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Win-Trading In Season 4 and Beyond


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So you want to compare the scoreboard. You're flat out saying you want to focus solely on the scoreboard to measure success.


What about positioning forcing a ranged class to stay out of the fight or risk being trained, what about pushes, CC, saves, cleanses....


You would want them to forego all and any measure of skill this game has? With a GCD as high as this game the game is mechanically super easy - your system would ... Oh I dont even know why I'm humoring you, its obvious your idea will never bear fruit and I cant see any sane person agreeing with this nonsense.


Guess what? CC, roots, snares, ALL effect OUTPUT. Duh.. if I get chained, and subsequently dropped, my numbers will blow for that particular match, but will it happen every match? No, not if I am "trying". The numbers as gauged by enemy output will tell you who was more effective in the match 10/10 times.


BTW. Ross faction doesn't fix anything except maybe win trading and Que sync, but not trolls, not population issues, not role imbalance. There isn't enough players. And it's treating the symptoms not curing the issue.


People don't like getting stomped.

People get bored stomping.


While it might be a "sad" indicator of where society is at this point, the fact is IF you want PvP to be successful, you have to balance the game around player skill and metrics such as the ones I described is the only way to gleen any epeen, and actually encourage people to play..

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Guess what? CC, roots, snares, ALL effect OUTPUT. Duh.. if I get chained, and subsequently dropped, my numbers will blow for that particular match, but will it happen every match? No, not if I am "trying". The numbers as gauged by enemy output will tell you who was more effective in the match 10/10 times.


BTW. Ross faction doesn't fix anything except maybe win trading and Que sync, but not trolls, not population issues, not role imbalance. There isn't enough players. And it's treating the symptoms not curing the issue.


People don't like getting stomped.

People get bored stomping.


While it might be a "sad" indicator of where society is at this point, the fact is IF you want PvP to be successful, you have to balance the game around player skill and metrics such as the ones I described is the only way to gleen any epeen, and actually encourage people to play..


One must certainly dont have to and I've yet to see a game do what you propose succesfully. Truthfully I am appalled at the fact that you would like to measure success on anything other than a win. If your system is so good how come we oh-so-many examples of what you're asking for in real life t?


Please dont use a classic counter and say martial arts because hey, they dont fight to the death. Look I see your point but frankly, you're wrong. What you describe hardly even constitutes PvP - it bears a disgusting resemblence to PvE and their damage meters.


Please stop.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Hopefully these changes will provide a bit more visibility into the actions we take against those players who are playing Ranked PvP unfairly. Win-trading takes away from the spirit of the game and is completely unacceptable. We know that win-trading in Ranked PvP is something all of you take very seriously, and so do we, so we’re making adjustments in how we handle and communicate around it going forward.


Thanks for the communication Eric. It will be interesting to see if you guys do indeed follow through.


There is one other issue related to the Ranked Queues, namely Yolo. What is the BW stance regarding players that purposefully Troll those queues? Will any action be taken against them?


In the past, trolls have been reported numerous times, but nothing was ever done.

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Trolls will allways be trolls no matter what game you play so trolls in pvp thats life

And will never be stoped as when one goes away 2 more pop up,

But at least with cross server pvp and evan pve at least

It would give more opportunity for non trolls to play with outher non trolls

As itll be more random to who is ie in your team and enemy team

And would help fix soo many problems

Maybe not all but atleast mass amount

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One must certainly dont have to and I've yet to see a game do what you propose succesfully. Truthfully I am appalled at the fact that you would like to measure success on anything other than a win. If your system is so good how come we oh-so-many examples of what you're asking for in real life t?


Please dont use a classic counter and say martial arts because hey, they dont fight to the death. Look I see your point but frankly, you're wrong. What you describe hardly even constitutes PvP - it bears a disgusting resemblence to PvE and their damage meters.


Please stop.


Nope it's the basis of just about every team sport. It's how they gauge the "worth" of a player. Do you know what sabermetrics are? Look it up because that's what I am applying here.


AKA Michael Jordan played on ****** teams(barely .500) from his rookie year in 1984 to 1989, but still was hands down the best player in the league and MVPs and scoring titles most of those years. So "wins" we're for those teams were almost a direct correlation with HIS performance, and his alone. His WAR(Wins Above Replacement- A sabermetric advanced stat, similar to the handicap I speak of) was off the charts, regardless of team W/L record.


