?


Do you think that this extends to CM items as well?

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So which is it?


Woosh! That flew right over your head...


I don't HAVE to "believe" in capitalism, because I know it exists and that it works. You compared it to religion and implied that it required faith.


It doesn't. No more than I have to "believe" that the Earth is round. I *know* the Earth is round, believing is not required.

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How do you suggest putting a lid on speculators driving prices up for their own gain, if it's not making them store the items for a month before selling them?

First of all, not everyone agrees that this is a problem that needs addressing; supply and demand intersect to even out prices over the long term. Second, do you really think that market flippers don't have a sizable nest egg and plenty of storage space to wait out your arbitrary delay? A 30-day wait would merely enforce the appearance of scarcity, driving prices even higher when the items finally do hit the GTN.

And before you make real-life comparisons -- this isn't an economy, and it's not a market, it's a game. The only reason to have a GTN or in-person trading is to get the tools of the game to people who need them -- this isn't Market Simulator 2015.

And your suggestion would make playing less-fun for at least two people who've responded -- although I'm sure we're not the only ones -- as we'd no longer be able to buy presents for people. Not to mention, no one "needs" anything -- as you keep repeating, it's a game. No one's going hungry because he/she can't afford a 37 hilt or Revan's Mask. The things that come closest to "need" in this game are provided in the form of quest rewards or comm rewards -- or you can make them yourself.

Maybe BW should set a price range for all items in the game, perhaps based on multiples of the vendor price...

IMO, if the devs felt this were really as serious a problem as you claim, they would have addressed it already.

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Stop confusing this with a discussion about the real life, and stop presuming that one's opinion of the inner workings of a game played for fun reflect one's views about the real world.


Then you're suggesting that the GTN be removed and trading items be removed?

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So should everyone just get a free set of BiS gear at lvl 60?


Or should all RE of end game gear be ended?


Do you think that this extends to CM items as well?


There should be multiple ways to get all gear, no gear should be stuck behind a paywall, a grindwall, or a repwall.


All schematics for a crafting skill should be available to anyone who has leveled that crafting skill to the needed point, end of story.


All materials should be available from gathering missions or nodes, and also from the Jawa vendors, and also from other sources.




All rarity in an MMO is contrived by the developer to extend the grind and distract the players from whether or not the content itself is actually enjoyable.

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