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Parsely - Online Log Analyzer / Viewer & DPS Leaderboard

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Nothing about that?

I know a lot of people who cant just see their parse in the leaderboard.

I can see my logs in my personnal area but not in the leaderboard. Maybe the fact that my gmae in in frensh in the issue?


Why don't you link it so we see? My only guess with no information would be that you started combat logging after you already applied the HP Module so it's not in the log.

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Why don't you link it so we see? My only guess with no information would be that you started combat logging after you already applied the HP Module so it's not in the log.


That's very strange because i've already uploaded parse with the same characters and i use exactely the same method. It's looks like something changed in the web site.

If you check the leaderboard only for the server "mantle of the force" which is a french server, you'll only see old parse (beginning of february).


ok let's see some example.

Gunslinger - saboter



Vangard plasma (1 log on 1M5 dummy + 1 log on 1M dummy)



To confirm that i'll upload one the following log with another server description.

Edited by alexthepadawan
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First of all, thanks for this wonderful tool Marisi, it's amazing :D


Now, with the introduction of your "archived board"-feature I noticed something, which I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, so I'd rather ask to make sure :). I'll be illustrating the problem using the 1 Million Dummy - The Red Eclipse filter for all classes.


At the time of writing this, if we take a look at http://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/all/1000000/the-red-eclipse/live/0/, the following 4 characters have uploaded Logs on March 12th or 13th:

Lyncherx (Sniper - Virulence), Sorayya (Sorcerer - Lightning), Tayrisho (Sentinel - Watchman), Villeia (Mercenary - IO)


If we now take a look at the archived (I'm guessing it's supposed to be) pre-3.1.1 board at http://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/all/1000000/the-red-eclipse/3.1.1/0/ it's noticable that none of the mentioned above characters have an entry on the board. I'm unsure whether or not Tayrisho had an entry before the patch on the board, but I can guarantee that the other 3 had parses on the board.

Sorayya and Villeia are my own chars additionally, so I can guarantee that the old parses are still in the system as well.



TL-DR, it seems to me that if a character uploads a parse in the same discipline after the patch, it will remove the old parse of said character off the "archived board". Is that intentional and I'm just understanding the purpose of the "old board" wrong, or is it indeed a bug?


Thanks for your continued work on this project and for improving it for all of us :)

Edited by Paladrima
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That's very strange because i've already uploaded parse with the same characters and i use exactely the same method. It's looks like something changed in the web site.

If you check the leaderboard only for the server "mantle of the force" which is a french server, you'll only see old parse (beginning of february).


ok let's see some example.

Gunslinger - saboter



Vangard plasma (1 log on 1M5 dummy + 1 log on 1M dummy)



To confirm that i'll upload one the following log with another server description.


Sorry about not looking into this sooner. I know what the issue is though. I'll fix it and the weird archiving display thing as soon as I get off from work.

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Great tool and appreciate all the hard work. This has probably been asked but is it possible in the operations leaderboard to create an optional column nested under the boss fight to sort by target?


The "damage done" tab breaks down by target so I bet it's possible. It's not too useful looking at a parse and seeing 3k dps on bulo's pirates.

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Sorry about not looking into this sooner. I know what the issue is though. I'll fix it and the weird archiving display thing as soon as I get off from work.


Ok so! Mantle of the Force should display board properly and so should associated logs and the archive should correctly show the then-top parses if you happen to beat one of your own in it at some point.

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Great tool and appreciate all the hard work. This has probably been asked but is it possible in the operations leaderboard to create an optional column nested under the boss fight to sort by target?


The "damage done" tab breaks down by target so I bet it's possible. It's not too useful looking at a parse and seeing 3k dps on bulo's pirates.


I definitely agree that it's not particularly useful but while it is something that is calculated when viewing a log entry, it's not something that is stored in the leaderboard record table so it would need to be calculated for all of the current entries. Plus there are lots of fights with multiple bosses or adds you need to kill so it would really be an exception to the current 'rule' of taking into account everything.

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Is there something wrong with Sage/Sorc heal parsing? Here's an example: http://parsely.io/parser/view/14421/45


StarParse has these numbers for that fight: 5193 HPS, 4175 EHPS (without shields), 2111 APS, for a total of 6286 effective + shielding reported on the popout. Parsley has HPS at 4986.53. Clearly, either StarParse is wrong, Parsley is wrong, or I'm not looking at something in the right way. This happens with all of the logs I upload when running my sage healer. Please let me know your thoughts when you get the chance.

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Is there something wrong with Sage/Sorc heal parsing? Here's an example: http://parsely.io/parser/view/14421/45





Hey there, the disparity is caused by a slightly different methodology when it comes to capturing events just after a combat has supposedly ended, something desired for damage abilities, yet questionable/non-obvious for healing ones. I am in a direct contact with Marisi and we are working out a plausible harmonization in this matter, so both tools are reporting the same numbers (at this point we are leaning towards Parsely'a method of not capturing healing events just outside the reported exit combat event, but we will investigate this a bit more in order to find the most appropriate way how to make it "right").


Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the confusion,


Happy parsing!

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I've got to admit...Parsely is awesome. Thank you for making it. Reading guides is one thing, but I have a hard time kind of tracking how I'm doing with it. Being able to see the top of the leaderboard people's roatation is just awesome. I've learned a few things that I can't wait to put into play, and maybe take me from bubble hard mode raider to someone who can really get it done without the added pressure.
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I've got to admit...Parsely is awesome. Thank you for making it. Reading guides is one thing, but I have a hard time kind of tracking how I'm doing with it. Being able to see the top of the leaderboard people's roatation is just awesome. I've learned a few things that I can't wait to put into play, and maybe take me from bubble hard mode raider to someone who can really get it done without the added pressure.


Thanks for the kind words! :)


As an unrelated side note, to people who edit their logs, this is meant to be showing what you can do on a class, not what you can do on a class with the assist of notepad, so please don't waste my and other people's time by doing so. Thanks!

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As an unrelated side note, to people who edit their logs, this is meant to be showing what you can do on a class, not what you can do on a class with the assist of notepad, so please don't waste my and other people's time by doing so. Thanks!


You should publicly shame them by adding character names to the OP.


After that, proceed to ban their usernames and such :cool:

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there are two another effects, which counteracts a true and meaningful competition:


1: to add a trashpack in a bossfight


- this is (theoretically) possible for: Torque (easy), Malaphar (easy), Underlurker (maybe difficult), Revanite Commanders (easy)


2: improving dps by unsuccess-oriented playstyle like damaging / aoe'ing stuff, which is not necessary to leave combat. (Example: stack the swords of revan together and aoe them)

Edited by Citruzz
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First of all thank you for the work you put into this, it is a great tool!


I have one question, though, but probably I'm just missing the obvious ... if looking at the leaderboards, I can only see one page of results, is there a way to see lower parses as well? E.g. if I'm looking at all parses of a specific boss and my own parse doesn't show up on page 1, how can I find it? It is there, because if I also filter by server, I can see it, as there are much fewer parses then.

I didn't see an option to switch pages and putting "2" instead of "1" in the adress line of the browser still shows page 1.

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First of all thank you for the work you put into this, it is a great tool!


I have one question, though, but probably I'm just missing the obvious ... if looking at the leaderboards, I can only see one page of results, is there a way to see lower parses as well? E.g. if I'm looking at all parses of a specific boss and my own parse doesn't show up on page 1, how can I find it? It is there, because if I also filter by server, I can see it, as there are much fewer parses then.

I didn't see an option to switch pages and putting "2" instead of "1" in the adress line of the browser still shows page 1.


Because it only shows the top 50 (I think it was 50) of that filter you have set. And you should find your own within your own page

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Because it only shows the top 50 (I think it was 50) of that filter you have set. And you should find your own within your own page


So there is no way to find out which position I am, if I'm not in the top 50? That's what I would be interested in, tbh. Not the exact number, but i would want to now whether I am in the lower, middle or upper third of all parses to have a way to compare. And for this comparison I think it is better to have a big number of parses to get a better average.


Another way to benchmark would be to get the average dps on the dummy and each boss fight and compare ones own parses against the average.


As it is now, I just know I'm not in the top 50, is it?

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Thanks for the kind words! :)


As an unrelated side note, to people who edit their logs, this is meant to be showing what you can do on a class, not what you can do on a class with the assist of notepad, so please don't waste my and other people's time by doing so. Thanks!

Make a notepadder icon and put it next to notepaddded parses ? :p

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Hey having a small issue (not sure if its the alcohol or the 19 hour day) but the 'Browse' button isn't working for me currently, so I cant upload any logs to it atm. Again sorry if this has been covered and so on, any ideas?



Edit - Ignore me, I have figured out what was wrong. Oh and thanks alot, Parsely is Awesome :D

Edited by martyngore
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Thanks for the kind words! :)


As an unrelated side note, to people who edit their logs, this is meant to be showing what you can do on a class, not what you can do on a class with the assist of notepad, so please don't waste my and other people's time by doing so. Thanks!


But my PT tank can really parse 100k DPS. I'm totally not making it up... :p

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Search for Sniper parses on a 1 million dummy on The Red Eclipse. There you will find the following: http://i.imgur.com/bSLZZ8E.png


My latest Marksmanship parse is missing an 's' in the dicipline name after the 'k'.

I guess that is also why you see 2 Marksmanship parses of mine instead of only one.


Don't think I have ever posted a thank you so far so... Thanks for this site :)

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Search for Sniper parses on a 1 million dummy on The Red Eclipse. There you will find the following: http://i.imgur.com/bSLZZ8E.png


My latest Marksmanship parse is missing an 's' in the dicipline name after the 'k'.

I guess that is also why you see 2 Marksmanship parses of mine instead of only one.


Don't think I have ever posted a thank you so far so... Thanks for this site :)


Oops, fixed. :)


And you're very welcome!!

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