This isnt some imaginary dream world you speak of. The data is already on the scoardboards. All it would take is defining some calcs and spit out a number. Simple. And no real coding required.

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Not sure what kind of dreamworld players live in when presenting nonsense such as this. Its lowering the standard to the one scrubs already adhere to - namely looking at the F numbers. A well placed push that cost me 40K damage on my guardian might have saved my team from 80K damage from the enemy hatred assassin. How will you measure this? You cant.


Obviously getting elo per win is the only way to go. Also you dont speak for " a lot of people " when you say that people want the different factions to stay separated. The only way to have solo ranked fair and to truly combat synch queueing, game throwing and queue-at-a-certain-time is by introducing cross faction. Additionally it should not be okay by any means that republic side don't get pops for several hours a day whereas imps does because of more players queueing. Solo queue needs to be about skill, its absurd that the elo differential (because of fotm rerolls imp and generally more noobs republic side ToFN) is so incredibly huge should you compare the factions on the server.


You're a pubside exclusive player I'd imagine.

As I said, a lot have characters on both sides. Lot of the top ranked players will have a sage on pubside, a sorc on impside. Just switch based on which side has the least amount of trolls.


and in group ranked, wins should be all that matters. But in solo ranked. Since it's put up as SOLO - individual performance is all that should matter.

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1) Lots of people support cross-faction. Read the forums; you're in the minority. I've been playing since launch, pretty much exclusively PvP, so don't even try to play that card.


2) You didn't quite get that bit about neutral avatars. Basically, what would happen is that you would design an alternate version of your character which would load into the match instead if you ended up joining the other faction. So if you were a Juggernaut you would join the Republic faction as a Guardian; if they want to really commit to it, you could appear as a neutral "mercenary" character. Make it optional in the general queue, mandate it in ranked to help level the playing field and help prevent abuse.


As for faction, in your own words:


Oh, yes it does.

Faction is cosmetic. They don't keep score or offer prizes for the winning faction; they do it on an individual level. If they did then maybe faction would serve a point. It has a point in open world PvP but that's dead and we're talking about matchmaking, aren't we? Maybe if they locked people into whatever faction they first logged into that day but people would hate that.




Well, I play Imp on Shadowlands which has a pretty decent PvP community. I work at night but even in then there are regular pops in the morning. And cross-faction is still one of the best ideas I've seen bandied about on this board.

I've been on the shadowlands. It doesn't have a good pvp community lol. They designate days to do ranked. And most go into matches in PvE gear.

That's all I'm going to say about the server. Nice enough people. Just not a PvP server by any means.


You are talking about a course of action that will lead to the game being more akin to GW2. Where everything is equal and fair. To the degree you feel as if PBS sponsored the PvP.

Not saying that it IS necessarily. As last time I played, Mesmer was pretty annoying.

Just that was their views towards the PvP.


Neutral avatars sound boring. Cross faction sounds like something Bioware wouldn't even consider. They, for a long time, didn't consider free to play. Then they have been fighting against cross server for forever.

Cross faction would harder for them to do than cross server.

Have you seen the way they code? The Dathomir head piece has been invisible for awhile now. Next tuesday they're fixing it.

3.0 had so much server lag it was ridiculous.

and you want them to do something as odd as create a system that allows for cross faction queing, neutral avatars, and ...god knows what else?

We'd have bugs everywhere. Probably imps being sent back to pub fleet after a match ends lol.


The only thing I'd like to see that is even remotely cross faction, is a 16m operation that starts as an 8m operation on both sides. Pubs, imps, going through the content parallel to one another. Then coming together for the final boss. Say, the emperor.

That will never happen. But it'd be cool.

Cross faction PvP would be lame.


Also, point to the forums all you want. Go on a PvP server like the Bastion or Pot5, or even to a server like Harbinger where a lot of ranked goes on. Ask them if they want neutral avatars, and all this. You'll see who the minority is.

