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Midtier PvP is R U I N E D


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Absolutely RUINED by level 50+ for three very big reasons:

  • the option to have old PvP gear
  • The level 51 and 57 new abilities that can fundamentally change how classes play
  • Masterful utilities, most of which are very very powerful



Please for the sake of all that is holy, break this tier up into 30-49 and 50-59.

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I haven't noticed a difference in this regard between 2.0 and 3.0. I can't own the WZs the way I did in lowbie between 25-29, and my overall numbers are appreciably lower, but I'm not even remotely helpless. IO merc, lvl 33, all blues a couple levels below optimum on JC. ran with some friends last night (they are all 55+) and didn't lose a game all night. I would usually guard the node. make the call. I was always getting opened on by sins. I had no problem whatsoever staying alive long enough for my teammates to come over and mop them up. I died...but the sin(s) had no chance of capping. the only time it was ever even close was a CW where an op smuggled 3 ppl to me. and even then, I delayed them long enough for my team to come over and clean them up.


not everyone is going to have good PVPers in their 50s to queue with, but that advantage had nothing to do with my ability to stay alive long enough to do my job. the one thing I did notice is that sins (always the sins) tunnel me like crazy, but it's not a big deal. really. it's not. and every second I play, I get closer to a new level and a new ability, and the gap closes.


TL;DR: there is a problem. it's not game breaking. there's much hyperbole about this. fix balance at 60 first please. tnx.

Edited by foxmob
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My poor level 34 Sin was hit 3x11k in 3 hits and dead during a stun lock.


It just beggars belief Bioware can allow bolster to screw things up yet AGAIN. Either remove it, or boost every single PvP player to 60 and remove the pointless DATED need for brackets. Imagine how many more people would be in PvP if this was the case?!

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I feel like the majority of people that complain about this are going to be the people that get to 60 and do 800 DPS and complain about guard and healing being too strong. Oh and premades, can't forget about premades.


My main is lvl 34 Sin. The difference between 10-29 then 30-59 is like night and day and there is just nothing I can do about it. Its not even a fair fight simply because anyone over 55 either has FULL PvP armour and Bolster, giving them a huge 10k + health pool, plus any damage boosts.


I can't remember a game being this badly designed since early Rift and then they even changed it.

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I feel like the majority of people that complain about this are going to be the people that get to 60 and do 800 DPS and complain about guard and healing being too strong. Oh and premades, can't forget about premades.


Says the guy who does not play a toon who is in its 30s.......

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Weird. It's almost like that's what the problem is.


should I have mentioned that the sins were all 50+? and that I held my own against them? and that the other team had their share of 50+ toons as well?


I mean...I'm not someone (I think) who comes on here with ridiculous, absolutist points of view. I play classes that I think should be nerfed and that should be buffed. look around. I've argued both pretty loudly.


there is a problem with pvp gear and level gaps in midbie. it's relatively minor. I'm playing a toon at the bottom of the bracket and doing so effectively. you could just as easily be crying that this is a premade vs. pug issue cuz I played a dozen or more WZs last night in a grp of my own choosing (i.e., 55+ and skilled players). are you going to argue that now too? which is it? my grping with good players or the fact that 55s are in the bracket?


again, it's a problem. it's not that big of a deal. I solo all the time, and my winning percentage is around 60%. I grp with players I know are good, and my winning percentage jumps to 80 or 90%. nerf premades. nerf levels. nerf pvp gear (while playing pvp! luls). c'mmon. just tweak bolster a bit and move on. it's a leveling bracket. move through it and move on.

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Says the guy who does not play a toon who is in its 30s.......


Does it matter? I see no name randos complain about this and then I see players that know what they are talking about say it's not that bad. My guildies don't seem to have a problem with it.


If your main is level 34 you've been playing for what, a week? I totally care what you have to say about balance guy who hasn't even finished chapter 2 of the story and doesn't have a toon at level cap.

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Does it matter? I see no name randos complain about this and then I see players that know what they are talking about say it's not that bad. My guildies don't seem to have a problem with it.


