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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Downside To Double XP


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Change your strategy. Do kdy, space missions, gsf and pvp dailies and weeklies, you'll over level the content so quickly that the lack of gear will be made up for by being 5 or 6 levels ahead of the curve, also all you need to do is the class quests, there's no need for side quests. Once you get to 47 head to makeb, you don't need gear there, once past makeb you gear up anyway so after that it's moot. Edited by looneybinjim
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Add in double XP that strategy just flies out the window. Suddenly I'm not gaining enough comms to buy the mods I need to keep current, which makes me significantly less useful in Flashpoints where many of the older players will kick you for the smallest mistakes.


Honestly, I don't see how you can run into this problem. Unless you suddenly decide to leave a planet earlier without doing all the missions you would do with your usual strategy, since doing the same missions should still give you more or less the same amount of comms.


Then again, I don't really see the need to upgrade your gear this often either, most of the time I do a full or close o full upgrade on Alderaan and Voss myself, this is also about the time when I usually have enough comms for doing this. Still no trouble getting through the levels even so.

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Honestly, I could see the complaint for 12XP if you don't have toons to craft your gear, since you have to buy less expensive comm items or cheap greens from vendors to keep up in some cases, but double XP is really not difficult to keep up with gear-wise. If you're over leveled for the content you're doing but still undergeared, then go back and do some easy heroics/planetary quests and get comms if it's that much of an issue. I just can't agree that this is a legitimate problem.


I agree as long as its in short periods and not double XP for a month type deal.


12x XP was to much, it caused (as you point out) gearing issues and also caused (as was pointed out by many) huge problems through Group Finder because of gear and lack of knowledge issues from people who leveled up via 12x XP.


double XP week is fine as long as its not to often and is limited to 1 week stretches.

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I find that 2xXP is a great levelling pace, when you have nearly unlimited time to play over the weekend. Class story, I try to queue for a story FPs once I regeared (but it's not working atm, nobody seen to queue for the story FPs), KDY Daily, a few Warzones, and my character is doing well on the gear/comms side. If I miss comms, well, I will go back and do a sweep of the Heroics/Old FPs after the levelling is over.


I don't expect to get all the way to 60, my goal is Level 41, when my discipline is basically takes shape. I will catch up on Valor and comms afterwards. I craft gear, just not as often as I would in normal levelling.


TL;DR: 2xXP is great!


and it is the answer to your previous question: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=796931

Edited by DomiSotto
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If you're a fairly new player to the game, double XP is great! You get to experience your story faster and get to endgame. The problem rests with the people who have been playing for a while.


This logic seems totally backwards to me. I want double XP more for the replays and less for the first play. First play through on any class I generally did everything, usually on any replays of that class I'm just rushing to get the endgame.


Regardless people have been asking for a way to opt out of bonus XP periods, it seems like something that would save a lot of butthurt if they are going to keep doing these frequently.

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Anyway, i just have to wait until this dumb event finishes to resume playing while my sub is active and if bioware don't get smarter with their ideas and events, i won't bother reactivating the sub...the amount of coins i buy is insane, so they will notice the profit drop.

You don't really think that, do you?

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You don't really think that, do you?


Let's see... the last reported profit from the cartel market was 135 million dollars.


So, say he spends between 500.000-1.000.000 dollars per year, then sure... then they MIGHT notice.



But something tells me he doesn't spend a half million to a million dollars on cartel coins... :rolleyes:

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For me, the only "downside" (a minor one at that) is that I enjoy lowbies PvP. Usually when I reroll it's to learn an alternate playstyle of an AC. So for that I like to PvP as much as possible while leveling up. I don't like getting steamrolled from not knowing the playstyle cold. I also don't like not having enough ranked comms for when I hit max level which happens if you level too fast past 40 - more of an issue with 12XP though than double.


I'm not saying double XP is a big deal. But the whole idea that there can literally be no possible "downside," when such a thing is personal anyway, just reeks of self-centeredness.

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sorry but the complaint about comms and gearing up is just silly.


1) Why spend comms on mid-level gear that is good for only a few levels, when you can simply run with whatever is given to you? I have reached lvl 50 with several "requires level 29" pieces and had little to no problem clearing all content without dying.


2) There is always the quest rewards. Do your class story, the main planet story, and all the heroics in the planet. There you go, more than enough comms and blue gear to get going.


3) Finally, nothing is stopping you from doing the exact same thing you would do with no double xp available, even if doing the missions for all the commendations you need makes you run them once they are grey. It's not like the mission indicators disappear.


2xp just makes everything easier. gotta be a moron not to be able to adapt to it. Your complaint, in the best case scenario, sounds like a huge symptom of OCD to me. "can't follow my schedule, my nerves go crazy"

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