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HM Battle of Rishi and Blood Hunt too easy?

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I have to agree with this. The final boss literally has nothing new in it that is different from the tactical version, so I don't understand why anyone would think it is harder... unless the DPS in the group were just silly and thought they could ignore the adds?


The cross growing more and more with time is a pain for melee dps having no speed boost.

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The final boss of Rishi is not hard at all, I absolutely disagree with that. Its literally just don't stand in circles and burn adds fast, that is it, those are the only mechanics. Do the circles hurt? Sure, but don't stand in them, you have about 3 seconds to move out of every one.


I'm sorry but if not standing in circles constitutes a boss too difficult for hard modes, they may as well just rename these regular modes and come up with something new to call hard modes.


And I disagree with you. Koriban Incursion has land mines that don't go away and the boss spawns red circles where ever you stand. Assault on Tython first boss is even worst. I KNOW ABOUT the circles. Obviously you are not reading well. The boss just don't spawn one circle for you walk out of it. it spawns 2 circles which overlaps each other. IF you are a marauder, per se, you are literally screwed.


Then there are the adds. The two elites that he spawns first, aren't so bad. They hit hard but you can always CC one and that's that. The other adds with the snipers are unforgiving. There seems to be too many spawning. And they usually spawn at the start of the circles. Avoiding the circles takes priory and while you doing that, the snipers kill you. And even if you survive the adds until the circles disappear, he starts the sonic wave thing, which means you have to get behind the barrier, and that is while the adds are still out.


i am pretty sure I could probably faceroll it on my guardian because he has 192 fully augmented gear but that's not what the HMs are optimized for.


I did Depths of manaan, Koriban Incursion and Rakata Prime HMs on the same toon with the same 186 gear and the group never had any problems. Even my mara did Tython in 186 a few times and we don't wipe. The difficult gauge is not on the same level. it's as simple as that.

Edited by Yezzan
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Honestly, did not have any problem with the last boss of Rishi at all.


If its a larger group of weak adds:

as a jug tank, jump in aoe taunt, saber reflect.

as a sorc - force storm - it will interrupt them and kill quick.

as a mara - jump in aoe stun (intimidating roar) - it will interrupt their lethal channel. Kill one at a time or aoe with sweeping sabers.

Every class has something to counter.


If it's a group with one elite and one weak:

as a jug taunt elite, jump to the other, stomp to stun the weak.

as a sorc - lift elite (that is if no one else in your group pays attention)

as a mara, jump in, use intimidating roar to stun elite, kill weak one, then obfuscate elite and burn it down quick, use your cloak if you need it.


I haven't had any problems with getting out of the circles on any class. Just keep moving as soon as they appear. Even if you're in the middle of your most hard hitting channel (like Ravage or Culling), stop it and move out.


But if all of your group is just bad, you can't carry them. Just leave gracefully and don't waste your time.

Edited by power-alex
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And I disagree with you. Koriban Incursion has land mines that don't go away and the boss spawns red circles where ever you stand. Assault on Tython first boss is even worst. I KNOW ABOUT the circles. Obviously you are not reading well. The boss just don't spawn one circle for you walk out of it. it spawns 2 circles which overlaps each other. IF you are a marauder, per se, you are literally screwed.


Then there are the adds. The two elites that he spawns first, aren't so bad. They hit hard but you can always CC one and that's that. The other adds with the snipers are unforgiving. There seems to be too many spawning. And they usually spawn at the start of the circles. Avoiding the circles takes priory and while you doing that, the snipers kill you. And even if you survive the adds until the circles disappear, he starts the sonic wave thing, which means you have to get behind the barrier, and that is while the adds are still out.


i am pretty sure I could probably faceroll it on my guardian because he has 192 fully augmented gear but that's not what the HMs are optimized for.


I did Depths of manaan, Koriban Incursion and Rakata Prime HMs on the same toon with the same 186 gear and the group never had any problems. Even my mara did Tython in 186 a few times and we don't wipe. The difficult gauge is not on the same level. it's as simple as that.