If your main is level 34 you've been playing for what, a week? I totally care what you have to say about balance guy who hasn't even finished chapter 2 of the story and doesn't have a toon at level cap.


Yes it does matter, because you have ZERO experience of what is going on.

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Yes it does matter, because you have ZERO experience of what is going on.


No, most people do know what mid tier is like. Higher level skills/abilities aside, half the time I go into t2 there's usually at least 1-2 people without fully filled slots on their toon gouging their own bolster, which more than exaggerates the problem and their own frustration. Not to say theres not an issue with fully geared set bonused 59's vs 33's, but if you're going into a warzone with sub par expertise in a system that literally gives 2018 to you if you've got every char slot filled, you're going to get burned or tickle people with a feather.

Edited by Amaste
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No, most people do know what mid tier is like. Higher level skills/abilities aside, half the time I go into t2 there's usually at least 1-2 people without fully filled slots on their toon gouging their own bolster, which more than exaggerates the problem and their own frustration. Not to say theres not an issue with fully geared set bonused 59's vs 33's, but if you're going into a warzone with sub par expertise in a system that literally gives 2018 to you if you've got every char slot filled, you're going to get burned or tickle people with a feather.


Let me put this in simple terms...


I have around 30k health max right now as a lvl 34. A level 55+ will have almost 40+ but expertise + full set of skills. Bolster is increasing their stats. Therefore, they are dealing much more damage. Its nothing short of a joke right now due to bolster.

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Yes it does matter, because you have ZERO experience of what is going on.


Your right, I never leveled my toons. Mind you when I first leveled my Merc I was in WZ's at level 10 with level 50's in PvP gear. I leveled in 2.0 with people abusing the hell out of bolster too. This isn't really any different.

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Let me put this in simple terms...


I have around 30k health max right now as a lvl 34. A level 55+ will have almost 40+ but expertise + full set of skills. Bolster is increasing their stats. Therefore, they are dealing much more damage. Its nothing short of a joke right now due to bolster.


Well, that was a pretty good reiteration on what I just typed, so props? :rolleyes:


The biggest issues, again, are the fleshed out skills at 51+, the set bonuses readily available for 50+ and the fact that most lowbies are running below 2018 expertise due to open gear slots... The damage difference isn't insurmountable by itself, but the higher the character gets the more they can access their end game rotations, which falls back to the skills gained problem. The HP difference when both players are at bolster cap is pretty hard to overcome if both players are at the same skill level, but the biggest issue is and will always be large expertise number differences, and the easiest way to prove that to yourself is watching the pve'ers that hop into t3 with 52k HP get mauled by 38k brutalizer geared players.


If you can come up with a solution that doesnt involve cross server or tripling the queue timers, I'm sure bioware would love to hear it. Personally I like the idea of creating a PvP tool bar with all the class skills unlocked up to 59 available for everyone, with a tutorial to explain to new players about how to set it up and how to not **** on your own toons bolster. Until then though, it's the same stuff pvp levelers have had to deal with for years.

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Does it matter? I see no name randos complain about this and then I see players that know what they are talking about say it's not that bad. My guildies don't seem to have a problem with it.


If your main is level 34 you've been playing for what, a week? I totally care what you have to say about balance guy who hasn't even finished chapter 2 of the story and doesn't have a toon at level cap.


You are wrong on so many levels it isn't even funny..... When you have personal experience in the matter, please comment then. I will give you points though for at least being honest in saying you do not have guys in the 30s bracket.


Bolsterizer being broke aside, there are way too many class defining skills given in the 50s range that just make dueling a mid 30s a lol joke. Yes mids matter. Some of us who have already played out on all classes the story line just want to pvp and if mids is broke then what fun is it to stay? Split the brackets up one more tier. I thInk you will find it brings life back to the queue. And since you do not Currently have a toon in that level range, you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.....

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Let me put this in simple terms...


I have around 30k health max right now as a lvl 34. A level 55+ will have almost 40+ but expertise + full set of skills. Bolster is increasing their stats. Therefore, they are dealing much more damage. Its nothing short of a joke right now due to bolster.


