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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Leaderboards Today


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The Total number of entries today: 12907. Toons with less than 3 wins 6700 (52%)


Firebaby the Powertech is in the lead, by 30 points, over Qwuu the Operative, though as I was looking at it, it was 2663 vs 2633 so it took me longer get it that it’s not the same number than for one of those toons to win an Arena too :)


Gladias the Powertech is at #3. Jaen’a the Vanguard is the highest ranking Republic character, at #4. I am at a loss of what will be more patriotic of me, to cheer for the Harbinger or for the Republic. Republic’s fairing a bit better on the whole than the Harbinger, I guess I should stick with the Harbinger…


35 toons have the ratings over 2000 (still) with Housemd the Sorcerer and Ivana the Shadow awfully close. Fingers crossed!


The Galaxy Quest: Jung Ma


Jung Ma is a US-E-RP-PvP server. It is an interesting concept. The server attracted my attention due to Griffith the Marauder placing #1 in class and Ragnaar the Scoundrel being number 6 Scoundrel once in a while, and placing #5 in class and within Top 100. Synergy the Vanguard, and Zek-anali the Sage are also Jung Ma’s representatives in the Top 100.


Jung Ma has 636 entries in the ranked.


The Faction Dominance Factor is 65% in favor (for once) of the Republic.


Shadow vs Assassin: 14, 4

Sage vs Sorcerer: 16, 7

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 9, 8

Sentinel vs Marauder: 3, 2

Commando vs Mercenary: 4, 2

Vanguard vs Powertech: 13, 7

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 3, 1

Scoundrel vs Operative: 3, 4

Total: 65, 35


Home Team:


Oh, them transfers… Fig went to assassinate the Bastion and Penetration’s whereabouts are not reflected for now (Bast or Pot?). (Edit: And now the toon is showing up again on the Harbinger. It’s a flat-rating deal though for solo.)

So, that left the Harbinger with Gladias, Affliction, Sish’en and No-shades in the top 100. With Hottie and Aerian sojourning on Page 3.


Plsbuffpowertec is at 159’s position. Heh.


Republic went undercover and now participates in creating our very own the ersatz-cross-faction queue. I am starting to think I can basically send my token of appreciation to Sidra-stargazer now.


In total, 1205 solo toons (+9) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 3 to 12901.


Republic’s Sentinels:


Griffith the Sentinel and O’dyssivs the Sentinel are the two Republic toons on that poor AC. May the buffs come your way.


Sixth in Class:


Drezmaster moved up to #2; Kanz the Gunslinger moved to #5, and Brannera the Operative moved to #4

Arrow’s the Juggernaut (still); Zherio the Marauder; Stalker the Shadow (still); Affliction the Sorcerer (yay, Harbinger!), Briljantje the Powertech (still); Sparks the Commando (still), Dopsn the Gunslinger (again) and Agrippine the Scoundrel (again).




Firebaby is the first toon to crest 400 wins, and so far the only one. The new PT#1 has 421 wins to the toon’s name at the time of me looking.


The MVP-400 quartet haven’t changed while I’ve been sleeping. It’s Qwuu who is 11 short of getting dibs on the first 500, and Devil, Aimyaim and Gladias.


The lowest rating guy now has 1 point. Which is as far as I understand the lowest rating.


Good luck to all!

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The Total number of entries today: 13098. Toons with less than 3 wins 6834 (52%)


Firebaby the Powertech is in the lead, 25 pts lead over Gladias.

35 toons have the ratings over 2000 (still). And I am happy they do!


The Galaxy Quest: Darth Nihilus


Darth Nihilus is a French-PvP server. Seven of the Dart Nihilus’ players are in the Top 100 overall. Sat’ida the Powertech is occupying #5 in the Class, and shares the six rank with Jakedepaoli of the Bastion.


Darth Nihilus has 894 entries in the ranked, ranging from 6 to 13096. It has an amazing balance, wow, just awesome faction representation in the top 100 players of the server!


Shadow vs Assassin: 19, 8


Sage vs Sorcerer: 10, 14


Guardian vs Juggernaut: 3, 3


Sentinel vs Marauder: 2, 2


Commando vs Mercenary: 1, 5


Vanguard vs Powertech: 12, 16


Gunslinger vs Sniper: 2, 1


Scoundrel vs Operative: 0, 2


Total: 49, 51


Home Team:


Same stuff. 5 players in the Top 100, 2 players on the 3rd page. Props to Affliction for currently holding the #1 in Sorcery!

