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Rishi Datacron still bugged?


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So I spent lord knows how many hours getting the datacron packets from the pigs on the Island. I find the skulls, then the little Smell of the Ocean thing. I go back to the Rishi Village Island....and instead of clicking the rock, the lasers already point to where the bigger rock is. So away I go, I have to change instances for it to be clickable...but then it 'seems' ok , the tentacles pop up YAY>...not so much. No Achievement and they won't do anything else...several switch instances later same thing..so still bugged? very annoyed after so much time getting to this point that the end is bugged.
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Same thing happened to me, the laser was pointing at the other rock and all that. So, I went over and saw the datacrons were clickable. Got all four.

yeah i got to this point, clicked them, got the codex entries but no stat increases. :mad:

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same happened with me last week. No way im gonna waste 4 hours doing all that again.

I have all the acheivements but no datacrons so i was pretty annoyed. I think it would be nice if BW could give the datacrons to the people who have all the acheivements but they wont so....

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I agree, those that put in the time should get their reward....what a waste of my time seriously. Another 3 hours or so trying to get the +10 End datacron on Makeb and I can't seem to make the jump from floating platform to the tower platform either...frustration!
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I agree, those that put in the time should get their reward....what a waste of my time seriously. Another 3 hours or so trying to get the +10 End datacron on Makeb and I can't seem to make the jump from floating platform to the tower platform either...frustration!


If you have a guild ship and someone in the guild more adept than yourself (ie, they can get next to that datacron) you can get there via the group summoning. (Ship has to be parked over Makeb for this to work.)


Had to do this for our guild leader, as he has no jumping skills. :rolleyes:

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Now Eric Musco will drop by and say "It's working as intended". Then in 2 days he will say that they have done extensive research and that community was right and that they are working on a fix. Since now datacrons are lying around ready to be clicked, they will come up with the fix in terms of invisible wall so that people can't simply "get them" and forget about achievements. Then, after realizing that people are jumping directly from the cliff, they will add another one. Then, after realizing that now nobody can get it, they will add "Now I had enough" ability that adds around them will have and execute if player don't have specific requirements met but will remove invisible walls.

Meanwhile while fixing datacrons, they will break quick travel (again) and fleet and QT will be usable only once per toon, after that ability will be deleted from the character. They will assign guys from the datacrons to fix this instead while reverting datacrons bug to the current state, but will increase travel cost to Rishi (since you cannot go via quick access terminal for some very odd reason) by 250% AND add invisible walls again.

Musco will come by again here and say that it is an exploit and that everyone who are getting datacrons for free without spending 54 hours collecting crap to actually unlock it the way they intended in the first place, and everyone will be banned for 24 hours to 7 days.

Eventually, as final and ultimate fix, they will simply delete complete planet Rishi to fix it and avoid being exploited or used ever again for any future shenanigans. This is how Bioware fix things.

Edited by SettGirkkurn
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And to top it off, I can't submit a ticket, because there's a Problem. The people doing support are, Well.... frankly worthless



Yea, as someone who works in tech support, they are abysmal at Bioware. I would almost say they're as painful to deal with as Ubisoft is.

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If you have a guild ship and someone in the guild more adept than yourself (ie, they can get next to that datacron) you can get there via the group summoning. (Ship has to be parked over Makeb for this to work.)


Had to do this for our guild leader, as he has no jumping skills. :rolleyes:


Shame you can't do that for the fleet ones

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And to top it off, I can't submit a ticket, because there's a Problem. The people doing support are, Well.... frankly worthless



I am wondering if abio have out sourced support to India or somewhere... Because most of the people I talk to via in game chat or email, just don't have a basic understanding of the game at all... Ie they have never played it... I would think that would be a prerequisite to support the game

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  • 1 month later...

I said screw the pig hunt, I parked my main near the rock and log in occasionally. Last night I logged in and the rock was open, and I got my Rishi datacrons.


For kicks I started logging in my alts and running them there to see how long the rock stayed open. I got all 6 of my 60's there in time. I thought it only stayed open for like 15 minutes?

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Its bugged, on Ebon Hawk server it stays up til the servers go down or the instance they are up in depopulates. Usually 2 map instances on Rishi, only one will be perma up after someone hands in the stuff to pop them and the other one never seems to be up.


Its up still as i type this, so anyone on the Ebon Hawk server can get them when ever they want em, for any toon that has access to their class ship, as low as level 10 toons!

Think it was Map instance 1, just switch around they will be up on one of the instances.

Edited by Allamirr
spelling fix
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  • 2 months later...

Oh - they have broken it again have they?


I've done it twice in the past month - first time so my current 60's could get the datacrons and the second time so my new ones could get them.

Each time it all "just worked", each stage as it was supposed to. The only problem being those grophets!


I thought the general concensus was it was all working now - obviously not.

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