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When are our mounts getting a Z axis ?


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When are our mounts going to get an upgrade to the Z axis. WOW has done this a long time ago. This is Star Wars, Should we not be able to fly our own path ? Fly above the trees or mountains, the freedom to take your own path to your destination and give the mounts more head room. This would be a huge improvement not only to gathering skills but all around more enjoyment for players. Just saying would be cool. :cool:
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hopefully never.


SWTOR was always blamed for having "to small zones".... and guess what the effect of flying mounts would be? every zone would feel even smaller.


The whole design of the game was done without having to worry about some John Doe just flying past everything. Especially many datacrons would suddenly be made almost obsolete, if you could just fly to them.


The fact that WoW has it, does not mean anything to me.

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this game was never designed for flying mounts and will never have them (except possible at very end of cycle as a quick cash grab)


Wow was designed with flying mounts in mind


SW:TOR was not


And saying "WOW has them" is NOT a valid reason to have them implemented

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There is one scenario where this might happen... if future planets are released with flying mounts included in the design scheme of that planet, and then only allowing z-axis movement for that planet.


There is literally no way existing planets will have that though...

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Viewing it on a 3D designing tool isnt Z- Axis to move forward and backward? Mounts do have a Z and X- Axis.

What you might want to see is a Y- Axis so that the mount can move up and down. (Im telling this because the title will cause this confusion at first.). Still I doubt we'll ever have flying mounts, if we had them people might use them to cheat and skip mobs, easily access areas that were intended to be hard to reach, go outside maps. etc.


The closest thing we might actually be able to see are floating mounts, maybe a thranta which you can mount and get the feel as if you were flying but still the mount should keep all the know mount properties, so you cant use it to cheat, and must be clipped to the ground so if you jump to a pit you still fall and die lol.

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There's a reason WoW turned off flying mounts for the Draenor expansion. Like everyone mentioned, flying mounts only work if the planets are designed with flying mounts in mind. On most planets, the mountains are not fully designed, like Alderaan. You can't just fly over the mountains, there is only emptiness behind the first mountain wall.

Also, it would destroy datacrons and players could just fly over areas instead of exploring and getting codex entries.

I'm not even talking about engine problems; remember how we can't get Space PvE because they can't develop a 3D AI? Now tell me how you think they're going to get flying mounts in the game, because the technology just isn't there.


I'm completely fine with my current mounts. A floating mount (like a Thranta close to the ground) would be a nice idea, as long as it isn't too big and does not animate too fast. I like the static mounts with little animation because I'm sure a flapping bird would make me dizzy.

Edited by Jerba
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Flying mounts is not an option for current planets.

Unless the dev team want to go in and redesign them all, as in completely rebuild them from scratch.


The planets currently in the game weren't designed (as stated by Kalfear) with flying mounts in the game.

Most of the terrain you see on the bigger planets is scenery and a horizon screen. This to reduce the amount of items being loaded by the client to "optimize" the game.


On new planets coming in the future however this could be a thing. Especially on a planet like Kashyyyk where you will have to travel between tree vilages and the surface. (Kashyyyk isn't confirmed as a coming planet what so ever, I just use it as an example)


A better idea would be to allow us to quit the taxi rides along the ride (of course this wouldn't be done on planets like Nar Shadaa and Makeb) but you get my point.

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I don't want vertical travel on all planets. It be cool to explore Kashyyyk as "Superstienos" has suggested and maybe even Utapau using some sort of x, y, and z traveling function. These planets are not available in the game and may never be. I merely use that as a suggestion. The planet would have to be designed for it from scratch. Adding flying mounts that can travel anywhere and in any direction would break the game. Edited by Darth_Krushya
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  • 1 year later...
When are our mounts going to get an upgrade to the Z axis. WOW has done this a long time ago. This is Star Wars, Should we not be able to fly our own path ? Fly above the trees or mountains, the freedom to take your own path to your destination and give the mounts more head room. This would be a huge improvement not only to gathering skills but all around more enjoyment for players. Just saying would be cool. :cool:


Flying mounts? Are you crazy? What's next? Space travel? Swimming? To be fair, WoW is set a medieval era, and they have magic and dragons. But Star Wars just has spaceships, The Force, and galactic travel, how could they have discovered flight and water travel???

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I would be happy if my mounts had a little bit of Z-adjustment.


Most of my speeders get me wet when flying over water. Please raise them up a few feet.


It would look better if larger (ship-style) vehicles flew higher off the ground.


Personally, I would like to see four levels of mount movement -- Ground, Low, Medium, and High

This would give us more variety and better visuals without introducing the complications of actual flight.


Ground would be for animal mounts, wheeled mounts, and walkers.


Low would be for speeders and other small vehicles. It would be at the same level as now, perhaps a bit higher over water. I would put Adno, Aratech, Czerka hoverbikes, GSI, Gurian, Hyrotii, Ikas, jetpacks, Lhosan, Longspur, hoverchairs, Meirm, Orelan, podracers, Kurtob, Praxon, Prinawe, Rark, Rendili, Roche, tanks, thrones, Tion, Tobus, and Walkhar at this level.


Medium would fly just above Low, so that it wouldn't look like vehicles were colliding. I would put Corellian, Cutter, Dasta, droid-piloted, Irakie, Joko, Lergo, Mana, Morlinger, Razalon, skiffs, Sorosub, Swoop, Tirsa, Vectron, and Wings at this level.


High would be far enough above Medium to avoid collision with the largest vehicles. It would have a very cool perspective over the landscape. I would put Czerka shuttles/taxies, Desler, Gree, Kalakar, Korrealis, and Vondell vehicles on this level.


Of course, the dismount would have to include a little "landing" animation. It would be awesome if Medium and High level vehicles could ignore small terrain obstacles (like rocks) to make them more realistic.

Edited by Xina_LA
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