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ideas that have fixed BH pvp issues in past games


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posted this in a few places but the pvp forum deserves one too



i just don't get why there is a WHOLE ENTIRE FORUM POST STICKY all about POWERTECH and MARAS but not a word is said about mercs.... people love mercs but we just cant pvp with them if we want to live more than 3 seconds... Prescience = 6 sec immunity to all damage and cc's like SWG had to add because of the exact same pvp problems... they also redesigned shields to have 99 points and lower 1 point each time the shield is hit adding 1% damage increase to the merc, so players wont want to attack a merc when the shields are up or their damage will increase adding the buff to their damage for around 20 seconds! Kolto overload is a joke.. players get their 30% damage boost right when we can use KO... why not allow us to use it at any point?? or 75%?? If lower than 75% add a damage reduction to it as well for mercs. People pvp in arsenal most of the time so doing these things to pyro don't really help the majority. All i ever wanted was to pvp on a merc.. from day one.. over 1000 days ago. PLEASE OOH PLEASE help us with some kind of forced focus switch like the prescience buff/shield design and KO change star wars galaxies added making the class right on par with the others!! also fixing our heals to be similar to sorcs would be really nice. their "shield" aka bubble is not even comparable to a bh's shields and they get no CD heals that actually heal them!!!





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In SWG bounty hunters had been nerfed into oblivion just like the are now (mercs that is) and the things I had listed were the changes made that fixed our class and made it on par with others... NO COMPLAINTS from other classes were found after this.. in fact many people rolled BH's because they could finally be played.. that prescience buff was a life saver.. and the shield damage boost forced focus switching and totally saved our skins.. anyone think these could be viable in this game??? no one has said a word yet...
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Seriously though.... something has to be done to mitigate damage when we are focused. how can the people at bioware not know about this? does anyone ever hop on a merc and join a few games? AHHHH it makes me frustrated!! Edited by Iserath
posted before i wrote anything.
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in all these threads i notice 2 things...

#1 those telling us mercs are fine are not actually playing mercs.. at least none they will tell us to support thier view.

#2 when asked noone can cite examples of what or how they do things that makes it works better than the other 99% of us.

they want to tell us that mercs are fine as they like playing against them, not on them

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in all these threads i notice 2 things...

#1 those telling us mercs are fine are not actually playing mercs.. at least none they will tell us to support thier view.

#2 when asked noone can cite examples of what or how they do things that makes it works better than the other 99% of us.

they want to tell us that mercs are fine as they like playing against them, not on them


I rolled a Merc this weekend got her up to 45 before I stopped last night played a few games of PVP and from my normal PT perspective using a Merc is rough. The other team has to just not care about you and when they do we just have no chance. Jet Boost is "OK", not having an Overdriven Hydraulic Override sucks when we need to run away. Pyro Shield still doesn't do anything to dots. Yet I can say when I do get left alone I get my share of kills.

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there are sooo many classes that get damage immunity for up to 12 seconds... or barrel rolls... or bubbles.. we get shields.. they are worse than the talented point of DR when you get stunned.. our one "life saver" AIR QUOTESSSSS!!!! is KO and it kicks in right when everyone's damage amps up.. im mean come ON DUDE.. can the devs not see?? do they not care? i appreciate the changes we got at 3.0 i really do.. but they were not needed as badly as survivability. lower our heal cd's make them instant or something!! or give us the PRESCIENCE ability that SWG had.. it seems like they copied the electro net and snares... in fact there are a TON of similarities between the two games.. even more so now that we can have houses just like galaxies did i mean cough cough strongholds.. but in galaxies they were actually on the planet that you could walk up to so and so's house and walk in if you were allowed. There were whole guild cities with their own space ports and things. ANYTHING THAT GIVES MERCS A HARD SWITCH ANTI FOCUS PLEASEEEE and dont tell me im wrong unless you play a merc.. im sick of sorcs being like omgggg you're fine dont overreact QQ somewhere else.. or marauders who are sad cause they cant HULK SMASH anymore.. at least you have a stickied thread by the devs about what changes you feel should be made.. mercs get SILENCE and silence speaks oh so loudly in this case. ko usable at 75% with dr?? prescience type skill?? shields with damage increase point by point.. COME ON!!! I DONT CARE IF YOU PUT IT ON THE CARTEL MARKET SO I HAVE TO SPEND CASH TO MAKE MY MERC PLAYABLE IN PVP JUST DO SOMETHINGGGG!!!!!! RAGEEEEEEEEELA:JLJK:DALSKJ:ALKS
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there are sooo many classes that get damage immunity for up to 12 seconds... or barrel rolls... or bubbles.. we get shields.. they are worse than the talented point of DR when you get stunned.. our one "life saver" AIR QUOTESSSSS!!!! is KO and it kicks in right when everyone's damage amps up.. im mean come ON DUDE.. can the devs not see?? do they not care? i appreciate the changes we got at 3.0 i really do.. but they were not needed as badly as survivability. lower our heal cd's make them instant or something!! or give us the PRESCIENCE ability that SWG had.. it seems like they copied the electro net and snares... in fact there are a TON of similarities between the two games.. even more so now that we can have houses just like galaxies did i mean cough cough strongholds.. but in galaxies they were actually on the planet that you could walk up to so and so's house and walk in if you were allowed. There were whole guild cities with their own space ports and things. ANYTHING THAT GIVES MERCS A HARD SWITCH ANTI FOCUS PLEASEEEE and dont tell me im wrong unless you play a merc.. im sick of sorcs being like omgggg you're fine dont overreact QQ somewhere else.. or marauders who are sad cause they cant HULK SMASH anymore.. at least you have a stickied thread by the devs about what changes you feel should be made.. mercs get SILENCE and silence speaks oh so loudly in this case. ko usable at 75% with dr?? prescience type skill?? shields with damage increase point by point.. COME ON!!! I DONT CARE IF YOU PUT IT ON THE CARTEL MARKET SO I HAVE TO SPEND CASH TO MAKE MY MERC PLAYABLE IN PVP JUST DO SOMETHINGGGG!!!!!! RAGEEEEEEEEELA:JLJK:DALSKJ:ALKS


