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(Spoilers Ahead) Why so many republic defectors?


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Ok I've been playing thru both the Powertech and Vanguard questlines (powertech on corellia and my vanguard on hoth). For some reason about every planet I go to on my Vanguard there is a republic officer somewhere in the story defecting to the sith empire (balmorra, quesh and hoth). Heck your first act class quest is all about defectors. And I've even found one on corellia in my Powertech questlines. However I've only seen a total of 2 imperial defectors trying to go to the republic (one in the Black Talon and one on quesh on the republic side.) Does the republic just get that crappy of writing or do they figure that almost no one is dumb enough to cross the sith empire by defecting? I mean it's begun annoying my to the point on pub side I've started executing defectors instead of bringing them in. Anyone else notice this or is it just me? Edited by GlassmanA
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Because SWTOR is an Empire game. Everything is tailored to please the Empire faction crowd. Those who silently loved the Empire in the OT, but was never given anything they could like, because all other SW games wre focused on the Republic, or the Rebel Alliance, or, in other words, "the good guys".


SWTOR is an fully "bad guys" game, cynically put.

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Surely Dorne would count, as would the potential for an IA to defect to the Republic. There's also several Sith that the Jedi characters can convert to the light side.


And that's not including the massive number of Sith who simply turn against their fellows.

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True I did forget to add Dorne to the list so good call. Also I haven't played thru any of the jedi quest lines so I hadn't seen the imperial defectors there. As for sith turning on sith, that's the natural order of affairs among the sith. Cull the weak so the strong survive sort of thing. I guess I should play some of the jedi quest lines and see if the numbers start to even out.
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Ok I've been playing thru both the Powertech and Vanguard questlines (powertech on corellia and my vanguard on hoth). For some reason about every planet I go to on my Vanguard there is a republic officer somewhere in the story defecting to the sith empire (balmorra, quesh and hoth). Heck your first act class quest is all about defectors. And I've even found one on corellia in my Powertech questlines. However I've only seen a total of 2 imperial defectors trying to go to the republic (one in the Black Talon and one on quesh on the republic side.) Does the republic just get that crappy of writing or do they figure that almost no one is dumb enough to cross the sith empire by defecting? I mean it's begun annoying my to the point on pub side I've started executing defectors instead of bringing them in. Anyone else notice this or is it just me?


There's a fair share of imperial defectors on pub side, if you pay attention and do the questlines

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Because SWTOR is an Empire game. Everything is tailored to please the Empire faction crowd. Those who silently loved the Empire in the OT, but was never given anything they could like, because all other SW games wre focused on the Republic, or the Rebel Alliance, or, in other words, "the good guys".


SWTOR is an fully "bad guys" game, cynically put.


Except for the part where the bad guys lose everything important. Balmorra(lost, plus who knows how many battle droids delivered with programming to turn on the Empire), Corellia(lost, plus half the senior Dark Council slaughtered, plus 1/10th of the entire Imperial military wiped out), Voss (officially neutral, but the Consular storyline makes it pretty clear where they're heading).


Their only victories in the vanilla storyline are Taris, a Republic feel-good boondoggle on a hellhole planet, and Hoth, which consists of managing to convince the Republic to waste a few extra resources chasing a phantom unit.


Hell, the opening of Makeb explicitly states that the Empire is on the brink of defeat, and even the 'victory' there only allows them to stalemate.


The only thing they seem to love about the Empire is watching it lose. :p


As for the OP, it's pretty much similar to the situation in the prequel movies (minus a Sith puppetmaster), a lot of people are disillusioned and angry with a Republic they see as being weak/corrupt/incompetent.

Edited by jovianus
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The Republic is a democracy and its clear that...

  1. Getting things done can be much harder due to everyone having a voice
  2. corruption in the leaders is common

these two things are hit hard with the Republic quest lines, that despite being a government of free people, it isnt perfect.


But my guess is its easier for republic to defect as in the Empire..

  1. Loyalty is drilled into every citizen
  2. Traitors rarely live long and are almost never given a second chance

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Must be the fact that I'm not too far along in the pub side quests (again only up to hoth so far). Just seems odd to see so many turn coats .


There are lots of defectors on both sides, but the overall story has the Republic in the winning position and has been that way since the base game. The Empire is on the brink of total defeat and losing ground daily against the Republic.

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There are quite some people that defected from the empire:

Watcher One (possibly)

Lord Praven (possibly)

I think there is a house Thul family that can join the Republic in the Counslar story

Lord Scourge (well he's still a Sith but he does fight for the Republic now)

Elara Dorne

Kira Carsen

There is a scientist on Balmorra that defected to the Republic in the Inquisitor Storyline.

The surgeon on Nar Shadda that makes imperials look like republic soldiers offers to work for the Republic.

Darth Sajar (off screen though)

Syo Bakaran? (Does that count if you save him?)

The General (as you mentioned)

The Imperial agent (possibly)

Probably more that I can't remember right now.

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There are quite some people that defected from the empire:

Watcher One (possibly)

Lord Praven (possibly)

I think there is a house Thul family that can join the Republic in the Counslar story

Lord Scourge (well he's still a Sith but he does fight for the Republic now)

Elara Dorne

Kira Carsen

There is a scientist on Balmorra that defected to the Republic in the Inquisitor Storyline.

The surgeon on Nar Shadda that makes imperials look like republic soldiers offers to work for the Republic.

Darth Sajar (off screen though)

Syo Bakaran? (Does that count if you save him?)

The General (as you mentioned)

The Imperial agent (possibly)

Probably more that I can't remember right now.


Not to forget the defectors you kill as Sith Warrior (or redeem, if you're easy to trick) in the start of Act 2. But yeah, this post is very weird. It's 1000 defectors from both sides, which is common in wars. If anything, the Empire faces much more treason than the Republic. The post is made by someone too close to the Republic and he's probably annoyed that his beloved Republic isn't 100% pure and shiny. I'm sure he has no problems with having an almost genocidal and corrupt supreme leader, as long as she remains loyal.


It's a bit annoying that only Imperial Agent gets to defect, though. I mean... I'd like to play Republic if I could defect at the end. Should be at least one character from each faction, at least if you ask me. Can't see why the Smugler don't have as good reasons to defect as the Agent, after all s/he's not in this for loyalty. And well, the Trooper could leave after seeing how badly his soldiers are treaten by, amongst others, the supreme chancelor after Act 1 or whenever it was.

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