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Everyone plays marauder these days


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Wait you saying you did a million damage on a level 11? Or in other words a million damage with nothing but unload, missile blast, and flame burst?


The ******** in this thread is real.


Key word, LONG novare. As in, like no one capped a second node for at least 15 minutes. It was a once in a blue moon thing.

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Mara has only been nerfed since the smash nerf cause we can only talk about pre 3.1.1 state, nothing is final for the moment.


GbtF/UR won't be in it's pre-nerf state with 3.1.1 first patch note.


You don't have a clue about Riposte and both your statements are showing that you really don't know what you are talking about.


To each his own. Mara DPS is still really good after riposte was taken away. I admit I am new to the class (as I have stated in many other posts) but I am trying to get good at playing this class. I just don't think Riposte was that big of a loss (not saying it wasn't a loss, just not a major one like if they took Ravage away). I read on the Marauder class forums that UR used to have it so that you didn't lose half your health but that it was deemed to strong and was nerfed. Now in the test server it is being returned to how it was pre 3.0. So if that info was incorrect, then I apologize. I'll still be running my Marauder regardless if you say I don't know what I'm talking about or not.

Edited by Trevor_the_Bruce
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To each his own. Mara DPS is still really good after riposte was taken away. I admit I am new to the class (as I have stated in many other posts) but I am trying to get good at playing this class. I just don't think Riposte was that big of a loss (not saying it wasn't a loss, just not a major one like if they took Ravage away). I read on the Marauder class forums that UR used to have it so that you didn't lose half your health but that it was deemed to strong and was nerfed. Now in the test forums it is being returned to how it was pre 3.0. So if that info was incorrect, then I apologize. I expressed interest in running a Mara after 3.0


It is incorrect, life were lost when activating the skill.


Riposte was great because it couldn't be dodged, parried or miss. It was used in a burst window and was very helpful when used properly.


Cauterize allowed Carnage to have more pression on healers.


Glad to see you wanna play a mara, but maybe just wait for 3.1.1 to hit so you can enjoy it the right way.


Right now it will just make you wanna delete it =)

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It is incorrect, life were lost when activating the skill.


Riposte was great because it couldn't be dodged, parried or miss. It was used in a burst window and was very helpful when used properly.


Cauterize allowed Carnage to have more pression on healers.


Glad to see you wanna play a mara, but maybe just wait for 3.1.1 to hit so you can enjoy it the right way.


Right now it will just make you wanna delete it =)


My 55 carnie still feels just as powerful as she was pre-3.0 and I'm by no means a good marauder. Maybe the problem isn't as bad as you think and it's a personal issue.

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It is incorrect, life were lost when activating the skill.


Riposte was great because it couldn't be dodged, parried or miss. It was used in a burst window and was very helpful when used properly.


Cauterize allowed Carnage to have more pression on healers.


Glad to see you wanna play a mara, but maybe just wait for 3.1.1 to hit so you can enjoy it the right way.


Right now it will just make you wanna delete it =)


Riposte/retaliation was *********** awesome. especially in 1v1s and i loved to go right through Saber Ward/Deflection and all that ****. .. Now i got nostalgic, I miss my 2.10 and pre 2.10 Carnie :(

Rupture was also a brilliant extra ability on heavy armors.

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My 55 carnie still feels just as powerful as she was pre-3.0 and I'm by no means a good marauder. Maybe the problem isn't as bad as you think and it's a personal issue.



omg I'm actually lol'ing here.. 3 abilities taken away, most of our abilities from carnage tree put in to top tier utilities (which means we can't get them all) and you still "feel" as powerful as pre 3.0.. You clearly know whats up.:rolleyes:


Anyone that claims they are just as powerful in 3.0 have no clue.


PS: Maybe get to lvl 60 and do some ranked etc before you make comments on a class.

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I've had several matches like this too. It's annoying that this is what pvp is becoming.


Has become. A Majority of matches is Sin / Sorc or Shadow / Sage.


Qudos to the plucky ones still trying to compete with the lesser classes, you will be assimilated eventually there is no escape.

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omg I'm actually lol'ing here.. 3 abilities taken away, most of our abilities from carnage tree put in to top tier utilities (which means we can't get them all) and you still "feel" as powerful as pre 3.0.. You clearly know whats up.:rolleyes:


Anyone that claims they are just as powerful in 3.0 have no clue.