Mauraders can easily evade circles just as well as anyone.you simply have to take the 2 utilities that focus on force camouflage. Your not screwed as sentinal

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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The cross growing more and more with time is a pain for melee dps having no speed boost.


That is also in the tactical version. You have something like 4 full seconds between the cross appearing and the missiles coming down. It's never been hard to get out of. Similarly for the blue circles, you have several seconds to get out of them every time they appear. You don't need a speed boost to survive.


Honestly, did not have any problem with the last boss of Rishi at all.


If its a larger group of weak adds:

as a jug tank, jump in aoe taunt, saber reflect.

as a sorc - force storm - it will interrupt them and kill quick.

as a mara - jump in aoe stun (intimidating roar) - it will interrupt their lethal channel. Kill one at a time or aoe with sweeping sabers.

Every class has something to counter.


If it's a group with one elite and one weak:

as a jug taunt elite, jump to the other, stomp to stun the weak.

as a sorc - lift elite (that is if no one else in your group pays attention)

as a mara, jump in, use intimidating roar to stun elite, kill weak one, then obfuscate elite and burn it down quick, use your cloak if you need it.


I haven't had any problems with getting out of the circles on any class. Just keep moving as soon as they appear. Even if you're in the middle of your most hard hitting channel (like Ravage or Culling), stop it and move out.


But if all of your group is just bad, you can't carry them. Just leave gracefully and don't waste your time.


This covers it pretty well. Every class in the game has utilities to reduce the damage of adds, whether that be CC, accuracy reduction, etc. You don't need 1337 DPS to complete this fight, you just need to approach it intelligently.

Edited by Gardimuer
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As a Melee DPS i believe these FP's are not that hard for a seasoned raider. not for causuals.......great deal of Marauders i imagine spend most the fight on the ground. Or predation on cooldown


On a side note......these 2 Fp's have no business in the groupfinder. The thought of pugging it is laughable

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The basic premise of this thread asks the wrong question. Too easy is a relative measure. The issue is, since they provide the same rewards as the other 60 hm fp's, are they IN LINE with them, as far as difficulty and time to complete, as these will be pug'd via GF. Since they offer no greater reward, they should present no greater challenge.


Right now, they are more difficult, especially the first Bloodhunt boss, given the stated gear requirements for these, and again, the idea that they will be pug'd. Therefore they need to be brought in line, tuned down, to be in line with Manaan, Tython, etc.

Edited by Dyvim
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We should stop being so whiny about rewards when the content appears slightly more difficult, moreover I believe that once everyone is acustomed to these new FPs it'll be just as doable as the previous ones in PUG, Blood hunt is indeed a bit more challenging but there's nothing to cry about.
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At least Battle of Rishi's difficulty is in the bonus boss which is easily skippable if desired. The rest of the bosses are straightforward assuming you stay out of stuff you are supposed to. I find it very similar to Manaan in that regard.


Blood Hunt is on another level because there is a difficult DPS check right out of the gate. Most PUGs in my experience are not capable of handling it. Of course if you enter with great DPS you'll have no problem blowing past the check but that is a huge IF on Harbinger and I suspect everywhere.


My main problem with HM Blood Hunt is that it is in the same Hard Mode Flashpoint pool as the others and many people who have no business attempting it will end up queuing for it when they opt for a random FP. This is a huge waste of time for everybody, including those who have no problem with it when part of an experienced group. It would be a shame to see it nerfed because so many unprepared folks queue for it accidentally, and a better option would be to move it to a separate category so it doesn't come up as the random FP, with better rewards as a result.

Edited by AgentDib
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I don't know why people coming here and acting like the difficulty of those two new FP is the same as the others. It is not. They should be in a separate category by themselves on the GF so that those who have the time to waste can do them. Plain and simple.


And to come here and claim that people are just not playing "intelligently" is perhaps an indictment on your own intelligence. The difficulty of those two HMs is disproportionate to the difficulty of the other HMs in that category and as such should be place in a different group by themselves.