Is all your gear slots full and is your EXP 2018? I'm not 50 on three toons and my HP is closer to 33K. But any the only way you could get two shot is if two hits took off 15K each. There are not level 60 attacks that strong so it's either

1. Your bolstered EXP is non-existent due to gearing issues.

2. Hyperbole.


FYI: as long as you are properly bolstered, the max delta is maybe 500 Main stat and a couple thousand EXP. That's not really as big a deal as people are making it.

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Which is why you L E V E L O U T.

Cap coms then pve- most efficient way to level out of mids- after which all you have to worry about is the 99.9% of the player base that uses FotMs.


Splitting warzones into more brackets would be the stupidest thing they could possibly do. More brackets = fewer pops. Unless they make 30-54/56-59 (no 55s. :p )

Edited by Catholicc
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You are wrong on so many levels it isn't even funny..... When you have personal experience in the matter, please comment then. I will give you points though for at least being honest in saying you do not have guys in the 30s bracket.


Bolsterizer being broke aside, there are way too many class defining skills given in the 50s range that just make dueling a mid 30s a lol joke. Yes mids matter. Some of us who have already played out on all classes the story line just want to pvp and if mids is broke then what fun is it to stay? Split the brackets up one more tier. I thInk you will find it brings life back to the queue. And since you do not Currently have a toon in that level range, you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.....


So you want to further split up the brackets, fragmenting the small PvP population even more to fix a temporary problem?

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So you want to further split up the brackets, fragmenting the small PvP population even more to fix a temporary problem?


My friend, the current state tight now is that the queues in that bracket are getting longer and longer..... Because of the bolster and ability disparity. It is currently dying already. Putting in a 30-49 bracket will at least level the playing field a little. Thus increasing wz pops. Today's game folks are made to pve from 30-51ish which if you have already done the story line and or just not interested in it, makes for a crappy grind that you could care less about. Thus....unsubs or people just not interested in that bracket anymore. We have to take care of the younger level toons and pvpers just as much as the end game or people will lose interest fast or just get frustrated and leave (as they so prevalently are).

Edited by durhame
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I feel like the majority of people that complain about this are going to be the people that get to 60 and do 800 DPS and complain about guard and healing being too strong. Oh and premades, can't forget about premades.


This no doubt.


I rolled a jugg on new server recently and forced myself to do lowbie pvp cuz of all this fuss. Qued up at level 30 with like lvl 25 gear and no relics. Tank spec, no premade, no medpacks.







Not like I did super good but I dont see what the crying is all about. Lowbies have just always sucked imo.

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If you can come up with a solution that doesnt involve cross server or tripling the queue timers, I'm sure bioware would love to hear it. Personally I like the idea of creating a PvP tool bar with all the class skills unlocked up to 59 available for everyone, with a tutorial to explain to new players about how to set it up and how to not **** on your own toons bolster. Until then though, it's the same stuff pvp levelers have had to deal with for years.


I did in another thread and its VERY simple but probably too simple for a developer who clearly don't play their own game.


Boost ALL players to 60, unlocking all skills required to play that class in warzones ONLY. Guild Wars 2 does it well.


The benefits are huge

- MORE people playing Warzones

- No more headaches using an outdated game mechanic

- Reduced Q times due to more players


Warzone coms can be exchanged for cosmetic PvP armour, or conquest stuff or other rewards that are useful. Because as a new player, if you enter the world of 30-59, I doubt very much many will stay because its just ridiculous. I haven't seen anything this bad since early Rift, then they changed how PvP worked there in the end.

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This no doubt.


I rolled a jugg on new server recently and forced myself to do lowbie pvp cuz of all this fuss. Qued up at level 30 with like lvl 25 gear and no relics. Tank spec, no premade, no medpacks.







Not like I did super good but I dont see what the crying is all about. Lowbies have just always sucked imo.


Doesn't really prove anything. Many factors like how many 55+ in each game and looking at how many times you died, it would have been interesting to see just how much damage you'd taken.

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