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Parsely - Online Log Analyzer / Viewer & DPS Leaderboard

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As per the recent nerfs to IO, Assault, Lightning and Telekinetics in today's patch these parses have all been archived.


I will most likely be applying this same feature to the Ops leaderboard too, particularly as a great deal of damage in Sorc and Sage entries came from Storm and Quake in many of the fights, and being able to beat them with the greatly nerfed version isn't particularly viable.




I'll have to think on this. As you noted, generally anything out of combat isn't really tracked except for things like applying dummy modules and any precasted ability.


Side note: can you wipe all Torque Parses from before the saber reflect nerf? Kalamet's 6k DEFINITELY isn't possible anymore :p

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It would be nice if there was an option to exclude all sab/engi-parses on the dummy-leaderboard.

Mostly since i don't find them interesting/realistic in a real fight :)

Yeah i know its a dummy, but how fun is it to see 90% engi/sab who does a rotation that can't be done in most fights?

Edited by myspersson
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It would be nice if there was an option to exclude all sab/engi-parses on the dummy-leaderboard.

Mostly since i don't find them interesting/realistic in a real fight :)

Yeah i know its a dummy, but how fun is it to see 90% engi/sab who does a rotation that can't be done in most fights?


+1. Fk those guys!

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I've released some new features today which now adds support for Groups. Please keep in mind that this is still fairly early and additional information will be added in the future.


Essentially how it works is one person uploads their log. They enter a group name, group id and group password. The name is a friendly name which can be seen as a brief description of the group. This appears as the page title and will appear in your log list. The group id is a unique identifier and with the password is how other members will join the group.


The group system at the moment uses the initial uploader as the base log which then subsequent uploaders are compared to. It is essential that every person selects the correct timezone for their log otherwise they will not be matched and added into the group. This may have some issues, I obviously haven't tested every single possible option so please let me know if something doesn't work!

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Side note: can you wipe all Torque Parses from before the saber reflect nerf? Kalamet's 6k DEFINITELY isn't possible anymore :p


traitor ^^ 6k sorcerer with force storm nerf is not possible too ^^ will it be deleted ? ^^^^^^LOLIDONTTHINKBROO^^^^

Edited by darth_psychose
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First of all, thanks for this tool, it has been very helpful.


One minor issue I have seen is that using force potency before the beginning of combat while in stealth doesn't seem to get recorded in the logs (shadow/infiltration).

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a wonderful service -- thank you so much for it.


I have a few of questions. First, do you plan on ever implementing more parse filter features? For example, I was recently interested in finding top Engineering parses which did not use Covered Escape to compare numbers in situations when maximizing roll usage is not feasible. Another example off the top of my head would be searching for parses based on certain values, like overall crit rate. This would be helpful for people who are interested in finding average parses for their class as opposed to the incredibly lucky ones.


Second, for the actual parse viewer is it at all feasible to display resource levels at the activation of each ability? This would be useful for those who want to go back through their parses and determine where they made a critical error in terms of resource management. Personally I often wish I could see if or exactly where I made an error with heat management as Powertech. I have manually done this by recording my own parses and watching them later to see my mistakes, but if this functionality were available in Parsely I wouldn't have to constantly record anymore. I don't know if this is feasible or even useful for other players, but it's just a thought.


I am also curious whether the way APM is counted could be filtered at all. For example, when I parse on my Powertech my APM fluctuates a little simply because better parses on the 1 million HP dummy do not always allow for Vent Heat to be used a 3rd time. Also, Shoulder Cannon artificially inflates the APM value quite a bit. Options to show APM only for GCD abilities would help me notice parses where I delay ability activation more easily. Again, I am unsure of if this is useful for others but it's another possibility to include.


Finally, a question that may have an obvious answer I completely missed: Why are there no Revan/Commanders/Coratanni HM parses on the leaderboard?


Thanks for taking the time to glance at my suggestions and again thank you for putting so much effort into helping the community.

Edited by Arkhonos
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First of all and obvisouly, awesome work! Thank you so much for creating and maintaining Parsely.


Now, something I would love to see implemented (knowing full well it wouldn't be as easy as it sounds) is a "per activation" damage view: avg damage per activation, avg hits per activation, avg miss, divided between MH and OH (if appliable).


Other features that would be great to have:

  • Duration selection (start from ; end at)
  • Phases detection and selection (much like on Starparse)
  • Execution phase stats for dummies
  • Non-auto crit %
  • Row sorting (for both search/list and combat stats)
  • Avg DPS during up and offtime of effects
  • Link ratings to parses (primary, power, crit, alacrity, surge, accuracy) + icon on parses that has ratings linked
  • Hide from leaderboards (or flag) parses with >~32% Primary Surge uptime (double PROC)
  • Edit guild

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It's not functional yet.


It was but I broke it somehow. So uh, try now? :)


I finally put in table sorting too so any table column can be sorted by clicking on the headers. I'll respond more to ideas/feedback soon, I've been quite busy lately.

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Finally, a question that may have an obvious answer I completely missed: Why are there no Revan/Commanders/Coratanni HM parses on the leaderboard?


Thanks for taking the time to glance at my suggestions and again thank you for putting so much effort into helping the community.


Its because the way the parser determines which fight you are in is the ID of the boss that drops the loot (all the other NPCs have the same ID regardless of difficulty). However, since no one can interact with the loot chest in those fights, a parser can't figure out if its SM or HM.


No idea why they didn't just give the HM fights a different ID like in previous iterations (see, Dread Palace where none of the bosses actually dropped their loot)

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So I'm tracking it only counts the DPS done in total of 1mil, nothing more, but here http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/25995 it dropped me from a 5156 to a 5139 and even then the math for the 5139 for TTK is still 2 seconds off. This happened with my bud (funkyphil) too, he has a higher DPS then some parses but because the TTK is off he's a lower ranking. It's also not updating to the leaderboard. Edited by Goatwhore
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So are this website and Starparse continuing? Both are run by members of Zorz and people from Zorz keep quitting the game. Any updates would be great.


I know StarParse will continue to be updated and I'm sure Ixale can provide further information if need be.


I am not sure if Marisi will be continuing to work on Parsely, but I'm sure she can chime in as well with her thoughts.

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