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My issue with Shadow of Revan as a Dark Side Sith (Potential Spoilers)


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So I recently just finished SoR with my full Dark side Sith Juggernaut, but I have to say I'm unconvinced by the story. I mean my character has left a trail of bodies and bloodshed across the galaxy on his journey to become the Emperors Wrath, I even have explained his bloodlust in my head as if you meet the Wrath you do not survive to tell the story...as that increases the fear of me.


Then I get to SoR and I'm just fine to let Theron, Satele, etc just leave...my character would NEVER do that...NEVER...even if to defeat Revan I R needed their help I would have tried to slay them afterwards, and Darth Marr for even agreeing to a truce.


On my Jedi Guardian (Full light) it makes total sense...and the story flows and fits nicely...but on a Dark Side Sith it is quite poor and disappointing.


My 2 cents.


IMO you are correct here, the Light side and republic side of thing was far better and made more sense, if you go for Dark side opinion in the SoR I honestly have know idea how the temporary alliance would hold together. When I did it on my Sith inquisitor I found it surprising that we left so peacefully and sort of with a mutual polite good bye. I would not be surprised if the Sith tried something to help them win the war so yea this was a surprising the way you just go your separate ways.

The ended of the fatal alliance novel works so much better in fatal alliance fitted much better Darth Chratis was planning on Killing Satele and her Padawan Shigar and soon as the need for the Aliiance was done, however his apprentice Eldon Ax came to sort of came to respect Satele during the alliance and when it came to the part were he plan to betray them Ax decided she much rather kill him instead. The only reason that they left with kill each other was because after Darth Chratis died Ax was sort of in command and she didn't want to attack them althought both the empire and republics troops had done plenty of that. Thought the battle in the fatal alliance book republic and empire are repeatally shooting to other ships down and calling in a " accident ", I think this is far more likely.


Edited by wolfshadowhunter
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This is what I'm talking about...the story didn't fit with the Characters...


I play a sith warrior as my imp main but i always played him as a

warrior type obsessed with battle but he is honorable, he always delivers the killing blow to the loser but always fights fair and would expect the killing blow if he lost, so it worked out perfectly and he respects shan and wants to kill her in battle, not cheap shot her


My knight though....i play him all good guy and i had a problem with some out of character stuff, the whole imperial guard mission. The republic was asked to no intervene and they did. My knight would have respected the truce and not been a sneaky guy like that

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I have played a dark side Wrath Juggernaught. He's not so morally parsimonious to have reached Dark V, as he sometimes makes pragmatic choices which are parsed as "light side" by the game.


To me, the Wrath is in no way loyal to the Emperor, but needs to manoeuvre carefully now that the Dark Council have pitted themselves against the Emperor.


He was recruited to the office by a shadowy cabal (The Emperor's Hand) only recently after the last Wrath betrayed the emperor, assassinated the Emperor's Voice and started reporting to the Jedi Council. That Wrath did not turn to the Light side at all, but merely saw the Emperor's true nature before everyone else.



It would be a very idiotic Wrath who openly defies Darth Marr at every turn, since Marr is now Wrath's only shield against the Hand, the Guard, and whatever other loyalists the Emperor still directly controls. So however much Wrath may not have wanted to let Satele Shan and her son live, he will have had to abide by Marr's orders.


Also, I think he'd be loath to completely eradicate all jedi, because corrupting nubile young Padawans is fun ;)

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I think lambasting Marr and angrily fist waving at the Shans saying once this is over you'll kill them is appropriate for the Emperor's Wrath and does not really compromise the integrity of the story. Ofc it would result in Marr telling you to **** and the Shans condescendingly taunting you. Edited by llayles
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  • 4 months later...

My personal opinion. (With a grain of Inq)


Being a Sith is a privilege, a chance of freedom by starting without the zealot close mind of the Jedi, the eternal struggle to stay alive and be ahead of my enemies only makes me stronger.


Live to seek knowledge, use it to ensure you will live; and gather more knowledge.


If i was unable to gather enough knowledge to survive the destruction of the galaxy at the time it occurs, i outlived my usefulness. I accept my destruction gladly.


I will never raise my hand against Lord Vitiate. (I guess the free 60 will go to my Wrath ^^)

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So I recently just finished SoR with my full Dark side Sith Juggernaut, but I have to say I'm unconvinced by the story. I mean my character has left a trail of bodies and bloodshed across the galaxy on his journey to become the Emperors Wrath, I even have explained his bloodlust in my head as if you meet the Wrath you do not survive to tell the story...as that increases the fear of me.


Then I get to SoR and I'm just fine to let Theron, Satele, etc just leave...my character would NEVER do that...NEVER...even if to defeat Revan I needed their help I would have tried to slay them afterwards, and Darth Marr for even agreeing to a truce.


On my Jedi Guardian (Full light) it makes total sense...and the story flows and fits nicely...but on a Dark Side Sith it is quite poor and disappointing.


My 2 cents.


Well, for the same two cents, if your character was like that, they'd never have asked for your help anyways. :p

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My Siths (Dark V or Light III, etc) want to rule the galaxy. Period.

My Sith is to be free, which means all others will bend their knees.


Being the Emperor's, or the Empire's, Wrath is limiting as it is a pigeon-hole to his and her power: Marr, like the Emperor before him, wants to keep my toon as the governmental enforcer.


My Wraths want to replace or suborn Marr. Working with Marr, the Shans, etc, is just one more step to the pyramid that will serve as the base to the throne my toon is building.


