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Arena trolls are bigger issue than win-traders.


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Here's the thing, solo ranked should be the doorstep or precursor to doing group ranked. Thus more serious than regs.


Just as a nim op is harder than a hm op which is harder than a sm op.




I completely agree with everything you just stated but without any restrictions to ranked ( i.e gear / expertise ), this will continuously be a problem. Solos are nothing but a pug lottery and who ever gets the better players/classes, wins. As a healer, I see this all the time in solos. Going up against another healer and who just happened to hit max level and has no pvp gear or no pvp experience. It sucks for the other team but can you really blame him? If solos are consistently popping then why not que? Arenas are faster, give ranked comms and who knows, you might actually luck out and get really good burst comps and actually get a win.



Example of troll right here. Why take the time to comment on something if you have nothing intelligent to say? To harass the people in this thread trying to have a discussion = troll.


Sounds like you have it all figured out #YoureGoingPlaces

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Given how toxic and rage filled the pvp community in this game is, I think trolls are both to be expected (making people rage is what makes trolls tick) and to some degree deserved. I've met far too many people in this game who seem to think it's their right and duty to harass players they deem less skilled than themselves.
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If you banned all the players that queue synced how many would be left?


It is a bit hard to not play with people in your own guild if a) us 4 are the only ones queuing on the pub side or b) there are 8 of us queuing at the same time. Those cases pretty much guarantee that we'll get multiple guildies on the same team.

If that makes us bad people then..... I guess people can't play with their friends in a MMO and we shoud stop playing when our friends get online.

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