PS: Maybe get to lvl 60 and do some ranked etc before you make comments on a class.


Or maybe people need to stop crying doom and gloom because of changes. Look at operatives, after the dev stream the community was CRYING over how "useless" ops were gonna be in 3.0, yet concealment is now in the best state it's ever been in since before the 1.2 nerfs.

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To be honest, Operatives have been do to get some love since not long after game release. And they are pretty good finally, though they might need a tad more love as a melee dps, maybe. (They have a lot of utility, so I would almost use them as a barometer at this point.)

And the problems for Mara/Sent has never really been from a dummy parse DPS standpoint. The problem has been a real game issue. Mara/Sent lack mobility to achieve their dps. Sure, can take the utility point to make predation break root/slow.. and promptly be re-slowed/rooted. Same deal with Force Camo. And hey, our crip slash will finally be a 10m root, except I recall it taking two talent points now, and one of them in the heroic tier to boot. That same heroic tier that includes the talent for predation to break root/slow, two separate talents to boost UdR/GbtF (reduce cd 30sec and add 2sec to duartion), the force camo purge, and Brooding, which is almost a must. Talents that are combined utilities (in mostly lower tiers) for others are split for mara/sent, and in the last tier.

As for UdR/GbtF, it is finally getting a tad un-nerfed by no longer talking health, but instead, it will have a 3 minute cool down. And there is nothing to stop you from rooting/slowing/kb the mara/sent after using it. Now tell me, how long is the cool down on your shadow/sin's god mode(s)?

Let's take a look and compare: Force Shroud: 1min cd, 3sec (talent to 5) duration, Deflection: 2min cd, 12sec duration (talent for physics immunity), Force Speed: 20sec cd (talent to 15), 2 sec duration (talent to 2.5, and impair immunity), Force Shroud: 1min cd, 3sec duration (talent to 5sec, and talent to gain 2secs free with using camo.)


Do most mara/sent players want to be made as OP as Sin/Shadow are right now, no, because everyone can see the nerf hammer should fall on them hard. What most want is some tools to be competitive. How anyone can look at the comparison of the top of the heap right now, and the bottom, and say, "Things are fine, L2P" is just beyond me.

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This sounds like such elitist BS. Until ranked play goes back to 8v8, people who play in lvl 60 8v8 warzones have just as much say as people who play ranked. Class balance concerns are different in the 2 environments.


He's just telling him that talking about a class without having tested it in 60 regs at least is just utter garbage.

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And if I feel comfortable at 55 without the 5 extra levels of skills and the last utility, that says a lot bby.


At 55 you're at the top of the bracket in terms of abilities, so the "5 extra levels" don't matter when you're often going up against sub level 50 opposition.. Once you hit 60 and everyone is maxed, you will see the brutality that is visited upon Maras and Mercs. I don't even take my mara out anymore. They screwed up the feel of the class, and they took the class value from bad to worse. Without pocket heals Maras are utter fodder.


As to the quip about Ops earlier, concealment is still clunkier than it needs to be, and for some reason devs decided to add more burst and damage when what players wanted was more survivability so that players could stay in the fight, but would have to know what they were doing to make the class worthwhile.


You can comment as you like, but don't pretend like others are talking out of their butts when they're actually playing the class at 60 and you're running around getting to godmode level 35s.

Edited by Prototypemind
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And if I feel comfortable at 55 without the 5 extra levels of skills and the last utility, that says a lot bby.


It says you feel powerful because you're dominating lower levels in midbies.


Honestly, even 60 unranked is a cluster of incompetence where anyone can excel. It's only in ranked where you really see the strengths and weaknesses of classes.

Edited by clearsighted
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It says you feel powerful because you're dominating lower levels in midbies.


Honestly, even 60 unranked is a cluster of incompetence where anyone can excel. It's only in ranked where you really see the strengths and weaknesses of classes.


The funny thing is that the matches I did on my mara were on the first week of the expac, where literally 99% of the people in midbies were 55+ leveling their first 60. Try again.

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The funny thing is that the matches I did on my mara were on the first week of the expac, where literally 99% of the people in midbies were 55+ leveling their first 60. Try again.


So you did some random matches in the first week of 3.0 and you wish to comment as to where maras sit as a class right now?

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