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Is season 4 really starting without a proper balancing to classes? I mean the only changes announced are for the sentinel and the juggernaut, and some for the assasin but nothing really that makes them more balanced...
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Yes, here's an idea. Lets post a completely nonsensical post and then counter the counter-argument with "oh we're all doomed because people dont agree with our completely silly model of taking into account everything"


What you need for your system to work is an impartial conscious AI HUNDREDS of years ahead of the technology available today.


You want to measure medals? Okay, let me chase that guy and get 3K and 6K instead of guarding you further since I already got my guard medals.


You want to measure heal? Ok let me stand in the midst of **** and let my first bubble pop so I can apply a second one.


You want to measure slows? Oh please...


Can you see where this is going? You two are on about a system that does not take into account the willingness to perform as well as possible with as little effort as possible. A win can be achieved through plenty of ways - such as soft CC a member of the opposition or by tunneling them.


Who are YOU TWO (yes, two players...) to say which way should be more valuable?


Is population an issue? Yes, of course. But a dead PvP scene will remain a dead PvP scene. Is cross faction the answer? Its a start - having everyone on the same side of things to begin with will most definitely increase the effectiveness of the elo system. Finally, if I have to suffer from the small inconveniences of today compared to the black death proposal you guys are advocating for the choice is simple.


Since when are we trying to make something that could be so simple so impossibly hard?


Listen (and I'll be as polite as I can be to someone who is as arrogant as I've ever seen) people have been clamoring for performance based SOLO - will say it again SOLO!!!! - ranking since the leaderboards' inception. Counter argue all you like. That is a fact. And you can check it on any PvP server.

Did I say my 'proposal' was the final form of what should happen? that it was 100% complete? no. I said the math wizes out there could figure out the specifics and make it fair. Change the medal system around.

You don't need an AI to quantify the intangibles of PvP.

You want a force push to count? I'm sure that they could, with the right algorithm, tell by how long said person was not using skills compared against dps prior to the push how much you protected your team.

Then again, I'm not saying quantify and micromanage EVERYTHING. Please learn to read - and by that I mean, absorb the entire message before formulating opinion as what used to be taught in school - before going on a rant that in all honesty makes NO sense.

"Wins are all that should matter."

in a thread about Win traders and ranked trolls. Two cancers in YOUR ideal that makes YOUR belief in a 'wins only matter' system the most unfair, unrealistic showing of 'skill' a ranked system could be.

Unless YOU define skill as 'knowing who is on what side, when to que, where to que' - THOSE intangibles. Que dodging, que syncing.


With a performance based system in place. Even if your 4th member in a solo ranked pop is a troll who does NOTHING. As long as you do your part, you will still be rewarded by SOME measure. Even if it's just to wash the whole thing.

It would make ranked trolls less efficient at what they do, make it less fun for them to do it, and we'd have an HONEST way of telling who is worthy of high ranking and who isn't.


To disagree with that is to say one of three things to me. That you are either such an elitist, the idea of sharing the spotlight with those unfortunate NOT to have que dodged their first 10 games and ended up with a low starting rating, thus doomed to be paired with other low rating. Mostly trolls and pvers. The thought of sharing the spotlight with them angers you.

Or perhaps you yourself are a troll and don't want your fun taken away. Then the third option. You truly do not understand what's being said. In which case. You may want to try reading it again.

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Your example is invalid because if you did do that, you wouldn't get any heal numbers. Even in the case of Sages doing sacrifice the metrics are solely based on raw numbers on the board. How "hard" is it to ratio heal output versus damage taken and put that in a bucket to determine your handicap? Protection versus enemy DPS? Damageq versus enemy heals output? Etc Etc..... All those numbers and ratios contribute to Areana effectiveness and a somewhat decent gauge to whether someone is "trying or not".


They already track these things. It's not as "complex" as you think it is. I rather have that in place versus nothing, which Eric, more or less said is the case.


Basketball, NBA, tracks efficiency. They have PER, true shooting, EFF - a LOT of stats taken from analyzing play. To determine the true skill of a player DISPLAYED.

So you're right. Bioware will be tracking a lot more than what's reflected on the scoreboard. Which they could use to determine someone's efficiency and allow that to be their solo rating.

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Nope it's the basis of just about every team sport. It's how they gauge the "worth" of a player. Do you know what sabermetrics are? Look it up because that's what I am applying here.