--My Inquisy does not want to consume Revan; schmuck is too likely to unify the other spirits in a way I haven't predicted and cause complications when I am at a weakened state. That cannot be allowed, therefore, consume the powerful who cannot tactically and logistically outsmart me, myself, and my Dashade and find a way to bind Revan in a jar somewhere.

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SoR made my purely LIGHTSIDE Sith inquisitor have a completely different personality too. Lv 1-50 and even Makeb let me play him as kind, selfless, and humble. Then I get to SoR and all his autodialogue is either extremely pompous or threatening or both as are all of the dialogue options except for flirts ***. I found it hard to even push him through SoR and Ziost. I didn't know this person. :(
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SoR made my purely LIGHTSIDE Sith inquisitor have a completely different personality too. Lv 1-50 and even Makeb let me play him as kind, selfless, and humble. Then I get to SoR and all his autodialogue is either extremely pompous or threatening or both as are all of the dialogue options except for flirts ***. I found it hard to even push him through SoR and Ziost. I didn't know this person. :(


The autodialogue ever since Oricon really gets on my nerves as well. The Vanilla experience, all the way up to RotHC, was peerless in such regard, with us being able to control our characters fully 99% of the time.


Oricon, SoR and Ziost dropped that percentage QUITE CONSIDERABLY. Sadly, I don't expect it to change with KotFE, especially if said updates and other Bioware games -- such as ME3 or DA:I -- are any indication.

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How much control the Vanilla experience tended to give us kind of varied between characters, I remember feeling both my Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor didn't work out quite how I wanted them to. But that has a lot to do with how I imagined I wanted each class character to be.
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How much control the Vanilla experience tended to give us kind of varied between characters, I remember feeling both my Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor didn't work out quite how I wanted them to. But that has a lot to do with how I imagined I wanted each class character to be.


We're talking about the autodialogue sequences, not so much choices or lack thereof. :p

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The autodialogue ever since Oricon really gets on my nerves as well. The Vanilla experience, all the way up to RotHC, was peerless in such regard, with us being able to control our characters fully 99% of the time.


Oricon, SoR and Ziost dropped that percentage QUITE CONSIDERABLY. Sadly, I don't expect it to change with KotFE, especially if said updates and other Bioware games -- such as ME3 or DA:I -- are any indication.


They saw how much everyone loved all the autodialogue and forced set personality in ME3 so they added it in SWtOR /barf :(

Edited by Nefla
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for my ls sw, he would sooner wait for his moment to depose the current dark council with jaesa's help, both of them will ferret out the weeds from the plants, and install a lighter government movement.


my ds sw would sooner manipulate his foes into doing something that benefits him and then proceeds to cut them down as soon as their use has been completed. his first official act as an apprentice to fat man baras on DK was to kill a slave because it was a long shuttle ride. even to the end of the whole thing on the storyline, he doesnt trust darth marr or his motives and constantly battles to prove his worth everytime.


my ls si, shes allied to darth marr and provides a different light to the dark council they would otherwise not of considered, she finds secrets and clues and passes them to darth marr before they are seen on the dark council.


my ds si on the other hand would sooner kill his enemies the first chance he gets, he takes crap from no one, but he very loyal to the empire, going so far as to avoid certain situations where he could of easily taken advantage of a situation, but being allied to darth marr, the si has anticipated marrs needs and planned around it to try give himself a measure of control even so.

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SoR made my purely LIGHTSIDE Sith inquisitor have a completely different personality too. Lv 1-50 and even Makeb let me play him as kind, selfless, and humble. Then I get to SoR and all his autodialogue is either extremely pompous or threatening or both as are all of the dialogue options except for flirts ***. I found it hard to even push him through SoR and Ziost. I didn't know this person. :(


The autodialogue ever since Oricon really gets on my nerves as well. The Vanilla experience, all the way up to RotHC, was peerless in such regard, with us being able to control our characters fully 99% of the time.


Oricon, SoR and Ziost dropped that percentage QUITE CONSIDERABLY. Sadly, I don't expect it to change with KotFE, especially if said updates and other Bioware games -- such as ME3 or DA:I -- are any indication.


Those are all very serious business, involving enemies that are racing to kill planets or worse. You, Dark Council member, are the only Dark Councilor in the field besides Marr and Marr is only present with you on Yavin. As the ranking authority in the entire Empire, the Inquisitor should lay down the hammer regardless of alignment. He's messing with himself at this point by being anything other than effective.

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Those are all very serious business, involving enemies that are racing to kill planets or worse. You, Dark Council member, are the only Dark Councilor in the field besides Marr and Marr is only present with you on Yavin. As the ranking authority in the entire Empire, the Inquisitor should lay down the hammer regardless of alignment. He's messing with himself at this point by being anything other than effective.


There's no good reason for his personality to be randomly changed. There's no way the inquisitor "should" be. This is a BioWare RPG, not a game with a fixed protagonist. If they didn't want us to be able to play a wide variety of personality types, they shouldn't have given us those dialogue options in the lv 1-55 content. It's especially bizarre since you're trying to be incognito on Rishi, flaunting your Dark Council status would be counter productive. Something else that bothered me was that even when choosing LS actions you don't come across as a good or honorable person like with every other choice before the SoR stuff, you just come across as lazy. "You're lucky I can't be bothered to kill you worm" kind of stuff. What the eff?

Edited by Nefla
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