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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

An idea about Ziost


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I was reading my codexs (They are fun to read :)) yesterday and somehow got to Commandant Iven's (Ivan? Sorry if spelling it wrong) Codex. In his bio if I remember correctly, he was originally from the Slave pens on Ziost. Then at the end of the Shadow of Revan he is captured by the joint forces. Thinking this over what if the Ziost storyline starts with info gleaned from the Commandant's interrogation and digs more into the background of Ivan/Iven and the nature of Ziost? Just speculation. May sound dumb but it made some sense at the time :) Edited by FerkWork
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  • 3 weeks later...
Man, I hope you're wrong but you're probably not.


I expect Ziost to be a bit bigger than Oricon and Yavin, probably more on par with Dromund Kaas or so, but that aside, structure-wise, I find it likely it will be like the former two.


No reason to expect anything else really, especially considering if Rishi is any indication, as to what a full-fledged planet is meant to be nowadays. :rolleyes:


I do think he's wrong on the droid, and we'll get to use the new ship terminal instead.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Lets not forget another


As for the story, I expect it'll start with Theron telling us Jonas Balkar set up a contact on Ziost and we'll see the Emperor's current war-camp.

Edited by Kremsau
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Why would it be bigger than Yavin though? You had to pay for Yavin, why'd they give you a bigger one for free? :p


It's not FREE. Not yet anyway. ;)


Unless of course, they allow people below LV56 to do that content, which I doubt.


ziost will be 60 so you have to pay to acsess it too. or could 50s do oricon without the huttt expansion?


RotHC was FREE for subs by the time 2.4 was released. That aside, you are correct.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I expect Ziost to be a bit bigger than Oricon and Yavin, probably more on par with Dromund Kaas or so, but that aside, structure-wise, I find it likely it will be like the former two.


No reason to expect anything else really, especially considering if Rishi is any indication, as to what a full-fledged planet is meant to be nowadays. :rolleyes:


I do think he's wrong on the droid, and we'll get to use the new ship terminal instead.


I'm kind of hoping they make Ziost one "big" Citadel type map. a la http://i.imgur.com/chJZoqf.jpg


I think we have enough open barren ice planets, even if this one will only be about 1/3rd the normal size. :p


Lets not forget another


God, that was such a big disappointment. I was like, why would you even bother bringing it back just for this?

Edited by jovianus
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What I am hoping for, and from pictures like this..http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ziost?file=Ziost%20egtf.jpg, is while it may have SOME snow and ice that we end up with something in appearance similar to Tibet or Nepal. Since they did go "light" on Rishi and Yavin, I am hoping they are going to go a little "bigger" with Ziost. If they don't it would be hard to justify the "Gateway to the Empire" moniker.
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I'm hoping for a mix of Ilum and Dromund Kaas -- the icy landscape, hills, valleys, enourmous cliffs to push pubs off of from Ilum and the city/temple stuff from Dromund Kaas.



Let us hope!



And the sky better be beautiful.

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