AKA Michael Jordan played on ****** teams(barely .500) from his rookie year in 1984 to 1989, but still was hands down the best player in the league and MVPs and scoring titles most of those years. So "wins" we're for those teams were almost a direct correlation with HIS performance, and his alone. His WAR(Wins Above Replacement- A sabermetric advanced stat, similar to the handicap I speak of) was off the charts, regardless of team W/L record.


This isnt some imaginary dream world you speak of. The data is already on the scoardboards. All it would take is defining some calcs and spit out a number. Simple. And no real coding required.


Finally someone with some semblance of real intelligence on the forums.

Which server you plan on man?

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"Doing your part" can not be derived from scoreboard as PvP is a dynamic environment where attacking the wrong target (ignoring pre-game calls) might get you great numbers cause the game go on forever but it will still have lost you the round. We should not nor will we encourage such t ard behaviour.


And I have 18 60s, obviously on each side so I know full well why you want to keep separate queues - so that you can reap the benefits. What I'm saying is there should not be any benefits to playing either faction in solo ranked.


As for you Randle, "its the basis of every teamsport". Oh please, we can have a discussion but you'll have to stop trolling. Its the basis for teamsports when it comes to recruiting players, but its most certainly not the basis for matches won or lost - no one cares if player X ran 10X more than the other team, he mightve still lost -it will look good for teams looking to pick up a runner but it wont change amount of games won.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Well one thing is for sure score boards cannot be used because if PVE guys queue up during conquest for "participate in a ranked war-zone" and get completely crushed in seconds by actually geared people its not win-trading its taking advantage of crappy players. The least you can do is if you consider some thing suspicious allow them to reply to your emails. The other thing is if you want honest queues FIX THE QUEUE! I know that on Jung MA once you get out of a match if you sync queue with the people in that match you will be in a match before the people who have been waiting,. Almost like starting at the last message received in an email when the important ones are being overlooked. The other thing you can do is queue people of similar rankings meaning if i have a 500 ranking and there are 16 peeps in queue for example then the i would be with the 8 lower peeps and the 8 higher peeps would go against each other. That would also cause win trading to back fire.
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The plan has some big holes but at least shows initiative. Kudos, and as always I'll believe when I see it.




Good to see BW proposing to do something active and constructive.


Just because it's not top of your personal wishlist isn't an argument for doing nothing.

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"Doing your part" can not be derived from scoreboard as PvP is a dynamic environment where attacking the wrong target (ignoring pre-game calls) might get you great numbers cause the game go on forever but it will still have lost you the round. We should not nor will we encourage such t ard behaviour.


And I have 18 60s, obviously on each side so I know full well why you want to keep separate queues - so that you can reap the benefits. What I'm saying is there should not be any benefits to playing either faction in solo ranked.


As for you Randle, "its the basis of every teamsport". Oh please, we can have a discussion but you'll have to stop trolling. Its the basis for teamsports when it comes to recruiting players, but its most certainly not the basis for matches won or lost - no one cares if player X ran 10X more than the other team, he mightve still lost -it will look good for teams looking to pick up a runner but it wont change amount of games won.


No one is trolling here. You have your opinion, I disagree, and have given many examples why your stance is invalid. Yes there are number on the scoreboard. Yes, PVP zones are dynamic, yes doing certaie things contribute more to winning.


The issue is that using W/L alone doesn't produce a lone factor to determine skill. Period.


Especially in a system with "zero" rules governing it. That is the point of PvP right? To determine skill level and assign a number to it? Tell me how is an number(W/L) more valid than performance(W/L +a whole lot of other stuff)?


See how that works? Any performance number BW or the community comes up with is infinitely more valuable than strictly wins or losses. It's a much larger sample size and gives the opportunity to make comparative analysis from player to player, given a certain set of circumstances.


My high protection versus enemy damage output IS a decent indicator that I tanked well. It also shows the other team didn't do as much potential damage as the could by splitting the guard, cc, etc, etc. Every action has a reaction, and the scoreboard does more or less tell you all of this.