Even Plsbuffpowertec is still in the 159’s position. Heh.

Republic …. (Hugs)

In total, 1222 solo toons (+17) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 3 to 13092.


Republic’s Shadows:


Kre’a and Underpowered are the Shadows in the Top 5. Yay!


Sixth in Class:


Arrow’s the Juggernaut and Sparks the Commando moved to #5, Affliction the Sorcerer – to #1 (oh, wow!)


Kenshu the Guardian; Moshkong the Marauder; Stalker the Shadow (still); Zvix the Sorcerer (again), Briljantje the Powertech (still); Rhu the Mercenary, Kaileng the Sniper; and Agrippine the Scoundrel (still).




Devil the Sniper joined Firebaby the Powertech in the 400+ wins dynamic duo.

And Qwuu did get there first in the MVP category with 503 wins; that’s as if 74% of all toons entered on the toon’s home server said “Kudos!”.

The lowest rating guy now slipped up and went from 1 to 13 rating.


Good luck to all!

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And Qwuu did get there first in the MVP category with 503 wins; that’s as if 74% of all toons entered on the toon’s home server said “Kudos!”.


What? There are 26% left who dont acknowledge my lordship? I guess i have to intensify my reign of terror :rak_01:

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Thank you for dropping by, and I am quite relieved to hear you don't mind. Please eat and sleep well. We can ill afford loosing any dedicated players!


Haha! :p Solo queue isn't what I want the most, mainly after teams, that's why you see me bouncing around servers a lot

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I assumed that much. Unfortunately, BioWARE did not make the Group LB easy to follow. They should have allowed a Player Input filed that would have allowed a player to associate him/herself with a particular team, allowing for up to 8 people to use the same team tag (like a mini-Guild) and the ratings should have been the actual team ratings, not the individual's as it is now. Well, that's ye All-Galaxy Scrub's view from the rafters.


@Qwuu: And here I thought you were a lovable scoundrel, who just preferred the Imperial Military's gray uniforms 'cause they are so fetching.

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Short and sweet weekend notes :) I think I covered randomness in the posts above, and my home rig is game-only pretty much. Did not know I'd need MS-Office for SWTOR.


The Total number of entries today: 13340. Toons with less than 3 wins is 6953 (52%)


The latest in the epic battle of Powertechs is: Firebaby has a 46 pts lead over Gladias.

37 (+2) toons have the ratings over 2000.


Home Team:


Holy cow. The Plsbuffpowertec player? Funny name, yeah, but the toon skyrocketed to the 118 position and the rating over 1700. Which is where the guys do often stop playing, 'cause, rewards, so I can only keep my fingers crossed.


So, yes, still 5 players in the Top 100, but 3 players on the 3rd page. The Harbinger's Sorcerer is still the best the sorcery can offer the Galaxy. No-Shades is holding #3 in the Operatives AC. Ah, but if any of them good enough to raise through the ranks just like that on the Republic alts?


Republic: Sidra-Stargazer the Sage is off the Harbinger's roster; did a quick check on the Bastion, no luck. I am trying not to panic, since that happened to the Penetration the Powertech before. As is, Ordering-Pizza the Shadow is luckily still there with the 68 wins count. :)


In total, 1240 solo toons (+18) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from (let me double-check on that PT-Epic-thing-in-progress) 2 to 13337.


Republic’s Sages:


Siv of the Bastion is the only Sage in the top 5, among the 4 Sorcerers, but Spira of the Red Eclipse is quite close, at number 7. Fingers crossed I will get to see the toon as the Number Six and higher.


Sixth in Class:


Kenshu the Guardian and Agrippine the Scoundrel went to #5, Zvxc the Socerer - to #2, Kaileng - to #4.


Letareus the Guardian; Exclusive the Marauder (again); Stalker the Shadow (still); Silara the Sorcerer, Briljantje the Powertech (still); Rhu the Mercenary (still), Dopsn the Gunslinger again, and that Devil the Sniper is the 7th); and Ragnaar the Scoundrel (is there and back again, and I just know the toon will be there again... well, you know what I mean).

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@Qwuu: And here I thought you were a lovable scoundrel, who just preferred the Imperial Military's gray uniforms 'cause they are so fetching.


Dont worry you`ve been fooled, its my very job as an operative to deceive people...or is beeing an operative just my cover to smuggle? Or am i just pretending beeing a smuggler hiding behind a imperial facade to make an even more indepth tripple-double-agent? Youll never know! :rak_03:

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Total number of entries today: 13585. Toons with less than 3 wins is 7092 (52%). Basically, it grows by about 0.1% a day, compared to 2% increase in entries. So, it's not that dim. I still want the Jump to Page button. And the re-haul of the Group category.