You cannot gauge the difficulty of the FP by doing in it OPS gear and I would go so far as to say that if you are a regular raider then you are not in the best position to offer an opinion on the difficulty on non-ops instances. This is because your level of experience would supersede that of non-raiders and standard PUGs. What appears "easy" to you is difficult for them. And since the HMs should be optimized for regular PUGs in 178-186 rating gear then their assessment is more relevant.

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If Bioware looks at the statistics I am sure they will find some interesting groupfinder data regarding the new HMs.


The only ones I have seen complete these are 192/198 geared players that teamed up with guildmembers.

Edited by Icestar
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I've successfully gone through Battle of Rishi twice now as a tank in random group finder. It was doable by a focused group in 186+ gear after learning the fights. There's no way I would recommend doing this for fun as part of your daily experience. Go do the level 55 hard modes for your elite commendations.


Blood Hunt is just ridiculous. I won't even waste time with it.

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Battle of Rishi isn't that much harder than SM with the exception of the bonus boss. Mechanics are very easy to adapt to. Blood Hunt however is on a whole other level of difficulty by itself. They really should change its loot so people want to do it rather than give it a Nerf, as it is nice to have one truly HARD Hard Mode flash point again since original Lost Island.
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If Bioware looks at the statistics I am sure they will find some interesting groupfinder data regarding the new HMs.


The only ones I have seen complete these are 192/198 geared players that teamed up with guildmembers.


They have just about killed groupfinder. Even as a healer, I now have to wait quite a while for a pop, and if it's one of those two flashpoints I know it's going to be a wipe.


I've completed Rishi twice, both times by vote-kicking weak dps on the final boss. Still haven't even beaten the first boss in Blood Hunt because dps is so low.


I don't want these flashpoints to be nerfed, because I know that would just make them laughable as we get further into the gearing cycle, but right now I (and most other people, apparently) don't want to deal with it. FFS, last night I had a sin dps in Rishi quest gear, half of it for tanking, and no color crystals. This was not even an uncommon occurrence. Terrible players simply cannot be carried by other pugs yet, and groupfinder is a wasteland because of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While this fp have broken achivment - they useless 4 me.

They to hard to get no reward (elite comm and useless gear is not reward).


P.S. Done it with my const group. BoR easy (with ts+gear+skill) ... BH is *** in fire.

Edited by Snean
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Battle of Rishi feels like the tactical version imo - only difference is the boss HP.


Blood hunt is another story there - although IF you can get past the first boss (which most of the random groups don't) it's pretty much a cakewalk (+free bonus "boss" is nice too).

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BoR I've cleared twice so far, and it's not too bad. It's all about not standing in stupid. However, I haven't given the bonus boss a go because really I don't see a point since the drops in all hard mode flashpoints are vender fodder. I'm ok with players having to adapt and realize what is stupid, and what is not stupid, in terms of their placement. The damage is manageable no question. As a healer, it's not too tough to down the Walker for example. Adds come pop dcd and aggro dump. For the Jedi as a healer I eat two circles not three, don't get caught in stupid. The wookie and marko ka are still really simple. As long as people are paying attention you won't wipe. Of course the paying attention part is what's the most difficult for people. I haven't tried Blood Hunt yet, although I am looking forward to Joss and Valk. I hear they are a nasty duo finally fitting their title as undefeated champions. Edited by Shwarzchild
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Until the bonus bosses have a guarenteed deco Drop like the 55 ones do, Manaan has research data,

Tython and Korriban get Relics, the reward for me is better to just solo the tacticals as I have no need for comms as my gear comes from ops. Otherwise to me once I beat it once no need to play it again.

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Whenever Blood hunt pops in gf, group immediately disbands. And I can understand that: it is hard (sort of), no worthy loot and achievement is reset on logout. So basically this flashpoint says: waste your time and effort for nothing.

I've done it several times to test myself, but now I am too gonna leave the group gracefully if it pops.

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