You see it all the time here. Someone posts a screen shot claiming something and you see enemy tanks out DPS friendly Pure DPS, taunt capable classes with zero protection, and a red or green marquee showing my the results. You see just those base numbers, and are not surprised by

Edited by L-RANDLE
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No one is trolling here. You have your opinion, I disagree, and have given many examples why your stance is invalid. Yes there are number on the scoreboard. Yes, PVP zones are dynamic, yes doing certaie things contribute more to winning.


The issue is that using W/L alone doesn't produce a lone factor to determine skill. Period.


Especially in a system with "zero" rules governing it. That is the point of PvP right? To determine skill level and assign a number to it? Tell me how is an number(W/L) more valid than performance(W/L +a whole lot of other stuff)?


See how that works? Any performance number BW or the community comes up with is infinitely more valuable than strictly wins or losses. It's a much larger sample size and gives the opportunity to make comparative analysis from player to player, given a certain set of circumstances.


My high protection versus enemy damage output IS a decent indicator that I tanked well. It also shows the other team didn't do as much potential damage as the could by splitting the guard, cc, etc, etc. Every action has a reaction, and the scoreboard does more or less tell you all of this.


You see it all the time here. Someone posts a screen shot claiming something and you see enemy tanks out DPS friendly Pure DPS, taunt capable classes with zero protection, and a red or green marquee showing my the results. You see just those base numbers, and are not surprised by


No you're ridicolous.


Let me try that with throwing in "period" and "fact"


The person with the lowest DPS, HPS and protection can still be THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON THE TEAM IN A SOLO RANKED


Fact case and point period


Edit: Over enough games a person with skill wins more games than he loses since deciding factors happens to all players involved. As such statistically the elo system works. The system in SWTOR reeks of poor implementation but primarily that is because of 1) no cross faction 2) no anti exploit system in place.

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No you're ridicolous.


Let me try that with throwing in "period" and "fact"


The person with the lowest DPS, HPS and protection can still be THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON THE TEAM IN A SOLO RANKED


Fact case and point period

I'm being ridiculous? And you post that garbage.


Can I have smoke of that stuff you smoking?


Wow.... It's obvious you never understand how stats play a vital role in judging individual skill levels. Or tell me Mike sucked until the Bulls started winning. Or that JJ Watt is a scrub because the Texans went 11-21 in the past two seasons...:rolleyes:


I think I'm done here....



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I'm being ridiculous? And you post that garbage.


Can I have smoke of that stuff you smoking?


Wow.... It's obvious you never understand how stats play a vital role in judging individual skill levels. Or tell me Mike sucked until the Bulls started winning. Or that JJ Watt is a scrub because the Texans went 11-21 in the past two seasons...:rolleyes:


I think I'm done here....




Yeah because SWTOR and the scoreboard is the same as a billion dollar industry. Blue eyes, blue eyes everywhere! Go back to bolster issues please - at least testing you do well. This, not so much.


You lack the basic common knowledge that wins win games not numbers - if you need to put someone on "disturb" duty doing no damage but control a sorc for the entire match he might be the MVP - your numbers will NEVER reflect this. But alas, your system will never be adopted and it seems more like a cry for attention over anything else.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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I've been on the shadowlands. It doesn't have a good pvp community lol. They designate days to do ranked. And most go into matches in PvE gear.

That's all I'm going to say about the server. Nice enough people. Just not a PvP server by any means.


You are talking about a course of action that will lead to the game being more akin to GW2. Where everything is equal and fair. To the degree you feel as if PBS sponsored the PvP.

Not saying that it IS necessarily. As last time I played, Mesmer was pretty annoying.

Just that was their views towards the PvP.


Neutral avatars sound boring. Cross faction sounds like something Bioware wouldn't even consider. They, for a long time, didn't consider free to play. Then they have been fighting against cross server for forever.

Cross faction would harder for them to do than cross server.

Have you seen the way they code? The Dathomir head piece has been invisible for awhile now. Next tuesday they're fixing it.

3.0 had so much server lag it was ridiculous.

and you want them to do something as odd as create a system that allows for cross faction queing, neutral avatars, and ...god knows what else?

We'd have bugs everywhere. Probably imps being sent back to pub fleet after a match ends lol.