This is the frustrated a lot of us feel. Sadly, Bioware doesn't seem to read the forums. I'm going to do a spotlight for the mercenary/commando class on my youtube channel. Begin work tomorrow.

I'm going to quote this post.

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This is the frustrated a lot of us feel. Sadly, Bioware doesn't seem to read the forums. I'm going to do a spotlight for the mercenary/commando class on my youtube channel. Begin work tomorrow.

I'm going to quote this post.


It would be nice to see some real work done on it...i dont know how much if at all it would help, but nice nonetheless.


This is my fav class in the game, and the one thing that keeps me from going back to WoW again or elsewhere... but as someone that spends a lot of his time in PvP in any game, being bottom of the barrel, heck almost under the barrel, is quite and daunting task at times to want to keep taking the beating.


Mercs are the 50 shades of TOR PVP. Or as i like to call myself when looking over at 2-3 sins on the other side... bait.

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I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss a 3 season all-star.


Is it dismissive to ask that person to back up his statements?

I've asked repeatedly in these threads for those who insist its a L2P issue to share the strategies, utilities, skills, and such that they are using to back up those statements, and yet none of them have.

Additionally i dont see any of them actually playing Mercs, or at least not posting on them or giving us their names.

What does all that tell me?

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It would be nice to see some real work done on it...i dont know how much if at all it would help, but nice nonetheless.


This is my fav class in the game, and the one thing that keeps me from going back to WoW again or elsewhere... but as someone that spends a lot of his time in PvP in any game, being bottom of the barrel, heck almost under the barrel, is quite and daunting task at times to want to keep taking the beating.


Mercs are the 50 shades of TOR PVP. Or as i like to call myself when looking over at 2-3 sins on the other side... bait.


I did go on a 5 game win streak last night in solo ranked. But they weren't easy wins.

Our ONLY advantage is how few we are in number. Some less experienced sorcs don't understand how electronet works. So, can sometimes get easy globals.


That said, you ARE primary target. Everyone is on you. I had one round of one game last night where they left me alone, and I destroyed them. After that? bam, on me like white on rice.

What's the difference between being a merc that can do a lot of dmg and an assassin?

They won't and can't pile an assassin lol.

They are hesitant to pile a jugg. Because of all the dcds juggs have. Could end up a waste of time. And sorcs, you pile them till barrier. Then sometimes people forget to switch back lol .

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I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss a 3 season all-star.


No offense but being an all-star means you que dodged or sync qued. Or a combination of both.

Still have to be GOOD, yes. But it isn't a true testament to anything other than, "hey, I avoided the majority of trolls and/or PvE'ers"


and if you don't play the merc class. You don't know the issue.