Back to the Completely Awesome: It's the Q-F-G today. La'entina the Assasin, Nia the Powertech and Sat'ida the Powertech are currently in the next three positions. Sparks the Mercenary is the highest ranking player at #10 besides the enigmatic Agent that is neither PT nor Assassin.


36 (-1) toons have the ratings over 2000.


Home Team:


No-Shades is at 2001 rating - cool number. :) Also, in other numbers of interest, is that the Old Binger now has 117, 118 and 119 slots - that's the guy who is unhappy about PTs overall performance, Hottie and Aerian.

Republic: Sidra-Stargazer the Sage - yes, on the Bastion now, and the number of wins went up rapidly - may the Force be with you. Ordering-Pizza the Shadow is staying as the most succesful Republic toon this season.

In total, 1252 solo toons (+12) were entered in ranked so far on Harbinger, ranging in rank from 3 to 13581.


Republic’s Vanguards:


The formidable Jaena of the Red Ecliplse still holds one place out of 5 in the Top 5 for the Republic Mirror. Pilo, of the Jar'Kai Sword is the next highest Vanguard, on #9.


Sixth in Class:


Exclusive the Maruader and Rhu the Mercenary went to #5, .

Letareus the Guardian (still); Moshkong the Marauder; Stalker the Shadow (still); Silara the Sorcerer (still), Briljantje the Powertech (still); Rhu the Mercenary (still), Caprica the Sniper, and Agrippine the Scoundrel (again)




Firebaby the Powertech and Devil the Sniper - 400+ wins and counting!


Qwuu's MVP/Ranked entries on Jar'Kai = 565/708 (79.8% (weakly) the toon will get there, I can see that now) and Aimyaim the Mercenary of the same server is also over 500 - 552. Then I just had to look to see what's up with that. The third most valuable on the JKS is Qw'aar the Assassin at 322. The JKS' best Republic toon, Pilo the Vanguard, is at 206 MVPs (also highest MVP count for the Pub).

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Hey Qwuu, what discipline are you running this season? Beast work, man. You deserve all the MvPs you get.


healer or when no other heal ques concealment. Cant recommend lethality for pvp



I'll go through all the servers. :) I have the tables set up on the work machine (and, yes, I do work hard, I swear) so it's a Monday-Friday thing.


You better cancel vacations then, we need you on a daily basis :D

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The Total number of entries today: 13827. Toons with less than 3 wins: 7236 (52.3%).


The amazing trio is patterned as Q-F-G today, with Qwuu the Operative ahead of Firebaby the Powertech by 51 points.


Snipers & Gunslingers on the Leaderboards today.


‘Cause Cryyc.


Solo Queue:


The total number of Gunslingers and Snipers entered in Solo: 302 Gunslingers and 444 Snipers. So, 746 toons playing this stylish and challenging class.


The ranks range from Dopsn the Sniper of the Tomb of Freedon Nadd at 124 to 13815.


The top 5 in the AC are Dopsn the Sniper, Telic the Gunslinger, Heymonkey the Sniper, Kaileng the Sniper and Wassa the Gunslinger.


Devil the Sniper of the Bastion has the highest number of wins in the AC (440) and the lead on the MVPs (523).

On the server per server basis, here is where the Slings and Snipes play (terribly sorry, I know I’ve missed one of you, but I am not sure which server):


Vanjervalis Chain: 4

Battle Meditation: 19

Begeren Colony: 24

The Progenitor: 25

Jar’Kai Sword: 28

Jung Ma: 30

The Ebon Hawk: 39

Darth Nihilus: 39

The Shadowlands: 45

Mantle of the Force: 45

T3-M4: 46

Jedi Covenant: 51

The Red Eclipse: 55

The Harbinger: 58

Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 68

Prophecy of the Five: 70

The Bastion: 99


Group Queue:


The total number of Gunslingers and Snipers entered in Group: 186, ranging in rank between 11 and 2924. 109 Snipers to 77 Gunslingers.


Noty the Gunslinger of the Mantle of the Force is the highest ranking toon in the AC, with Caprica of the Profecy of the Five – the highest ranking Sniper. Caprica the Sniper also has the highest number of wins (69) and Osef the Sniper of the T3-M4 has most MVPs (59).


Farewell to those who’s left and good luck to those who’re persevering.

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