The only thing I'd like to see that is even remotely cross faction, is a 16m operation that starts as an 8m operation on both sides. Pubs, imps, going through the content parallel to one another. Then coming together for the final boss. Say, the emperor.

That will never happen. But it'd be cool.

Cross faction PvP would be lame.


Also, point to the forums all you want. Go on a PvP server like the Bastion or Pot5, or even to a server like Harbinger where a lot of ranked goes on. Ask them if they want neutral avatars, and all this. You'll see who the minority is.


The Epeen is strong with this one. :rolleyes:


Look, cross server is dead. SUPER DEAD. Completely and utterly deceased. Shot down more times than Sonny Corleone. It will not happen. Maybe because the engine can't handle it, maybe because their servers aren't compatible. But I'm looking at the server status page and you know what I think? There aren't enough servers in each region to make it worth their time and money to implement cross server. There are six east coast servers and that might be the bare minimum to get any positive results but every one else only has three. Honestly, if you tripled the number of groups queuing on your server would it actually be enough to notice? And no I don't think you could just link the eastern and western servers together without creating dramatic amounts of lag for everybody, and I know trying to mix the different language servers is a bad idea.


So, please, stop shooting down every idea that isn't cross server because it's just not going to happen. Would cross faction be buggy at the start? Probably. But after a couple of months it would be better. People will whine in the meantime and argue that it's a Cartel Market upgrade but ultimately it'll result in a much healthier population.

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Yeah because SWTOR and the scoreboard is the same as a billion dollar industry. Blue eyes, blue eyes everywhere! Go back to bolster issues please - at least testing you do well. This, not so much.


You lack the basic common knowledge that wins win games not numbers - if you need to put someone on "disturb" duty doing no damage but control a sorc for the entire match he might be the MVP - your numbers will NEVER reflect this. But alas, your system will never be adopted and it seems more like a cry for attention over anything else.


You accuse us of trolling. You accuse us of being ridiculous, of not knowing what we're talking about.


I'm not going to try an have a civil debate with you any longer, because you seem incapable.


So instead, I'll venture a guess as to why you have the opinion you do.


You're the lowest dps/hps/ and short lived player in most matched. And instead of admitting that it is SOMETIMES a detriment to the team, you view your 'sacrifice' - as you rationalize it - as the deciding factor in the matches you, sir, are carried in.


Unless you have an argument that actually takes into account the FACTS of ours. Then either disputes them, or renders them invalid in a intelligent way instead of coming at it with hostility - you will be ignored altogether. Because I have neither the time, nor the patience to TEACH you.

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The Epeen is strong with this one. :rolleyes:


Look, cross server is dead. SUPER DEAD. Completely and utterly deceased. Shot down more times than Sonny Corleone. It will not happen. Maybe because the engine can't handle it, maybe because their servers aren't compatible. But I'm looking at the server status page and you know what I think? There aren't enough servers in each region to make it worth their time and money to implement cross server. There are six east coast servers and that might be the bare minimum to get any positive results but every one else only has three. Honestly, if you tripled the number of groups queuing on your server would it actually be enough to notice? And no I don't think you could just link the eastern and western servers together without creating dramatic amounts of lag for everybody, and I know trying to mix the different language servers is a bad idea.


So, please, stop shooting down every idea that isn't cross server because it's just not going to happen. Would cross faction be buggy at the start? Probably. But after a couple of months it would be better. People will whine in the meantime and argue that it's a Cartel Market upgrade but ultimately it'll result in a much healthier population.


They may as well just rename the game, Guild Wars 3 at that point then.


understand that this is a 'story rich' game. And that it does matter.

Does it suck so few play pubside? yes. Most definitely. But that's on the players.

It's the same mentality that made WoW nerds so loyal to 'THE HORDE'


I will give you one concession in this argument. WERE they to implement changes to better the PvP experience. WERE they to police it with the harshness it demands at this point, and BAN the trolls found ruining the ques. Then yes. Cross faction MIGHT be a better sell than cross server to those of us who, at the moment, only see it as another load of noobs we'd have to carry.

There is a reason we jump factions so often. To avoid trolls and to avoid the PvE, conquest minded newbs who tank our rating.

Fix that and then we'll talk of neutral avatars. Until then, I want my freedom to jump sides to avoid them.