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QUOTE=Iserath;8025890]posted this in a few places but the pvp forum deserves one too



i just don't get why there is a WHOLE ENTIRE FORUM POST STICKY all about POWERTECH and MARAS but not a word is said about mercs.... people love mercs but we just cant pvp with them if we want to live more than 3 seconds... Prescience = 6 sec immunity to all damage and cc's like SWG had to add because of the exact same pvp problems... they also redesigned shields to have 99 points and lower 1 point each time the shield is hit adding 1% damage increase to the merc, so players wont want to attack a merc when the shields are up or their damage will increase adding the buff to their damage for around 20 seconds! Kolto overload is a joke.. players get their 30% damage boost right when we can use KO... why not allow us to use it at any point?? or 75%?? If lower than 75% add a damage reduction to it as well for mercs. People pvp in arsenal most of the time so doing these things to pyro don't really help the majority. All i ever wanted was to pvp on a merc.. from day one.. over 1000 days ago. PLEASE OOH PLEASE help us with some kind of forced focus switch like the prescience buff/shield design and KO change star wars galaxies added making the class right on par with the others!! also fixing our heals to be similar to sorcs would be really nice. their "shield" aka bubble is not even comparable to a bh's shields and they get no CD heals that actually heal them!!!





The PvP QQ fourm boards is <---------------that-a-way

The whine and cheeze-wiz QQ boards are ----------------------->that-a-way.

The rediculous wall o' text rant boards are through the door behind you and 3 miles down the street on that other game


posted this in a few places but the pvp forum deserves one too

Because i havent had my morning cup of coffee I'm going to be a complete dick head and report your PvPing scrub *** for cut and paste multithread posting rant that acccording to the game's ToS you are NOT "But...But...but I PvP, I'm entitled" to.

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Prove it.


And you prove to me that sorc barrier always heals sorcs to 100% hp as you claimed in the PTS forum that is does.


you might want to review the following topics of you elementary school

1) numbers from 0 to 100

2) addition

and the basics about percentages (just to be sure).


Can't wait to see your calculations.

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I did go on a 5 game win streak last night in solo ranked. But they weren't easy wins.

Our ONLY advantage is how few we are in number. Some less experienced sorcs don't understand how electronet works. So, can sometimes get easy globals.


That said, you ARE primary target. Everyone is on you. I had one round of one game last night where they left me alone, and I destroyed them. After that? bam, on me like white on rice.

What's the difference between being a merc that can do a lot of dmg and an assassin?

They won't and can't pile an assassin lol.

They are hesitant to pile a jugg. Because of all the dcds juggs have. Could end up a waste of time. And sorcs, you pile them till barrier. Then sometimes people forget to switch back lol .


I also had a good run last night.. and i think i found the solution to Merc PvP.

I wont 5 straight last night and they all had one commonality.. no stealth.

I know hard to believe that i had 5 matches with NO SINS... but the gods were smiling on me for once after the endless run of every match for the last 2 weeks having 2-3 per match.

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OMGWADDDD IM PERMA BANNEDEDED BECAUSE OF YOU REPORTING MY THREAD!!. AHHAhahaha no but seriously ahahah report a thread that has pointed out many relevant issues that people seem to agree on. and the QQ on a post you dont agree with then threaten to run and tell your mommy board is--------------> that a ways broseph =D
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there are sooo many classes that get damage immunity for up to 12 seconds... or barrel rolls... or bubbles.. we get shields.. they are worse than the talented point of DR when you get stunned.. our one "life saver" AIR QUOTESSSSS!!!! is KO and it kicks in right when everyone's damage amps up.. im mean come ON DUDE.. can the devs not see?? do they not care? i appreciate the changes we got at 3.0 i really do.. but they were not needed as badly as survivability. lower our heal cd's make them instant or something!! or give us the PRESCIENCE ability that SWG had.. it seems like they copied the electro net and snares... in fact there are a TON of similarities between the two games.. even more so now that we can have houses just like galaxies did i mean cough cough strongholds.. but in galaxies they were actually on the planet that you could walk up to so and so's house and walk in if you were allowed. There were whole guild cities with their own space ports and things. ANYTHING THAT GIVES MERCS A HARD SWITCH ANTI FOCUS PLEASEEEE and dont tell me im wrong unless you play a merc.. im sick of sorcs being like omgggg you're fine dont overreact QQ somewhere else.. or marauders who are sad cause they cant HULK SMASH anymore.. at least you have a stickied thread by the devs about what changes you feel should be made.. mercs get SILENCE and silence speaks oh so loudly in this case. ko usable at 75% with dr?? prescience type skill?? shields with damage increase point by point.. COME ON!!! I DONT CARE IF YOU PUT IT ON THE CARTEL MARKET SO I HAVE TO SPEND CASH TO MAKE MY MERC PLAYABLE IN PVP JUST DO SOMETHINGGGG!!!!!! RAGEEEEEEEEELA:JLJK:DALSKJ:ALKS


Deva Path? Is that you?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Really guys? KO up a whole 5%?? with no DR?!? come on!!! we need our heals fixed!! BIGGER WITH LESS CD orrrr no cd!! our shield does less than if we get stunned because i take 30% less damage compared to 25%? i would think our main SHIELD would do more than that... if youre gunna keep it at 25% make it also reflect that 25% of the damage reduced back at the person doing the damage or something!!!
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