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Folks, what’s Denova?


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I’ve desperately fought time after time to not lose the blessed thing. Now, I am not hyperventilating every time a zone loads, I’ve started wondering.


What’s Denova?


And why do we want it so badly?


Good thing you're not hyperventilating though, would be sad to not see your around the forums due to a premature hearthattack.



*And where is this planet? I've never seen or heard about it before I googled it now, and I can't remember going there.*

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Ever tried warzones? Novare Coast has the announcer, who goes: "Lose this battle, and we could lose Denova!" And he sounds very, very concerned about that. :D


Really? I've never heard that, and I do play warzones. I'm pure Imperial though, so might be the reason. Or maybe I've just ignored the announcer

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It's a planet with large supplies of Baradium, a highly volatile element used for explosives.


Pretty much we need to capture and hold Denova, so we can mine Baradium, so we can build MOAR BOMBS!!!


Bombs for everyone!:D


This is mostly brought up during the briefing for Explosive Conflict, especially Republic-side. It also featured the first appearance of the all mighty Kephess.


Kephess is Love. Kephess is Life. Bow to his magnificence, or be swept aside. :mad:

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This is mostly brought up during the briefing for Explosive Conflict, especially Republic-side. It also featured the first appearance of the all mighty Kephess.


Kephess is Love. Kephess is Life. Bow to his magnificence, or be swept aside. :mad:


Kephess = SWTOR Kael'thas.


We all know this to be true.

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Moreover, Planet Denova's massive Baradium supply is important for another reason: unlike most explosive materials in the galaxy, it requires very, very little refinement, in order to be weaponized.


As to the physical location, can't help you, there. Kephess and his army hole-up on it, to keep their supplies a-comin'. In retrospect, he was a good choice of the Dread Masters for General. Love the 'fight over the sarlaac pit' music, the first time you fight him at the end of the Explosive Conflict operation.




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Denova was a planet in the Ojoster sector that consisted mostly of woods and high peaked mountains. Ancient ruins were noted to be present on the surface though details on them were largely undocumented. It was discovered during the Cold War by the Galactic Republic who first scouted the world. This led to the discovery of extensive deposits of the ore known as Baradium. In order to control this resource, the Republic hired a mercenary army due to manpower shortages in the Republic Military.


Thus, a Trandoshan group known as the Warstalkers were hired that was being led by the veteran Kephess to prevent the world from falling into the hands of the Sith Empire. However, the mercenaries went renegade and formed an alliance with renegade forces within the Imperial Army




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