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Obfuscate.. ?


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PvP whenever I can and I find it useful (esp. vs other marauders / sentinels)...


PvE I use it for the strongest mob if I know which one hits the hardest...


Don't hold back on cooldowns...rather use it than say damn I almost made it, marauders have no defensive cooldowns...

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PvP whenever I can and I find it useful (esp. vs other marauders / sentinels)...


PvE I use it for the strongest mob if I know which one hits the hardest...


Don't hold back on cooldowns...rather use it than say damn I almost made it, marauders have no defensive cooldowns...


is it woth use 2 points in the talent tree?


in anni spec

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is it woth use 2 points in the talent tree?


in anni spec


yes , it also reduces the cd on disruption which IMO is a must - so yes spec it for pvp


I use the skill all the time esp in 2v 1 situation , if your Anni you can, if you have berserk , take both down with ease if you use obfuscate on one target and burn down the other

Edited by Majinr
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I don't PvP at all. I don't like what it does to people: it's like it turns the entire chat log into one huge Xbox Live ****-off. The forums are full of enough self-entitled, whiny complaining as it is, I try to avoid adding on to it in the game.


I use Obfuscate against the toughest mobs out there. I chose to fight against the Sand Demon on Tatooine because it gave me Dark Side points, and man was that a tough fight. I had Quinn out for healing, and even with the highest-end Medpacs I could use (and you can often only use one in a fight), the highest-end Strength stim I could use, and Quinn's healing, I couldn't down the thing, and that was including Obfuscation's use. I tried Vette for added damage, but she went down fast.


I finally managed it by kiting the thing around (so its AOE wouldn't damage me) and getting a lucky melee crit after Deadly Throw and Force Scream, but man, that fight was tough.


I don't see Obfuscate having much use outside of major encounters where you need everything to even the playing field.

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PvP whenever I can and I find it useful (esp. vs other marauders / sentinels)...


PvE I use it for the strongest mob if I know which one hits the hardest...


Don't hold back on cooldowns...rather use it than say damn I almost made it, marauders have no defensive cooldowns...


Cloak of Pain, Undying Rage, Saber Ward. Yep, no defensive CD's at all.

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It's very useful in both pvp and pve. In pve, it's essentially a six second immunity timer that lets you build some breathing room against the more difficult gold star mobs you will encounter at later levels. Though, to be fair, if you're using Quinn, the vast majority of those gold star encounters won't require it (still a few though). If you're not using Quinn, it reduces the chances you have to juggle aggro via force camo.


In pvp, the six second shutdown is pretty huge. Six seconds is almost an eternity in pvp. What's even better is most players will not realize they are shut down, so unlike being stunned or whatnot, they're just as likely to waste a heavy hitter during that time as not.


As a Sith, you are likely playing a lot of Huttball :p, and Obfuscate is one of the many tools combined with aoe incapacitates, 50% run speed buff, 90% damage reduction, 20% damage reduction, Force Charge, etc, that make us such incredibly good ball handlers/assists on that map.

Edited by revial
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Cloak of Pain, Undying Rage, Saber Ward. Yep, no defensive CD's at all.


L2read dude...I said rather than saying marauders have no defensive cds...I know they have lots...


I do get the feeling that most ppl don't really read anything, they just disagree on principle...

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