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Hey folks,


Season 4 for PvP is about to start and we wanted everyone to understand the Rules of Engagement and how we plan to keep it fair and fun for everyone who participates in Ranked Warzones:


In The Past

  • Throughout the Season we would track data around games being played by each character.
  • At the end of the Season we compare data to look for possible win-traders.
  • Anyone whom we are 100% sure has win-traded received action against their account. The action we took was to completely reset their rating to zero. This would mean they would receive no end of season rewards and would have no credit for taking part in that season.

What We Learned

  • By doing a single large data review, it created a situation where someone could have partially win-traded may have been overlooked.
  • Since all of the actions took place at the end of the season, most players didn’t realize any action had been taken.
  • This perception was further enhanced by our continued silence on the topic.

Starting with Season 4

  • An analysis will occur weekly and continue throughout the season. A warning will be sent to any player who has taken part in win-trading or any other area of misconduct. The warning lets the player know they may be doing something that could lead them to losing their rating, any seasonal rewards, or more severe actions.
  • If a player receives a warning and continues to engage in the same activity we will take further action. Actions include any or all of the following: rating resets on that character, rating resets for all characters on their account, and game time suspensions.
  • On a regular basis, we’ll communicate via the forums and let you know the type of actions that took place. Obviously, we will not be directly sharing who received a warning or action.

Hopefully these changes will provide a bit more visibility into the actions we take against those players who are playing Ranked PvP unfairly. Win-trading takes away from the spirit of the game and is completely unacceptable. We know that win-trading in Ranked PvP is something all of you take very seriously, and so do we, so we’re making adjustments in how we handle and communicate around it going forward.




What is the best way to report Win traders??

And while we are on it... what is the best way to report any other forms of cheating??

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Dear Eric,


Finally, after all these years,:

1) A minimum amount of expertise (which should be 2018 rating)

2) A minimum amount of valor (which should be atleast 50).

3) Ban trolls (people who solo que and just /stuck to drop others their rating with a toon they dont care about)



A) Because pre-season is for gearing: anyone who has not taken the effort to gear-up should not be allowed into the actual season.

B) This will make it much more effort for PvE win-traders who just want the PvP tier 1 rewards to get going in the first place.

C) This will shrink the amount of data you would have to analyze.

D) Ranked will finally be free from forcespeed backpeddlers and non-bubblers.


Kind regards,


99% of the Ranked Community.

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They may as well just rename the game, Guild Wars 3 at that point then.


understand that this is a 'story rich' game. And that it does matter.

Does it suck so few play pubside? yes. Most definitely. But that's on the players.

It's the same mentality that made WoW nerds so loyal to 'THE HORDE'


I will give you one concession in this argument. WERE they to implement changes to better the PvP experience. WERE they to police it with the harshness it demands at this point, and BAN the trolls found ruining the ques. Then yes. Cross faction MIGHT be a better sell than cross server to those of us who, at the moment, only see it as another load of noobs we'd have to carry.

There is a reason we jump factions so often. To avoid trolls and to avoid the PvE, conquest minded newbs who tank our rating.

Fix that and then we'll talk of neutral avatars. Until then, I want my freedom to jump sides to avoid them.


Now that I do find reasonable. I'd be willing to accept a 2018 expertise gate to entry just so long as that's where it ends. No mandating augments or stims or anything else. If someone queues up in Partisan gear then that's just your bad luck.


Truthfully, I'm more an advocate of a "jail" type system: basically, if you quit X number of times in Y amount of time then you would be flagged and could only with people who are also flagged. Amend that to include anyone who uses /stuck or posts zero medals in a match or any other behavior that would indicate match-throwing. Flag resets Tuesday morning.

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Kind regards,

99% of the Ranked Community.

Nice to see the 99% united. Mind linking the thread where you gathered this statistic and were picked to represent everyone?


Truthfully, I'm more an advocate of a "jail" type system: basically, if you quit X number of times in Y amount of time then you would be flagged and could only with people who are also flagged. Amend that to include anyone who uses /stuck or posts zero medals in a match or any other behavior that would indicate match-throwing.

The obvious exploit is then for a good player to intentionally join the "jail" and trounce the sacrificial afk toons filling it.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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